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Topic: MapRoulette - ēkas/ūdeņi

view this post on Zulip Rihards Olups (May 09 2023 at 08:42):

Iepostēju no talk-lv.

From: Marjan Van de Kauter <>
To: "" <>
Subject: [Talk-lv] MapRoulette challenge to fix building/water conflicts - MapRoulette izaicinājums novērst ēku/ūdens konfliktus

Hi everyone,

I’m Marjan from TomTom. Below I’m also including a Latvian translation of this message, which I created using DeepL, so please excuse me if it contains any mistakes.

My team is looking into potential data improvements in OSM in Latvia. We identified a number of conflicts between buildings and water features. In total, we found 73 cases in which a building intersects with a water feature, and one of the two features likely needs to be corrected. We thought it would be good to fix these issues, so we created a MapRoulette challenge for this purpose: Fix Building & Water Intersections.

Feel free to try out this challenge. Our team of experienced editors might also work on some of the tasks in a couple of weeks.

Let me know if you have any questions or comments about the challenge, or if you have other suggestions for how we could help improve OSM in Latvia.

If you’d like to learn more about the map contributions we made in Latvia in the past, you can take a look at our GitHub page.

Enjoy your day!



Mana komanda pēta iespējamos OSM datu uzlabojumus Latvijā. Mēs identificējām vairākus konfliktus starp ēkām un ūdens objektiem. Kopumā konstatējām 73 gadījumus, kad ēka krustojas ar ūdens objektu, un viens no abiem objektiem, iespējams, ir jālabo. Mēs uzskatījām, ka būtu labi šīs problēmas novērst, tāpēc šim nolūkam izveidojām MapRoulette izaicinājumu: Fix Building & Water Intersections.

Izmēģiniet šo izaicinājumu. Pie dažiem uzdevumiem dažu nedēļu laikā varētu strādāt arī mūsu pieredzējušo redaktoru komanda.

Ja jums ir kādi jautājumi vai komentāri par šo izaicinājumu, vai arī ja jums ir citi ieteikumi, kā mēs varētu palīdzēt uzlabot OSM Latvijā, dodiet man zināt.

Ja vēlaties uzzināt vairāk par mūsu iepriekš veiktajiem karšu ieguldījumiem Latvijā, varat ielūkoties mūsu GitHub lapā.

Izbaudiet savu dienu!


view this post on Zulip Marjan (May 09 2023 at 09:46):

Hi everyone, I'm the one who posted the MapRoulette challenge in talk-lv. Feel free to share your questions or comments with me!

view this post on Zulip Rihards Olups (May 10 2023 at 13:10):


view this post on Zulip Rihards Olups (May 16 2023 at 11:16):

Vai kāds zina, kā MapRoulette var redzēt pabeigto tasku detaļas - kuri bija "not an issue", kuri tika salaboti, kādi komentāri pievienoti?


view this post on Zulip Rihards Olups (May 19 2023 at 17:53):


view this post on Zulip Rihards Olups (May 24 2023 at 16:04):

@Marjan, a suggestion - it would be useful to include the date of OSM data, used for challenge generation (in the challenge instructions).
The it would be possible to check whether it's a misdetection, or something already fixed in a non-obvious way.

view this post on Zulip Rihards Olups (May 24 2023 at 16:21):


view this post on Zulip Marjan (May 25 2023 at 17:33):

Hi @Rihards Olups , sorry I missed your earlier comments. I only saw them after you tagged me. I hope it’s okay that I’m responding in English.

"Vai kāds zina, kā MapRoulette var redzēt pabeigto tasku detaļas - kuri bija "not an issue", kuri tika salaboti, kādi komentāri pievienoti?"
-> This is something that we as admins of the project can see, but I don’t think this information is visible to others. I’ll double-check with my team.

"it would be useful to include the date of OSM data, used for challenge generation (in the challenge instructions)"
-> Thanks for the suggestion, I’ll look into this with my team too.

Finally, a big thank you for working on some of the tasks! We really appreciate the help. FYI we’ve taken note of the fact that there are some false positives—we’ll investigate if there’s any way we can improve our issue detection process for future challenges like this.

view this post on Zulip Marjan (May 26 2023 at 09:20):

@Rihards Olups I just checked with my team, those MapRoulette details you were asking about are indeed only available to the project admins.

About the date of the OSM data--this information is actually available in the field "TASK DATA SOURCED" (see screenshot).


Hope this helps, have a nice weekend! Btw beginning of next week I'll be off for a couple of days but I'll be back online on Thursday :)

view this post on Zulip Rihards Olups (May 26 2023 at 11:11):

No worries, thank you for the responses.
Detection process - might be difficult, as it's pretty hard to figure out whether a building in the middle of a water body is real or a mistake (without detecting them in imagery).

After the challenges are over, do you share stats and details on them - for example, how many were in which category, examples of interesting fixes (before-after renders), examples of "not-an-issue", how many were addressed by community or your team, and some comments from your team?
It could be a good opportunity for an article that advertises the project, and shows appreciation for your team.
Sorry if this is all considered/planned already :)

"Task data sourced" - oh duh, so obvious. Thank you.

view this post on Zulip Marjan (Jun 02 2023 at 07:16):

@Rihards Olups currently we don't typically share stats and details when a challenge is over, but we've talked about it before and do like the idea. We'll look into how we can approach this. Thanks for the suggestion and have a great weekend!

view this post on Zulip Rihards Olups (Jun 02 2023 at 11:32):

Thanks, it could be a great way to increase awareness and boost motivation.

Last updated: Feb 27 2025 at 09:12 UTC