New Contributor: dekap11
Contributor: dekap11
Mapper since: 2023-05-16 13:16:36
Registration: 2023-05-16 13:04:35
UID: 19284475
First active near: Preiļi (0.49 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 136169180
Editor used: iD 2.25.2
How did she/he contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: Ivar K
Contributor: Ivar K
Mapper since: 2023-05-14 11:35:23
Registration: 2019-01-31 11:15:57
UID: 9403444
First active near: Ļaudona (0.20 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 136081500
Editor used: iD 2.25.2
How did she/he contribute to OpenStreetMap? K
RSS said:
Nepareiza saite atstarpes dēļ. Bet tā laikam ir RSS skripta problēma, jo oriģināli
<content type="html">
<b>Contributor:</b> <a target="_blank" href=" K">Ivar K</a> </br>
<b>Mapper since:</b> 2023-05-14 11:35:23 </br>
<b>Registration:</b> 2019-01-31 11:15:57 </br>
<b>UID:</b> 9403444 </br>
<b>First active near:</b> Ļaudona (0.20 km) (Latvia) </br>
<b>First Changeset:</b> <a target="_blank" href="">136081500</a></br>
<b>Editor used:</b> iD 2.25.2 </br>
How did she/he <a target="_blank" href=" K">contribute</a> to OpenStreetMap?
Jā, failā XMLā embedded HTML ir href=" K"
Nesaprotu, kā skripts/Zulips vispār to parsē. Vispirms tekstu bez hiperlinka un pēc tam atsevišķi linku... like what
HellMap said:
Nesaprotu, kā skripts/Zulips vispār to parsē. Vispirms tekstu bez hiperlinka un pēc tam atsevišķi linku... like what
Izejkods ir šeit. Konkrētāk šeit veido tekstu:
content = null.format(
) # type: str
Un sanāk ka pēdējā rinda ir link href saturs? Bet tad taču vajag kaut ko tipa url sanitize/encode lai visādi tur " "->"%32" utt.
HellMap said:
Un sanāk ka pēdējā rinda ir link href saturs? Bet tad taču vajag kaut ko tipa url sanitize/encode lai visādi tur " "->"%32" utt.
vispār pazūd, jo tas ir <a>
taga atribūts. Tas strip_tags()
atstāj tikai tekstu taga iekšās (piemēram bar
no <foo baz="...">bar</foo>
). Saite galu galā ir
, ko pievieno pēc strip_tags(body)
. Nav obligāti URL-encode, var arī vienkārši uzlikt <- šitais prikols Zulip'ā nestrādā:<...>
< K>
Jā, nē, es sapratu, ka no body
, kas ir <content>
visu HTML strip'o. Bet pēdējā līnija ir
- un es saprotu, ka tas ir saturs iekš tieši "href" no <link>
- tā pat kā pirmā līnija Zulip sintakses linku taisa no tā
Bet tikai Zulip saprot, ka [text](link)
links is viss iekšā sintaksē ieskaitot atstarpes, bet pa pliko uzrakstītu linku tas tikai uzmin
Vispār nav skaidrs, kāpēc vajag to saiti beigās atkārtot, ja tā jau ir sākumā...
New Contributor: meznieks
Contributor: meznieks
Mapper since: 2023-05-28 10:08:25
Registration: 2023-05-28 09:19:01
UID: 19409860
First active near: Brekši (0.08 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 136650425
Editor used: iD 2.25.2
How did she/he contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: darkmanlv
Contributor: darkmanlv
Mapper since: 2023-05-25 22:23:48
Registration: 2023-05-25 22:21:09
UID: 19386344
First active near: Gauja (0.15 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 136561529
Editor used: iD 2.25.2
How did she/he contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: Olegs Balss
Contributor: Olegs Balss
Mapper since: 2023-06-02 18:49:09
Registration: 2023-06-02 18:41:59
UID: 19466041
First active near: Lazdāres (0.17 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 136880362
Editor used: iD 2.25.2
How did she/he contribute to OpenStreetMap? Balss
New Contributor: Ģibuļ Berry
Contributor: Ģibuļ Berry
Mapper since: 2023-06-03 15:01:14
Registration: 2023-06-03 14:41:00
UID: 19472771
First active near: Bauvas (0.22 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 136905791
Editor used: iD 2.25.2
How did she/he contribute to OpenStreetMap?Ģibuļ Berry
New Contributor: Gediminas Bagočius
Contributor: Gediminas Bagočius
Mapper since: 2023-06-03 14:05:30
Registration: 2017-05-15 13:07:54
UID: 5923074
First active near: Zvanītāju Ķesteri (0.40 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 136903598
Editor used: MAPS.ME android 14.3.71503
How did she/he contribute to OpenStreetMap? Bagočius
New Contributor: Gatis S
Contributor: Gatis S
Mapper since: 2023-06-04 08:50:45
Registration: 2022-05-07 08:00:33
UID: 15873109
First active near: Stāviņi (1.17 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 136925070
Editor used: iD 2.25.2
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: Ģibuļ Berry
Contributor: Ģibuļ Berry
Mapper since: 2023-06-03 15:01:14
Registration: 2023-06-03 14:41:00
UID: 19472771
First active near: Bauvas (0.22 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 136905791
Editor used: iD 2.25.2
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: Gediminas Bagočius
Contributor: Gediminas Bagočius
Mapper since: 2023-06-03 14:05:30
Registration: 2017-05-15 13:07:54
UID: 5923074
First active near: Zvanītāju Ķesteri (0.40 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 136903598
Editor used: MAPS.ME android 14.3.71503
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: Olegs Balss
Contributor: Olegs Balss
Mapper since: 2023-06-02 18:49:09
Registration: 2023-06-02 18:41:59
UID: 19466041
First active near: Lazdāres (0.17 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 136880362
Editor used: iD 2.25.2
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: TheTradhMan
Contributor: TheTradhMan
Mapper since: 2023-06-07 13:27:04
Registration: 2023-06-07 12:57:49
UID: 19509424
First active near: Iļģuciems (1.04 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 137056745
Editor used: Organic Maps android 2023.05.08-7-FDroid
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: Janis Panasenko
Contributor: Janis Panasenko
Mapper since: 2023-06-10 13:52:24
Registration: 2023-06-08 11:20:31
UID: 19518586
First active near: Ventspils (1.80 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 137173213
Editor used: JOSM/1.5 (18746 ru)
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: Annija22
Contributor: Annija22
Mapper since: 2023-06-11 20:58:47
Registration: 2023-06-11 20:49:55
UID: 19549972
First active near: Kauguri (0.75 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 137219810
Editor used: iD 2.25.2
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: aviation0178
Contributor: aviation0178
Mapper since: 2023-06-14 16:53:36
Registration: 2023-06-08 07:06:54
UID: 19516207
First active near: Sēbri (0.33 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 137337245
Editor used: iD 2.25.2
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: idoctorlv
Contributor: idoctorlv
Mapper since: 2023-06-14 21:09:42
Registration: 2023-06-14 20:34:35
UID: 19579981
First active near: Centrs (0.21 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 137345437
Editor used: iD 2.25.2
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: Tusinsh
Contributor: Tusinsh
Mapper since: 2023-06-16 11:40:59
Registration: 2023-06-16 11:36:19
UID: 19595360
First active near: Ceriņi (0.01 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 137410625
Editor used: iD 2.25.2
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: migliniiks
Contributor: migliniiks
Mapper since: 2023-06-17 19:15:06
Registration: 2023-06-17 18:24:49
UID: 19607979
First active near: Stoļerova (0.63 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 137458604
Editor used: iD 2.25.2
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: voovoo
Contributor: voovoo
Mapper since: 2023-06-25 23:37:47
Registration: 2023-06-17 19:32:44
UID: 19608487
First active near: Rūdas (1.27 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 137769233
Editor used: iD 2.25.2
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: antonsltrip
Contributor: antonsltrip
Mapper since: 2023-06-25 21:49:14
Registration: 2023-06-25 21:37:52
UID: 19682650
First active near: Centrs (0.57 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 137767857
Editor used: iD 2.25.2
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: SkEasy505
Contributor: SkEasy505
Mapper since: 2023-06-29 14:57:09
Registration: 2023-06-29 14:29:37
UID: 19720286
First active near: Bereznīki (0.57 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 137922276
Editor used: iD 2.25.2
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: riilhiiro
Contributor: riilhiiro
Mapper since: 2023-06-29 12:31:50
Registration: 2023-06-29 09:31:59
UID: 19717715
First active near: Dārzciems (1.77 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 137916973
Editor used: iD 2.25.2
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: alival
Contributor: alival
Mapper since: 2023-07-03 10:57:52
Registration: 2023-07-03 10:43:31
UID: 19752883
First active near: Valmiera (0.66 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 138059204
Editor used: iD 2.25.2
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: Guntis Viļums
Contributor: Guntis Viļums
Mapper since: 2023-07-04 16:29:04
Registration: 2016-07-17 13:58:43
UID: 4274176
First active near: Slīpi (0.03 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 138115028
Editor used: MAPS.ME ios 14.8.0
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: paakjis
Contributor: paakjis
Mapper since: 2023-07-04 15:22:35
Registration: 2023-07-04 15:20:35
UID: 19764686
First active near: Bukulti (2.10 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 138112785
Editor used: iD 2.25.2
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: iksiks
Contributor: iksiks
Mapper since: 2023-07-05 06:19:21
Registration: 2022-11-08 17:28:46
UID: 17620040
First active near: Pleskodāle (0.35 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 138132230
Editor used: iD 2.25.2
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: andrew mishnekov
Contributor: andrew mishnekov
Mapper since: 2023-07-17 13:02:01
Registration: 2023-07-17 12:50:23
UID: 19893221
First active near: Koklītes (1.72 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 138621682
Editor used: iD 2.26.2
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: Eds_0101
Contributor: Eds_0101
Mapper since: 2023-07-18 13:01:42
Registration: 2023-07-18 12:58:34
UID: 19904130
First active near: Zolitūde (0.53 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 138668780
Editor used: StreetComplete 53.3
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: Mrborkander
Contributor: Mrborkander
Mapper since: 2023-07-19 16:22:28
Registration: 2023-07-19 16:16:08
UID: 19920011
First active near: Atvari (0.82 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 138725200
Editor used: StreetComplete 53.3
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: VizmaMich
Contributor: VizmaMich
Mapper since: 2023-07-21 15:37:26
Registration: 2023-07-21 13:28:22
UID: 19941389
First active near: Rēzekne (0.28 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 138819721
Editor used: Every Door iOS 3.1
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: bingbonger
Contributor: bingbonger
Mapper since: 2023-07-21 15:36:31
Registration: 2023-07-21 12:58:15
UID: 19941093
First active near: Rēzekne (0.25 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 138819685
Editor used: Every Door iOS 3.1
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: Amanda Anu
Contributor: Amanda Anu
Mapper since: 2023-07-21 15:07:56
Registration: 2023-07-21 14:36:41
UID: 19942177
First active near: Kaupieri (0.60 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 138818369
Editor used: iD 2.26.2
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: HeavyMental
Contributor: HeavyMental
Mapper since: 2023-07-21 13:45:19
Registration: 2023-07-21 13:27:36
UID: 19941383
First active near: Rēzekne (0.28 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 138814563
Editor used: StreetComplete 53.3
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: Corneliuss
Contributor: Corneliuss
Mapper since: 2023-07-22 13:18:00
Registration: 2023-07-22 12:37:06
UID: 19950415
First active near: Avoti (0.64 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 138853841
Editor used: iD 2.26.2
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: RJSkudra
Contributor: RJSkudra
Mapper since: 2023-07-22 19:13:52
Registration: 2023-07-22 19:04:02
UID: 19953876
First active near: Jelgava (1.63 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 138868512
Editor used: iD 2.26.2
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: Viorika Puļča
Contributor: Viorika Puļča
Mapper since: 2023-07-25 12:08:35
Registration: 2023-07-21 13:28:16
UID: 19941388
First active near: Ludza (0.49 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 138985723
Editor used: iD 2.26.2
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: ViorikaP
Contributor: ViorikaP
Mapper since: 2023-07-25 12:08:35
Registration: 2023-07-21 13:28:16
UID: 19941388
First active near: Ludza (0.49 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 138985723
Editor used: iD 2.26.2
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: Janis Klavins
Contributor: Janis Klavins
Mapper since: 2023-07-27 07:24:06
Registration: 2023-07-27 07:21:14
UID: 19995284
First active near: Irbītes (0.21 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 139071176
Editor used: iD 2.26.2
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: Tiger_12398
Contributor: Tiger_12398
Mapper since: 2023-07-31 13:50:12
Registration: 2023-07-01 07:41:26
UID: 19734974
First active near: Mētriņas (0.72 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 139255433
Editor used: StreetComplete 53.3
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: Efgaa
Contributor: Efgaa
Mapper since: 2023-08-01 09:28:07
Registration: 2023-07-31 18:21:56
UID: 20028616
First active near: Riebiņi (0.47 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 139290301
Editor used: StreetComplete 53.3
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: Kristiāns G
Contributor: Kristiāns G
Mapper since: 2023-08-02 10:56:33
Registration: 2023-08-02 10:51:29
UID: 20034480
First active near: Rēzekne (0.53 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 139341383
Editor used: iD 2.26.2
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: rusantro
Contributor: rusantro
Mapper since: 2023-08-02 10:36:26
Registration: 2023-08-02 10:29:53
UID: 20034401
First active near: Jelgava (1.18 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 139340514
Editor used: Rapid 2.0.3
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: zurmutay
Contributor: zurmutay
Mapper since: 2023-08-02 21:26:04
Registration: 2023-08-02 21:19:41
UID: 20036163
First active near: Ķienes (0.31 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 139365173
Editor used: iD 2.26.2
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: KārlisK
Contributor: KārlisK
Mapper since: 2023-08-02 20:00:16
Registration: 2023-08-02 19:38:20
UID: 20035943
First active near: Taurētāji (0.37 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 139362826
Editor used: iD 2.26.2
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: zloozle
Contributor: zloozle
Mapper since: 2023-08-03 11:09:04
Registration: 2022-08-25 21:37:42
UID: 16938074
First active near: Ozolnieki (0.16 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 139388188
Editor used: iD 2.26.2
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: OmartFieldspart
Contributor: OmartFieldspart
Mapper since: 2023-08-08 09:40:24
Registration: 2023-08-08 09:25:40
UID: 20054091
First active near: Loborži (0.99 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 139603919
Editor used: iD 2.26.2
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: OgyTheGreat
Contributor: OgyTheGreat
Mapper since: 2023-08-09 19:00:41
Registration: 2023-08-09 18:36:17
UID: 20059258
First active near: Caunes (0.33 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 139674371
Editor used: iD 2.26.2
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: Yarkrizh
Contributor: Yarkrizh
Mapper since: 2023-08-13 17:33:42
Registration: 2014-09-15 20:54:27
UID: 2337038
First active near: Pļavnieki (1.32 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 139835951
Editor used: MAPS.ME android 15.0.71618
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: travelerofHills
Contributor: travelerofHills
Mapper since: 2023-08-14 14:24:34
Registration: 2023-08-14 14:15:44
UID: 20075180
First active near: Lejasciems (0.14 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 139874498
Editor used: StreetComplete_ee 53.32
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: Firefox_riga
Contributor: Firefox_riga
Mapper since: 2023-08-15 04:53:16
Registration: 2023-08-15 04:41:44
UID: 20076785
First active near: Teika (0.38 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 139896435
Editor used: Organic Maps ios 2023.07.13
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: vladkill123
Contributor: vladkill123
Mapper since: 2023-08-16 10:24:16
Registration: 2021-06-21 09:43:34
UID: 13607155
First active near: Espati (0.38 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 139956369
Editor used: iD 2.26.2
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: FORTEMED
Contributor: FORTEMED Mapper since: 2023-08-21 10:42:07 Registration: 2023-08-21 10:26:42 UID: 20098830 First active near: Čiekurkalns (0.88 km) (Latvia) First Changeset: 140174360 Editor used: iD 2.27.1 How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: Salaspils Geography1
Contributor: Salaspils Geography1 Mapper since: 2023-08-21 14:55:12 Registration: 2023-08-21 14:43:31 UID: 20099667 First active near: Vīksnas (0.56 km) (Latvia) First Changeset: 140186602 Editor used: iD 2.27.1 How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: EddieMarch
Contributor: EddieMarch Mapper since: 2023-08-21 18:08:34 Registration: 2023-08-21 17:54:09 UID: 20100220 First active near: Vilkatīreļi (0.18 km) (Latvia) First Changeset: 140194813 Editor used: iD 2.27.1 How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: Electronek
Contributor: Electronek Mapper since: 2023-08-23 14:18:31 Registration: 2023-08-23 14:10:46 UID: 20108020 First active near: Sarkandaugava (0.31 km) (Latvia) First Changeset: 140278981 Editor used: iD 2.27.1 How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: Atisss
Contributor: Atisss Mapper since: 2023-08-26 12:45:22 Registration: 2010-02-09 03:54:21 UID: 231339 First active near: Sarkandaugava (0.49 km) (Latvia) First Changeset: 140410346 Editor used: iD 2.27.1 How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: threearmedshiva
Contributor: threearmedshiva Mapper since: 2023-08-28 10:42:55 Registration: 2023-08-28 10:32:44 UID: 20123426 First active near: Kalniņi (0.16 km) (Latvia) First Changeset: 140488213 Editor used: iD 2.27.1 How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: Rihards123
Contributor: Rihards123 Mapper since: 2023-08-29 11:17:07 Registration: 2023-08-28 17:57:17 UID: 20124647 First active near: Salaspils (0.81 km) (Latvia) First Changeset: 140536183 Editor used: iD 2.27.1 How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: 4th Floor
Contributor: 4th Floor Mapper since: 2023-08-30 22:10:35 Registration: 2023-08-30 21:40:27 UID: 20140063 First active near: Šķirotava (0.93 km) (Latvia) First Changeset: 140609735 Editor used: iD 2.27.1 How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: Denis9090
Contributor: Denis9090 Mapper since: 2023-09-01 06:51:15 Registration: 2023-08-25 17:07:20 UID: 20116020 First active near: Brasa (1.12 km) (Latvia) First Changeset: 140664246 Editor used: MAPS.ME android 15.1.71626 How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: Vlad Mil
Contributor: Vlad Mil Mapper since: 2023-09-03 08:51:04 Registration: 2017-12-22 18:14:22 UID: 7325845 First active near: Zolitūde (0.80 km) (Latvia) First Changeset: 140747905 Editor used: Organic Maps android 2023.08.18-8-Google How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: Lauma Pret
Contributor: Lauma Pret Mapper since: 2023-09-07 14:54:45 Registration: 2023-09-07 14:51:48 UID: 20195427 First active near: Sigulda (1.00 km) (Latvia) First Changeset: 140945233 Editor used: StreetComplete 53.3 How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: ArtursL
Contributor: ArtursL Mapper since: 2023-09-08 11:42:46 Registration: 2023-09-08 11:39:38 UID: 20201255 First active near: Čiekurkalns (0.32 km) (Latvia) First Changeset: 140983569 Editor used: StreetComplete 54.0 How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: fledermausis
Contributor: fledermausis Mapper since: 2023-09-08 11:15:26 Registration: 2023-09-08 10:41:03 UID: 20200901 First active near: Sigulda (1.04 km) (Latvia) First Changeset: 140982377 Editor used: iD 2.27.1 How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: LinTheWitch
Contributor: LinTheWitch Mapper since: 2023-09-08 17:31:11 Registration: 2023-09-08 17:29:16 UID: 20203285 First active near: Krievupe (0.25 km) (Latvia) First Changeset: 140996723 Editor used: StreetComplete 54.0 How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: Waidelinne
Contributor: Waidelinne Mapper since: 2023-09-08 12:07:50 Registration: 2023-07-20 17:40:18 UID: 19933639 First active near: Brasa (1.01 km) (Latvia) First Changeset: 140984462 Editor used: StreetComplete 54.0 How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: gertrudetresha
Contributor: gertrudetresha Mapper since: 2023-09-09 10:46:53 Registration: 2023-09-09 10:44:29 UID: 20207357 First active near: Nolberģi (0.38 km) (Latvia) First Changeset: 141018889 Editor used: StreetComplete 54.0 How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: koloika55
Contributor: koloika55 Mapper since: 2023-09-10 11:25:36 Registration: 2023-09-10 10:17:15 UID: 20213278 First active near: Greizes (0.58 km) (Latvia) First Changeset: 141058480 Editor used: iD 2.27.1 How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: janis_kau
Contributor: janis_kau Mapper since: 2023-09-13 16:54:31 Registration: 2023-09-13 16:34:19 UID: 20240544 First active near: Mežciems (0.91 km) (Latvia) First Changeset: 141220796 Editor used: iD 2.27.1 How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: Dzeinaf
Contributor: Dzeinaf Mapper since: 2023-09-13 16:36:38 Registration: 2023-09-13 16:18:35 UID: 20240430 First active near: Avoti (0.41 km) (Latvia) First Changeset: 141220102 Editor used: StreetComplete 54.0 How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: Diana Dergaceva
Contributor: Diana Dergaceva Mapper since: 2023-09-14 10:58:39 Registration: 2023-09-14 10:03:31 UID: 20246635 First active near: Grīvas rajons (0.13 km) (Latvia) First Changeset: 141251924 Editor used: iD 2.27.1 How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: Jānis Gailums
Contributor: Jānis Gailums Mapper since: 2023-09-17 08:03:56 Registration: 2023-09-17 07:59:36 UID: 20269764 First active near: Desas (0.73 km) (Latvia) First Changeset: 141370467 Editor used: Go Map!! 3.4.8 How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: meistars
Contributor: meistars Mapper since: 2023-09-18 12:12:17 Registration: 2023-09-18 12:09:11 UID: 20278619 First active near: Eimuri (0.11 km) (Latvia) First Changeset: 141422177 Editor used: iD 2.27.1 How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: SindijaO
Contributor: SindijaO Mapper since: 2023-09-20 05:50:27 Registration: 2023-09-13 15:35:25 UID: 20240138 First active near: Vecmoku Strautiņi (0.12 km) (Latvia) First Changeset: 141494969 Editor used: iD 2.27.1 How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: SkateBread
Contributor: SkateBread Mapper since: 2023-09-21 11:46:51 Registration: 2023-09-13 14:12:36 UID: 20239503 First active near: Ukaņi (0.67 km) (Latvia) First Changeset: 141555293 Editor used: iD 2.27.1 How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: dzmovc
Contributor: dzmovc Mapper since: 2023-09-25 18:38:46 Registration: 2023-09-25 16:13:28 UID: 20334406 First active near: Skanste (0.57 km) (Latvia) First Changeset: 141743919 Editor used: OsmAnd 4.5.10 How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: agseo12
Contributor: agseo12 Mapper since: 2023-09-27 10:36:09 Registration: 2023-09-27 10:20:05 UID: 20348049 First active near: Andrejsala (1.07 km) (Latvia) First Changeset: 141812862 Editor used: iD 2.27.1 How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: DrakariAnir
Contributor: DrakariAnir Mapper since: 2023-09-27 12:29:30 Registration: 2023-09-27 10:58:48 UID: 20348351 First active near: Zuzāni (0.10 km) (Latvia) First Changeset: 141817778 Editor used: iD 2.27.1 How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: virtulis
Contributor: virtulis Mapper since: 2023-09-28 16:31:26 Registration: 2023-09-28 16:28:48 UID: 20358972 First active near: Iļģuciems (0.21 km) (Latvia) First Changeset: 141872382 Editor used: StreetComplete 54.1 How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: Mangosose
Contributor: Mangosose Mapper since: 2023-10-01 21:18:23 Registration: 2023-10-01 21:15:45 UID: 20380697 First active near: Andrejsala (1.19 km) (Latvia) First Changeset: 142005580 Editor used: MAPS.ME android 15.1.71626 How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: PS_LV
Contributor: PS_LV Mapper since: 2023-10-02 08:09:54 Registration: 2023-10-02 08:04:24 UID: 20382721 First active near: Āmeri (0.19 km) (Latvia) First Changeset: 142026330 Editor used: iD 2.27.1 How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: efaucon
Contributor: efaucon Mapper since: 2023-10-04 20:54:58 Registration: 2023-10-04 14:20:25 UID: 20400797 First active near: Grīšļi (1.20 km) (Latvia) First Changeset: 142163500 Editor used: StreetComplete 54.0 How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: Ludzas TIC
Contributor: Ludzas TIC Mapper since: 2023-10-06 08:30:34 Registration: 2023-10-05 09:43:34 UID: 20406951 First active near: Malnovas fermas (0.63 km) (Latvia) First Changeset: 142221223 Editor used: iD 2.27.1 How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: WietseLV
Contributor: WietseLV Mapper since: 2023-10-08 18:18:09 Registration: 2023-10-08 17:57:56 UID: 20430213 First active near: Akoti (0.37 km) (Latvia) First Changeset: 142315878 Editor used: iD 2.27.1 How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: Aleksandra Jan
Contributor: Aleksandra Jan Mapper since: 2023-10-09 11:26:07 Registration: 2023-09-20 11:28:24 UID: 20296321 First active near: Ventspils (2.00 km) (Latvia) First Changeset: 142345330 Editor used: iD 2.27.1 How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: Solovjova
Contributor: Solovjova Mapper since: 2023-10-09 11:19:03 Registration: 2023-09-19 17:40:06 UID: 20290180 First active near: Imanta (0.58 km) (Latvia) First Changeset: 142345036 Editor used: iD 2.27.1 How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: grinvaldsjanis
Contributor: grinvaldsjanis Mapper since: 2023-10-14 08:44:22 Registration: 2020-02-11 14:11:35 UID: 10767771 First active near: Līči (0.36 km) (Latvia) First Changeset: 142567096 Editor used: iD 2.27.1 How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: Richard8897
Contributor: Richard8897 Mapper since: 2023-10-25 06:04:45 Registration: 2023-10-25 05:47:04 UID: 20503128 First active near: Brasa (1.03 km) (Latvia) First Changeset: 143095865 Editor used: iD 2.27.1 How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: Piensaimnieks
Contributor: Piensaimnieks Mapper since: 2023-10-30 10:07:36 Registration: 2023-10-30 07:36:31 UID: 20518104 First active near: Dreimaņi (0.17 km) (Latvia) First Changeset: 143356132 Editor used: iD 2.27.1 How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: Rassolov
Contributor: Rassolov Mapper since: 2023-10-31 16:44:09 Registration: 2023-10-31 16:34:52 UID: 20522749 First active near: Vecrīga (0.43 km) (Latvia) First Changeset: 143432553 Editor used: iD 2.27.1 How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: SIA "4SPA"
Contributor: SIA "4SPA" Mapper since: 2023-11-03 12:08:27 Registration: 2023-11-03 11:42:00 UID: 20539836 First active near: Purvciems (1.55 km) (Latvia) First Changeset: 143571635 Editor used: iD 2.27.1 How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: stealeks
Contributor: stealeks Mapper since: 2023-11-03 07:52:27 Registration: 2023-11-03 07:44:39 UID: 20538115 First active near: Rossi (0.20 km) (Latvia) First Changeset: 143561804 Editor used: iD 2.27.1 How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: N1kita123
Contributor: N1kita123 Mapper since: 2023-11-04 12:41:54 Registration: 2023-11-04 11:52:44 UID: 20547231 First active near: Centrs (0.31 km) (Latvia) First Changeset: 143611850 Editor used: iD 2.27.1 How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: Betija E
Contributor: Betija E Mapper since: 2023-11-08 10:33:58 Registration: 2023-09-19 16:33:37 UID: 20289755 First active near: Brenči (0.12 km) (Latvia) First Changeset: 143773384 Editor used: iD 2.27.1 How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: Martins_P
Contributor: Martins\_P
Mapper since: 2023-11-08 12:38:04
Registration: 2023-11-08 12:22:01
UID: 20571295
First active near: Grīziņkalns (0.14 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 143778604
Editor used: iD 2.27.1
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: Osis_(00==[||][||]==00)
Contributor: Osis\_(00==[||][||]==00)
Mapper since: 2023-11-08 12:05:31
Registration: 2023-11-08 12:03:02
UID: 20571233
First active near: Šampēteris (1.20 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 143777095
Editor used: StreetComplete 55.0
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: yakaw
Contributor: yakaw
Mapper since: 2023-11-15 21:13:42
Registration: 2023-11-15 21:01:43
UID: 20593677
First active near: Ādiņas (0.25 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 144069206
Editor used: iD 2.27.3
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: heroinsvecmilgravis
Contributor: heroinsvecmilgravis
Mapper since: 2023-11-19 16:50:59
Registration: 2023-11-19 16:37:02
UID: 20604681
First active near: Rīnūži (0.25 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 144215778
Editor used: iD 2.27.3
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: Evropeec
Contributor: Evropeec
Mapper since: 2023-11-19 13:41:29
Registration: 2023-07-28 18:12:35
UID: 20010443
First active near: Krustpils (0.55 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 144208580
Editor used: MAPS.ME android 15.2.71630
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: beanzzx
Contributor: beanzzx
Mapper since: 2023-11-20 18:24:28
Registration: 2023-11-20 17:07:01
UID: 20607894
First active near: Geņi (0.33 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 144258067
Editor used: iD 2.27.3
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: gfyghyhj
Contributor: gfyghyhj
Mapper since: 2023-11-23 14:06:30
Registration: 2023-11-09 15:28:24
UID: 20575324
First active near: Maskavas forštate (0.28 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 144371189
Editor used: iD 2.27.3
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: andrisl
Contributor: andrisl
Mapper since: 2023-11-23 14:06:30
Registration: 2023-11-09 15:28:24
UID: 20575324
First active near: Maskavas forštate (0.28 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 144371189
Editor used: iD 2.27.3
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: Graudupes
Contributor: Graudupes
Mapper since: 2023-11-24 12:03:19
Registration: 2023-11-24 11:44:15
UID: 20620410
First active near: Saldus (0.04 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 144405654
Editor used: iD 2.27.3
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: AleksPLV19
Contributor: AleksPLV19
Mapper since: 2023-11-27 15:52:14
Registration: 2023-11-27 15:35:21
UID: 20628547
First active near: Zolitūde (0.43 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 144513533
Editor used: iD 2.27.3
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: Engelitis
Contributor: Engelitis
Mapper since: 2023-11-27 14:21:34
Registration: 2019-08-03 06:24:37
UID: 10198503
First active near: Tīreļi (0.41 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 144510123
Editor used: iD 2.27.3
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: Ojārs
Contributor: Ojārs
Mapper since: 2023-11-28 11:49:29
Registration: 2023-11-28 11:18:14
UID: 20630991
First active near: Ķīpsala (0.85 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 144545688
Editor used: iD 2.27.3
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: alivmanis
Contributor: alivmanis
Mapper since: 2023-11-30 13:58:44
Registration: 2023-11-30 13:51:02
UID: 20637639
First active near: Jugla (0.30 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 144626475
Editor used: iD 2.27.3
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: janism
Contributor: janism
Mapper since: 2023-12-07 12:24:29
Registration: 2023-12-07 12:14:30
UID: 20658297
First active near: Vecrīga (0.54 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 144865308
Editor used: iD 2.27.3
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: Vitalijs Gagunovs
Contributor: Vitalijs Gagunovs
Mapper since: 2023-12-10 15:14:46
Registration: 2023-10-09 11:12:04
UID: 20434855
First active near: Daugavpils (0.95 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 144968108
Editor used: iD 2.27.3
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: KGribula21
Contributor: KGribula21
Mapper since: 2023-12-10 15:11:17
Registration: 2023-09-20 13:41:28
UID: 20297444
First active near: Šampēteris (0.20 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 144967982
Editor used: iD 2.27.3
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: UldisZvi
Contributor: UldisZvi
Mapper since: 2023-12-12 11:46:20
Registration: 2023-09-13 14:12:38
UID: 20239504
First active near: Robežnieki (0.24 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 145034524
Editor used: iD 2.27.3
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: finnayeet
Contributor: finnayeet
Mapper since: 2023-12-12 10:22:29
Registration: 2023-04-05 11:11:09
UID: 18861008
First active near: Vītiņi (0.93 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 145031469
Editor used: iD 2.27.3
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: Vilsol
Contributor: Vilsol
Mapper since: 2023-12-15 09:20:23
Registration: 2020-03-15 17:43:07
UID: 10901572
First active near: Zasulauks (0.35 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 145142462
Editor used: iD 2.27.3
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: J4maL
Contributor: J4maL
Mapper since: 2023-12-19 21:26:53
Registration: 2023-12-19 21:19:19
UID: 20722051
First active near: Staļģene (0.15 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 145307549
Editor used: iD 2.27.3
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: Zurkuviirs
Contributor: Zurkuviirs
Mapper since: 2023-12-22 22:03:00
Registration: 2023-12-18 20:32:59
UID: 20714827
First active near: Dubulti (0.48 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 145421610
Editor used: iD 2.27.3
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: lapsēns
Contributor: lapsēns
Mapper since: 2023-12-30 14:22:05
Registration: 2023-12-30 13:29:44
UID: 20788526
First active near: Torņi (0.01 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 145699681
Editor used: iD 2.27.3
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: SissiLang
Contributor: SissiLang
Mapper since: 2023-12-31 09:04:31
Registration: 2023-05-01 19:57:37
UID: 19128631
First active near: Aļņi (0.63 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 145723848
Editor used: Organic Maps android 2023.12.21-1-Google
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: AlimDasho
Contributor: AlimDasho
Mapper since: 2024-01-02 01:49:02
Registration: 2024-01-02 01:44:09
UID: 20800754
First active near: Rīts (0.58 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 145781116
Editor used: MAPS.ME ios 15.6.0
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: Robertsedvardsrudzitis
Contributor: Robertsedvardsrudzitis
Mapper since: 2024-01-02 20:32:06
Registration: 2023-09-13 14:13:56
UID: 20239522
First active near: Ķuļmji (2.38 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 145813799
Editor used: iD 2.27.3
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: drtzdrfh
Contributor: drtzdrfh
Mapper since: 2024-01-06 20:07:38
Registration: 2024-01-06 18:47:00
UID: 20834120
First active near: Jaunozoli (0.40 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 145969855
Editor used: iD 2.27.3
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: Jānis Šaudiņš
Contributor: Jānis Šaudiņš
Mapper since: 2024-01-09 09:17:44
Registration: 2024-01-05 12:36:53
UID: 20824921
First active near: Malta (0.47 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 146058273
Editor used: iD 2.27.3
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: thor_lv
Contributor: thor_lv
Mapper since: 2024-01-13 20:10:24
Registration: 2024-01-13 19:38:26
UID: 20883359
First active near: Nameji (0.17 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 146225798
Editor used: iD 2.27.3
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: Chepainais
Contributor: Chepainais
Mapper since: 2024-01-24 14:21:13
Registration: 2024-01-24 13:55:22
UID: 20932335
First active near: Grīziņkalns (0.80 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 146631953
Editor used: iD 2.27.3
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: edwarko
Contributor: edwarko
Mapper since: 2024-01-25 09:34:01
Registration: 2021-06-02 13:45:00
UID: 13469771
First active near: Dzelzceļnieks (0.58 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 146664831
Editor used: iD 2.27.3
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: Alex Kritenko
Contributor: Alex Kritenko
Mapper since: 2024-01-26 09:44:59
Registration: 2017-09-30 02:34:03
UID: 6732544
First active near: Kropiškas (0.80 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 146702653
Editor used: MAPS.ME ios 15.6.0
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: JulijaFrid
Contributor: JulijaFrid
Mapper since: 2024-01-29 12:43:09
Registration: 2024-01-23 08:31:25
UID: 20927688
First active near: Vecrīga (0.51 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 146820290
Editor used: iD 2.27.3
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: AivarsVitins
Contributor: AivarsVitins
Mapper since: 2024-02-02 10:58:45
Registration: 2024-02-02 10:16:09
UID: 20959804
First active near: Brasa (1.29 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 146980122
Editor used: iD 2.27.3
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: egilaval
Contributor: egilaval
Mapper since: 2024-02-03 14:26:27
Registration: 2024-02-03 13:41:22
UID: 20962968
First active near: Zviedri (0.20 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 147021946
Editor used: iD 2.27.3
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: Ieva Stalšene
Contributor: Ieva Stalšene
Mapper since: 2024-02-07 09:11:07
Registration: 2024-02-07 09:03:09
UID: 20974080
First active near: Centrs (0.69 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 147166939
Editor used: iD 2.27.3
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: MoritzLv
Contributor: MoritzLv
Mapper since: 2024-02-08 16:59:32
Registration: 2024-02-06 19:03:24
UID: 20972438
First active near: Grīziņkalns (0.44 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 147225964
Editor used: Every Door iOS 4.1
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: kasparskursiss
Contributor: kasparskursiss
Mapper since: 2024-02-10 12:05:16
Registration: 2023-06-13 20:06:40
UID: 19569132
First active near: Grīziņkalns (0.28 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 147289973
Editor used: iD 2.27.3
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: Vasilijs Boičuks
Contributor: Vasilijs Boičuks
Mapper since: 2024-02-11 00:40:47
Registration: 2024-01-06 12:46:38
UID: 20832400
First active near: Ludza (0.85 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 147312727
Editor used: iD 2.27.3
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: Zusurs
Contributor: Zusurs
Mapper since: 2024-02-11 08:20:10
Registration: 2020-01-07 06:49:26
UID: 10628239
First active near: Kārklāji (0.00 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 147318262
Editor used: iD 2.27.3
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: richkozlov
Contributor: richkozlov
Mapper since: 2024-02-17 13:21:19
Registration: 2024-02-16 20:32:55
UID: 21028714
First active near: Vecāķi (0.76 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 147571132
Editor used: iD 2.27.3
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: Dāvids Paičs
Contributor: Dāvids Paičs
Mapper since: 2024-02-17 20:20:54
Registration: 2024-02-17 20:15:47
UID: 21034662
First active near: Centrs (0.95 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 147586544
Editor used: iD 2.27.3
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: Emils Mikelsons
Contributor: Emils Mikelsons
Mapper since: 2024-02-19 15:15:36
Registration: 2024-02-19 14:48:45
UID: 21045998
First active near: Jaunzemji (0.09 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 147654898
Editor used: iD 2.27.3
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: DaniilPersunov
Contributor: DaniilPersunov
Mapper since: 2024-02-23 17:56:33
Registration: 2018-07-27 17:48:47
UID: 8609928
First active near: Dzirciems (0.08 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 147828809
Editor used: iD 2.27.3
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: Kristaps_Map
Contributor: Kristaps_Map
Mapper since: 2024-02-25 09:04:25
Registration: 2024-02-25 08:35:15
UID: 21090603
First active near: Osteļi (0.91 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 147881670
Editor used: iD 2.27.3
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: RK_JS
Contributor: RK_JS
Mapper since: 2024-02-27 11:25:05
Registration: 2024-02-27 10:01:15
UID: 21106132
First active near: Grīziņkalns (1.49 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 147968953
Editor used: iD 2.27.3
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: marlie2024
Contributor: marlie2024
Mapper since: 2024-02-29 10:02:35
Registration: 2024-02-29 09:49:30
UID: 21122293
First active near: Liepāja (0.32 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 148044529
Editor used: iD 2.28.0
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: hoddog
Contributor: hoddog
Mapper since: 2024-02-29 18:55:10
Registration: 2020-03-02 20:52:59
UID: 10848632
First active near: Prospektu gals (0.51 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 148066472
Editor used: iD 2.28.1
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: El_Comandante
Contributor: El_Comandante
Mapper since: 2024-02-29 18:55:10
Registration: 2020-03-02 20:52:59
UID: 10848632
First active near: Prospektu gals (0.51 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 148066472
Editor used: iD 2.28.1
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: tausgus
Contributor: tausgus
Mapper since: 2024-03-02 14:51:37
Registration: 2024-03-02 14:36:23
UID: 21138615
First active near: Garkalne (0.33 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 148134879
Editor used: iD 2.28.1
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: PickAqua
Contributor: PickAqua
Mapper since: 2024-03-05 17:50:28
Registration: 2024-03-05 17:39:40
UID: 21162117
First active near: Avoti (0.62 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 148261751
Editor used: iD 2.28.1
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: Kirill Harkin
Contributor: Kirill Harkin
Mapper since: 2024-03-07 00:50:48
Registration: 2021-02-04 21:54:49
UID: 12606894
First active near: Graži (1.53 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 148319771
Editor used: StreetComplete 56.1
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: Skeevlic
Contributor: Skeevlic
Mapper since: 2024-03-16 08:41:31
Registration: 2024-03-16 08:32:51
UID: 21210431
First active near: Robežnieki (0.32 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 148721120
Editor used: iD 2.28.1
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: Artis_Z
Contributor: Artis_Z
Mapper since: 2024-03-22 11:21:49
Registration: 2024-03-22 11:06:52
UID: 21231750
First active near: Sarkangalvji (0.09 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 149008164
Editor used: iD 2.28.1
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: Pilsetkartetajs
Contributor: Pilsetkartetajs
Mapper since: 2024-03-24 21:00:56
Registration: 2024-03-24 17:56:05
UID: 21238037
First active near: Atgāzene (1.30 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 149105964
Editor used: iD 2.28.1
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: Aigich
Contributor: Aigich
Mapper since: 2024-03-26 09:08:20
Registration: 2024-03-26 08:34:00
UID: 21243595
First active near: Tutiķi (0.17 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 149166303
Editor used: iD 2.28.1
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: Krišjānis
Contributor: Krišjānis
Mapper since: 2024-03-26 08:30:15
Registration: 2019-05-13 21:01:08
UID: 9946556
First active near: Tutiķi (0.21 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 149164874
Editor used: iD 2.28.1
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: Matdo
Contributor: Matdo
Mapper since: 2024-04-01 11:34:47
Registration: 2024-04-01 11:15:56
UID: 21263023
First active near: Brūnas (0.44 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 149430121
Editor used: iD 2.28.1
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: Primero_lv
Contributor: Primero_lv
Mapper since: 2024-04-08 11:34:56
Registration: 2024-04-08 11:21:55
UID: 21286912
First active near: Ziepniekkalns (1.47 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 149731122
Editor used: iD 2.28.1
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: Modris S
Contributor: Modris S
Mapper since: 2024-04-09 17:16:18
Registration: 2024-04-09 15:29:38
UID: 21291509
First active near: Avoti (0.41 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 149787084
Editor used: StreetComplete 57.1
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: EinarsSi
Contributor: EinarsSi
Mapper since: 2024-04-09 16:47:03
Registration: 2024-04-09 15:37:30
UID: 21291538
First active near: Avoti (0.58 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 149786038
Editor used: StreetComplete 57.1
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: AIRA89
Contributor: AIRA89
Mapper since: 2024-04-09 16:41:59
Registration: 2024-04-09 16:10:32
UID: 21291639
First active near: Avoti (0.55 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 149785858
Editor used: StreetComplete 57.1
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: Mapper737
Contributor: Mapper737
Mapper since: 2024-04-09 16:35:04
Registration: 2024-04-09 16:10:33
UID: 21291640
First active near: Avoti (0.49 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 149785630
Editor used: StreetComplete 57.1
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: herevii
Contributor: herevii
Mapper since: 2024-04-09 16:32:22
Registration: 2024-04-09 15:37:31
UID: 21291539
First active near: Avoti (0.38 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 149785548
Editor used: Every Door iOS 4.1
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: Sandra ČAB
Contributor: Sandra ČAB
Mapper since: 2024-04-09 16:16:07
Registration: 2024-04-09 16:14:38
UID: 21291648
First active near: Čiekurkalns (0.46 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 149784786
Editor used: Every Door iOS 4.1
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: Torators
Contributor: Torators
Mapper since: 2024-04-15 11:34:49
Registration: 2021-03-26 20:12:55
UID: 12932340
First active near: Lielvārde (0.32 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 150033371
Editor used: iD 2.28.1
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: Lābānkrogs
Contributor: Lābānkrogs
Mapper since: 2024-04-15 17:35:50
Registration: 2024-04-15 17:26:10
UID: 21310431
First active near: Uzvaras (0.16 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 150050826
Editor used: iD 2.28.1
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: pittss
Contributor: pittss
Mapper since: 2024-04-18 12:00:01
Registration: 2020-04-29 14:32:17
UID: 11102176
First active near: Centrs (0.14 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 150171844
Editor used: iD 2.28.1
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: goldgus
Contributor: goldgus
Mapper since: 2024-04-19 16:49:32
Registration: 2024-04-19 16:41:17
UID: 21326150
First active near: Jaunliepāja (0.32 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 150233180
Editor used: iD 2.28.1
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: elinakalve
Contributor: elinakalve
Mapper since: 2024-04-19 14:09:33
Registration: 2024-04-19 13:55:21
UID: 21325643
First active near: Teteri (0.59 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 150226026
Editor used: iD 2.28.1
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: Centra Nams Center Apartments
Contributor: Centra Nams Center Apartments
Mapper since: 2024-04-22 12:33:58
Registration: 2024-04-22 11:04:35
UID: 21333548
First active near: Cēsis (0.08 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 150344743
Editor used: iD 2.28.1
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: Zaķis
Contributor: Zaķis
Mapper since: 2024-04-23 08:18:02
Registration: 2024-04-23 08:08:38
UID: 21336563
First active near: Avoti (0.97 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 150381579
Editor used: iD 2.28.1
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: Ir_jau_aizņemts_vārds
Contributor: Ir_jau_aizņemts_vārds
Mapper since: 2024-04-23 12:53:29
Registration: 2024-04-23 12:02:46
UID: 21337515
First active near: Rītabuļļi (1.60 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 150394337
Editor used: iD 2.28.1
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: raaicha
Contributor: raaicha
Mapper since: 2024-04-25 08:28:45
Registration: 2024-04-25 08:22:04
UID: 21345631
First active near: Bražas (0.42 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 150482335
Editor used: iD 2.29.0
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: Ansisr
Contributor: Ansisr
Mapper since: 2024-04-27 10:51:29
Registration: 2024-04-27 10:43:55
UID: 21363404
First active near: Maskavas forštate (0.57 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 150574070
Editor used: Go Map!! 3.5.5
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: clamp0y
Contributor: clamp0y
Mapper since: 2024-04-29 10:06:09
Registration: 2024-04-29 10:02:11
UID: 21379376
First active near: Centrs (0.58 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 150654873
Editor used: iD 2.29.0
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: Raivo_RJ
Contributor: Raivo_RJ
Mapper since: 2024-04-29 12:07:51
Registration: 2024-04-29 11:50:30
UID: 21380075
First active near: Vecliepāja (0.44 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 150660273
Editor used: iD 2.29.0
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: karlistr
Contributor: karlistr
Mapper since: 2024-05-12 11:23:38
Registration: 2024-05-12 11:17:01
UID: 21481337
First active near: Stenderi (0.15 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 151220408
Editor used: iD 2.29.0
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: KittenCake
Contributor: KittenCake
Mapper since: 2024-05-14 07:07:12
Registration: 2024-05-14 07:02:32
UID: 21494508
First active near: Tukums (0.33 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 151297175
Editor used: iD 2.29.0
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: thetorturedpoetsdepartment
Contributor: thetorturedpoetsdepartment
Mapper since: 2024-05-14 15:09:58
Registration: 2024-05-14 08:12:35
UID: 21495131
First active near: Strazdi (0.20 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 151317745
Editor used: iD 2.29.0
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: RDSilverhand
Contributor: RDSilverhand
Mapper since: 2024-05-16 18:32:37
Registration: 2024-05-16 18:15:07
UID: 21519065
First active near: Vecpilsēta (0.07 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 151422072
Editor used: iD 2.29.0
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: Adaznieks
Contributor: Adaznieks
Mapper since: 2024-05-17 20:51:01
Registration: 2024-05-17 20:46:26
UID: 21527729
First active near: Ieļi (1.68 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 151471631
Editor used: iD 2.29.0
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: ttomst
Contributor: ttomst
Mapper since: 2024-05-22 15:24:05
Registration: 2024-05-22 09:34:24
UID: 21560121
First active near: Imanta (1.01 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 151681964
Editor used: iD 2.29.0
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: yanx13
Contributor: yanx13
Mapper since: 2024-05-22 13:25:55
Registration: 2020-07-01 12:46:30
UID: 11427564
First active near: Zeltiņi (0.01 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 151676710
Editor used: iD 2.29.0
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: nikolajs_saters
Contributor: nikolajs_saters
Mapper since: 2024-05-24 05:55:16
Registration: 2024-05-24 05:41:54
UID: 21574639
First active near: Pētersala (0.13 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 151751774
Editor used: iD 2.29.0
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: Daidamb
Contributor: Daidamb
Mapper since: 2024-05-24 12:52:08
Registration: 2023-12-27 22:08:50
UID: 20772311
First active near: Rūtas (0.10 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 151768390
Editor used: StreetComplete 57.3
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: Dola_27
Contributor: Dola_27
Mapper since: 2024-06-03 06:06:35
Registration: 2024-06-03 06:02:51
UID: 21619272
First active near: Garciems (0.93 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 152184998
Editor used: iD 2.29.0
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: ItsMikyyy
Contributor: ItsMikyyy
Mapper since: 2024-06-06 09:33:05
Registration: 2024-06-06 09:29:45
UID: 21630853
First active near: Madona (0.26 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 152322254
Editor used: iD 2.29.0
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: Lussii
Contributor: Lussii
Mapper since: 2024-06-12 18:24:28
Registration: 2024-06-12 18:04:25
UID: 21651864
First active near: Korbas (1.51 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 152600773
Editor used: iD 2.29.0
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: TheWildFox
Contributor: TheWildFox
Mapper since: 2024-06-13 17:31:15
Registration: 2024-06-13 12:27:35
UID: 21654666
First active near: Eglīte (0.17 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 152643675
Editor used: JOSM/1.5 (19096 en)
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: Bleghdgsgag
Contributor: Bleghdgsgag
Mapper since: 2024-06-14 19:37:55
Registration: 2024-06-14 19:36:27
UID: 21659221
First active near: Centrs (0.27 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 152695898
Editor used: Every Door Android 5.1
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: Stendera biedrība
Contributor: Stendera biedrība
Mapper since: 2024-06-16 06:57:21
Registration: 2024-05-12 15:12:04
UID: 21482816
First active near: Stenderi (0.41 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 152747270
Editor used: iD 2.29.0
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: MārisD
Contributor: MārisD
Mapper since: 2024-06-17 18:36:05
Registration: 2017-12-17 13:39:02
UID: 7268361
First active near: Jaunliepāja (0.18 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 152815144
Editor used: iD 2.29.0
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: edzuslv
Contributor: edzuslv
Mapper since: 2024-06-26 09:25:35
Registration: 2024-06-26 09:18:19
UID: 21694933
First active near: Tilderi (0.52 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 153193588
Editor used: iD 2.29.0
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: KristaViola
Contributor: KristaViola
Mapper since: 2024-06-26 07:19:17
Registration: 2024-06-26 07:03:42
UID: 21694393
First active near: Olaine (0.59 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 153187679
Editor used: iD 2.29.0
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: Reseeirox
Contributor: Reseeirox
Mapper since: 2024-06-29 19:01:12
Registration: 2024-06-29 18:20:29
UID: 21706905
First active near: Piņķi (0.46 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 153344478
Editor used: iD 2.29.0
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: Minajevs
Contributor: Minajevs
Mapper since: 2024-06-30 11:56:46
Registration: 2024-06-30 11:52:26
UID: 21708543
First active near: Mežaparks (1.34 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 153365710
Editor used: Organic Maps ios 2024.06.19
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: Haikus
Contributor: Haikus
Mapper since: 2024-07-03 20:51:46
Registration: 2024-07-03 20:46:42
UID: 21719931
First active near: Zasulauks (0.72 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 153519617
Editor used: iD 2.29.0
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: ci7rons
Contributor: ci7rons
Mapper since: 2024-07-04 21:33:09
Registration: 2024-07-03 11:10:42
UID: 21718315
First active near: Maskavas forštate (0.82 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 153565835
Editor used: Every Door iOS 5.1
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: organicman
Contributor: organicman
Mapper since: 2024-07-07 19:37:55
Registration: 2024-07-07 11:34:22
UID: 21730721
First active near: Centrs (0.24 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 153676197
Editor used: Organic Maps ios 2024.06.19
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: Kinichater
Contributor: Kinichater
Mapper since: 2024-07-10 17:59:02
Registration: 2024-07-10 17:55:34
UID: 21743279
First active near: Majori (0.23 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 153795161
Editor used: StreetComplete 58.2
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: juginko
Contributor: juginko
Mapper since: 2024-07-12 10:18:43
Registration: 2024-07-01 08:11:19
UID: 21710814
First active near: Dārzciems (0.63 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 153848839
Editor used: iD 2.29.0
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: techyluna
Contributor: techyluna
Mapper since: 2024\-07\-15 23:34:07
Registration: 2024\-07\-15 23:31:26
UID: 21757561
First active near: Rīga (0\.45 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 153992960
Editor used: Every Door Android 5\.1
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: Gabusab
Contributor: Gabusab
Mapper since: 2024\-07\-19 18:53:22
Registration: 2015\-09\-20 03:42:05
UID: 3250877
First active near: Spuldzes (0\.58 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 154155148
Editor used: iD 2\.29\.0
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: krikepu
Contributor: krikepu
Mapper since: 2024\-07\-20 17:46:55
Registration: 2024\-07\-20 17:24:14
UID: 21771893
First active near: Torņakalns (0\.37 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 154189891
Editor used: iD 2\.29\.0
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: Cato_001
Contributor: Cato_001
Mapper since: 2024\-07\-20 13:19:38
Registration: 2024\-07\-20 11:23:39
UID: 21771203
First active near: Vecrīga (0\.53 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 154179276
Editor used: Organic Maps android 2024\.07\.08\-3\-FDroid
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: galvsape
Contributor: galvsape
Mapper since: 2024\-07\-23 17:35:03
Registration: 2024\-01\-26 16:53:44
UID: 20939339
First active near: Sila Māja (0\.31 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 154317668
Editor used: iD 2\.29\.0
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: AlexaTheLemon
Contributor: AlexaTheLemon
Mapper since: 2024\-07\-28 09:51:47
Registration: 2024\-07\-28 09:41:47
UID: 21794853
First active near: Balodīši (0\.50 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 154512830
Editor used: Organic Maps ios 2024\.07\.08
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: Kristaps Cudars
Contributor: Kristaps Cudars
Mapper since: 2024\-08\-01 06:15:00
Registration: 2024\-08\-01 06:04:24
UID: 21807134
First active near: Pārogre (0\.22 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 154677509
Editor used: iD 2\.29\.0
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: ParrotLife
Contributor: ParrotLife
Mapper since: 2024\-08\-03 21:35:21
Registration: 2024\-08\-03 21:32:02
UID: 21815411
First active near: Kalnaklaukas (0\.25 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 154790597
Editor used: StreetComplete 58\.2
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: Artavg3
Contributor: Artavg3
Mapper since: 2024\-08\-04 17:47:00
Registration: 2024\-08\-03 06:37:20
UID: 21813542
First active near: Liepas (1\.26 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 154823633
Editor used: iD 2\.29\.0
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: vsrt
Contributor: vsrt
Mapper since: 2024\-08\-05 10:36:05
Registration: 2024\-08\-04 18:31:24
UID: 21817652
First active near: Grīziņkalns (1\.06 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 154843768
Editor used: StreetComplete 58\.2
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: Juris788
Contributor: Juris788
Mapper since: 2024\-08\-06 05:20:02
Registration: 2020\-08\-16 06:37:15
UID: 11659012
First active near: Centrs (0\.62 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 154875918
Editor used: Organic Maps android 2024\.07\.29\-2\-Google
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: linda_nng
Contributor: linda_nng
Mapper since: 2024\-08\-06 13:30:53
Registration: 2024\-08\-06 13:20:49
UID: 21822965
First active near: Jaunaudzīši (0\.00 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 154893779
Editor used: iD 2\.29\.0
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: Kriss Klein
Contributor: Kriss Klein
Mapper since: 2024\-08\-08 09:54:03
Registration: 2024\-08\-08 09:45:33
UID: 21829096
First active near: Atgāzene (0\.41 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 154970337
Editor used: iD 2\.29\.0
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: Kedra Homes
Contributor: Kedra Homes
Mapper since: 2024\-08\-10 21:12:18
Registration: 2024\-08\-10 21:03:22
UID: 21836726
First active near: Krimberģi (0\.26 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 155078791
Editor used: iD 2\.29\.0
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: TomassAndersons
Contributor: TomassAndersons
Mapper since: 2024\-08\-11 16:59:57
Registration: 2024\-08\-11 16:53:54
UID: 21839118
First active near: Limbaži (0\.18 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 155113099
Editor used: StreetComplete 58\.2
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: Valters Melnalksnis
Contributor: Valters Melnalksnis
Mapper since: 2024\-08\-11 15:06:09
Registration: 2022\-10\-25 17:34:44
UID: 17488419
First active near: Saulkrasti (0\.35 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 155107434
Editor used: StreetComplete 58\.2
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: SandyMandy12
Contributor: SandyMandy12
Mapper since: 2024\-08\-11 12:27:13
Registration: 2024\-08\-11 12:20:15
UID: 21838400
First active near: Zalve (0\.18 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 155100010
Editor used: OsmAnd\~ 4\.8\.3
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: Teo Valatkevicius
Contributor: Teo Valatkevicius
Mapper since: 2024\-08\-14 15:01:08
Registration: 2022\-10\-13 07:36:23
UID: 17398382
First active near: Dzintari (0\.29 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 155245810
Editor used: Organic Maps ios 2024\.07\.27
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: aleksf87
Contributor: aleksf87
Mapper since: 2024\-08\-23 14:47:25
Registration: 2024\-08\-23 14:35:23
UID: 21879661
First active near: Marimonts (2\.48 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 155657292
Editor used: iD 2\.30\.2
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: Jānis Upenieks
Contributor: Jānis Upenieks
Mapper since: 2024\-08\-28 18:18:12
Registration: 2023\-09\-17 18:38:46
UID: 20273302
First active near: Kleisti (2\.15 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 155894543
Editor used: iD 2\.30\.2
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: Priekšnieks
Contributor: Priekšnieks
Mapper since: 2024\-08\-29 08:23:33
Registration: 2024\-08\-28 09:34:26
UID: 21894807
First active near: Torņakalns (0\.77 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 155915459
Editor used: iD 2\.30\.2
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: Janis_Puga
Contributor: Janis_Puga
Mapper since: 2024\-08\-30 08:52:53
Registration: 2024\-08\-30 08:48:32
UID: 21902207
First active near: Jaunliepāja (0\.50 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 155962671
Editor used: iD 2\.30\.2
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: A_G21
Contributor: A_G21
Mapper since: 2024\-08\-31 09:44:25
Registration: 2024\-08\-31 09:40:22
UID: 21905513
First active near: Vecrīga (0\.95 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 156006253
Editor used: iD 2\.30\.2
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: _:Kris
Contributor: _:Kris
Mapper since: 2024\-09\-03 08:09:07
Registration: 2024\-09\-03 08:06:05
UID: 21914249
First active near: Sigulda (0\.93 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 156130372
Editor used: StreetComplete 58\.2
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: evilpingus
Contributor: evilpingus
Mapper since: 2024\-09\-04 12:28:06
Registration: 2018\-05\-24 22:25:34
UID: 8325125
First active near: Jaunliepāja (1\.76 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 156183992
Editor used: StreetComplete 58\.2
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: MarisKuzmins
Contributor: MarisKuzmins
Mapper since: 2024\-09\-18 09:12:28
Registration: 2024\-09\-18 09:07:13
UID: 21968566
First active near: Priežsalas (0\.23 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 156762628
Editor used: iD 2\.30\.2
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
**New Contributor: Aleksej](**
Contributor: [Aleksej\
Mapper since: 2024\-09\-18 18:08:07
Registration: 2024\-09\-18 17:44:03
UID: 21970635
First active near: Daugavgrīva (0\.51 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 156786717
Editor used: iD 2\.30\.2
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: Big Knoop
Contributor: Big Knoop
Mapper since: 2024\-09\-18 16:50:59
Registration: 2024\-09\-18 15:44:16
UID: 21970229
First active near: (Latvia)
First Changeset: 156783213
Editor used: iD 2\.30\.2
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: Rinalds
Contributor: Rinalds
Mapper since: 2024\-09\-19 21:18:25
Registration: 2024\-09\-19 20:53:52
UID: 21975359
First active near: Krustiņi (0\.28 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 156840974
Editor used: iD 2\.30\.2
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: Andrejs Zaļetovs
Contributor: Andrejs Zaļetovs
Mapper since: 2024\-09\-20 20:34:59
Registration: 2024\-09\-19 20:37:31
UID: 21975316
First active near: Sloka (1\.29 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 156886377
Editor used: iD 2\.30\.2
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: Vucers
Contributor: Vucers
Mapper since: 2024\-09\-22 17:08:35
Registration: 2024\-09\-20 07:59:32
UID: 21976798
First active near: Silāji (0\.02 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 156961497
Editor used: iD 2\.30\.2
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: gustafm
Contributor: gustafm
Mapper since: 2024\-09\-22 20:22:15
Registration: 2024\-09\-22 20:00:07
UID: 21984644
First active near: Jaunābeles (1\.85 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 156968182
Editor used: iD 2\.30\.2
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: Dejelnieks
Contributor: Dejelnieks
Mapper since: 2024\-09\-25 01:43:36
Registration: 2024\-09\-25 01:30:24
UID: 21993354
First active near: Cukurfabrika (0\.92 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 157061140
Editor used: iD 2\.30\.2
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: radzeens
Contributor: radzeens
Mapper since: 2024\-09\-29 14:40:58
Registration: 2024\-09\-29 14:27:31
UID: 22010413
First active near: Čiekurkalns (0\.60 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 157257248
Editor used: iD 2\.30\.2
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: Kārlis Jānis Muzikants
Contributor: Kārlis Jānis Muzikants
Mapper since: 2024\-09\-29 21:17:08
Registration: 2024\-09\-29 21:12:45
UID: 22011313
First active near: Grīziņkalns (0\.25 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 157271343
Editor used: iD 2\.30\.2
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: KPK_RTU
Contributor: KPK_RTU
Mapper since: 2024\-09\-30 09:23:48
Registration: 2024\-09\-18 15:00:26
UID: 21970090
First active near: Ziepniekkalns (0\.31 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 157287656
Editor used: iD 2\.30\.2
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: Melku_2004
Contributor: Melku_2004
Mapper since: 2024\-10\-01 11:44:59
Registration: 2024\-10\-01 09:30:58
UID: 22017183
First active near: Jelgavas Vidus (0\.30 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 157335315
Editor used: iD 2\.30\.2
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: _KinaD_
Contributor: _KinaD_
Mapper since: 2024\-10\-01 08:41:21
Registration: 2024\-10\-01 08:16:44
UID: 22016886
First active near: Pleskodāle (0\.53 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 157327617
Editor used: iD 2\.30\.2
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: PolinaGlonina
Contributor: PolinaGlonina
Mapper since: 2024\-10\-07 20:10:56
Registration: 2024\-09\-30 19:27:04
UID: 22015190
First active near: Dižbārdi (1\.18 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 157597941
Editor used: iD 2\.30\.3
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: Robert_Hermann
Contributor: Robert_Hermann
Mapper since: 2024\-10\-08 10:17:21
Registration: 2024\-10\-08 10:14:10
UID: 22043168
First active near: Vecrīga (0\.10 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 157619056
Editor used: Organic Maps android 2024\.09\.19\-2\-Google
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: JaKaMa
Contributor: JaKaMa
Mapper since: 2024\-10\-09 19:42:58
Registration: 2024\-10\-09 19:26:22
UID: 22049410
First active near: Ziedoņi (0\.11 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 157687359
Editor used: iD 2\.30\.4
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: Urbis31
Contributor: Urbis31
Mapper since: 2024\-10\-14 05:11:05
Registration: 2024\-10\-14 04:56:09
UID: 22064197
First active near: Ozolkalni (0\.62 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 157859207
Editor used: iD 2\.30\.4
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: JDze
Contributor: JDze
Mapper since: 2024\-10\-14 07:14:41
Registration: 2016\-11\-01 11:38:00
UID: 4805642
First active near: Šķirotava (1\.20 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 157862496
Editor used: iD 2\.30\.4
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: sansanzo
Contributor: sansanzo
Mapper since: 2024\-10\-14 15:04:56
Registration: 2024\-10\-14 14:43:00
UID: 22066384
First active near: Tīraine (0\.72 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 157882453
Editor used: iD 2\.30\.4
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: isthisme
Contributor: isthisme
Mapper since: 2024\-10\-15 21:19:36
Registration: 2024\-10\-15 19:14:00
UID: 22071338
First active near: Krēķciems (0\.67 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 157939259
Editor used: iD 2\.30\.4
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: Zanispleve
Contributor: Zanispleve
Mapper since: 2024\-10\-16 13:13:37
Registration: 2024\-01\-23 12:21:23
UID: 20928590
First active near: Prospektu gals (0\.25 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 157964048
Editor used: iD 2\.30\.4
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: Audiofoxy
Contributor: Audiofoxy
Mapper since: 2024\-10\-17 11:26:14
Registration: 2024\-10\-17 10:51:06
UID: 22078095
First active near: Vecpils (0\.85 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 158003423
Editor used: iD 2\.30\.4
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: Sofi-Ozol
Contributor: Sofi\-Ozol
Mapper since: 2024\-10\-22 14:35:41
Registration: 2024\-10\-22 14:27:03
UID: 22096529
First active near: Dagda (0\.09 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 158214767
Editor used: iD 2\.30\.4
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: Sabaaka
Contributor: Sabaaka
Mapper since: 2024\-10\-25 08:54:04
Registration: 2024\-10\-19 12:40:10
UID: 22085750
First active near: Imanta (1\.03 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 158327119
Editor used: iD 2\.30\.4
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: Foramen vertebrale laterale
Contributor: Foramen vertebrale laterale
Mapper since: 2024\-10\-26 06:52:19
Registration: 2024\-10\-25 08:37:27
UID: 22107210
First active near: Jelgavas Vidus (0\.94 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 158363185
Editor used: iD 2\.30\.4
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: Emīls Ginters
Contributor: Emīls Ginters
Mapper since: 2024\-10\-29 11:55:17
Registration: 2024\-10\-29 07:23:53
UID: 22119437
First active near: Teika (0\.16 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 158494600
Editor used: iD 2\.30\.4
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: Rolands Reksnis
Contributor: Rolands Reksnis
Mapper since: 2024\-10\-29 06:40:17
Registration: 2024\-10\-28 14:37:48
UID: 22117141
First active near: Būmaņi (0\.63 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 158483538
Editor used: iD 2\.30\.4
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: Yegres
Contributor: Yegres
Mapper since: 2024\-11\-05 11:19:21
Registration: 2024\-11\-05 11:15:49
UID: 22143898
First active near: Ezerkrasts (0\.46 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 158774861
Editor used: Organic Maps android 2024\.10\.23\-2\-Google
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: Kiisu_Master
Contributor: Kiisu_Master
Mapper since: 2024\-11\-05 17:36:42
Registration: 2024\-11\-05 15:00:06
UID: 22144902
First active near: Skujas (0\.27 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 158788645
Editor used: iD 2\.30\.4
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: Artis Kalveits
Contributor: Artis Kalveits
Mapper since: 2024\-11\-05 22:31:36
Registration: 2024\-11\-05 22:25:00
UID: 22146252
First active near: Bitītes (0\.02 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 158797366
Editor used: iD 2\.30\.4
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: emiltp
Contributor: emiltp
Mapper since: 2024\-11\-05 17:36:42
Registration: 2024\-11\-05 15:00:06
UID: 22144902
First active near: Skujas (0\.27 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 158788645
Editor used: iD 2\.30\.4
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: mariszin
Contributor: mariszin
Mapper since: 2024\-11\-06 09:53:26
Registration: 2020\-07\-07 11:17:50
UID: 11455717
First active near: Krimulda (1\.55 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 158810185
Editor used: iD 2\.30\.4
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: Phryzen
Contributor: Phryzen
Mapper since: 2024\-11\-09 10:59:31
Registration: 2024\-11\-09 10:53:56
UID: 22159782
First active near: Liepāja (0\.45 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 158927868
Editor used: Organic Maps android 2024\.10\.08\-5\-Web
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: Krista Elīza
Contributor: Krista Elīza
Mapper since: 2024\-11\-20 09:48:14
Registration: 2024\-11\-20 09:31:43
UID: 22199975
First active near: Vecrīga (0\.97 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 159358050
Editor used: iD 2\.30\.4
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: osens69
Contributor: osens69
Mapper since: 2024\-11\-22 20:55:57
Registration: 2024\-11\-22 20:13:51
UID: 22210519
First active near: Kusa (0\.23 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 159475250
Editor used: iD 2\.30\.4
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: ChrisClownie
Contributor: ChrisClownie
Mapper since: 2024-11-25 09:12:48
Registration: 2024-11-25 09:07:40
UID: 22218325
First active near: Grotēni (0.35 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 159563769
Editor used: iD 2.30.4
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: Koknese
Contributor: Koknese
Mapper since: 2024-11-27 20:31:58
Registration: 2024-11-27 20:30:48
UID: 22228807
First active near: Lužas (0.47 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 159676751
Editor used: OpenStop 0.8.2+21
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: Freilat
Contributor: Freilat
Mapper since: 2024-11-28 20:50:40
Registration: 2024-11-28 20:47:55
UID: 22232877
First active near: Dārzciems (0.54 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 159719216
Editor used: iD 2.30.4
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: kristaps_k
Contributor: kristaps_k
Mapper since: 2024-11-29 13:08:34
Registration: 2024-11-29 13:01:18
UID: 22235211
First active near: Avoti (0.72 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 159741237
Editor used: iD 2.30.4
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: matissPazars
Contributor: matissPazars
Mapper since: 2024-12-01 17:02:45
Registration: 2024-12-01 14:12:22
UID: 22241803
First active near: Sloka (0.43 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 159813479
Editor used: iD 2.30.4
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: Edgars Bondars
Contributor: Edgars Bondars
Mapper since: 2024-12-03 10:32:26
Registration: 2020-06-24 07:46:52
UID: 11391831
First active near: Ķīpsala (0.34 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 159874936
Editor used: iD 2.30.4
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: kbargais
Contributor: kbargais
Mapper since: 2024-12-03 12:18:11
Registration: 2024-11-28 11:43:46
UID: 22231157
First active near: Vēdzeles (0.54 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 159878647
Editor used: iD 2.30.4
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: Bertor
Contributor: Bertor
Mapper since: 2024-12-04 16:56:48
Registration: 2024-12-04 16:40:11
UID: 22255014
First active near: Priedītes (0.73 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 159926583
Editor used: iD 2.30.4
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: cynthiazzzzzzz
Contributor: cynthiazzzzzzz
Mapper since: 2024-12-04 22:42:03
Registration: 2024-12-04 22:37:43
UID: 22255977
First active near: Rīga (0.21 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 159935952
Editor used: iD 2.30.4
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: Celotajs
Contributor: Celotajs
Mapper since: 2024-12-19 12:49:42
Registration: 2024-12-19 12:46:01
UID: 22303681
First active near: Skrīveri (0.20 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 160393386
Editor used: iD 2.30.4
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: Grilled Cheeseburger
Contributor: Grilled Cheeseburger
Mapper since: 2024-12-20 12:42:58
Registration: 2024-12-20 12:29:09
UID: 22306993
First active near: (Latvia)
First Changeset: 160431842
Editor used: iD 2.30.4
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: FunkyEvil
Contributor: FunkyEvil
Mapper since: 2024-12-23 12:38:50
Registration: 2024-12-23 12:35:16
UID: 22315002
First active near: Sīgas (0.12 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 160536643
Editor used: iD 2.30.4
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: Edža
Contributor: Edža
Mapper since: 2024-12-23 19:35:08
Registration: 2024-12-23 19:30:13
UID: 22316074
First active near: Varakļāni (0.60 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 160551319
Editor used: iD 2.30.4
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: oxygen15
Contributor: oxygen15
Mapper since: 2024-12-26 20:25:07
Registration: 2024-12-26 20:02:20
UID: 22324123
First active near: Jugla (1.35 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 160652303
Editor used: iD 2.30.4
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: SAVVALA
Contributor: SAVVALA
Mapper since: 2024-12-30 17:24:50
Registration: 2024-12-30 11:38:51
UID: 22333795
First active near: Bērziņi (1.22 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 160801815
Editor used: iD 2.30.4
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: Tra1ny
Contributor: Tra1ny
Mapper since: 2025-01-01 00:19:37
Registration: 2024-12-31 23:24:00
UID: 22337609
First active near: Katlapi (0.55 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 160851100
Editor used: iD 2.30.4
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: Ilze Valdmane
Contributor: Ilze Valdmane
Mapper since: 2024-12-31 21:07:13
Registration: 2024-12-31 21:06:42
UID: 22337505
First active near: Āgenskalns (0.24 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 160848078
Editor used: Every Door iOS 5.3
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: Gaidars
Contributor: Gaidars
Mapper since: 2025-01-02 19:20:20
Registration: 2025-01-02 18:54:44
UID: 22342434
First active near: Sviķi (0.49 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 160922982
Editor used: iD 2.30.4
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: Andrejsd
Contributor: Andrejsd
Mapper since: 2025-01-03 09:43:38
Registration: 2025-01-03 09:32:37
UID: 22343903
First active near: Čiekurkalns (1.16 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 160940189
Editor used: iD 2.30.4
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: MarkM13410
Contributor: MarkM13410
Mapper since: 2025-01-04 13:51:57
Registration: 2025-01-04 13:40:43
UID: 22347499
First active near: Dzirciems (1.26 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 160986627
Editor used: iD 2.30.4
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: jacktaaniels
Contributor: jacktaaniels
Mapper since: 2025-01-06 15:49:39
Registration: 2025-01-06 15:46:21
UID: 22353881
First active near: Kilomani (0.61 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 161064022
Editor used: iD 2.30.4
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: Satelis
Contributor: Satelis
Mapper since: 2025-01-09 23:59:43
Registration: 2025-01-09 21:22:54
UID: 22366218
First active near: Plūdoņi (0.95 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 161188134
Editor used: iD 2.30.4
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: DiterDise
Contributor: DiterDise
Mapper since: 2025-01-10 20:35:22
Registration: 2025-01-10 20:26:36
UID: 22369768
First active near: Būmaņi (0.92 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 161219583
Editor used: iD 2.30.4
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: ZARS_J
Contributor: ZARS_J
Mapper since: 2025-01-10 19:00:35
Registration: 2025-01-10 18:39:13
UID: 22369524
First active near: Aurora (1.72 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 161216984
Editor used: iD 2.30.4
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: Aleksejs Moisejenko
Contributor: Aleksejs Moisejenko
Mapper since: 2025-01-12 08:22:41
Registration: 2025-01-12 06:37:28
UID: 22374052
First active near: Ķīpsala (1.03 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 161264118
Editor used: iD 2.30.4
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: Ciziks
Contributor: Ciziks
Mapper since: 2025-01-12 14:52:17
Registration: 2025-01-12 13:46:57
UID: 22375068
First active near: Cīruļi (0.19 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 161275874
Editor used: iD 2.30.4
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: Kronis
Contributor: Kronis
Mapper since: 2025-01-13 12:52:25
Registration: 2024-10-02 12:23:51
UID: 22021749
First active near: Purzāles (0.34 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 161308582
Editor used: iD 2.30.4
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: Vilcinsh
Contributor: Vilcinsh
Mapper since: 2025-01-13 18:46:57
Registration: 2025-01-12 18:50:44
UID: 22375851
First active near: Dobumi (0.26 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 161321232
Editor used: iD 2.30.4
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: Jurisco12
Contributor: Jurisco12
Mapper since: 2025-01-16 11:11:38
Registration: 2024-01-23 09:53:34
UID: 20928044
First active near: Ozoli (0.46 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 161413884
Editor used: iD 2.30.4
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: jvlaande
Contributor: jvlaande
Mapper since: 2025-01-16 06:10:30
Registration: 2025-01-16 05:39:21
UID: 22388748
First active near: Stapriņi (1.10 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 161404421
Editor used: iD 2.30.4
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: u915
Contributor: u915
Mapper since: 2025-01-16 19:34:24
Registration: 2025-01-16 07:48:15
UID: 22389182
First active near: RAF (0.57 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 161431461
Editor used: iD 2.30.4
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: MaximPixel
Contributor: MaximPixel
Mapper since: 2025-01-23 18:07:57
Registration: 2025-01-23 17:59:27
UID: 22417079
First active near: Ķengarags (1.20 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 161684450
Editor used: iD 2.30.4
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: t3rmak
Contributor: t3rmak
Mapper since: 2025-01-23 16:35:07
Registration: 2025-01-23 16:21:04
UID: 22416729
First active near: Čiekurkalns (1.23 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 161681253
Editor used: iD 2.30.4
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: Dewafgp
Contributor: Dewafgp
Mapper since: 2025-01-23 14:54:09
Registration: 2025-01-23 14:01:34
UID: 22416167
First active near: Imanta (0.72 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 161677814
Editor used: iD 2.30.4
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: Reinis Sprogis
Contributor: Reinis Sprogis
Mapper since: 2025-01-23 13:14:45
Registration: 2024-12-04 17:32:38
UID: 22255182
First active near: Andrejsala (0.59 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 161674165
Editor used: iD 2.30.4
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: Andrey Mor0zov
Contributor: Andrey Mor0zov
Mapper since: 2025-01-24 10:40:45
Registration: 2025-01-24 10:10:15
UID: 22419388
First active near: Jaundubulti (0.34 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 161706626
Editor used: iD 2.30.4
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: Fosol_
Contributor: Fosol_
Mapper since: 2025-01-24 17:35:53
Registration: 2025-01-24 17:33:37
UID: 22420895
First active near: Vipinga (0.25 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 161722059
Editor used: iD 2.30.4
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: SafeShows2024
Contributor: SafeShows2024
Mapper since: 2025-01-25 15:53:55
Registration: 2024-11-16 14:29:36
UID: 22185585
First active near: Ozolciems (1.03 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 161751709
Editor used: iD 2.30.4
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: ViiDaGreat
Contributor: ViiDaGreat
Mapper since: 2025-01-27 21:54:52
Registration: 2024-10-10 18:45:31
UID: 22053415
First active near: Ādaži (0.71 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 161836386
Editor used: OsmInEdit 1.0.15
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: adams V
Contributor: adams V
Mapper since: 2025-02-01 17:14:06
Registration: 2024-10-12 19:33:30
UID: 22060050
First active near: Ādaži (0.70 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 162019017
Editor used: iD 2.30.4
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: mjasso
Contributor: mjasso
Mapper since: 2025-02-01 20:56:13
Registration: 2025-02-01 20:19:48
UID: 22449647
First active near: Daugavgrīva (1.37 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 162025886
Editor used: iD 2.30.4
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: Тимофей Арсенич
Contributor: Тимофей Арсенич
Mapper since: 2025-02-01 19:41:12
Registration: 2025-02-01 19:39:11
UID: 22449580
First active near: Kalnaklaukas (0.53 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 162023800
Editor used: iD 2.30.4
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: unixastatine
Contributor: unixastatine
Mapper since: 2025-02-02 02:26:09
Registration: 2025-02-02 02:18:26
UID: 22450077
First active near: Centrs (0.54 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 162032120
Editor used: gnome-maps 46.0
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: Alex Mixa
Contributor: Alex Mixa
Mapper since: 2025-02-02 15:15:03
Registration: 2025-02-02 14:53:33
UID: 22451566
First active near: Gauja (0.94 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 162050770
Editor used: iD 2.30.4
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: FotoireLV
Contributor: FotoireLV
Mapper since: 2025-02-04 09:44:13
Registration: 2025-02-04 09:28:59
UID: 22458225
First active near: Andrejsala (0.49 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 162117477
Editor used: iD 2.30.4
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: DzivnieksJ
Contributor: DzivnieksJ
Mapper since: 2025-02-08 19:51:48
Registration: 2025-02-08 16:43:29
UID: 22476049
First active near: (Latvia)
First Changeset: 162292751
Editor used: iD 2.31.1
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: Hjukers
Contributor: Hjukers
Mapper since: 2025-02-10 10:47:42
Registration: 2020-05-25 15:27:42
UID: 11240889
First active near: Pleskodāle (0.32 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 162344994
Editor used: iD 2.31.1
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: nikt0
Contributor: nikt0
Mapper since: 2025-02-11 05:30:49
Registration: 2024-11-26 20:18:29
UID: 22224480
First active near: Centrs (0.84 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 162376310
Editor used: Organic Maps android 2024.11.27-12-FDroid
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: Kon4a
Contributor: Kon4a
Mapper since: 2025-02-12 06:49:35
Registration: 2025-02-12 06:33:50
UID: 22489612
First active near: Pārupi (0.28 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 162416758
Editor used: iD 2.31.1
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: Livermorijs
Contributor: Livermorijs
Mapper since: 2025-02-13 14:30:35
Registration: 2025-02-13 14:25:55
UID: 22497883
First active near: Cukurfabrika (0.35 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 162469108
Editor used: Organic Maps android 2025.01.26-9-FDroid
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: Maapsis
Contributor: Maapsis
Mapper since: 2025-02-14 13:15:25
Registration: 2025-02-14 12:42:25
UID: 22504567
First active near: Āgenskalns (0.56 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 162503036
Editor used: StreetComplete 60.1
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
New Contributor: DOMINO791
Contributor: DOMINO791
Mapper since: 2025-02-24 09:47:31
Registration: 2025-02-23 23:29:08
UID: 22553267
First active near: Dumpji (0.26 km) (Latvia)
First Changeset: 162883977
Editor used: iD 2.31.1
How did contribute to OpenStreetMap?
Last updated: Feb 27 2025 at 08:47 UTC