This bringe in Daugavpils has name gaisa tilts uz Jauno Foršstati
First, is that an acceptable name? I mean this sound more like a description to me.
Second, can somebody check the spelling for it? I'm not familiar with the spelling Forštadte
, and it seems like a neologism. But I can't wrap my head around how Forštadte
became (uz) Foršstati
Sounds like a description, yes
I am not entirely sure, but it seems "forštate" is the correct spelling for the word. And it would be "uz forštati". Everything else there is spelling errors.
Although now that I am searching for it, "Forštadte" appears to be the unofficial name used in Daugavpils...
I suppose the correct spelling would then be "uz Forštadti".
On OSM the neighbourhood is called "Jaunā Forštadte" but on LV Wikipedia "Jaunā Forštate" Ru Wikipedia mentions both are used
Hmm.. Latvian wikipedia names both old and new forštates using word forštate
. Ru version indicates both forštate
and forštadte
as translations.
IMO, it's strange that on OSM one district is called Jaunā Forštadte
and another Vecā Forštate
. But I know nothing about either of them, so wouldn't touch
I mean, looking at results, both seem to be used
Nice timing there
Same was with DPD: just when I was creating PR you already wrote that you added it. We need to desync)
Oh no :melting_face: , I didn't realize you were gonna do it instantly, you even asked if the other guy would do it
Regarding the original question: is gaisa tilts
a name, or more of a description too?
It seems like a name, and if Rīga there is a bridge seemingly named that way. But I recall being told that this is more of description, indicating something like "a bridge not over the water".
It is both, depending. "gaisa tilts" is just a collequial type of bridge like "vanšu tilts". It could be made into an actual name, but unless there is some indication of that, it's most likely a description. Here, it seems like a description.
I haven't found any indication of this bridge having a designated name.
I'll edit it: put current name into description, and leave name empty.
The version in the Latvian Wikipedia might be the correct one - maybe @Konstantins Franckevičs has some feedback?
Post office is officially called "Daugavpils Jaunās forštadtes pasta nodaļa"
Varbūt šis jums var palīdzēt
:100: consistency :sob:
I think the name has a "d" in it then
Yep, since this is official name, nothing to do(
Also, corrected spelling of the reintroduced description to use Forštadti
, as HellMap suggested.
In local media, it is referred to as a "gājēju pārvads pār dzelzceļu." It seems to have no specific name.
Rihards Olups said:
The version in the Latvian Wikipedia might be the correct one - maybe Konstantins Franckevičs has some feedback?
I feel like this comes from "воздушный мост на Форштадт" (literal translation) as locals refer to this place. I don't see it as loc_name:ru (compared to "Молочка", a neighborhood in Dzelzceļnieks, for example), though, more like a known description of a place. So I find moving it to the description tag pretty much approptiate.
Since we are at Jaunā Forštadte, and topic of the bridge is more or less closed, I have two more questions:
name:ru=Новый Форштадт
. From POV of "transliterate, not translate" how correct is it? Same can be seen for other suburbs in Daugavpils. Or does Daugavpils provide official names for its suburbs (and other toponyms?) in Russian?name:ru
while boundary relation does not. It seems like there is no consistency in that: Daugavpils, Liepāja and Jurmala - tag place=suburb
with name:xx
, most other cities boundary=administrative
. Rīga sometimes one, sometimes - other, but most of the times both. What is a desired way of applying mutilang tags to suburbs? And should we do anything about current inconsistency?Vietvārdu datubāzē ir Jaunā Forštate. Interesanti, ka tajā Daugavpils pilsētas mikrorajonu kartē Vecā Forštate ir bez "d". Atradu, kur tā karte publicēta - vecajā teritorijas plānojumā: Jaunajā, kur mikrorajoni pārsaukti par apkaimēm, "d" ir abos nosaukumos. Tā kā man tik viennozīmīgi, kā būtu pareizi, nemaz neizskatās. No valodas viedokļa bez "d" (, kā ir Vietvārdu datubāzē. Domāju, ka ar "d" jāliek alt_name.
Last updated: Feb 27 2025 at 09:30 UTC