Hello everyone,
(Scroll down for a Latvian translation of this message created using DeepL.)
TomTom is planning to conduct edits in Latvia based on feedback submitted for our TomTom map that is also valid for OSM.
We will only perform edits if they add value to OSM, do not conflict with recent updates made by the community, and are supported by a local source. In the absence of credible source material, we will ask the community for guidance.
We will be editing the following types of features: POIs, land use, addresses, ferry and water bus routes, railway tracks with some infrastructure tags such as bridges and level crossings, highways, link roads, traffic signs, access barriers, turn restrictions, buildings and water. Over time, we may expand to other features and will update our project documentation when this happens. This documentation can be found on our GitHub page for Latvia (> section ‘Edits based on map feedback’) and our wiki page. Both pages contain further details about the types of edits we will make. The wiki page is a bit more extensive and, among other things, also provides some information on how we receive and process the map feedback.
Along with the #tomtom hashtag that accompanies every TomTom edit in OSM, changesets based on map feedback will also receive the hashtag #tt_mapfeedback. This allows you to follow the updates we’re making during this activity.
In two weeks, we plan to start with a limited number of edits in Latvia. Later we will continue with incidental edits spread over time.
Let me know if you have any questions or comments. As we progress, we will of course take into account any feedback we receive from you about this activity.
Have a great weekend!
TomTom plāno veikt rediģēšanu Latvijā, pamatojoties uz atsauksmēm, kas iesniegtas par mūsu TomTom karti, kura ir derīga arī OSM.
Mēs veiksim rediģēšanas darbus tikai tad, ja tie sniegs pievienoto vērtību OSM, nebūs pretrunā ar nesen veiktajiem kopienas atjauninājumiem un tiks atbalstīti no vietējā avota. Ja nebūs ticama avota materiāla, mēs lūgsim kopienai sniegt norādījumus.
Mēs rediģēsim šādus funkciju veidus: POI, zemes lietojums, adreses, prāmju un ūdens autobusu maršruti, dzelzceļa sliedes ar dažiem infrastruktūras tagiem, piemēram, tilti un pārbrauktuves, autoceļi, savienojuma ceļi, ceļa zīmes, piekļuves barjeras, pagriezienu ierobežojumi, ēkas un ūdens. Laika gaitā mēs, iespējams, paplašināsim to klāstu ar citiem elementiem, un, kad tas notiks, atjaunināsim mūsu projekta dokumentāciju. Šo dokumentāciju var atrast mūsu GitHub lapā par Latviju (> sadaļā "Edits based on map feedback") un mūsu wiki lapā. Abās lapās ir sīkāk aprakstīti rediģēšanas veidi, ko mēs veiksim. Wiki lapa ir nedaudz plašāka un cita starpā sniedz arī informāciju par to, kā mēs saņemam un apstrādājam atgriezenisko saiti par kartēm.
Līdztekus haštagam #tomtom, kas pievienots katram TomTom rediģējumam OSM, izmaiņu kopumi, kas balstīti uz atsauksmēm par karti, saņems arī haštagu #tt_mapfeedback. Tas ļauj jums sekot līdzi atjauninājumiem, ko mēs veicam šīs aktivitātes laikā.
Pēc divām nedēļām mēs plānojam sākt ar ierobežotu skaitu rediģējumu Latvijā. Vēlāk mēs turpināsim ar gadījuma rakstura rediģējumiem, kas sadalīti pa laiku.
Ja jums ir kādi jautājumi vai komentāri, ziņojiet man. Turpinot darbu, mēs, protams, ņemsim vērā visas atsauksmes, ko saņemsim no jums par šo aktivitāti.
Jauku nedēļas nogali!
@MarjanVandeKauter One immediate thing is to not make any changes to addresses in Latvia - these are imported by a bot and based on official data - any changes will be lost next time the bot runs. Address data in Latvia is basically complete. The only "errors" are errors in the official data. @Dāvis Kļaviņš operates the bot and can answer about details.
HellMap said:
MarjanVandeKauter One immediate thing is to not make any changes to addresses in Latvia - these are imported by a bot and based on official data - any changes will be lost next time the bot runs. Address data in Latvia is basically complete. The only "errors" are errors in the official data. Dāvis Kļaviņš operates the bot and can answer about details.
Thank you for pointing this out! I'll share this information with my team.
One thing that can be optionally done - if a building is added or adjusted so that it overlaps with an address point, it can be merged (shift+ctrl/cmd+g in JOSM). No harm skipping it, as the bot would merge them later. On the other hand, if an address node is a bit off (not overlapping with a building), it should not be merged.
In general, if the team has any doubts, they are always welcome to ask here :)
Last updated: Jan 22 2025 at 07:42 UTC