
Report for Public Transport Access

This report checks that ways with public transport routes have expected and valid access values.


Bus instead of PSV

There are no laws or regulations in Latvia that apply specifically to buses but not other modes of public transport, notably taxis. All laws that mention public transport discuss it in context of public transportation and not specific vehicle types, like trolleybuses, minibuses, coaches, etc. So bus and oneway:bus is likely always wrong or at least imprecise on generic roads and should be psv and oneway:psv. There may be some rare individual cases where a small service section is specifically for buses, like at bus station service areas, but then a public transport route is unlikely to run there.

Bad oneway PSV values on non-oneway

Oneway value invalid

Access value invalid

Bad PSV value on restricted

Redundant PSV

It is pointless to specify default access values, when no other "higher" access group restricts it. If the intention is to mark ways somehow meant or designated for public transport, then the value should be psv=designated.

Blocking PSV

PSV value redundunt access override

Source data

Provided as is; mistakes possible.