Stream: general

Topic: Fixing incorrect highway junctions

view this post on Zulip MarjanVandeKauter (Oct 12 2023 at 08:43):

Hi everyone,

(Below I’m including a Latvian translation of this message, created using DeepL.)

My team at TomTom created a new MapRoulette challenge to help us further improve OSM route network quality in Latvia. More specifically, we’re looking into fixing incorrectly and imprecisely mapped highway junctions.

In total, we have identified 71 potential issues. The challenge Fix Incorrect Highway Junctions was created to check and, if needed, fix these cases. The description and instructions of the challenge contain more details on the origin, detection and solving methods for these errors, and why we are looking to correct them.

Our editing team may work on this challenge in a couple of weeks or so. As always, the tasks are open to any community member who’s interested, and we welcome all comments and questions.

Kind regards,

Sveiki visiem,

Mana TomTom komanda izveidoja jaunu MapRoulette izaicinājumu, lai palīdzētu mums turpināt uzlabot OSM maršrutu tīkla kvalitāti Latvijā. Konkrētāk, mēs vēlamies labot nepareizi un neprecīzi kartētus šoseju krustojumus.

Kopumā esam identificējuši 71 potenciālu problēmu. Izaicinājums Fix Incorrect Highway Junctions tika izveidots, lai pārbaudītu un, ja nepieciešams, labotu šos gadījumus. Izaicinājuma aprakstā un instrukcijās ir sniegta sīkāka informācija par šo kļūdu izcelsmi, atklāšanas un risināšanas metodēm, kā arī par to, kāpēc mēs cenšamies tās labot.

Mūsu rediģēšanas komanda ar šo izaicinājumu var strādāt aptuveni pāris nedēļu laikā. Kā vienmēr, uzdevumi ir atvērti ikvienam ieinteresētajam kopienas dalībniekam, un mēs gaidām visus komentārus un jautājumus.

Ar mīļiem sveicieniem,

view this post on Zulip Colby (Oct 12 2023 at 09:10):

As usual its mostly from the janky LVM road import.

view this post on Zulip MarjanVandeKauter (Oct 13 2023 at 07:14):

@Colby first of all thanks for fixing some of the issues!

What other types of issues caused by the import do you still encounter? Are any other clean-up actions ongoing?

view this post on Zulip Colby (Oct 13 2023 at 07:53):

MarjanVandeKauter said:

Colby first of all thanks for fixing some of the issues!

What other types of issues caused by the import do you still encounter? Are any other clean-up actions ongoing?

Largest issue is classification and surface tagging but that cant be fixed easily. Otherwise the usual overlapping without proper junctions and small sections sticking out like in the screenshot above, worst i saw was an LVM road on top another road sharing all their nodes.

view this post on Zulip HellMap (Oct 13 2023 at 09:53):

I think the worst I saw was #general > LVM importa prikoli where a road got drawn on top an existing sidewalk in the middle of a city. I don't have the slightest explanation how that occured or why the data had anything at that location or why the import double-drew it there.

view this post on Zulip MarjanVandeKauter (Oct 23 2023 at 18:15):

This challenge has been completed. Thank you to everyone who participated, including @Colby and @Rihards Olups ! @Rihards Olups could you or another admin close this topic?

@HellMap @Colby thanks for sharing this information about the LVM road import. We'll investigate if there's more issues resulting from this import that we can look into.

view this post on Zulip HellMap (Oct 23 2023 at 18:27):

Sounds good. Most LVM road errors are fairly obvious when examined. It's just the lack of mappers to organize and go through the QA lists to fix them all.

Last updated: Dec 22 2024 at 03:37 UTC