
Report for LVC Roads

This report checks LVC route roads for issues.


Roads on the map, but not in the law

There shouldn't be any roads with LVC route codes on the map if they aren't in the law. It is possible the law hasn't yet been updated for newly-assigned codes.

Roads in the law, but not on the map

All roads in the law are present on the map.

Roads without expected overlapping segments as in the law

Roads with shared ref segments not in the law

The law has a list of routes that overlap, but this list is not accurate, especially for minor connections like viaducts. Roundabouts are ignored.

Missing route relations

Route relations without a road matching code

Route relations with the same code

There are no route relations that use the same ref (that is, all route refs are unique).

Unrecognized road refs

Source data

Provided as is; mistakes possible.