Jelgavā laikam izbūvēts Latvijā blīvākais veloceļu gabals...
Tas gan viss tāds rotaļu bērnu apmācību veloceļš rekreācijas miniparkā, bet tik un tā nedaudz iepriecina
Dažās vietās krāsas vairāk nekā asfalta redzama
Lai prieka/optimisma pārāk daudz nebūtu, te blakus mašīnu rinda saparkota uz velojoslas (zem zīmes nevar stāvēt)
"Īsts velosipēds"
Kādu gabalu uz tā ceļa ir normāli sadalīts, un tā jau principā bija visur jābūt lai cīnītos ar benzīngalvu smadzeņu trūkumu
HellMap said:
Jelgavā laikam izbūvēts Latvijā blīvākais veloceļu gabals...
hold-my-cycleway.pngTas gan viss tāds rotaļu bērnu apmācību veloceļš rekreācijas miniparkā, bet tik un tā nedaudz iepriecina
My first thought was "Is it really more dense than Uzvaras parks?", but it seems like latter doesn't have its path marked as dedicated (or even shared) bicycle ways.
And regarding bicycle paths vs headless parking: does anybody know how this kind of things handled?
Is there some kind of review time frame for results, where if city sees that what was done is inefficient bollards/rubber blocks/cement half-spheres can be added?
Or it's more of the project was done. If something else is needed wait for new project?
About density - this is less than 100 meters big area. On a per-area basis, I don't think anything can beat this. And yeah, Uzvaras parks ir huge - most of it is grass and footways and water and whatever else. I can't really even think of any other place to compare with.
Ah, then I probably didn't grasp scale from screenshot correctly)
markalex2209 said:
does anybody know how this kind of things handled?
As far as I know, there is no review like that. In my experience, there have to be some pretty drastic problems for projects to get further changes afterwards, basically contract-breaking, because it all went through several planning/approval phases. I don't think (at least I've never seen such changes in real-life) that this is part of project process.
In this case, these are really just absolutely braindead drivers - the place would be fine even without bollards, like this isn't some connecting road - it's just a tiny approach to school and parking and park. This infrastructure here is like 50x better than the vast majority in Riga and elsewhere.
HellMap said:
Lai prieka/optimisma pārāk daudz nebūtu, te blakus mašīnu rinda saparkota uz velojoslas (zem zīmes nevar stāvēt)
Jāsūta Jelgavas PP :)
Nu jāsūta, jāsūta. Kuram tikai laiks to darīt...
Last updated: Feb 27 2025 at 08:47 UTC