Stream: Zulip

Topic: topic resolving un notifications (bot)

view this post on Zulip HellMap (Jan 11 2024 at 14:03):

Interesanti, notification botu var izslēgt, lai nespamo visiem messagues, ja uztaisa resolved topic kaut kādam vecam topikam. Es varu izdzēst to bota message pēc tam, bet tas tik un tā uztaisīs vispirms visiem notification. Es nezinu vai resolved taisīšana pati par sevi arī taisa notificationu?

Collection of scripts to update and maintain OpenStreetMap data in Latvia (currently only addresses). See - GitHub - Davis-Klavins/os...

view this post on Zulip Rihards Olups (Jan 11 2024 at 14:53): it kā:

This message will be marked as unread only for users who had participated in the topic.

Tā ka tos automātiskos paziņojumus var mierīgi atstāt.

Zulip's topics are very helpful for customer support, answering questions, investigating issues and production errors, as well as other workflows. Resolving topics makes it easy to track the status of each question, investigation, or notification. | Marking a topic as resolved: | Marking a topic as unresolved removes the ✔ and also triggers an automated notice from the notification bot. | It's often helpful to define a policy for when to resolve topics that fits how topics are used in a given stream. Here are some common approaches for deciding when to mark a topic as resolved:

view this post on Zulip Rihards Olups (Jan 11 2024 at 19:24):

Lai gan varbūt nav tik rožaini, te ir šāds feature request:

When a moderator resolves a very old topic, all subscribers to the parent stream get notified of this, and the topic gets moved to the top of the list. The realm admins should be able to configure ...

view this post on Zulip HellMap (Jan 11 2024 at 20:11):

Nu jā, tas laikam tas, par ko es runāju. Jo streamā tas topiks uzlec augšā un tad visiem notification - cik nu kuram katram ieslēgts ir. Tie, kas pašā topikā piedalijās - tad tiem vēl "spēcīgāks" notification. To stream notification message var nodzēst (kā teicu, es nezinu vai tas likvidē notifications) lai tas topiks nelec pašā augšā - piemēram kā #general > ✔ Kuldīgas bibliotēka/sinagoga

Last updated: Feb 27 2025 at 09:12 UTC