RSS said:
Note 3796495 by HeavyMental: "Unable to answer "Do these steps have a ramp? What kind?" for via StreetComplete 53.3:
Nav nekādas rampas"
Contributor: HeavyMental
Action: opened
Comment: Unable to answer "Do these steps have a ramp? What kind?" for via StreetComplete 53.3:Nav nekādas rampas
@HeavyMental, vai tad StreetComplete nepidāvāja atbildes variantu "No ramp"? Kāpēc vajadzēja taisīt note?
(Tas nekādā gadījumā nav personīgs uzbrauciens, vienkārši mēģinu saprast, vai nav piereģistrē bug.)
Last updated: Feb 27 2025 at 09:30 UTC