Changeset 143753725 (Comment no. 2) by Edgars Počs
Contributor: Edgars Počs
Discussion Comment No.: 2
Comment: Paldies!
Date: 2023-11-08T12:06:39+01:00
Changeset 143231730 (Comment no. 6) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 6
Comment: Jā, bet te gan tādu nav - te visur parastās ietves.
Date: 2023-11-08T09:10:46+01:00
Changeset 120508883 (Comment no. 1) by dieterdreist
Contributor: dieterdreist
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Hi Dāvis, have a look now, the plural is clearly preferred:
Date: 2023-11-08T08:34:56+01:00
Changeset 143611850 (Comment no. 2) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 2
Comment: Given that Rigas Satiksme still lists this stop for many routes, I have reverted this changeset pending clarification.
Date: 2023-11-06T15:50:23+01:00
Changeset 143634387 (Comment no. 1) by i-ky
Contributor: i-ky
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Sveiks!Velojosla jau bija iezīmēta ar cycleway:right=lane uz brauktuves līnijas (sk. changeset #131144975). Motivāciju tieši tādai iezīmēšanai var palasīt Zulip'ā ( vai arhīvā (
Date: 2023-11-06T11:33:46+01:00
Changeset 143604801 (Comment no. 2) by Pytsa
Contributor: Pytsa
Discussion Comment No.: 2
Comment: There's supposed to be only one point for Jauniela street - this is the street that was used as Baker Street for the Sherlock Holmes films in the Soviet Union
Date: 2023-11-04T16:01:25+01:00
Changeset 143564474 (Comment no. 3) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 3
Comment: A kas tur tagad ir? Barjeras, zāle, vienkārši zīme?
Date: 2023-11-03T15:50:36+01:00
Changeset 143487301 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Sveiki!Lūgums nelikt šādi access tegus daudzām kategorijām dažādi. 302. ceļu zīme (aplis) aizliedz iebraukt transportlīdzekļiem, izņemot ar mērķi (dzīvo, piegāde, utt.) OSM to atzīmē kā vehicle=destination vai motor_vehicle=destination (jo faktiski nav domāts velosipēdiem). Visiem pārējiem pārvietošanās veidiem ir noklusētā vērtība. Piemēram, šeit nav aizliegts braukt mopēdiem vai motocikliem. Un motorcar=no tad arī aizliegtu braukt mašīnām.īdzekļu_ierobežojumiPaldies
Date: 2023-11-02T15:54:58+01:00
Changeset 143475604 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Ar šo izmaiņu tika iezīmēti divi identiski ceļi un . Jau daudz reižu ir lūgts rediģēt uzmanīgāk.
Date: 2023-11-01T14:51:13+01:00
Changeset 143604801 (Comment no. 6) by richlv
Contributor: richlv
Discussion Comment No.: 6
Comment: ...although technically the alleyway was called (loc\_name) like that back then, there was no memorial - not sure whether a memorial exists there now, the place is private and fenced off.
Date: 2023-11-08T15:04:40+01:00
Changeset 143527825 (Comment no. 1) by richlv
Contributor: richlv
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Šī laikam nav oficiāla adrese, jo nav VZD datos?
Date: 2023-11-08T14:07:14+01:00
Changeset 143797286 (Comment no. 2) by Martins_P
Contributor: Martins\_P
Discussion Comment No.: 2
Comment: Tā ir kaut kāda radošā darbnīca/veikals.
Date: 2023-11-09T08:21:29+01:00
Changeset 143797286 (Comment no. 4) by Martins_P
Contributor: Martins_P
Discussion Comment No.: 4
Comment: manuprāt, hibrīdi un inovācijas dara savu, lai taptu jauni apzīmējumi.
Date: 2023-11-10T09:49:26+01:00
Changeset 143797286 (Comment no. 5) by i-ky
Contributor: i-ky
Discussion Comment No.: 5
Comment: Par shop=crafting nav Wiki apraksta. Apraksts ir shop=craft, kas nešķiet atbilstošs.Mājaslapā ( teikts:\* organizējam radošās darbnīcas\* izīrējam telpas jūsu radošajām nodarbībām/darbnīcām/biznesa tikšanām\* pie mums var rīkot svētku pasākumus ar vai bez mūsu radošajām darbnīcām\* izīrējam telpas pa stundām uz fotosesijām/video filmēšanuNo OSM Wiki aprakstītajiem, manuprāt, derētu amenity=training;arts_centre;events_venue
Date: 2023-11-10T12:42:58+01:00
Changeset 143915564 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Sveiki!Zīmējot ietves, tās ir pēc iespējas jāsavieno vietās, kur faktiski gājēji var šķērsot ielas. Šajā gadījumā, pie ir pilnīgi pareizi savienot ar vai ar vēl neuzzīmētu turpinājumu. Ja ietves šādi nebūs savienotas, tad maršrutēšana te arī nestrādās. Parasti tādās blīvās vietās ietves veidos "četrstūri", piemēram līdzīgi kā krustojums.
Date: 2023-11-11T23:27:22+01:00
Changeset 143928709 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Hello!It seems very unlikely that this is the name of the memorial/gravestone, let alone written in Ukrainian. Passing by this (, I do not see any obvious inscription of such length. Can you please specify where exactly is this text found that you have added?Thanks
Date: 2023-11-12T11:38:35+01:00
Changeset 143915564 (Comment no. 2) by Martins_P
Contributor: Martins_P
Discussion Comment No.: 2
Comment: Baigi labi, salikšu atpakaļ!
Date: 2023-11-12T07:15:02+01:00
Changeset 143943448 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Sveiki,Izdzēšot Gaujas ielas posmu tika salauzti autobusu maršruti. Es šeit izlaboju, bet lūdzu nākotnē uzmanīgāk, ja tiek dzēsti būtiski ielu gabali.
Date: 2023-11-13T10:41:46+01:00
Changeset 143928709 (Comment no. 2) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 2
Comment: You have now added an English name, which is different to the previous "name". Can you please clarify where these names are from? Are these descriptions and, if so, what is the source for them?
Date: 2023-11-13T10:21:38+01:00
Changeset 143634387 (Comment no. 2) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 2
Comment: Sveiki, šo izmaiņu pagaidām atcēlu, jo neesam saņēmuši atbildi un šādā veidā šeit dati ir nepareizi/dublēti.
Date: 2023-11-13T10:16:42+01:00
Changeset 143943448 (Comment no. 4) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 4
Comment: Ir slēgta, bet runa par 9. autobusa turp-atpakaļ maršrutu/relācijām, kuras bija palikušas pa Gaujas ielu un ar pārrāvumu Brasas pārbrauktuvei. Tās vajadzēja pārlikt uz Brasas tiltu. Vai pagaidām vismaz nedzēst pārbrauktuvi (uzlikt access=no, piemēram), lai maršruts nesalūzt pilnībā.
Date: 2023-11-13T16:08:17+01:00
Changeset 143943448 (Comment no. 5) by richlv
Contributor: richlv
Discussion Comment No.: 5
Comment: Vēl jāatceras, ka no Google/Waze nedrīkst neko pārzīmēt.
Date: 2023-11-13T18:29:34+01:00
Changeset 144002280 (Comment no. 3) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 3
Comment: The bike route that you moved was only the name on the foot/cycleways "Centrs - Mežaparks". This isn't a route relation. The relations I'm talking about are:E9 - City Centre - Vecāķiūras ceļšētā Jēkaba ceļš 13 rerouted them over the bridge. This is more complicated to do, which is why I mentioned this for the future reference.P. S. This is not part of the issue, but I also created and properly set up the Centrs - Mežaparks route/relation . That's how local cycling routes are normally supposed to be done.
Date: 2023-11-14T11:23:59+01:00
Changeset 143943448 (Comment no. 6) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 6
Comment: Kāds cits kartētājs norādījis, ka pārbrauktuve joprojām ir vaļā līdz mēneša beigām.ā kā, ja tiešām ir izmantots Waze/Google nevis personīgi pārbaudīts (vai no piemēram ziņām) - tad to nevajadzēja vispār mainīt/dzēst pagaidām.
Date: 2023-11-14T17:12:01+01:00
Changeset 144069206 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Hi!
Thanks for the map correction.
I wanted to clarify whether this connection is completely impassable or if it's just not a road connection, but bike or people can still walk through on a dirt track or path? This connection is part of cadaster road line, so it's unlikely that it is blocked off completely.
Date: 2023-11-15T22:37:15+01:00
Changeset 144208580 (Comment no. 2) by Evropeec
Contributor: Evropeec
Discussion Comment No.: 2
Comment: "Wanted to ask you - is this cafe (pizza place?) inside the building?" - Yes. Is the "Eldorado casino/gambling hall no longer in the building?" - Yes it is
Date: 2023-11-19T20:13:18+01:00
Changeset 144215778 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Sveiki!
Paldies par izmaiņām.
Gribēju pieminēt, ka OSM lielākā daļa lauku vērtību ir iepriekš definētas, angļu valodā un lielākoties standartizētas pasaulē. Piemēram "u_veida" un "trijstūra_veida" vērtības datos nederēs, jo šīs nekas nemācēs apstrādāt. Šeit jāliek vērtība "stands", kas ir statīvi, kur pieslien riteni. Tā kā pasaulē ir simtiem variantu šiem, tad sīkāk šīs vērtības nedalās.
Par vērtībām var izlasīt šeit:
Es pievienotos statīvus jau pārlaboju.
Date: 2023-11-19T19:38:29+01:00
Changeset 144258067 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Hi!
Thanks for your addition.
But the school has already been drawn here as an area:
A new point would duplicate the school element, so I have removed it for now and fixed the name. The existing area also had most of the information (except opening hours, which we usually don't include for schools because they vary a lot as you can see at ).
Let me know if you have any questions.
Date: 2023-11-20T22:40:52+01:00
Changeset 144315602 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Sveiki,
Kadastrā šis ceļa gabals joprojām ir "Stārķa ceļš" gar ēku. Vai Kuldīgas pašvaldību dokumentos ir citi dati par to?
Date: 2023-11-22T17:48:58+01:00
Changeset 144371611 (Comment no. 1) by richlv
Contributor: richlv
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Sveiki, liels paldies par kartes uzlabošanu.
Šajā gadījumā objekts jau ir amenity=toilets, tam var droši ņemt nost toilets=yes - šo otru tagu dažreiz pievieno pamatobjektam (piemēram, degvielas uzpildes stacijai), lai norādītu, ka tajā ir pieejama tualete.
Kopā ar amenity=toilets tas sanāk kā "šajā tualetē iekšā ir tualete".
Date: 2023-11-24T08:56:44+01:00
Changeset 144406056 (Comment no. 3) by richlv
Contributor: richlv
Discussion Comment No.: 3
Comment: Pedantic high-five! =)
Date: 2023-11-24T13:11:08+01:00
Changeset 144371611 (Comment no. 3) by richlv
Contributor: richlv
Discussion Comment No.: 3
Comment: Paldies par skaidrojumu.
Tad gan būtu jāņem nost, jo OSM ir "don't tag for the renderer" princips - neveidot datus, "hakojot" kādu rīku.
Oriģināli tas bija par tagiem, kurus nepareizi izmantoja, lai kaut kas parādītos kartē - un tas attiecas arī uz maršrutēšanu un citiem rīkiem.
Overpass arī samērā specializēts rīks, un tagot speciāli tam nav īsti labi. Pie tam, šāds princips parādās ar jebkuru tagu - supermarket, cemetery...
Šo tēmu var apspriest arī OSM Latvijas kopienas čatā, .
Date: 2023-11-26T18:58:54+01:00
Changeset 144512222 (Comment no. 2) by emils
Contributor: emils
Discussion Comment No.: 2
Comment: ok
Date: 2023-11-27T17:17:36+01:00
Changeset 144514772 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Hi!
You shouldn't add bicycle=no to road segments where bicycle traffic is not forbidden with a sign or somehow else. Access tags are primarily for legal restrictions and bicycles are vehicles that follow traffic laws. As far as I know, it's perfectly legal for bikes to travel along A2 and through this intersection even if it's not safe or desired.
Date: 2023-11-27T23:01:21+01:00
Changeset 144513617 (Comment no. 2) by AleksPLV19
Contributor: AleksPLV19
Discussion Comment No.: 2
Comment: AlkOultlet - is the correct name, this place still exists.
Date: 2023-11-28T10:14:18+01:00
Changeset 144513617 (Comment no. 3) by richlv
Contributor: richlv
Discussion Comment No.: 3
Comment: Thanks, fixed the name
Date: 2023-11-29T10:00:51+01:00
Changeset 144652131 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Hi!
Just to let you know, I removed landuse=military
from . This location is not a military land use location.
Date: 2023-12-01T10:46:33+01:00
Changeset 144660562 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Sveiki!
Vai šie tiešām ir brasli un Ortofoto izskatās pēc tipiskām caurtekām grāvjiem.
Date: 2023-12-01T15:32:45+01:00
Changeset 144652131 (Comment no. 3) by richlv
Contributor: richlv
Discussion Comment No.: 3
Comment: The node mentioned by Hellmap still has military=obstacle_course, which is likely incorrect. Perhaps something from the "leisure" namespace is a better fit.
Date: 2023-12-01T13:26:25+01:00
Changeset 144654745 (Comment no. 1) by richlv
Contributor: richlv
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: As far as I understand, "Smartpost" is a brand "Itella" operates under, split it in operator/brand tags.
Date: 2023-12-01T13:11:24+01:00
Changeset 144694641 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Sveiki!
Paldies par šo punktu pievienošanu; vienmēr ir grūti apsekot punktus ēkās.
Gribēju pieminēt, ka nevajadzētu neko novietot vai pārvietot, pamatojoties uz to, kā tas parādās kartē. Ir daudz dažādu karšu, kuras izmanto OSM, un katrā no tām lietas var tikt zīmētas atšķirīgi. OSM ir pirmkārt datubāze, tāpēc visiem elementiem jābūt pareiziem - tostarp pēc iespējas pareizā vietā.
Date: 2023-12-02T15:58:12+01:00
Changeset 144690459 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Hello,
I undid this edit, because you deleted the wrong element. You remove the "Valsts meža dienests" government office node. This office and this building are still here (as far as I know). The old building that was demolished and where a new one is now under construction is next to it.
Let me know if I misunderstood your intention.
Date: 2023-12-02T14:43:14+01:00
Changeset 144715281 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Hello,
Can you please clarify where exactly is this guest house is located? The node you placed is almost on top of an intersection in a park area. Is it in the building nearby? Does it have a name?
Date: 2023-12-03T10:36:58+01:00
Changeset 144715281 (Comment no. 2) by richlv
Contributor: richlv
Discussion Comment No.: 2
Comment: Might be a personal note for the nearby hotel.
Date: 2023-12-04T08:59:51+01:00
Changeset 144715281 (Comment no. 3) by richlv
Contributor: richlv
Discussion Comment No.: 3
Comment: It's been 5 days without a response, perhaps worth deleting the node?
Date: 2023-12-08T22:31:14+01:00
Changeset 144715281 (Comment no. 4) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 4
Comment: Yes, I think it's fair to delete the node.
I am however also interested in the other 2 hotel nodes added previously. One is on top of some rural residentials and one is in a multistorey building, but nothing in Mapillary or quick search suggests an obvious hotel. These could be Airbnb-style locations, but we don't really map those and the editor would have to confirm.
Date: 2023-12-09T13:07:36+01:00
Changeset 144968108 (Comment no. 1) by richlv
Contributor: richlv
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Sveiki, ar šo izmaiņu kopu pievienots šis ceļš: .
Ja tur ir kāds ceļš, to vajadzētu savienot ar citiem ceļiem, lai pareizi strādātu maršrutēšana.
Vēl būtu labi saprast, kas tas ir par ceļu. Varbūt tā ir taciņa, vai speciāli izveidots gājēju ceļš (piem., asfaltēts vai bruģēts)?
Date: 2023-12-11T00:51:46+01:00
Changeset 144992158 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Hello,
Please do not delete roads that exist in real life, regardless if the owner allows or doesn't allow to use them. For legal access of roads, there are access
tags. So, for example, access=private
for a road that is restricted by land owners. Here the road was previously tagged with motor_vehicle=private
, which means vehicles cannot pass here, but for example pedestrians and bicycles can. Has this changed? Your comment only mentions "drive".
Date: 2023-12-11T22:26:49+01:00
Changeset 144994610 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Hello,
Just wanted to check if I understand this correctly. What was your intention with this edit/correction?
I understand that name:etymology is for the word or term that the name is directly from, not for a lengthy description. I don't know if name:etymology:description is correct or used for that, but it's most likely not correct in the main name:etymology tag. name:etymology here would be "upe" (lv) / "river" (en).
Date: 2023-12-11T22:20:13+01:00
Changeset 145007661 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Hi!
Wanted to ask you about the access=permit here. On OSM "permit" means that anyone can normally gain a permit here, not just people who live (or work) here. Are these gates really permit-based and not just private for residents? Note that this is not the same as typical road signs "ar atļaujām", because those do not imply general public.
Date: 2023-12-11T22:11:34+01:00
Changeset 144994610 (Comment no. 2) by mueschel
Contributor: mueschel
Discussion Comment No.: 2
Comment: Hi,
yes, you're right. I just reverted my edits here.
Date: 2023-12-12T10:44:36+01:00
Changeset 145007661 (Comment no. 2) by kucervja
Contributor: kucervja
Discussion Comment No.: 2
Comment: Hi! Thank you for your note. These gates on both sides of the building are opened for public access with no any restriction. At least this is the current situation
Date: 2023-12-12T13:49:17+01:00
Changeset 145041036 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Hi!
Thanks for your edits! I fixed a few issues and just letting you know about these.
Names should not be used as descriptions - either the feature needs a more specific tag or if it really needs an "explanation", then a description
tag can be used. But the name
should never be something like "bāzes stacija" or "pirts", because those are not the actual names of the features. Similarly, there are tags for things like operator=LMT
or reference number, e.g. ref=155
that data consumers can use. If the name of the area or point is something like "LMT bāzes stacija "Zaiceva"", then it would be just "Zaiceva" (and may be official_name for the long name assuming it's from an official source).
You also shouldn't create unspecified/unknown site
relations for objects that are already within a common area, such as farmyard or industrial. Firstly, this is redundant to the area - everything is already in it. Secondly, data consumers don't really know or process these, because the actual type of the site or what should be included is not defined in OSM. It's better to just draw an area around if it's still not there. This also means other mappers have to maintain fewer features and there aren't data redundancies. And finally, one could make sites for pretty much anything they can think of (playgrounds, schools, supermarkets, etc.) - and while this is not forbidden, it also doesn't really improve the map unless there is a larger community support and standards for such sites. At the very least, if adding a lot of such features, then it should be discussed with at least the local community.
Let me know if you have any questions. I tried to summarize a lot of stuff in a very short message.
Date: 2023-12-12T20:31:55+01:00
Changeset 144715281 (Comment no. 5) by richlv
Contributor: richlv
Discussion Comment No.: 5
Comment: Yeah, I don't think it makes sense to map AirBnB locations, those are located by address 99% of the time anyway.
Deleted this node.
Regarding the other nodes, would you have a chance to comment on those changesets?
Date: 2023-12-13T17:53:44+01:00
Changeset 144715281 (Comment no. 6) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 6
Comment: One of the other two was already deleted at . I deleted the other one.
Sorry, but I'm not going to waste my time on leaving yet another comment that won't be replied to.
Date: 2023-12-13T18:36:02+01:00
Changeset 126430801 (Comment no. 1) by richlv
Contributor: richlv
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Sveiki, skatos, ka te ir mēģināts pievienot Jaunbērzu adreses punktu pie ēkas, kura no oficiālās adreses ir 150 metru attālumā.
Tā kā oficiālās adreses tiek sinhronizētas automātiski, no ēkas punkts visas reizes pazuda.
Ja adresi gribētos piešķirt tai konkrētajai ēkai, laikam vērts sazināties ar pašvaldību par adreses punkta precizēšanu.
Date: 2023-12-14T09:40:30+01:00
Changeset 145107154 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Hi!
Just wanted to let you know that in Latvia there is general consensus to tag ways with blue cycleway traffic signs as cycleways, rather than footways. So these sidewalks should ideally be converted to highway=cycleway
+ foot=designated
+ (+ bicycle=designated
) segregated=no
(or the JOSM variant, although most stuff in Latvia uses iD variant). There are certain legal traffic law distinctions between sidewalks and shared cycleways, so it's best to be exact.
I can't say for other countries without looking into it, but on OSM in general European blue cycleway signs are tagged as cycle infrastructure.
Date: 2023-12-14T21:40:40+01:00
Changeset 126430801 (Comment no. 2) by The Kiotio
Contributor: The Kiotio
Discussion Comment No.: 2
Comment: Sveiki,
Tā arī sapratu kad pirmo reizi adrese pazuda no mājas.
Date: 2023-12-14T19:15:56+01:00
Changeset 145107154 (Comment no. 2) by grelus
Contributor: grelus
Discussion Comment No.: 2
Comment: Thanks for clearing this and for link to latvian standards. Normaly I use JOSM tagging presets, but here I was using ID and just added "designated" bicycle tag without changing "footway" tag, so from now on I will stick to the guidelines.
Date: 2023-12-15T09:58:37+01:00
Changeset 144694641 (Comment no. 2) by richlv
Contributor: richlv
Discussion Comment No.: 2
Comment: Jā, precīza novietošana vēlama, jo tas arī palīdz vieglāk atrast objektus.
Tas ļauj arī veidot vēl detalizētākas dažādu ēku kartes, piemēram, .
Date: 2023-12-15T13:04:04+01:00
Changeset 144715281 (Comment no. 7) by richlv
Contributor: richlv
Discussion Comment No.: 7
Comment: Hehe, all good, no worries :)
One use from changeset comments is that in the future they potentially can allow to see which users are not responding, but in this case - likely not that relevant.
Date: 2023-12-15T13:01:01+01:00
Changeset 145173138 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Hello,
As mentioned before in, we'd like to know more about where exactly this guest house is located and some info about it as the node you created is in the middle of the street. I have removed the node for now pending clarification.
Date: 2023-12-16T14:42:51+01:00
Changeset 139185150 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Sveiki!
Vai varētu precizēt, kāds tieši it darbnīcas nosaukums? Kas ar "/" simbolu domāts - alternatīvs nosaukums? Vai "Latgalītes" arī ir nosaukumā un vai tas ir tiešām ar pēdiņām? Un kas tieši bija domāts ar operator=Jančuks - vai tas ir uzņēmuma nosaukums?
Date: 2023-12-17T15:37:36+01:00
Changeset 145267190 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Hello,
Has this path really been recently removed? It was still there mid-November after most of the works were finished. It snowed soon after, so it seems unlikely something else was done here.
Date: 2023-12-18T22:33:12+01:00
Changeset 145307549 (Comment no. 1) by richlv
Contributor: richlv
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Vai Staļģenes skolas ēkā tiešām ir tikai pamatskola?
No un izskatās, ka tur tomēr ir arī vidusskola.
Date: 2023-12-21T01:32:42+01:00
Changeset 145344378 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Hi!
Thanks for your changes!
However, I had to correct the waterway back to a stream. This is not a river in OSM tagging sense, regardless of its historical name or width or historical local designation. Many semi-artificial streams, even based on historical streambeds and riverbeds are only streams nowadays. This one simply semi-artificially router the water around developed areas. To add, a river cannot terminate in a waterway that is lesser than itself. And this stream ends up in a canal running parallel to the dam. If it had the characteristics of a river, it would end up in Daugava or overflow otherwise.
Date: 2023-12-21T10:07:03+01:00
Changeset 145438488 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Hi!
Could you please clarify what makes a service road? Does it lead to some new location that isn't mapped yet? It looks like it's in the middle of a forest.
Date: 2023-12-23T17:01:32+01:00
Changeset 145398766 (Comment no. 5) by richlv
Contributor: richlv
Discussion Comment No.: 5
Comment: Indeed, please note that we may not use data from any other map unless it has been explicitly allowed.
If other maps are used, it risks having all your contributions reverted.
Please see paragraph 1 in .
Also from :
"Unless you have special permission, don't copy from online or paper maps."
Date: 2023-12-22T18:34:48+01:00
Changeset 140627258 (Comment no. 2) by Mister_R2
Contributor: Mister_R2
Discussion Comment No.: 2
Comment: When I created this change, I had walked in the forest I did see trenches with many other things I confirmed it with some old USSR stuff laying around.
Date: 2023-12-22T06:50:16+01:00
Changeset 140627258 (Comment no. 3) by richlv
Contributor: richlv
Discussion Comment No.: 3
Comment: I guess the question was whether is mistagged as waterway=river - perhaps it should be barrier=ditch, military=trench?
Date: 2023-12-28T21:20:42+01:00
Changeset 145663908 (Comment no. 3) by andrisl
Contributor: andrisl
Discussion Comment No.: 3
Comment: Runa ir par noklusējuma karti, kas rādās, atverot Tur rāda, ka to ielu sauc Ganību iela, taču kartē tā tiešām ir saukta kā Pīlādžu iela.
Date: 2023-12-29T17:47:12+01:00
Changeset 145663908 (Comment no. 4) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 4
Comment: Pirmās trīs kartes izmanto Jāņa Sētu. Noklusējuma karte ir atkarīga no browsera un uzstādījumiem, bet es pieņemu, ka varbūt atveras pirmā (pelēkās ielas), kur fona karte ir vairāku avotu salīmēta. Tā kā tur iekļauts no JS, tad to arī izmantot nevar.
Vēlreiz piebildīšu, ka tā karte var būt novecojusi - nav zināms, cik bieži viņi to fona slāni atjauno un datus labo. VZD ielu līnijas ir ļoti šķības, tāpēc to kādam tik un tā jāzīmē. Tāpēc visas tās kartes ir ar zināmu novecojumu un pareizība nav garantēta. Nav arī zināms, no kurienes oriģinālie dati - VZD, pašu pētīts, pašvaldību terplāni... Tie var būt ar gadu desmitu kļūdām un izmaiņām.
Date: 2023-12-29T18:18:40+01:00
Changeset 145745543 (Comment no. 2) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 2
Comment: Jā, bet šis ir sezonāli. Ar surface=mud
apzīmē ceļus, kas ir šādā stāvoklī visu gadu, vai vismaz lielāko daļu gada. Pašlaik tā izskatās puse izbraukāto meža ceļu pie ziemas atkušņiem/sasalumiem. To nevar izmantot "galvenā" seguma noteikšanā. Vasarā šis gabals ir "normāls":
Date: 2023-12-31T20:32:27+01:00
Changeset 145743517 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Sveiki!
apzīmē vietas paredzētas dzelzceļu līniju šķērsošanai. Latvijā dzelzceļu drīkst šķērsot tikai tam speciāli paredzētās vietās. Tādēļ neoficiālās vietās kā šeit būtu jāliek crossing=no
Date: 2023-12-31T20:03:36+01:00
Changeset 145728759 (Comment no. 2) by Maris33
Contributor: Maris33
Discussion Comment No.: 2
Comment: or
Date: 2024-01-02T17:05:39+01:00
Changeset 145728759 (Comment no. 3) by iav
Contributor: iav
Discussion Comment No.: 3
Comment: Thank you!
Date: 2024-01-02T20:14:25+01:00
Changeset 145267190 (Comment no. 2) by richlv
Contributor: richlv
Discussion Comment No.: 2
Comment: Heya, any thoughts on this, was it indeed removed?
Date: 2024-01-03T17:47:53+01:00
Changeset 145267190 (Comment no. 14) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 14
Comment: Thanks!
This location is fairly detailed, so including sidewalks as separate ways is generally preferred. At least, you shouldn't remove sidewalks once they are drawn. This one is admittedly a useless one, but it still exists, is not like the surrounding grass, has a kerb and the service road crosses it (technically, pedestrians have right of way). So it's still information, even if it's not exactly high priority.
Date: 2024-01-03T21:43:37+01:00
Changeset 145969855 (Comment no. 1) by richlv
Contributor: richlv
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Sveiki, izskatās, ka šajā izmaiņu kopā mājvārdi duplicēti visām ēkām saimniecībā. Tā kā adreses tiek importētas no oficiālajiem datiem, šāda duplicēšana nav vispāratzīta prakse.
Vai ir kāds īpašs iemesls šādai duplicēšanai?
Date: 2024-01-07T01:40:20+01:00
Changeset 145969855 (Comment no. 9) by drtzdrfh
Contributor: drtzdrfh
Discussion Comment No.: 9
Comment: Es jau laboju šobrīd
Date: 2024-01-07T11:20:06+01:00
Changeset 145989486 (Comment no. 2) by drtzdrfh
Contributor: drtzdrfh
Discussion Comment No.: 2
Comment: Nē, kļūdaties jūs, reālā pasaulē arí pastāv šis, varat aiziet un pats parbaudit
Date: 2024-01-07T15:43:15+01:00
Changeset 146047262 (Comment no. 2) by Cucazer
Contributor: Cucazer
Discussion Comment No.: 2
Comment: Yes, this changeset is related to that note, thank you for linking
Date: 2024-01-09T11:46:13+01:00
Changeset 146281276 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Hi!
The address here wasn't properly formatted, but the attempted "LV" prefix as such in the postcode was correct. The postcode format in Latvia is "LV-####" as seen on nearby POIs. We have an automated process updating addresses, so they are all standardized across the country.
I have fixed this one, so just letting you know.
Date: 2024-01-15T16:03:01+01:00
Changeset 146281276 (Comment no. 2) by mtmail
Contributor: mtmail
Discussion Comment No.: 2
Comment: Thank a lot! The tool uses "(LV-)?(dddd)" and I didn't notice the Lv->LV error. I checked with Overpass API now and indeed the whole country used the prefix, I'll get the regular expression updated.
Date: 2024-01-15T19:03:54+01:00
Changeset 146282395 (Comment no. 1) by Cucazer
Contributor: Cucazer
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Ooh, I've always stumbled upon these points and wondered whether these really belong here. Thanks for addressing my concerns!
Btw, that knotted area in the middle is some kind of MTB park with trails and jumps, as I remember it from more than 10 years ago.
Published using OSMCha:
Date: 2024-01-18T15:01:48+01:00
Changeset 140496109 (Comment no. 2) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 2
Comment: Yeah, you are probably right. I didn't really look closer, but looks at the well nearby and what looks like outgasing pipes, it's probably a pumping/life station or something. Not sure though, so removed power tag.
Date: 2024-01-20T13:10:04+01:00
Changeset 146540865 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Čau!
Vai šo celiņu nojauca/neuzbūvēja?
Date: 2024-01-22T21:05:19+01:00
Changeset 137825274 (Comment no. 1) by artuuurs
Contributor: artuuurs
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Sveiki! Kāpēc uzlikāt piste:abandoned? Trase tur ir katru ziemu - gan pērn, gan šogad. Vasarā, protams, nav. :)
Date: 2024-01-23T11:38:57+01:00
Changeset 146587404 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Hello,
Please don't remove nodes that are address points, because these come from the official cadaster VZD data and are correct as far as addressing is concerned.
If the owners of the property want to remove this second address and for this to be reflected in various maps, then they need to contact VZD.
In addition, the addresses in Latvia are updated automatically, so any changes to such points would get undone anyway.
Date: 2024-01-24T10:24:11+01:00
Changeset 146702653 (Comment no. 1) by richlv
Contributor: richlv
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Sveiki, šis droši vien nav tourism=viewpoint - droši vien domāta personīga piezīme?
Iespējams, Organic Maps aplikācija ( forks) varētu būt ērtāka lietošanā šādu personīgu piezīmju ziņā.
Date: 2024-01-26T12:15:59+01:00
Changeset 146702653 (Comment no. 2) by Alex Kritenko
Contributor: Alex Kritenko
Discussion Comment No.: 2
Comment: Labdien. Jā, tā bij personīga piezīme. Droši var dzēst to viewpoint. Paldies
Date: 2024-01-26T20:00:09+01:00
Changeset 138051781 (Comment no. 2) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 2
Comment: Ups, es to gribēju nokomentēt, bet ne to elementu izvēlējos :upside_down:
Date: 2024-01-27T21:11:17+01:00
Changeset 113089504 (Comment no. 1) by Mateusz Konieczny
Contributor: Mateusz Konieczny
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Hello!
You used
Have you maybe meant
I am pretty sure that it is a typo, but not sure enough to just replace it (I edited some objects where situation seemed more clear to me).
Or have you used this value deliberately? In such case, what was the intended meaning?
Date: 2024-01-28T09:46:31+01:00
Changeset 113089504 (Comment no. 2) by Fabe56
Contributor: Fabe56
Discussion Comment No.: 2
Comment: Nice catch, my OSM UI is in french and by list propose Buste. Looks like it does not match it with the English term:
Date: 2024-01-29T15:08:59+01:00
Changeset 146540865 (Comment no. 2) by UrSuS
Contributor: UrSuS
Discussion Comment No.: 2
Comment: Es atgriezu, Nepamanīju :)
Date: 2024-01-29T18:29:20+01:00
Changeset 138051781 (Comment no. 3) by UrSuS
Contributor: UrSuS
Discussion Comment No.: 3
Comment: Paldies! Nejauši salauzu :)
Date: 2024-01-29T18:25:12+01:00
Changeset 146820290 (Comment no. 3) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 3
Comment: Thanks for clarifying! A couple points.
You should not make any changes to OSM to "fix" some other router (or navigator, map, app, etc.). OSM contains the data and it should be correct and accurate. If another application is not using it correctly - it should be fixed there.
You say that GraphHopper cannot create a route. Well, it sounds like it shouldn't - this road is not accessible to anything that is not buses. Therefore, motor_vehicle=yes
would not be correct.
Date: 2024-01-30T16:06:26+01:00
Changeset 146794405 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Sveiki,
Mainot tegus bez apsekošanas lūdzu būt uzmanīgam. Varbūt liela daļa tiešām ir pareizi. Bet ne visi tunnel=yes
piemēri ir tunnel=building_passage
. Piemēram, šeit visi celiņi ir vienkārši covered=yes . Šeit nemaz vienas sienas nav un arī ir covered=yes . Šeit dekoratīva konstrukcija nepareizi kā ēka iezīmēta . Noteikti ir daudz tādi piemēri, kur nevar zināt, ko īsti autors bija domājis un kāpēc ir nepareizi. Nomainot šādi tegus rodas priekšstats, ka tie tagad ir iezīmēti pareizi, bet faktiski šādi kļūda tiek "noslēpta".
Date: 2024-01-30T14:42:03+01:00
Changeset 146820290 (Comment no. 6) by richlv
Contributor: richlv
Discussion Comment No.: 6
Comment: BTW, it might be more convenient to discuss this in the OSM community chat, .
Date: 2024-01-31T11:58:38+01:00
Changeset 146885671 (Comment no. 2) by Atalanttore
Contributor: Atalanttore
Discussion Comment No.: 2
Comment: Hi
Date: 2024-01-31T15:27:07+01:00
Changeset 146924504 (Comment no. 1) by Tomas Straupis
Contributor: Tomas Straupis
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Hello, please do not change waterbody tagging in Lithuania, you're damaging good data. I will revert your changes in Lithuania.
Date: 2024-02-02T06:57:55+01:00
Changeset 146924998 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Lūdzu beidz redaktorā spiest fix/upgrade pogu, ja tu neesi uzmanīgi paskatījies, ko tieši tu "labo". Tas, ka redaktors rāda paziņojumu nenozīmē, ka tā ir vienmēr kļūda.
Tas nav seamark
Ar layer elementu pārklāšanos automātiski nelabo Kā iepriekš minēts, tādā veidā tu tikai noslēp reālo problēmu, nevis reāli kaut ko izlabo.
Šādās vietās noexit=no neliek
Šis bija marked crossing
building=roof nav automātiski jāliek layer=1, ja tas ne ar vienu citu elementu nekonfliktē
Date: 2024-02-02T17:13:05+01:00
Changeset 146993367 (Comment no. 1) by andrisl
Contributor: andrisl
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Ja jau layer variants nav derīgs, tad kāpēc ID to visoār piedāvā kā risinājumu? Personīgi es neredzu tajā problēmu. Protams, nenoliedzami, covered=yes uz highway variants arī ir derīgs.
Date: 2024-02-02T23:42:45+01:00
Changeset 146992910 (Comment no. 1) by andrisl
Contributor: andrisl
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Pieliku noexit tagus, lai atrisinātu almost-junction problēmas, kas ID rādījās. Izdzēšot tos, tu atkal šīs problēmas atjaunoji. Kāds ir tavs risinājums šai šīm almost-junction problēmām?
Date: 2024-02-02T23:33:20+01:00
Changeset 146924998 (Comment no. 2) by richlv
Contributor: richlv
Discussion Comment No.: 2
Comment: Iespējams, par šādām izmaiņām vērts apspriesties OSM Latvijas kopienas čatā .
iD redaktors tiešām ar saviem ieteikumiem pārāk bieži samulsina lietotājus.
Date: 2024-02-02T21:41:49+01:00
Changeset 146980122 (Comment no. 1) by richlv
Contributor: richlv
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Sveiki, paldies par OSM uzlabošanu.
Mazliet palaboju tagus, tai saitā nodzēsu website tagu - tam bija nepareizs SSL sertifikāts, kurš pāradresēja uz kādu Lietuvas domēna lapu, kura savukārt pāradresēja uz kādu Instagram lapu, kura nestrādāja.
Iezīmēju arī dažas ēkas šeit, lai gan no ortofoto grūti saprast izkārtojumu.
Arī piebraucamos ceļus neriskēju iezīmēt pagaidām.
Ja ir vēlme turpināt ar kartes papildināšanu, laipni lūgti OSM Latvijas kopienas čatā .
Date: 2024-02-02T21:37:58+01:00
Changeset 146992910 (Comment no. 2) by richlv
Contributor: richlv
Discussion Comment No.: 2
Comment: Es te ar skatu no malas - man nav viedokļa par konkrēto tagu, bet kopumā:
"It is important to understand that warnings are just warnings, they should be examined and fixed where possible but never at the cost of introducing wrong data. Some validators warnings are generated for valid data. Often in such cases validator code should be fixed, not OSM data. Sometimes false positives are unavoidable."
Date: 2024-02-03T02:29:26+01:00
Changeset 146993367 (Comment no. 2) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 2
Comment: iD nav tik gudrs redaktors un par risinājumu bieži piedāvā ļoti vienkāršus risinājumus, jo tie der 95% gadījumu. Bet šeit ir viens no tiem piemēriem, kur ir iekartēts daudz un smalki, bet ne līdz galam un ar nepilnībām. iD tādas nianses nesaprot (un neviens rīks tādas nekad līdz galam nesapratīs).
variants var būt derīgs, bet tam tad ir jābūt pareizi pret citiem elementiem. Varbūt te arī var uzlikt tikai layer=1
, ja tas visu pareizi atrisina. Bet galvenais šeit ir, ja tu to sauc par izlabošanu, tad tu esi reāli sapratis situāciju un to izlabojis ar pamatojumu. Bet tā kā šis labojums bija no lielas izmaiņas visādās vietās, man nešķiet, ka tu šeit pārbaudīji līdz galam:
Vai tu ņēmi vērā, ka šeit ir building:part=roof
? Kāpēc tam nav layer
? Vai nevajag arī building:part=retail
, kur savienojas entrance=shop
Vai tas, ka šeit highway=pedestrian
un highway=footway
ir vienā līmenī, bet footway is ar covered=yes
, bet pedestrian
tāda nav? Tātad tie nemaz teorētiski savā starpā nav maršrutējami.
Vai highway=pedestrian
vispār būtu jāsavienojas ar building:part=roof
, ja tie ir dažādos līmeņos?
Te ir jālabo daudz ilgāk par iD piedāvāto risināju un es pat pateikt uzreiz nevaru, kāds variants būtu precīzākais. Tāpēc arī tā "problēma" šeit ir - jo kādam tas ir uzmanīgi jākartē. Man personīgi nav bijis laika tam pagaidām. Šeit pat piezīme atstāta . Nospiest "tag as higher" es un citi jau varēja sen, bet tas nav pareizais risinājums šeit.
Date: 2024-02-03T11:14:29+01:00
Changeset 146992910 (Comment no. 3) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 3
Comment: Kā jau minēts, tās nav automātiski problēmas. Tas, ka iD to rāda kā "warning" (un "warning" nav "error"), nenozīmē, ka tos nepieciešams labot. (Tur pat blakus iD ir arī "ignore" poga.) Ja tu atvērsi JOSM redaktoru, tur būtu vēl simtiem "problēmu", pie tam tās ne tikai nesakrīt ar iD, bet redaktori vispār piedāvā katrs savu "risinājumu". Un ir vēl daudz visādu rīku, kur var sameklēt bezgalīgas "problēmas", piemēram , , utt. Neviens no tiem nav simtprocentīgi labojams. Daudzi ir pašsaprotami, bet ir pietiekami piemēru, kur ir jāsaprot "problēmas" iemesls un vai konkrētā situācijā tā vispār ir problēma.
Konkrēti šeit - noexit
is tegs, kas domāts, lai citiem kartētājiem norādītu neviennozīmīgās situācijās, ka ceļi nesavienojas un ka tā nav kartēšanas kļūda. Ja starp ceļiem ir iezīmēta barjera, tad tas ir standarta viennozīmīgs gadījums, kad noexit
nav nepieciešams ( ). Varbūt ir argumenti arī likt šeit to noexit=yes
. Bet tad tas ir jādara saprotot tega nozīmi un lietojumu un pamatojot šo izmaiņu, bet nevis automātiski.
Date: 2024-02-03T10:48:27+01:00
Changeset 121179913 (Comment no. 1) by richlv
Contributor: richlv
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Hi, just FYI - this relation was partially duplicating , removed it.
Date: 2024-02-04T21:12:54+01:00
Changeset 147086061 (Comment no. 5) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 5
Comment: Do you mean examples of area:highway
Date: 2024-02-05T16:39:41+01:00
Changeset 147166939 (Comment no. 1) by richlv
Contributor: richlv
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Liels paldies par kartes papildināšanu. Nedaudz pielaboju darba laiku, lai tas atbilstu informācijas strukturēšanas prasībām.
Date: 2024-02-07T12:40:37+01:00
Changeset 146858411 (Comment no. 2) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 2
Comment: Hi!
In general, yes. There is a big mess of these in Latvia, so most are not yet fixed. I was only looking through recent edits when I changed these because these were the two I saw. I didn't check around to see if there are more around here. I think they can safely be changed too.
Kind of like "Veikals Aibe" would just be "Aibe". The difference here is that "Pirmskolas izglītības iestāde Xxx" is the official name, so that can be placed in the official_name
tag, so the full name doesn't get lost. For "Privātā ...", there is also operator:type=private
as opposed to (I think) operator:type=government
Date: 2024-02-08T13:24:47+01:00
Changeset 147247856 (Comment no. 2) by Colbertson
Contributor: Colbertson
Discussion Comment No.: 2
Comment: uz dienvidiem\*
Date: 2024-02-09T17:56:33+01:00
Changeset 147292141 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Izlaboju . Iespējams softa kļūda?
Date: 2024-02-11T11:26:37+01:00
Changeset 147178123 (Comment no. 1) by ronery-mapper
Contributor: ronery-mapper
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Fence removal should be reverted. My bad.
Someone plz help, I have paws :(
Date: 2024-02-11T06:06:01+01:00
Changeset 147325442 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Sveiki,
Paldies par pieturu izmaiņu pievienošanu.
Pievēršu uzmanību, ka ref
tegs nav domāts maršruta numuriem, bet pašas pieturvietas numuram/identifikatoram. Latvijā faktiski pieturām numuru nekur nav un Rīgas Satiksmei ir tikai kaut kādi iekšējie identifikatori, kas nav norādīti pieturvietu plāksnītēs/informācijā.
Lai pievienotu pieturu maršrutiem, tie ir jāveido ar maršrutu relācijām , piemēram . Tas gan ir sarežģīts process.
Ja nav iespējas tādus zīmēt, tad var atstāt šajā vietā piezīmi, ka trūkst/šķībi maršruti, lai kāds to izlabotu .
Es šajā vietā jau salaboju 13., 20. un 63. maršrutus.
Date: 2024-02-11T15:25:26+01:00
Changeset 147178123 (Comment no. 3) by ronery-mapper
Contributor: ronery-mapper
Discussion Comment No.: 3
Comment: Thanks!
Date: 2024-02-11T14:36:47+01:00
Changeset 141987508 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Hello,
Please do not remove or split paths that cross a railway if they are actually used and exist. This breaks routing. An illegal crossing should be tagged with crossing=no
to prevent routing that does not allow rail crossings outside designated locations. But nothing here physically blocks access to the crossing. There are hundreds of examples like this across Latvia.
Date: 2024-02-11T14:30:25+01:00
Changeset 141987508 (Comment no. 2) by giggls
Contributor: giggls
Discussion Comment No.: 2
Comment: While it might be common to map illegal crossings in Lithuania it is definitely not in my country.
This said if you actually \do\ map such stuff which I still do not consider a good idea please tag them at least something like access=no.
Date: 2024-02-11T19:59:04+01:00
Changeset 141987508 (Comment no. 6) by giggls
Contributor: giggls
Discussion Comment No.: 6
Comment: Well access tag is about what is allowed to do not about what is possible to do.
I do not know about the legal status of crossing railways in Latvia but it is completely illegal to cross a railway at spots without a corresponding traffic-signs in my country (Germany).
A very similar example would be tracks and paths ending at a motorway where it is strictly illegal to use them for the general public.
An example would be this way:
Date: 2024-02-12T11:45:10+01:00
Changeset 147318262 (Comment no. 1) by richlv
Contributor: richlv
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: This change might not stick, as the official address seems to be assigned to the building right to southeast, .
Addresses are automatically synchronised in Latvia, and that will likely remove address from this building and assign it to the SE one.
This could also be useful to discuss in the OSM Latvian community chat, .
Date: 2024-02-12T11:23:40+01:00
Changeset 141987508 (Comment no. 7) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 7
Comment: Very briefly - it is de facto allowed to cross here in Latvia.
To elaborate, the law talks (somewhat ambiguously) about crossing railways at designated crossings and goes into detail about what a "crossing" is and what "dangerous rail sections" are. But it's all very legalese and ambiguous and hardly enforced. So this path here is definitely not a dedicated crossing in a legal sense. But no one is going get fined or stopped for using it. In fact, it's common practice and the only reasonable location to cross in this area. In other words, it's a de-facto crossing . These used to be untagged or tagged with railway=crossing
. But we now choose to tag these as crossing=no
rather than railway=crossing
to follow its legal status. This already restricts routing. But we don't add access=no
, because this significantly hinders pedestrian and cyclist routing in Latvia (this wouldn't be nearly as much of a problem in, say, Germany, where railway crossings/bridges/tunnels are common).
In contrast, here is an example of an informal crossing, but where there \is\ an actual sign stating "railway crossing not allowed" . So here access=no
is appropriate even though this crossing is commonly used.
Date: 2024-02-12T13:14:24+01:00
Changeset 141987508 (Comment no. 9) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 9
Comment: Yeah, there is a pretty vast difference between German and post-Soviet infrastructure and culture. If we didn't map these places as crossings, we would be missing half the crossings in the country. I imagine if you didn't map them in Germany, no one would even notice.
And, to be fair, this wasn't mapped as a crossing - previously, it had no tags and now it's an even "stronger" crossing=no
. And the way itself is a path
and not a footway
. Routers should really be accounting for these and giving them a low priority. While crossing=no
is not a prominent tag, it's certainly not a new tag. May be some day we'll get consensus and a standard scheme for such locations. Unfortunately, there are very few mappers in countries like Latvia while countries like Germany have the most mappers and lead many discussions, so consequently a lot of it is biased towards what you would find in countries like Germany. And if there aren't any local examples, then it would be difficult to get actionable opinions for such examples due to how much background info is required (as this changeset indeed shows).
I'm still fixing many crossings like this that are tagged as full railway=crossing
, which mappers commonly add. That's how ingrained in everyone's mind it is that crossing railways anywhere is basically the norm. I suppose it's a culture shock for many people. But it's not illegal and what little legal "guidance" is given is not enforced or treated seriously.
For this place, a road bike profile would have given you the small path along the highway . But this location really has no good alternatives. I cycle here myself often and short of going along roads, there really aren't any good options. Unfortunately, that's the case for a lot of infrastructure in Latvia. Routers generally have a hard time because footways and paths end abruptly, don't lead anywhere, lead through terrible locations, etc. And we don't have that many mappers to maintain it all either... but I digress.
Date: 2024-02-12T20:31:23+01:00
Changeset 147247856 (Comment no. 5) by Colbertson
Contributor: Colbertson
Discussion Comment No.: 5
Comment: Jā, cik nu korekti var bez ortofoto
Date: 2024-02-13T11:18:02+01:00
Changeset 147415535 (Comment no. 1) by Colbertson
Contributor: Colbertson
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: tukums\*
Date: 2024-02-13T16:08:07+01:00
Changeset 147374766 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Sveiki,
Par highway=motorway_junction
nosaukumiem - name
un ref
ir paredzēti paša krustojuma/sadalījuma nosaukumam/numuram, bet nevis uz plāksnes norādītajiem virzieniem. Virzienus norāda ar destination
uz tālākajiem/atejošajiem ceļiem. Attālumu arī noteikti name
neliek, bet var uz atejošā ceļa kā destination:distance
. Cik zinu, Latvijā nevienā šādā "krustojumā" nav nedz numura nedz nosaukuma uz plāksnes.
Pie mums tādi gandrīz nav kartēti, bet destination
Date: 2024-02-13T19:28:29+01:00
Changeset 107012570 (Comment no. 2) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 2
Comment: Nē, tie palika kā kopija no ceļa, kuru sadalīju. Nepamanīju/nenodzēsu tegus.
Date: 2024-02-15T20:40:02+01:00
Changeset 147442859 (Comment no. 3) by Eugene G
Contributor: Eugene G
Discussion Comment No.: 3
Date: 2024-02-16T20:31:49+01:00
Changeset 147442859 (Comment no. 4) by Colbertson
Contributor: Colbertson
Discussion Comment No.: 4
Comment: Looks good, thanks for the quick responses
Date: 2024-02-17T08:50:38+01:00
Changeset 147667040 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Sveiki!
Vai šajā vietā tiešām ir tilts nevis caurteka?
Date: 2024-02-19T22:18:38+01:00
Changeset 147640260 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Lūdzu nelikt nepiemērotu ceļu klasifikāciju. Šādi sīki vietējie ceļi nekādīgi nav highway=secondary
Jau iepriekš vairākreiz lūgts izmantot izsmeļošu izmaiņas komentāru nekā "ceļš", kas neko nepaskaidro.
Izmaiņas pagaidām atcēlu.
Date: 2024-02-19T22:13:51+01:00
Changeset 147639678 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Sveiki!
Ja te uz visām ielām ir ātrums 20, vai te nav dzīvojamā zona? Vai arī vienkārši 20 zona?
Date: 2024-02-19T21:58:38+01:00
Changeset 147654898 (Comment no. 1) by richlv
Contributor: richlv
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Sveiki, paldies par kartes uzlabošanu.
Vai šo objektu vietējie tā sauc, vai arī tas vairāk kā apraksts?
Date: 2024-02-19T21:34:50+01:00
Changeset 147665579 (Comment no. 1) by richlv
Contributor: richlv
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Sveiki, pieņemu, ka šis nav oficiāls nosaukums, bet vietējs - vai pareizi?
Date: 2024-02-19T21:04:42+01:00
Changeset 147667040 (Comment no. 3) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 3
Comment: Skaidrs, paldies par precizējumu. Es izlaboju/pārmainīju.
Date: 2024-02-20T15:41:02+01:00
Changeset 147654898 (Comment no. 2) by Emils Mikelsons
Contributor: Emils Mikelsons
Discussion Comment No.: 2
Comment: Jā, šo mežu vietējie sauc par Birzīti.
Date: 2024-02-20T15:28:30+01:00
Changeset 147665579 (Comment no. 2) by Emils Mikelsons
Contributor: Emils Mikelsons
Discussion Comment No.: 2
Comment: Sveiks. Mākoņkalns ir officiāls nosaukums jau kopš 2021 gada :)
Date: 2024-02-20T15:26:51+01:00
Changeset 147667040 (Comment no. 4) by richlv
Contributor: richlv
Discussion Comment No.: 4
Comment: Par to, kā [labāk] kartēt - noteikti var vaicāt Latvijas OSM kopienas čatā: .
Date: 2024-02-21T00:04:59+01:00
Changeset 147665579 (Comment no. 3) by richlv
Contributor: richlv
Discussion Comment No.: 3
Comment: Oho, varbūt to varam uzreiz tagos norādīt - vai ir kādi avoti šim?
Date: 2024-02-21T13:20:25+01:00
Changeset 147654898 (Comment no. 3) by richlv
Contributor: richlv
Discussion Comment No.: 3
Comment: Paldies, tehniski tas varbūt vairāk iederētos loc_name, bet gan jau ka pagaidām šādi būs labi :)
Date: 2024-02-21T13:16:00+01:00
Changeset 147583232 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Hello,
Who is the operator of this bot? Where can we see community discussion/approval of this automated bot and the list of (approved) tasks that it performs as per ?
Date: 2024-02-23T16:40:05+01:00
Changeset 147709461 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Sveiki!
Šī drošvien būs stāvvieta (amenity=parking
) nevis viena transportlīdzekļa apstāšanās vieta (amenity=parking_space
Es to jau izlaboju.
Date: 2024-02-23T13:18:42+01:00
Changeset 147800719 (Comment no. 2) by Bolt026
Contributor: Bolt026
Discussion Comment No.: 2
Comment: Hi,
Thank you for letting me know and also for your fix! I will keep this in mind for future edits.
Have a great day!
Date: 2024-02-23T13:14:38+01:00
Changeset 147808038 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Sveiki!
Zīmējot laukumus kā jāņem vērā, ka pie tiem pievienotus ceļus nevajadzētu atstāt tikai līdz robežai, jo tad maršrutēšana vairs pareizi nestrādās. Pašiem ceļiem ir jābūt arī savstarpēji savienotiem, lai tie pareizi maršrutētu no viena uz otri, jo laukums apzīmē fiziskas dimensijas, bet ne loģiskos savienojumus.
Vēl pievērsīšu uzmanību, ka šis drošvien nav place=square
, bet drīzāk neliels laukumiņš gājēju atpūtai ?
Es šeit no ortofoto pielaboju, cerams, ka pareizi.
Date: 2024-02-23T12:39:02+01:00
Changeset 147808038 (Comment no. 2) by richlv
Contributor: richlv
Discussion Comment No.: 2
Comment: Kā arī varbūt ir vēlme apspriest šādas tēmas OSM Latvijas kopienas čatā :)
Date: 2024-02-23T20:26:57+01:00
Changeset 147800719 (Comment no. 3) by richlv
Contributor: richlv
Discussion Comment No.: 3
Comment: Thank you for the quick reply, greatly appreciated :)
Date: 2024-02-23T20:24:52+01:00
Changeset 141390169 (Comment no. 1) by Pikse
Contributor: Pikse
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Why country border was separated from Gauja centerline here and in related changesets?
Country border no longer accurately follows the border provided on Estonian Land Board (Maa-amet) maps. In OSM editors you can check this using e.g. Maa-amet Basic Map, or the following custom imagery:{z}/{x}/{-y}.png
I didn't find the official border description at the moment but presumably the border is supposed to follow river centerline, and Maa-amet maps are correct. Last time that I check this in OSM, a year ago or so, river centerline along the border was also mapped fairly accurately.
I don't quite get what exactly was supposed to be improved here, and what sources did you use. In changeset tags above you refer to external map layers that don't even include the country border. It looks as if you used some outdated map for country border, which is especially evident around river meanders like the one in this location:
Date: 2024-02-24T10:48:21+01:00
Changeset 147839967 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Sveiki vēlreiz,
Grāvji mežā šeit visticamāk būs waterway=ditch
nevis waterway=drain
. Drain ir ūdens novade ar specializētu izbūvi un parasti izbūvētām apmalēm. /
Date: 2024-02-24T10:27:22+01:00
Changeset 141390169 (Comment no. 2) by Pikse
Contributor: Pikse
Discussion Comment No.: 2
Comment: I now see you made the country border follow LGIA data, as shown e.g. here:
Though, I would still consider it unlikely that the actual border is described as a set of coordinates that follow all these old river bends (their former shape) rather than it being described simply to follow the river centerline. Unless you have the exact border description in hand that suggests otherwise, I would consider the LGIA data outdated or less accurate, and I would restore the country border as provided on Maa-amet maps.
Also, as long as the border exactly follows the river centerline, I believe it is reasonable to keep this data conflated in OSM.
Date: 2024-02-25T09:42:27+01:00
Changeset 147864227 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Sveiki,
Gribēju pieminēt ka OSM izpratnē landuse=meadow
ir pļava paredzēta ganībām un/vai zāles audzēšanai. Vienkārša pļava, kur zāle netiek speciāli audzēta un regulāri pļauta/ganīta, būs natural=grassland
. Piemēram, visticamāk ir grassland
ir zeme, kur tiek stādīta labība, bet ne vienkārši pašaugošas zāles audzēšanai. Visticamāk ir meadow
Vēl pieminēšu, ka landuse=grass
ir maziem, koptiem zāles gabaliem (piemēram pilsētās, privātīpašumos, skolu teritorijās, u.c.). Šādi zāles pleķīši visticamāk ir grassland
Date: 2024-02-25T16:43:01+01:00
Changeset 147828318 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Sveiki,
Mainot ielu nosaukumus, lūdzu to darīt uzmanīgāk. Vairāki gabali/posmi palika nenomainīti. Šeit visiem gabaliem ir palikuši name:etymology:wikidata=Q649
, kas norāda nosaukuma izcelsmi uz Maskavu. Dzēšot veco, jaunā nosaukuma etimoloģija nav pielikta. Ņemot vērā populāro un zināmo nosaukumu (un ņemot vērā, ka adreses nekur vēl nav nomainītas), ir jāatstāj arī old_name
. Nav nomainīts nosaukums un citas vērtības ielas relācijā/maršrutā: .
Arī mainīt vajadzētu nevis ar tik daudzām mazām izmaiņām pa posmiem, bet vienā kopīgā izmaiņā, lai to varētu arī pārbaudīt un izlabot kopīgi.
Iesaku nesteigties ar šādām būtiskām izmaiņām un vislabāk iepriekš konsultēties, ja nav zināmi visi iespējamie sīkumi.
Es šos posmus salaboju.
Date: 2024-02-27T16:32:04+01:00
Changeset 147989681 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Hello,
Please map local melioration system ditches as ditches rather than canals.
I also repaired an administrative boundary that you changed into a waterway in 138869725, which then caused more errors.
Date: 2024-02-27T23:37:19+01:00
Changeset 147864227 (Comment no. 2) by Mariss Zigats
Contributor: Mariss Zigats
Discussion Comment No.: 2
Comment: Skaidrs. Šo info sev saglabāju. Paskatīšos savus nesenos labojumus, lai saliktu pareizi.
Date: 2024-02-27T19:36:49+01:00
Changeset 147828318 (Comment no. 2) by richlv
Contributor: richlv
Discussion Comment No.: 2
Comment: Noteikti laipni aicināti apspriest OSM Latvijas kopienas čatā :)
Date: 2024-02-27T18:34:50+01:00
Changeset 148006047 (Comment no. 2) by Eugene G
Contributor: Eugene G
Discussion Comment No.: 2
Comment: Okay! This makes sense to me, thank you for a clarification!
Date: 2024-02-28T11:13:10+01:00
Changeset 148045407 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Sveiki!
Paldies par izmaiņām!
Gribēju pieminēt, ka skolu nosaukumus liek uz skolas teritorijas/laukuma (ja tāds ir iezīmēts), piemēram nevis uz pašām ēkām, piemēram . Jo skolas teritorijā var būt vairākas ēkas un protams visi citi elementi (stadions, celiņi, utt.) arī ir daļa no skolas.
Es šos piemērus un citus jau salaboju.
Date: 2024-02-29T10:43:07+01:00
Changeset 148029576 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Hello,
When adding crossing info about crossing islands (crossing:island=yes
), you shouldn't set a yes
value when the island is mapped separately and two or more crossing are mapped, for example here .
Date: 2024-02-29T16:23:41+01:00
Changeset 148071326 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Sveiki,
Lūgums nemainīt Maximai brand=Maxima
uz Maxima X
. Brendā/zīmolā "X" nav, tas ir tikai veikalam - eksistē tikai viens Maximas veikalu tīkls. Redaktors pagaidām rāda nepareizi brīdinājumu, tas drīz būs izlabots.
Date: 2024-02-29T22:56:29+01:00
Changeset 148066472 (Comment no. 1) by richlv
Contributor: richlv
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Sveiki, paldies par kartes papildināšanu. Pievienoju apzīmējumu un nedaudz nomainīju nosaukumu uz vienotu stilu.
Date: 2024-03-01T10:41:05+01:00
Changeset 148111987 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Vai šie punkti tiešām ir fordi? , , ?
Date: 2024-03-02T11:15:11+01:00
Changeset 148114305 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Sveiki,
Lūgums zīmēt grāvjus atsevišķi no administratīvo robežu līnijām. Un uzmanīgāk pēc tam savienot tos ar citiem elementiem. Kā arī nelietot redaktora piedāvātos labojumus, ja tie neatbilst patiesībai (piemēram neeksistējoši fordi starp ceļiem un grāvjiem). Pieliekot grāvja tegus uz šīm līnijām ir izveidotas ļoti daudz papildus problēmu. Un šo oficiāli noteikto robežas līniju nevar pēc tam bīdīt, kā grāvja līniju. Es, cik varēju, šeit izlaboju.
Date: 2024-03-02T10:54:05+01:00
Changeset 148119229 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Hello,
You deleted the informal path across the rail tracks here - does it no longer exist?
Date: 2024-03-02T10:13:24+01:00
Changeset 148120127 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Hello!
Please don't add bicycle=yes
to all/generic footways because this is not technically correct. Access values are for legal/allowed values. Footways should use their default global access value in Latvia, which doesn't forbid bicycles on non-sidewalks and has special rules for sidewalks. Setting any other value overrides this default, implying that there is some sort of sign or exception there. This also makes the data harder to maintain and understand. This is kind of like you wouldn't add motorcar=yes
to every road.
Please also don't add things like bicycle=dismount
unless it is legally signed so or physically impossible to pass while riding a bike. For example, there is nothing indicating bicycles need to dismount here (unless something has changed very recently).
For ways like , you should only add bicycle=no
for sections that are mapped as separate ways of a shared cycle path, but not further than that.
I fixed all these. Let me know if you have any questions.
Date: 2024-03-02T10:06:19+01:00
Changeset 148111987 (Comment no. 2) by richlv
Contributor: richlv
Discussion Comment No.: 2
Comment: AKA brasli :)
Date: 2024-03-02T15:54:01+01:00
Changeset 148134879 (Comment no. 1) by silversurfer83
Contributor: silversurfer83
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Hello and welcome to OpenStreetMap
you asked for someone to review this changeset. Here goes:
this looks good :)
good changeset comment, good source, tagging looks alright. Keep it up
Published using OSMCha:
Date: 2024-03-02T15:33:26+01:00
Changeset 148135404 (Comment no. 1) by silversurfer83
Contributor: silversurfer83
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Hello and welcome to OpenStreetMap :)
You asked for someone to review your changeset. Here goes:
A barrier need to be a node (point) connected to the way that is impeded by said barrier. You can draw the gate as a line (way) but it needs to connect to the way so software knows this way is blocked.
Details can be found in our wiki at
It's always a good idea to take a look around the wiki.
In case of questions please reach out. There's always people ready to help :)
happy mapping
Published using OSMCha:
Date: 2024-03-02T15:29:52+01:00
Changeset 148207914 (Comment no. 1) by Colbertson
Contributor: Colbertson
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Deleted :)
Date: 2024-03-04T13:56:14+01:00
Changeset 148107254 (Comment no. 2) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 2
Comment: It's a very high IQ concrete. ;)
I have no idea how I got that. Like, there is nothing here that I would have used the word "logic" for, so I am not sure how I accidentally typed that.
Date: 2024-03-04T13:52:10+01:00
Changeset 148197443 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Sveiki!
Vai šīs takas tiešām vairs neeksistē pāri dzelzceļam šeit: ? Tās ir diezgan skaidri redzamas uz ortofoto, kas ir diezgan jauns. Vai šeit ir kaut kas mainījies?
Date: 2024-03-04T13:27:44+01:00
Changeset 148217395 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Hi!
I noticed you updated some of the street names. If you want to map these easier, you can use a cadaster street layer overlaid the aerial in the editor's custom imagery field such as,publicwfs:Kadastra_karte,publicwfs:arisstreet,publicwfs:arisroad,publicwfs:arisbuilding&STYLES=&CRS={proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
Date: 2024-03-04T19:46:59+01:00
Changeset 148261751 (Comment no. 4) by PickAqua
Contributor: PickAqua
Discussion Comment No.: 4
Comment: Paldies jums!
Date: 2024-03-06T15:41:10+01:00
Changeset 148294873 (Comment no. 1) by Colbertson
Contributor: Colbertson
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: someone please re-import
its gotten mangled over the years from stuff being glued, moved, unglued
Date: 2024-03-06T13:27:26+01:00
Changeset 148332983 (Comment no. 4) by Gatis Kurzemnieks
Contributor: Gatis Kurzemnieks
Discussion Comment No.: 4
Comment: Drupu vietu pamainīju. Atradu, ka 2000. gadā zemes robežu plānā ir norādīta saimniecība "Mūramājas".
Date: 2024-03-07T11:55:08+01:00
Changeset 148333170 (Comment no. 2) by Gatis Kurzemnieks
Contributor: Gatis Kurzemnieks
Discussion Comment No.: 2
Comment: Paldies par aizrādījumu.
Grāvis - parasts grāvis. Ceļu tas šķērso pa betona trubu/caurteku.
Laikam neuzmanības pēc sanāca uzlikt visam grāvim. Labošos ;)
Date: 2024-03-07T11:33:14+01:00
Changeset 148333170 (Comment no. 3) by richlv
Contributor: richlv
Discussion Comment No.: 3
Comment: Liels paldies par burvīgajiem papildinājumiem un atbildēm :)
Ja ir vēlme pievienoties OSM Latvijas kopienas čatam, tas pieejams .
Date: 2024-03-07T12:14:45+01:00
Changeset 148197443 (Comment no. 2) by dacjanis
Contributor: dacjanis
Discussion Comment No.: 2
Comment: Sveiks! Pāri dzelzceļam takas visticamāk vēl ir saglabājušās, bet nav iespējams tikt pāri grāvjiem, līdz ar to šķita maldinoši atstāt kartē takas, kas nav sasniedzamas. Iespējams, ka ir bijuši tiltiņi vai krituši koki, bet vairs tādu nav un grāvji ir dziļi.
Date: 2024-03-11T09:05:32+01:00
Changeset 148508052 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Hello,
Please use the local accurate "Orthophoto (2016–2018), 1:5000, Latvia" imagery or set the correct Bing imagery offset, because Bing imagery is offset in Latvia.
Date: 2024-03-11T16:44:43+01:00
Changeset 148547861 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Hello,
I have reverted this edit because it broke the parking lot shape, leaving a fence going across a random space and most of parking lot unmapped.
I am not sure what you were attempting to fix and how, but please be more careful. Let me know if I can assist.
Date: 2024-03-12T16:25:31+01:00
Changeset 148551337 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Hello,
Please do not delete buildings and redraw them (or not draw them at all), but correct the existing building location/shape and/or whatever pathways need correction depending on the actual situation.
In Latvia, please either use the local imagery or set the correct offset for the Bing aerial, because it has an incorrect offset in Latvia and is not suitable for correcting building footprints otherwise.
For example, in this edit, the building was already correctly positioned, but you moved it away. There was also a shop POI mapped, which you didn't move, but which is supposedly within the building, so the point ended up outside the building.
Or, for example, here you moved the building away from the driveway although the driveway actually passed through the building. You also deleted a nearby building.
Also, please do not delete address information from buildings. This got lost because you redraw a new way instead of using the exiting way with the previous data.
Here, and , you completely deleted a building with no explanation.
In you deleted a valid viewtower instead of fixing the path layout that most likely passes under it.
I have reverted your edits here. I only fixed edits in Latvia, but I see you have made similar problematic edits elsewhere. So please slow down and carefully review and fix your edits before continuing to make MapRoulette corrections. You are editing live map data.
Date: 2024-03-12T16:14:21+01:00
Changeset 148551337 (Comment no. 2) by richlv
Contributor: richlv
Discussion Comment No.: 2
Comment: That seems like a lot of problems, some of them related to the process (mappers would be expected to be instructed about the process - like not deleting-redrawing buildings, using non-offset imagery and all the other identified issues).
Flagged the challenge at .
Date: 2024-03-12T19:35:42+01:00
Changeset 148522790 (Comment no. 1) by Dāvis Kļaviņš
Contributor: Dāvis Kļaviņš
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Ja jau ir iezīmēts highway multipoligons, lūgums tajā nepārspīlēt ar ceļu kā līniju izzīmēšanu. Nepieciešami ir tikai galvenie savienojumi priekš maršrutēšanas. Arīdzan lūgums neatstāt ar kopējo ceļu tīklu nesavienotus posmus, ja tie apvidū ir savienoti.
Date: 2024-03-16T09:54:30+01:00
Changeset 148738302 (Comment no. 6) by aviation0178
Contributor: aviation0178
Discussion Comment No.: 6
Comment: Big thank you!
Date: 2024-03-16T20:25:12+01:00
Changeset 148738302 (Comment no. 7) by richlv
Contributor: richlv
Discussion Comment No.: 7
Comment: Also very much welcome to discuss things in the Latvian OSM community chat - :)
Date: 2024-03-17T20:56:02+01:00
Changeset 148551434 (Comment no. 1) by Kaduna
Contributor: Kaduna
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Hi Eric Amponsah, You forgot to solve intersection between building & highway, I have made the fixes for you. Please keep in in mind to fix the validation error. Happy Mapping!
Date: 2024-03-19T13:02:14+01:00
Changeset 148551602 (Comment no. 1) by Kaduna
Contributor: Kaduna
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Hi Eric Amponsah, You forgot to solve intersection between building & highway, I have made the fixes for you. Please keep in in mind to fix the validation error. Happy Mapping!
Date: 2024-03-19T13:01:13+01:00
Changeset 148551011 (Comment no. 1) by Kaduna
Contributor: Kaduna
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Hi Eric Amponsah, You forgot to solve intersection between building & highway, I have made the fixes for you. Please keep in in mind to fix the validation error. Happy Mapping!
Date: 2024-03-19T12:59:51+01:00
Changeset 148551105 (Comment no. 1) by Kaduna
Contributor: Kaduna
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Hi Eric Amponsah, You forgot to solve intersection between building & highway, I have made the fixes for you. Please keep in in mind to fix the validation error. Happy Mapping!
Date: 2024-03-19T12:54:45+01:00
Changeset 148551237 (Comment no. 1) by Kaduna
Contributor: Kaduna
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Hi Eric Amponsah, You forgot to solve intersection between building & highway, I have made the fixes for you. Please keep in in mind to fix the validation error. Happy Mapping!
Date: 2024-03-19T12:52:33+01:00
Changeset 148551719 (Comment no. 1) by Kaduna
Contributor: Kaduna
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Hi Eric Amponsah, You forgot to solve intersection between building & highway, I have made the fixes for you. Please keep in in mind to fix the validation error. Happy Mapping!
Date: 2024-03-19T12:51:44+01:00
Changeset 124821609 (Comment no. 5) by richlv
Contributor: richlv
Discussion Comment No.: 5
Comment: Zin, izskatās padsmit cm ārā no Rīgas :)
Date: 2024-03-19T20:24:46+01:00
Changeset 148551602 (Comment no. 2) by Colbertson
Contributor: Colbertson
Discussion Comment No.: 2
Comment: He "solved" it by deleting the building, i fixed it properly shortly after.
Date: 2024-03-19T19:30:38+01:00
Changeset 148738302 (Comment no. 8) by gileri
Contributor: gileri
Discussion Comment No.: 8
Comment: Hi, thank you @aviation0178 for contributing to OSM, and @Hellmap for your welcoming messages !
Just a quick note: while putting source=\* tags on objects is not often useful or encouraged for the reasons HellMap put forward, using it on changesets is definitely useful and encouraged.
It allows other mappers to understand where does the change come from, especially in recently physically changed areas, where things may be visible in some sources but not others yet.
But more importantly, indicating the source of changes is a requirement of most aerial imageries. And a small token of appreciation of their work ;)
This source=\* tag can be set just before sending changes from the iD editor you use, below the changeset message.
Date: 2024-03-20T11:50:24+01:00
Changeset 148551602 (Comment no. 3) by Kaduna
Contributor: Kaduna
Discussion Comment No.: 3
Comment: Hi Colbertson, Thank you, Happy Mapping
Date: 2024-03-21T06:05:16+01:00
Changeset 119520218 (Comment no. 1) by richlv
Contributor: richlv
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Yay, liels paldies par addr:flats pievienošanu :)
Date: 2024-03-22T05:40:07+01:00
Changeset 148967845 (Comment no. 4) by Eugene G
Contributor: Eugene G
Discussion Comment No.: 4
Comment: No, it isn't. Thanks!
Date: 2024-03-22T11:03:41+01:00
Changeset 148969013 (Comment no. 4) by Eugene G
Contributor: Eugene G
Discussion Comment No.: 4
Comment: Thank you for your help,
Date: 2024-03-22T11:01:34+01:00
Changeset 149016434 (Comment no. 3) by Reinis Bērziņš
Contributor: Reinis Bērziņš
Discussion Comment No.: 3
Comment: Paldies! Abas bija kļūmes. Izlaboju uz landuse=garages (gribēju ietagot tikai ēkas, bet nejauši nomainīju tagu visai teritorijai) un location=overhead (jā, sajaucu overhead un overground vietām).
Date: 2024-03-22T20:01:02+01:00
Changeset 148833188 (Comment no. 2) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 2
Comment: Cool!
Here's a custom background imagery you can use that will show aerial photography and cadaster layer plus street names of top of it, if that helps. It's much easier to adjust streets and properties like that (default iD cadaster layer doesn't have street name.) Although one has to be careful because it's rarely accurate and a lot of "streets" aren't actually streets, but more like reserved future lines than may easily change.
Date: 2024-03-23T10:37:43+01:00
Changeset 149132421 (Comment no. 2) by Eugene G
Contributor: Eugene G
Discussion Comment No.: 2
Comment: Thank you!
Date: 2024-03-25T14:31:22+01:00
Changeset 149176940 (Comment no. 2) by DainaF
Contributor: DainaF
Discussion Comment No.: 2
Comment: Nē tur nav avārijas ūdens padeves punkts
Date: 2024-03-27T17:50:18+01:00
Changeset 149184645 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Šajā izmaiņā ir daudz kļūdu. Piemēram, savienoti laukumi un ceļi, kas nav jāsavieno; pārvietoti laukumi no oficiālajām kadastra līnijām; nodzēstas pareizas teritorijas; nodzēsti ēku punkti; izdzēsti ceļi; atvienoti ceļi; laukumi iezīmēti pāri upēm, ceļiem un teritorijām; un citas problēmas.
Šeit ir pārāk daudz kā labojama, tāpēc es šo izmaiņu atceļu pilnībā un izlaboju daļu.
Date: 2024-03-27T17:18:40+01:00
Changeset 149184645 (Comment no. 4) by richlv
Contributor: richlv
Discussion Comment No.: 4
Comment: Sveiki drtzdrfh, rakstu kā OpenStreetMap datu pārvaldības grupas darbinieks.
Vai varētu, lūdzu, norādīt kādu konkrētu vietu, kur veiktas izmaiņas saskaņā ar būvvaldes datiem vai kadastru, kura pēc tam būtu sabojāta?
Ja Jūsu rediģēšana ir saistībā ar pašvaldības pienākumu veikšanu, varbūt varam vienoties par tikšanos klātienē attiecīgajā pašvaldībā?
Date: 2024-03-28T11:03:21+01:00
Changeset 149184645 (Comment no. 6) by richlv
Contributor: richlv
Discussion Comment No.: 6
Comment: Liels paldies par atbildi, izklausās burvīgi - prieks par aktīviem iedzīvotājiem.
Ja rodas kādi jautājumi vai citas ar kartēšanus saistītas tēmas, tās laipni aicinām apspriest Latvijas OSM kopienas čatā - .
Date: 2024-03-28T16:15:15+01:00
Changeset 149282126 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Hello,
Just wanted to let you know that we don't generally specify access values unless they are different from default or ambiguous. All (non-sidewalk) footways and other paths and roads in Latvia imply bicycle=yes by default unless there is some restriction. This is like they imply foot=yes or kick_scooter=yes or stroller=yes, etc. which we wouldn't all add here one at a time.
Date: 2024-03-28T21:14:16+01:00
Changeset 149282126 (Comment no. 2) by richlv
Contributor: richlv
Discussion Comment No.: 2
Comment: Could this have been prompted by some routing applications not routing on footways/paths?
Date: 2024-03-29T10:56:19+01:00
Changeset 149282126 (Comment no. 4) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 4
Comment: Urgh, I just realized someone put incorrect bicycle=dismount
on and nearby , which causes most routers to go around. And this has been here for years... I will fix this.
But, yes, broadly speaking, this is a difficult issue with routers. It is technically OsmAnd's fault - they should just route on the footways and bicycle=yes
shouldn't change anything. Otherwise we'd have to add bicycle=yes to tens of thousands of footways across just Latvia.
The vast majority of footways in Latvia don't have any cycling infrastructure or signs. Like almost all these footways here along the bridge - they are the main ways that cyclists use across it, but none of them have any cycleway signage, so legally they are just footways.
I don't really have a solution for this. If we know that routers are having serious problems here, we can add bicycle=yes
and a note
that it is needed for routing. But it is really the routers that need to fix their cycling profiles. OsmAnd's profile really should not prefer a primary road over even a long detour over footways.
Date: 2024-03-29T13:28:49+01:00
Changeset 146702653 (Comment no. 3) by Colbertson
Contributor: Colbertson
Discussion Comment No.: 3
Comment: Izdzēsu
Date: 2024-03-31T12:33:00+02:00
Changeset 148111987 (Comment no. 3) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 3
Comment: Atbildi nesaņēmām, tāpēc šos punktus nodzēsu.
Date: 2024-04-01T10:56:07+02:00
Changeset 149440003 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Čau,
Gribēju pieminēt, ka piebrauktuves pie mājām un individuālām teritorijām kā visticamāk būs driveway arī, ja ļoti garas un zemes ceļi/grantenes, bet ceļi kā , pa kuriem piekļuve ir vairākām vietām/teritorijām un tālāk sadalās sīkāk parasti ir lielākas nozīmes vai vismaz service. Konkrēti highway=track
būs pārsvarā tikai vietās, kur tas ved tikai uz mežiem/laukiem/ezeriem, bet ne viensētām un tml.
Es te piemēram nomainīju.
Date: 2024-04-03T09:31:00+02:00
Changeset 149469427 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Hello,
Can you please clarify what happened to the path at ? There are currently two other paths/stairs still connecting to the old path - are they also gone? And the North section does not connect anymore - is there no way to pass through? The Svētā Jēkaba hiking route is now also not following any paths here. On aerial, there appear to be paths at . Are they also gone?
Date: 2024-04-03T09:18:03+02:00
Changeset 149488467 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Sveiki,
Vai uz šīs takas ir aizliegums (vai fiziski neiespējams piekļūt ar) velosipēdiem? Redzu, ka ir norādīts mtb:scale:imba
, bet iepriekš jau bija pievienots aizliegums bicycle=no
. Varbūt varētu precizēt atļauto piekļuvi, piemēram no informācijas plāksnes vai ceļa zīmēm?
Date: 2024-04-03T08:54:46+02:00
Changeset 149469427 (Comment no. 2) by richlv
Contributor: richlv
Discussion Comment No.: 2
Comment: Also it's a bit dubious that is unclassified, what was the reasoning for the road upgrade?
Date: 2024-04-03T13:23:28+02:00
Changeset 149488467 (Comment no. 2) by Emils Mikelsons
Contributor: Emils Mikelsons
Discussion Comment No.: 2
Comment: Sveiki!
Tas, ko es gribēju izdarīt ir atzīmēt to, ka tur nav fiziski iespējams izbraukt ar velosipēdiem.
Tur ir atļauts braukt ar velosipēdiem, bet nav fiziski iespējams izbraukt pa taku.
Varbūt jūs varētu to izlabot? Skatos ka esat lietpratējs šādās lietās.
Date: 2024-04-03T20:59:37+02:00
Changeset 149488467 (Comment no. 3) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 3
Comment: Skaidrs, paldies par precizējumu.
Es mtb:scale:imba
tad noņēmu.
Tīri precīzi OSM bicycle
(un visi citi access
kā foot
vai vehicle
) ir domāti legālai un/vai atļautai pieejai. Praktiski to dažviet lieto arī lai norādītu par fiziski neiespējamu, kaut gan tā nevajadzētu uz ceļiem. Šajā gadījumā vajadzētu pietikt ar smoothness=impassable
, bet nu lai tas bicycle=no
paliek pagaidām.
Date: 2024-04-04T09:06:00+02:00
Changeset 149610708 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Sveiki,
Vai varētu lūdzu precizēt, kāds šajā vietā ir veloceļa izkārtojums, lai būtu nepieciešams/labāk kartēt divas līnijas tā atzīmēšanas? Parasti (kopīgus) gājēju un velo ceļus zīmē ar vienu līniju un tas jau bija iepriekš pareizi kartēts ar highway=cycleway
+ bicycle\tdesignated
+ foot=designated
+ segregated=yes
Date: 2024-04-05T15:24:53+02:00
Changeset 126907165 (Comment no. 2) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 2
Comment: You know, I don't remember. I probably meant to tag it as temporary=yes
. I'm looking at my Mapillary footage, but I do not remember the reason. So I'll just remove the temporary tags.
Date: 2024-04-05T20:19:23+02:00
Changeset 149487679 (Comment no. 1) by richlv
Contributor: richlv
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Sveiki, šis izskatās mazliet aizdomīgi kopā ar .
Šobrīd kā highway=construction is apzīmēti vairāki samērā gari ceļa posmi.
highway=construction nozīmē ceļu, kurš tiek būvēts - tātad pa to nav iespējama motorizētu transportlīdzekļu pārvietošanās.
Bet šajā situācijā tas nozīmētu, ka, piemēram, ceļš vispār nav pieejams.
Sanāk, ka piebraukšana nav iespējama mājām Jaunzemji, Zvejnieki, Zari, Ēveles, Aizpuri un daudzām citām.
Vai tiešām šie ceļi tiek pilnībā pārbūvēti un piekļuve tiem visos apzīmētajos posmos slēgta?
Date: 2024-04-05T18:15:12+02:00
Changeset 149488467 (Comment no. 4) by richlv
Contributor: richlv
Discussion Comment No.: 4
Comment: "nav fiziski iespējams izbraukt ar velosipēdiem" - vai MTB braucēji piekristu? :)
Principā laikam jau labāk būtu tomēr likt smoothness utml tagus, ne bicycle=no. Mums jau ir diezgan daudz sazīmētu taku, kuras ar velo dažādu iemeslu dēļ nav diezko ērti braucamas, bet braucēji jau ir ļoti dažādi.
Vai arī tur ir kaut kas tāds, kā dēļ pilnīgi neviens nepabrauktu (piem., pakāpieni visā garumā)?
Date: 2024-04-05T18:10:18+02:00
Changeset 149487679 (Comment no. 2) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 2
Comment: highway=construction
teorētiski var braukt, ja ir pielikts access
. Nezinu, vai mēs arī tā gribam likt, jo rūteri kā kurš (ne)saprot. Es šeit iepriekš biju paskatījies izmaiņas, lai visur būtu vismaz access un pielaboju. Bet nebiju galveno tegu aizticis.
No izmaiņām sapratu, ka tikai posms pāri tiltam ir pilnībā slēgts.
Piemēram māk bet nemāk
Date: 2024-04-06T09:08:34+02:00
Changeset 149487679 (Comment no. 5) by richlv
Contributor: richlv
Discussion Comment No.: 5
Comment: Emīl, vai varētu precizēt, kuri posmi pilnībā slēgti satiksmei?
Par Graphopper - es pat nezinu, vai tas nav datu atjaunošanas aiztures dēļ. Maršrutēšana pa =construction nešķiet atbilstoši agrākam lietojumam un wiki aprakstam.
Date: 2024-04-06T13:47:24+02:00
Changeset 149634133 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Hello,
I fixed a few things in your edit.
Roads that lead to individual properties should be driveways highway=service
+ service=driveway . Living streets are only for designated living zones (the blue traffic sign).
It's also better to tag surface as surface=compacted
rather than surface=gravel
unless they really are larger rocks (walking or cycling would be very uncomfortable if not impossible).
You should usually adjust the existing buildings/features instead of redrawing them. For example, by redrawing you actually deleted the address information on the old building.
Date: 2024-04-06T13:27:34+02:00
Changeset 149675008 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Hello,
Thanks for the rural map changes.
I wanted to note that when drawing landuse, please don't draw it over the roads. Landuse is an area and ends where the road area begins (unless it's part of the landuse, such as a dwelling, in which case it would include the road, like a driveway). This makes data imprecise and harder to maintain. In Latvia at least, we generally discourage connecting or overlapping areas with ways.
Date: 2024-04-07T10:02:41+02:00
Changeset 141390169 (Comment no. 3) by Pikse
Contributor: Pikse
Discussion Comment No.: 3
Comment: As there has been no response I went forward and restored country border along river centerline.
Date: 2024-04-09T14:12:18+02:00
Changeset 149795546 (Comment no. 1) by richlv
Contributor: richlv
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Sveiki, vai te ir tikai šūpoles, vai arī rotaļu laukums?
Noņēmu nosaukumu "šūpoles", jo OSM neliekam "aprakstošus nosaukumus" - t.i., kā nosaukumu parasti norādām tikai reālu vārdu. Piemēram, "Latvija", ne "Viesnīca Latvija", un neliekam nosaukumu "garāžas" (ja vien tas nav kāds klubs vai tamlīdzīga vieta ar tādu nosaukumu :) ).
Date: 2024-04-09T21:34:00+02:00
Changeset 149793239 (Comment no. 1) by richlv
Contributor: richlv
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Sveiki, bija prieks šodien (vakar) tikties, un liels paldies par turpmākiem papildinājumiem :)
Šeit es nedaudz pielaboju nosaukumu (OSM pieņemts likt gramatiski pareizus nosaukumus bez stilizācijas, kādu dažreiz mēdz lietot uzņēmumi), un nomainīju no amenity=doctors uz amenity=dentist.
Noteikti priecāsimies arī satikt OSM Latvijas kopienas čatā .
Date: 2024-04-09T21:30:59+02:00
Changeset 149795546 (Comment no. 2) by AmOosm
Contributor: AmOosm
Discussion Comment No.: 2
Comment: Man šķiet, ka tu nokomentēji uz nepareizā changeset :D
Date: 2024-04-10T11:45:52+02:00
Changeset 149792788 (Comment no. 1) by richlv
Contributor: richlv
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Sveiki, vai te ir tikai šūpoles, vai arī rotaļu laukums?
Noņēmu nosaukumu "šūpoles", jo OSM neliekam "aprakstošus nosaukumus" - t.i., kā nosaukumu parasti norādām tikai reālu vārdu. Piemēram, "Latvija", ne "Viesnīca Latvija", un neliekam nosaukumu "garāžas" (ja vien tas nav kāds klubs vai tamlīdzīga vieta ar tādu nosaukumu :) ).
Date: 2024-04-10T21:43:39+02:00
Changeset 149795546 (Comment no. 3) by richlv
Contributor: richlv
Discussion Comment No.: 3
Comment: Oi, tiešām. Liels paldies par pamanīšanu :)
Date: 2024-04-10T21:43:13+02:00
Changeset 136144283 (Comment no. 1) by richlv
Contributor: richlv
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Šim bija access=foot - tādu principā iesaka nelietot, nomainīju uz access=destination saskaņā ar šovakar novēroto :)
Date: 2024-04-10T18:46:38+02:00
Changeset 149762023 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Šo izmaiņu atcēlu, jo atkal ir pieļautas daudz kļūdu. Izdzēsts ceļa gabals bez paskaidrojuma. Atvienots ceļš no šosejas. Ceļš savienots ar lauku. Laukam izdzēsti punkti. Nobīdīti ar ortofoto sakrītoši ceļi. Noņemtas ceļa vērtības. Izdzēsts grāvis.
Jau daudz reižu iepriekš lūgts veikt izmaiņas uzmanīgāk un saprotami tās paskaidrot, it īpaši ceļa posmu dzēšanu. Citiem kartētājiem nav jūsu izmaiņas šādi katrreiz jālabo.
Šis ceļa posms izskatās pēc galvenās piebraukšanas Līgotnes 1 ciematam. Tas ortofoto redzams kā plats lauku ceļš. Kas tieši šajā vietā ir izmainījies? Ko nozīmē "purvs"?
Date: 2024-04-11T13:21:17+02:00
Changeset 149882674 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Sveiki!
Lūgums nepievienot ietvēm bicycle=yes
, ja uz tām nav kaut kādā veidā speciāli norādīts velo maršruts vai kādas zīmes, kas skaidri liecinātu par speciāli paredzētu atļauju velosipēdiem. access
vērtības ir atļautai/legālai lietošanai. Un Latvijā uz ietvēm tā nav pareiza vērtība, jo CSN velosipēdiem uz ietvēm ir speciāli noteikumi, kas drīzāk līdzinātos bicycle=permissive
, bet OSM nav tādas precīzas vērtības. Tā kā šie noteikumi ir spēkā uz visās ietvēm visā Latvijā, tad šī ir noklusētā vērtība un to nevajag speciāli pievienot, ja vien nav kādas citas norādes (kādas praksē gandrīz nekur nav). Uz celiņiem (takām, u.c.), kas nav ietves, noklusētā vērtība ir bicycle=yes
un to nevajag speciāli pievienot. Līdzīgi kā uz visiem celiņiem nepievienotu foot=yes
vai uz visiem ceļiem vehicle=yes
Date: 2024-04-12T10:47:51+02:00
Changeset 149882674 (Comment no. 2) by richlv
Contributor: richlv
Discussion Comment No.: 2
Comment: Ja tas darīts kāda maršrutētāja dēļ (lai maršrutētu pa ietvēm/gājēju celiņiem), to vislabāk ziņot maršrutētāja autoriem, lai izlabo.
Aicinām arī pievienoties Latvijas OSM kopienas čatā, :)
Date: 2024-04-12T13:39:18+02:00
Changeset 136144283 (Comment no. 3) by richlv
Contributor: richlv
Discussion Comment No.: 3
Comment: Y, tieši tā zīme -
Un jā, gan šo, gan ķieģeli Latvijā gandrīz visur liek ar domu tikai par auto. Velo papildzīmes tik tā lēnām sāk likt Rīgā.
Date: 2024-04-13T10:18:46+02:00
Changeset 149835696 (Comment no. 2) by richlv
Contributor: richlv
Discussion Comment No.: 2
Comment: Paldies par pamanīšanu, slēgts tiešām ir no plānotās Parka ielas - atjaunināju.
Date: 2024-04-13T10:03:08+02:00
Changeset 149930967 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Čau. A kurš plugins tas ir? Kā tu panāci, lai tas izgrieztu ar atkāpi no līnijas? Vai arī tur pa vidu vēl soļi bija.
Date: 2024-04-13T13:58:29+02:00
Changeset 136144283 (Comment no. 5) by Reinis Bērziņš
Contributor: Reinis Bērziņš
Discussion Comment No.: 5
Comment: Jā, piekrītu, ka vehicle=destination būtu vispareizākā birka zīmei "Braukt aizliegts". access šeit netiek tiešā veidā ierobežots.
Date: 2024-04-13T12:36:18+02:00
Changeset 149995172 (Comment no. 1) by Cucazer
Contributor: Cucazer
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: The new track got connected to landuse contours. This does not make much sense and better to leave the end unconnected or terminate it with a gate or turning circle.
Date: 2024-04-15T15:42:32+02:00
Changeset 150035515 (Comment no. 2) by Reinis Bērziņš
Contributor: Reinis Bērziņš
Discussion Comment No.: 2
Comment: Paldies! Tagad izlaboju par takām.
Date: 2024-04-15T14:09:05+02:00
Changeset 150034583 (Comment no. 1) by richlv
Contributor: richlv
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Liels paldies par kartes papildinājumiem.
Vai jau izbūvēta kā pilnvērtīga iela visā garumā, vai arī vairāk atbilst track statusam?
Date: 2024-04-15T19:00:52+02:00
Changeset 150034686 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Sveiki vēlreiz,
Ja šis meža gabals is parka teritorijā, tad nosaukumu nevajadzētu pievienot pa taisno mežam, bet izveidot jaunu laukumu, jo tas pārklājas ar privātīpašumiem. Es šeit to iezīmēju balstoties un kadastra līnijām kā . Bet gribēju precizēt par šo parku, jo tas jau bija iezīmēts kā ziemeļos. Vai tas faktiski ir abās ceļa pusēs? Kas īsti ir šeit dienvidu pusē?
Date: 2024-04-20T10:54:05+02:00
Changeset 150150213 (Comment no. 2) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 2
Comment: Gribēju vēl uzprasīt par ceļu - vai tas izdzēst nejauši vai arī ir kāda informācija, ka te nav plānots ceļa posms? Šis gabals bija iezīmēts pēc no kadastra robežu un ceļu līnijām. Pagaidām atjaunoju.
Date: 2024-04-20T10:30:29+02:00
Changeset 150034583 (Comment no. 2) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 2
Comment: Šajā izmaiņā administratīvās teritorijas līnijai ir "pievienota" upe - . Es šo noņēmu.
Date: 2024-04-20T10:10:53+02:00
Changeset 150250881 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Hi!
Are you sure you are doing these highway area conversions correctly?
My understanding is that area:highway
is the geometry of a
single road - basically representing the same thing as the road way, but full width/shape. It is generally implied all travel happens along the main way and not everywhere in the area. On the other hand, highway
+ area=yes
is a location where traffic can move in every direction - there is no obvious middle or direction.
Date: 2024-04-20T09:49:10+02:00
Changeset 147531368 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Hello,
I partly undid your edit. Your removed a street name, reclassified the section incorrectly, removed road geometry and removed vehicle access restriction.
I would also like to ask what does "Impossible to cross railway" mean in this context, because you did not edit anything surrounding the railway, which the roads you edited never cross. You disconnected the track from the road though - so what is here in reality? Is there also no path a person walking/biking could use? Is there a fence or something?
I have added a path here for now pending clarification.
Date: 2024-04-20T15:16:32+02:00
Changeset 150206283 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Sveiki!
Lūgums ņemt vērā, ka parastiem meža ceļiem nosaukumu visticamāk gandrīz nekur nebūs un tāds nosaukums kā "Trase" ir apraksts, kuru nosaukumā nelieto. Norādot ceļa veidu arī tiek saprasti, kas tas ir.
Un seguma vērtībām jābūt kādai no standarta OSM vērtībām, kas ir balstītas uz angļu valodu, piemēram ground
, asphalt
utt. Latviešu valodā šādas vērtības nebūs izmantojamas.
Vēl piebildīšu ka dubļi (kas būtu identiski mud
vērtībai) parasti Latvijā ir reti, tikai kaut kādos purvos, un parasti sezonāli neizbraucami ceļi pēc ziemas ir vienkārši zeme. Protams, ja te kaut kāda moto/kvadrociklu trase, tad tiešām var būt vissezonāli dubļi mitrā vietā.
Šajās izmaiņās šis jau ir izlabots (izņemot par dubļiem).
Date: 2024-04-20T14:19:58+02:00
Changeset 150211375 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Hi!
Thanks for taking the interest in editing the map. I would like to make sure you know that this is a live version of the map, which means any of your edits will become public. This means you should not make test edits.
We've already corrected your couple edits.
Date: 2024-04-20T14:11:17+02:00
Changeset 150216329 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Jūsu izmaiņā atkal ir nepareizi klasificēts ceļš ar nesaprotamu trajektoriju, kas ortofoto šķērso sētu un kokus, bet nesavienojas ar tur par esošiem ceļiem. Ja šeit ir nozīmīgas ceļu izmaiņas, kas nav vēl atspoguļotas ortofoto, tad lūdzu tās
paskaidrot. Ņemot vērā problēmas iepriekšējās izmaiņās, neviens nevar pārliecināties par šādu izmaiņu pareizību un atbilstību, tāpēc šo ceļu nodzēšu līdz varam saņemt situācijas aprakstu.
Date: 2024-04-20T14:04:38+02:00
Changeset 150233926 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Sveiki!
Gribēju uzprasīt, vai "Jūrmalas parka bērnu laukums" tiešām ir nosaukums šim rotaļu laukumam ? Piemēram, uz kādas informatīvas plāksnes? Internetā par to maz informācijas un nav gluži skaidrs, vai tam pastāv nosaukums.
Vēl pieminēšu, ka šeit jau bija iezīmēti atsevišķi rotaļu laukumi un iezīmējot tiem visiem pa virsu vēl vienu rodas datu dublēšana. Es to varu izlabot, bet tikai jānoprecizē:
Vai šeit joprojām ir ortofoto redzamie galda tenisa galdiņi? Jo tie droši vien nebūs iekļauti bērnu spēļu laukumā. OSM bērnu laukums parasti ietver tieši vietas, kur ir inventārs un bērni aktīvi atrodas, bet parasti ne apkārtējo teritoriju. Tas gan uz vietas jāskatās.
Date: 2024-04-20T13:53:47+02:00
Changeset 150265431 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Sveiki,
Šajā izmaiņā šis tornis nobīdīts no tā sākotnējās vietas. Es pieņemu, ka tā iespējams bija kļūda? Šeit ir aktīvi būvdarbi, tāpēc gribēju precizēt.
Date: 2024-04-21T09:38:25+02:00
Changeset 150265431 (Comment no. 3) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 3
Comment: Skaidrs. Drošvien bīdot redaktorā ekrānu tas punkts "aizķērās".
Nodzēst gan nevajadzēja, jo tornis eksistē. Es to atgriezu oriģinālajā vietā (ar to pašu punktu).
Date: 2024-04-21T15:02:43+02:00
Changeset 150265431 (Comment no. 4) by Anrijs Terauds
Contributor: Anrijs Terauds
Discussion Comment No.: 4
Comment: Ok, paldies!
Date: 2024-04-21T19:31:22+02:00
Changeset 150326998 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Čau!
Vai tur uz parkinga plāksnes vai norādēm nebija norādīti mēneši vai tā arī bija rakstīts "vasarā"? Es pieliku aptuvenus mēnešus pagaidām.
Date: 2024-04-22T10:12:11+02:00
Changeset 149792788 (Comment no. 2) by Sandra ČAB
Contributor: Sandra ČAB
Discussion Comment No.: 2
Comment: Sveiks, tur ir tikai objekts - Lielās šupoles.
Date: 2024-04-22T08:17:44+02:00
Changeset 150344743 (Comment no. 2) by Centra Nams Center Apartments
Contributor: Centra Nams Center Apartments
Discussion Comment No.: 2
Comment: Sveiki,
Drīzumā būs informācija, mājas lapa un naktsmītņu rezervēšanas kanāli tiks palaisti. Kopumā būs 8 īstermiņa īres dzīvokļi. Papildināju karti, lai varam viesiem norādīt stāvvietas iespējas SIA Madara 89 nekustamie īpašumi teritorijā.
Privat bank nav vairs tādas. Raunas ielā 15 ir Pasēdnīca un Centra Nams, kā arī telpas veikalam, pašlaik tukšas.
Ja ir iespēja nosūtīt jums epastu varu nosūtīt arī bildes.
Ar cieņu,
Ieva Dreimane
Firma Madara 89 SIA
nekustamie ipašumi
Date: 2024-04-22T17:01:45+02:00
Changeset 150345836 (Comment no. 2) by richlv
Contributor: richlv
Discussion Comment No.: 2
Comment: Liels paldies par pamanīšanu.
Varēja pat droši revertēt manu un tad oriģinālo changesetu, ja tā būtu bijis vieglāk.
Date: 2024-04-22T16:07:44+02:00
Changeset 150326998 (Comment no. 2) by artuuurs
Contributor: artuuurs
Discussion Comment No.: 2
Comment: Sveiciens!
Zīme ir "P maksas", gāju jautāt par apmaksu un man atbildēja, ka nesezonā par brīvu, ka maksa būs "pēc Jāņiem". Precīzākas informācijas man nav :)
Date: 2024-04-22T15:27:21+02:00
Changeset 150344743 (Comment no. 5) by richlv
Contributor: richlv
Discussion Comment No.: 5
Comment: Super, paldies - iespējams, tos būs labāk abus pievienot kā punktus. Apspriedīsimies kopienā.
Date: 2024-04-22T23:26:32+02:00
Changeset 150381579 (Comment no. 3) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 3
Comment: The map takes a few minutes to update, so you won't see it at once. By now, you can force your browser to refresh the cached map images with Ctrl + F5 or your browser's equivalent.
If you click the link you can see it's at the new (approximate) location.
Date: 2024-04-23T11:47:45+02:00
Changeset 150394337 (Comment no. 1) by richlv
Contributor: richlv
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Sveiki, liels paldies par interesi par OpenStreetMap.
Kāds ir pamatojums šīm izmaiņām?
Date: 2024-04-23T18:29:49+02:00
Changeset 150394337 (Comment no. 2) by Ir_jau_aizņemts_vārds
Contributor: Ir_jau_aizņemts_vārds
Discussion Comment No.: 2
Comment: Labrīt!
Strādāju Latvijas Ģeotelpiskajā informācijas aģentūrā. Bija lūgums no Aizsardzības Ministrijas šādu informāciju neattēlot. Līdzīgi kā citām līdzīgām vietām.
Date: 2024-04-24T05:48:10+02:00
Changeset 150444642 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Sveiki,
Vai pārdēvētajai Pāvila Rozīša ielai tiešām bija domāts incline=up
gandrīz visā garumā? Tas ir, iela ir ar slīpumu/pāri uzkalnam?
Pieminēšu, ka mainot nosaukumus jāpārbauda, vai nav citas vērtības, kas arī balstās uz šo nosaukumu. Piemēram, šeit palicis name:etymology=Leons Paegle
+ name:etymology:wikipedia=lv:Leons Paegle
. Šie posmi arī bija palikuši nenomainīti piemēram kā arī viss šis savienojums .
Vēl pieminēšu, ka lielām pilsētas ielām, kur ir adresācija un vecais nosaukums ir daudz izmantots, vajadzētu atstāt veco nosaukumu kā old_name
, nevis pilnībā nodzēst.
Es šeit izlaboju (izņemot incline
Date: 2024-04-24T15:29:31+02:00
Changeset 149828367 (Comment no. 1) by richlv
Contributor: richlv
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Paldies par autoservisa nosaukuma pievienošanu, tieši noderēja :)
Date: 2024-04-24T14:52:31+02:00
Changeset 150394337 (Comment no. 3) by richlv
Contributor: richlv
Discussion Comment No.: 3
Comment: Liels paldies par atbildi. Šobrīd gan ar šāda veida izmaiņām ir dažādas problēmas, piemēram:
Sazināšos privātā ziņā kā Data Working Group dalībnieks, lai precizētu turpmāku sadarbību ar LĢIA.
Date: 2024-04-24T22:47:50+02:00
Changeset 150577514 (Comment no. 2) by Ansisr
Contributor: Ansisr
Discussion Comment No.: 2
Comment: Hello,
Thank you for the detailed reply. Yes, apparently my knowledge is limited regarding the laws, thank you for bringing your attention to this. And you are right - that one indeed has parked cars, somehow overlooked it.
I will refrain from making such edits in future.
Take care,
Date: 2024-04-27T21:59:40+02:00
Changeset 150591926 (Comment no. 1) by Colbertson
Contributor: Colbertson
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Couldnt add some due to demolished or weirdly mapped buildings, oh well.
Date: 2024-04-27T18:26:23+02:00
Changeset 150591926 (Comment no. 2) by richlv
Contributor: richlv
Discussion Comment No.: 2
Comment: Weirdly mapped could be fixed, demolished wouldn't fit in OSM, I guess :)
Date: 2024-04-29T17:27:14+02:00
Changeset 150577514 (Comment no. 3) by richlv
Contributor: richlv
Discussion Comment No.: 3
Comment: Thank you so much for map improvements and the considerate discussion.
All discussions on OSM are also highly welcome in the Latvian OSM community chat - .
Date: 2024-04-29T16:56:46+02:00
Changeset 150660273 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Hi!
Thanks for your changes!
Just to let you know, it is not necessary to specify access values in places where they are default/implied and the ways don't have any legal exceptions. On vast majority of highway=footway
, there don't need to be extra values. While access value hierarchy is a complex topic, in summary, it is not technically correct to say access=no
here, because there are other modes of transportation that are not foot
and bicycle
Date: 2024-04-29T15:03:42+02:00
Changeset 150823997 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Sveiki,
Vai varētu precizēt, kas tieši domāts ar celiņu klasifikāciju attiecībā uz veloceļiem? Pievienotie tegi ir nedaudz neskaidri. Latvijā ir vai nu parasti celiņi un ietves vai arī veloceļi - kopīgi vai sadalīti. Bet (gandrīz) nav citu "pa vidu" variantu. Tāpēc piemēram kombinācija highway=footway
+ bicycle=designated
(piemēram ) nav gluži korekta.
Vairāk info
Date: 2024-05-03T11:32:10+02:00
Changeset 150737523 (Comment no. 2) by bmiww
Contributor: bmiww
Discussion Comment No.: 2
Comment: Ah, thanks for correcting it.
Date: 2024-05-03T15:02:57+02:00
Changeset 112262265 (Comment no. 1) by richlv
Contributor: richlv
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Sveiki, pamanīju, ka šajā izmaiņu kopā "source" tagam pievienots "Balticmaps".
Tā kā šīs izmaiņas ir no 2021. gada, iespējams, viss jau atrisināts - bet drošības labad jāpiemin, ka OSM nedrīkst neko kopēt no Balticmaps. Ja kādas tādas izmaiņas vēl palikušas, tās visas vajadzētu atcelt.
Date: 2024-05-03T18:09:00+02:00
Changeset 150871108 (Comment no. 1) by AmOosm
Contributor: AmOosm
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Did you intend to use building:flats? That is for specifying the amount of flats a building has. For entrances you are probably looking for addr:flats instead.
Date: 2024-05-04T10:38:32+02:00
Changeset 150893940 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Sveiki,
Lūdzu nemaini celiņus uz veloceliņiem, ja tur nav uzliktas atbilstošas ceļa zīmes, kas maina šo ceļu nozīmi.
Piemēram, zem tilta nav veloceļš.
Vai piemēram, iebraucot gājēju tunelī, nav veloceļš (ir velomaršruts, bet zīme attiecas uz braukšanu taisni).
Šajā posmā salaboju.
Date: 2024-05-07T10:50:03+02:00
Changeset 151032421 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Hi!
I am assuming the "parking lot" has "tikai ar atļaujām" sign? In the OSM sense, this is not access=permit
, but just access=private
. Permit implies that anyone from the public could get a permit. But in a location like this, it is highly unlikely they would issue permits to everyone, even if they don't study or live here.
Date: 2024-05-08T18:37:02+02:00
Changeset 151032421 (Comment no. 2) by Markalex2209
Contributor: Markalex2209
Discussion Comment No.: 2
Comment: It has 523, with "Izņemot ar RTK atļaujām".
After reading what the access=permit
means I agree.
Thanks for clarification and guidance.
Date: 2024-05-09T23:23:35+02:00
Changeset 143138952 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Sveiki!
Vai nav palicis atmiņā, kas tas par punktu - . Piezīmē norādīts "drainage", bet tad tas diez vai ir "well", kur var ņemt (parasti dzeramu) ūdeni.
Date: 2024-05-11T11:54:55+02:00
Changeset 47870537 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: A kas tas tāds ir/bija te? 2017 Mapillary tikai stāvvieta.
Date: 2024-05-11T16:00:53+02:00
Changeset 47870537 (Comment no. 2) by richlv
Contributor: richlv
Discussion Comment No.: 2
Comment: ĀĀĀ, droši vien barrier=chain, tajā laikā bija praktiski vienīgā mobilā appa, un tur bija ļoti ierobežoti POI tipi :)
Date: 2024-05-11T18:46:39+02:00
Changeset 143138952 (Comment no. 3) by Reinis Bērziņš
Contributor: Reinis Bērziņš
Discussion Comment No.: 3
Comment: Šajā gadījumā vairs nebūs aktuāli, bet vispār nākotnes vārdā: man šķiet, ka arī meliorācijas aka var tikt apzīmēta ar man_made=water_well, bet var pierakstīt klāt drinking_water=yes/no. Tīrās vietās meliorācijas akas var izmantot pilnīgi identiski kā dzeramā ūdens akas, kas abas parasti izraktas līdz gruntsūdeņu slānim. Arī es visu bērnību izmantoju 2 šādas meliorācijas akas gan dzeršanai gan piena dzesēšanai. Šeit doti dažādi piemēri, no kuriem 2 piemēros praksē nevar iegūt nekādu ūdeni:
Date: 2024-05-12T15:16:19+02:00
Changeset 151220514 (Comment no. 1) by Colbertson
Contributor: Colbertson
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Big thanks for adding information about the artist and material
Date: 2024-05-12T13:14:42+02:00
Changeset 143138952 (Comment no. 4) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 4
Comment: Skaidrs, paldies par precizējumu.
Jā, pagaidu būvniecības lietas nav jēgas zīmēt (izņemot teritoriju).
Vispārīgi, tiešam nevaru neko labāku par man_made=water_well
atrast. Ja būtu apsegta/ar vāku, tad varētu vēl man_made=manhole
. Bet tādas atvērtas, kur vēl var gruntsūdeni ņemt, laikam OSM nav precīza tega. Līdz šim neesmu gluži nekur sastapies ar tādu (vismaz nesabrukušu), tāpēc nav bijusi "problēma" iezīmēt.
Date: 2024-05-12T20:31:45+02:00
Changeset 141253716 (Comment no. 2) by saulsardzene
Contributor: saulsardzene
Discussion Comment No.: 2
Comment: Jā, tur nav veikals, bet erycasynths instrumentu ražotne, komplektēšanas vieta, birojs, radošā darbnīca, no kuras arī sintezatori tiek izsūtīti pa visu pasauli. Nezināju, kādu labāk "tagu" likt. Ko ieteiktu?
Date: 2024-05-13T17:22:35+02:00
Changeset 141253716 (Comment no. 3) by richlv
Contributor: richlv
Discussion Comment No.: 3
Comment: Varbūt ?
Date: 2024-05-13T19:10:28+02:00
Changeset 141253716 (Comment no. 4) by saulsardzene
Contributor: saulsardzene
Discussion Comment No.: 4
Comment: Paldies! Jā, šis laikam varētu būt atbilstošāk.
Date: 2024-05-14T07:24:53+02:00
Changeset 151317745 (Comment no. 1) by thetorturedpoetsdepartment
Contributor: thetorturedpoetsdepartment
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: accidentally requested review, it isnt nessecary anymore.
Date: 2024-05-14T16:26:08+02:00
Changeset 151244877 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Sveiki,
Vienu kapsētu vairākos gabalos zīmēt nevajadzētu, jo tad te datos sanāk ir 3 atsevišķas kapsētas (ar vienādiem nosaukumiem). Tā vietā, konkrēti kapsētām, katru "apgabalu" var norādīt ar cemetery=sector
Principā ceļi, kas iet caur kapsētu, ir kapsētas teritorijā.
Date: 2024-05-14T13:21:07+02:00
Changeset 151251769 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Hi!
Just a note that you should not change any objects solely to render on the default map. OSM is used by many maps and data consumers and what is rendered or parsed is different. For example, tagging this as a separate building means that the data now contains a separate building here (even if it looks like one on the default map).
I adjusted here to how building "air corridors" like this are usually tagged. Depending on which building it is part of - that building would include this shape and then the part itself duplicating the contour can specify how it's different.
Notably for levels/floors OSM maps this a little confusingly, but this is a 2 level building that starts at the second level - building:levels=2
Date: 2024-05-14T13:05:38+02:00
Changeset 151274877 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Sveiki!
Informācijai, vispārīgi sakot pamatgadījumos, ja ir ar zilo zīmi apzīmēta dzīvojamā zona, tad galvenos ceļus ir jāatzīmē kā dzīvojamās ielas neatkarīgi vai tur gar sāniem stāvvietas vai maģistrāle. Noteikumi iekšpagalmos (un stāvvietās) gandrīz sakrīt, bet tomēr faktiskā klasifikācija un OSM pēc funkcijas izmantošanai pārsvarā ir jāsakrīt ar legālo nozīmi.
Šeit izskatās, ka iebraukšana ir caur privātiem vārtiem/barjeru, un tad visticamāk var atstāt arī kā service, jo piekļuve faktiski ir īpašumam. OSM izpratnē tas iespējams nav vairs ceļš bet piebrauktuve. Tas praktiski var būt iemesls, kādēļ šādās vietās varētu nelikt dzīvojamās ielas.
Protams, jāskatās daudzos gadījumos uz vietas. Ar daudzstāvu māju pagalmiem ir ļoti sarežģīti.
Šeit es personīgi atstātu šo plato posmu kā dzīvojamo ielu kamēr šis posms iet gar vairākām mājām un vēl nav pārvērties par stāvvietu. Parasti, ja no tā ceļa atdalās vēl sīki ceļi un iebrauktuves, tad droši vien tas vēl ir OSM izpratnē pēc funkcijas savienojošais ceļš ar regulāru satiksmi uz dažādām vietām.
Date: 2024-05-14T12:48:46+02:00
Changeset 151297175 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Sveiki!
Paldies par izmaiņām. Nedaudz pielaboju.
Šeit pēc kadastra ir divas ēkas (un divas adreses), tāpēc atvienoju kā iepriekš. Tā kā skola tagad viena, tad galvenā informācija ir uz laukuma, bet ēkām tikai apzīmējums, ka skolas ēka.
Vēl piebildīšu, ka building=gymansium
nozīmē lielu ēku sportam un fizkultūrai, bet ne viss "ģimnāzija". Drošvien šo var tā pazīmēt bet ne ēkas, kur ir pamattelpas.
Date: 2024-05-14T12:35:33+02:00
Changeset 151251769 (Comment no. 3) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 3
Comment: Sure thing!
Warnings will happen, but they are just warnings - if the tagging and geometry are correct, then they can be ignored. The iD editor is not very good with complex situations with levels and building parts and often complains about stuff and offers incorrect fixes. Technically, the points do not connect to the building, because they are on different layers (and obviously do not connect in real life), but this is when the editor starts complaining - it does not understand that a building part on a different layer implies that the building itself in that location does not overlap anything. Building parts in particular are complex, because they "override" the building shape, but almost no tools out there (except 3D renderers) really understand this.
Date: 2024-05-14T23:00:03+02:00
Changeset 24425344 (Comment no. 3) by richlv
Contributor: richlv
Discussion Comment No.: 3
Comment: Neato, thanks :)
Date: 2024-05-14T19:20:09+02:00
Changeset 151244877 (Comment no. 3) by richlv
Contributor: richlv
Discussion Comment No.: 3
Comment: Liels paldies par burvīgo diskusiju un kartes papildinājumiem :)
Runājot par brāļu kapiem, gribēju tik nedaudz pareklamēt potenciālus papildtagus:
Date: 2024-05-14T19:18:14+02:00
Changeset 151274877 (Comment no. 2) by richlv
Contributor: richlv
Discussion Comment No.: 2
Comment: Agrāk (nu jau droši vien pirms gadiem 10 :) ) vienojāmies, ka living_street ir tur, kur ir attiecīgās zīmes. Citur liekam service, potenciāli ar precizējošiem tagiem.
Date: 2024-05-14T19:14:41+02:00
Changeset 151251769 (Comment no. 4) by Markalex2209
Contributor: Markalex2209
Discussion Comment No.: 4
Comment: Not great. As a novice in tagging, I try to err on side of caution. And when I see warnings, I assume that it's my fault, not editor's (except for obviously ignored by somebody else previously warnings, like happens a lot with crossings).
Date: 2024-05-15T05:48:20+02:00
Changeset 151251769 (Comment no. 7) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 7
Comment: @rich: True building passages where the way goes \through\ (like many Soviet apartment blocks have around her) are indeed generally connected and this doesn't stop routing. This here isn't a building passage but a sky bridge. It's more similar to a bridge area - you wouldn't connect it there or you will end up connecting different layers - like a lower path to a bridge railing - this would break routing. So if one were to map something more than just a building wall/part, then such a connection would be problematic. It usually isn't and which is why I said it's "technically" incorrect, but practically fine for most cases. I left them connected here myself when adjusting the building part.
Date: 2024-05-15T09:53:42+02:00
Changeset 151360724 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Hi!
Thanks for your changes!
I made some corrections. I will mention the most important ones below.
It is best not to connect wood and grass areas to other ways - they don't actually overlap roads, footway surfaces and similar (such as where asphalt begins). For example, . You should also be careful not to connect them at random points - if in doubt, leave a gap to the way. Not all areas need to connect with point - only those that logically of physically connect should. For example, a park can have wooded areas or grass areas, etc.
Wood areas should also be used only for significant tree cover rather than sparse occasional trees like around . And areas like are definitely not wood. Similarly, areas like are not parks, just small grass patches.
Paths like should connect all the way to roads, otherwise they will not work with routing software.
There are a lot of things to cover, so let me know if you have specific questions.
Date: 2024-05-15T16:46:32+02:00
Changeset 151321240 (Comment no. 1) by Shandhivya
Contributor: Shandhivya
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Thank you for your edit. I reviewed your work and it looks good. OMGURU
Published using OSMCha:
Date: 2024-05-16T07:55:06+02:00
Changeset 151274877 (Comment no. 3) by Pilsetkartetajs
Contributor: Pilsetkartetajs
Discussion Comment No.: 3
Comment: Sveiki, paldies par komentāriem!
Nomainīju šeit ceļiem klasifikāciju, jo šai teritorijai pie šlagbaumiem ir privātās stāvvietas zīme (P burts ar papildzīmi), kas nozīmē, man liekas, ka visi ceļi māju pagalmā atrodas stāvlaukumā un ir attiecīgi service ceļi.
Date: 2024-05-16T06:10:30+02:00
Changeset 151423289 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Hi!
The edit by itself looks okay.
I should note that the cycle lanes themselves should be added either as separate ways or tags on the road, depending on what they are (like, are there any physical separators?).
I cannot say more without surveying the location, which I will likely do soon and fix/adjust everything as needed.
One question I have - can you (not) turn left here coming from West from Ezemalas turnign North to Viskaļu (towards the apartment area NE)? If you can, then the road should not join at such a sharp angle.
Similarly, can you (not) turn here left ?
Date: 2024-05-17T15:15:59+02:00
Changeset 151451643 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Hello,
I changed draugiem
back to contact:draugiem
for . I don't see this mentioned anywhere in import description, so I am assuming an error.
Date: 2024-05-17T14:13:37+02:00
Changeset 122685588 (Comment no. 1) by richlv
Contributor: richlv
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Hi, this changeset has changed isolated_dwelling to locality, for example, on .
As per OSM wiki, "place=locality tag is used to name an unpopulated location for which there is no extant feature to which the tag could be associated", this this change seems to be incorrect - was there a specific reason for that?
If not, will see about switching back to isolated_dwelling.
Date: 2024-05-19T17:08:59+02:00
Changeset 151488834 (Comment no. 7) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 7
Comment: Pielaboju, cik sapratu no apraksta.
Parasti OSM tādas zīmes vispār neliek, bet gan apzīmē to jēgu/ietekmi uz attiecīgajiem elementiem. Šajā gadījumā - uz ceļa ir access=private
, jeb piekļuve nav publiski atļauta. Es atstāju tavu komentāru tur, jo vieta stulba un varbūt kādam (visdrīzāk nākotnes kartētājam) palīdzēs saprast situāciju.
Date: 2024-05-19T16:17:05+02:00
Changeset 151535232 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Sveiki,
Gribēju pieminēt, ka OSM zīmē to, kas ir sastopams dabā, bet tādas lietas kā Rīgas terplāns var un bieži neatbilst patiesai situācijai. Šajā gadījumā OSM zīmē tā, kā tas ir realitātē. Ar teritoriju robežām jābūt piesardzīgi, jo ne terplāns ne kadastrs nav precīzi (un kadastrs parasti ir precīzāks privātām teritorijām).
Kā piemēru minētu šādu punktu - . Varbūt terplānā tur arī ir trijstūrītis "nogriezts". Bet dabā var redzēt ortofoto, ka sēta ir tuvāk un faktiski gandrīz pa kadastra robežu - tāpēc arī iezīmēt vajadzētu gar faktisko teritoriju, kas tiek izmantota kā privātā.
Date: 2024-05-19T15:19:06+02:00
Changeset 147327662 (Comment no. 3) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 3
Comment: Понятно, спасибо за пояснение. Я изменю на трубу. Вряд ли, здесь мостик, хотя на LIDAR - глубокая канава без широкого перерыва...
Date: 2024-05-20T11:58:40+02:00
Changeset 139531938 (Comment no. 2) by Mister_R2
Contributor: Mister_R2
Discussion Comment No.: 2
Comment: Yes, sorry, I meant to make these a culverts, like on other locations.
Date: 2024-05-20T11:19:22+02:00
Changeset 151463624 (Comment no. 1) by Cucazer
Contributor: Cucazer
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Hello!
This changeset created a bunch of multipolygons (e.g., for the objects that were already marked as simple polygons. These didn't have any unusual geometries (as in to justify use of multipolygons. In this scenario converting simple ways to relations with many members just complicates further editing, as the features cannot be that easily separated.
What are your intentions with converting simple polygons to multipolygons?
Date: 2024-05-20T16:24:17+02:00
Changeset 9516384 (Comment no. 2) by richlv
Contributor: richlv
Discussion Comment No.: 2
Comment: Ļoti labs jautājums. Pirms 12 gadiem, JOSM... šis izskatās pēc netīša punkta, dzēšam ārā :)
Date: 2024-05-21T11:30:44+02:00
Changeset 145551187 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Sveiki!
Šis kompresors drošvien ne tajā vietā trāpījies. Es nezinu, kur tieši tam bija jābūt, tāpēc nevaru pats izlabot neminot.
Date: 2024-05-21T09:35:12+02:00
Changeset 9516384 (Comment no. 3) by andrisl
Contributor: andrisl
Discussion Comment No.: 3
Comment: Izdzēsu!
Date: 2024-05-21T12:58:16+02:00
Changeset 9516384 (Comment no. 4) by richlv
Contributor: richlv
Discussion Comment No.: 4
Comment: Super, liels paldies par pamanīšanu un uzlabošanu.
Date: 2024-05-21T19:31:12+02:00
Changeset 151423289 (Comment no. 2) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 2
Comment: I've adjusted the details and added the new left turn from Ezermalas to Viskaļu.
Date: 2024-05-22T12:20:35+02:00
Changeset 151423289 (Comment no. 3) by usantik
Contributor: usantik
Discussion Comment No.: 3
Comment: Hi!
Sorry for not replying on time, but yep, there is only one turn that could be added and that's the one you've actually added :). So far, bike lanes are not separated by anything but the markings on the road. Don't know if they will add any poles or something similar to what's used in the city center, but that's how things are at the moment.
Date: 2024-05-22T23:15:11+02:00
Changeset 117296649 (Comment no. 2) by artuuurs
Contributor: artuuurs
Discussion Comment No.: 2
Comment: Jā, tā gan jau ir pareizāk. Tu jau esi eksperts :) Un tur tagad ir viesu māja uztaisīta, nezinu, vai parkings tai ir tieši tajā vietā vai nedaudz citā. Ja turpat, tad tas vairs nav tikai "ski parking". Varu uzjautāt īpašniekam.
Date: 2024-05-22T22:00:50+02:00
Changeset 151681964 (Comment no. 1) by richlv
Contributor: richlv
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Pirmajam labojumam burvīgi, liels paldies :)
Pāris sīkumi - oficiālā adrešu sintakse mazliet atšķiras, skat. Hellmap veikto labojumu.
Es nedaudz vienkāršoju darba laika pierakstu - tas bija pareizs, bet "We,Fr" apvienošana to padara nedaudz īsāku un vieglāk uztveramu.
Starp citu, laipni aicinām arī Latvijas OSM kopienas čatā, kur var apspriest visu un jebko par OSM: .
Date: 2024-05-22T20:20:48+02:00
Changeset 117296649 (Comment no. 3) by richlv
Contributor: richlv
Discussion Comment No.: 3
Comment: Visi jau mēs te kopā veidojam "ekspertumu" :)
Šobrīd pārliku "name" uz "description" un pieliku access=customers - šķiet, tas pagaidām pietiekami.
Date: 2024-05-23T08:42:28+02:00
Changeset 151689962 (Comment no. 1) by richlv
Contributor: richlv
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Sveiki, liels paldies par burvīgajiem kartes papildinājumiem.
Šim veikalam (?) Hellmap mazliet precizēja tipu.
Tā kā šai ēkai laikam nav piešķirta oficiāla adrese, to pagaidām noņēmu.
Un, ja vēl nav bijusi iespēja pievienoties, laipni aicinām Latvijas OSM kopienas čatā, .
Date: 2024-05-23T08:40:22+02:00
Changeset 151681964 (Comment no. 2) by ttomst
Contributor: ttomst
Discussion Comment No.: 2
Comment: Paldies!
Date: 2024-05-23T17:33:24+02:00
Changeset 151618607 (Comment no. 2) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 2
Comment: Sveiki,
Interesanti. Es nekad nebiju sastapies ar tādu retail
lietojumu, kur faktiski jau ir atbilstošs elements tam laukumam. Skatoties wiki lapā, tas teikums pievienots bez papildus paskaidrojuma. Es nekur īsti neredzu, kur tas būtu apspriests un no kurienes autors to nolēmis. Es gan arī nesaku, ka tas ir nepareizi, jo autors ir pieredzējis aktīvs lietotājs un laikam balstās uz praksi (vismaz savā reģionā). Skatoties esošos lietojumus tādās vietās kā Vācijā izskatās, ka bieži kopā lieto amenity=fuel
+ landuse=retail
vietās, kur iezīmēts viss laukums. Faktiski Latvijā nekur nav tā lietots - tikai viens pats amenity=fuel
Es laikam tiešām piekrītu, ka varētu pielikt visiem amenity=fuel
laukumiem arī landuse=retail
klāt, jo faktiski laukumi sakrīt. Es to tad izdarīšu, bet tikai ielikšu par to ziņu Zulipā vispirms, lai to izmainītu \visām\ DUS, ne tikai šiem dažiem piemēriem.
Date: 2024-05-23T19:31:52+02:00
Changeset 151733371 (Comment no. 2) by Markalex2209
Contributor: Markalex2209
Discussion Comment No.: 2
Comment: I based my understanding on this wiki page:
for all machines that accept bottles, cans and crates which return.
and considered ambiguous tagging as undesired.
I see that I might be wrong here. Please consider joining discussion here: and help us get to a consensus.
Date: 2024-05-24T14:41:51+02:00
Changeset 151829076 (Comment no. 1) by Cucazer
Contributor: Cucazer
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Additional source:
Date: 2024-05-25T21:37:56+02:00
Changeset 151811079 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Čau!
Gribēju pieminēt, ka šitie nav bump'i, bet pašā ceļu krustojumā speed table.
Date: 2024-05-26T16:16:31+02:00
Changeset 47870537 (Comment no. 3) by andrisl
Contributor: andrisl
Discussion Comment No.: 3
Comment: Var šo dzēst ārā, ja?
Date: 2024-05-26T14:35:15+02:00
Changeset 149487679 (Comment no. 6) by richlv
Contributor: richlv
Discussion Comment No.: 6
Comment: Izbraucu tur piektdien - ceļš šur tur pa vienu joslu ar luksoforiem, bet braucams. Tātad noteikti nav highway=construction.
=construction pilnībā pazūd no tālākiem zūmleveļiem, un pilnībā pazūd no Garmin iekārtām (kā man bija...).
Atliku atpakaļ uz highway=primary, noņēmu access un pieliku pagaidu maxspeed=50 (tur dažādi tie ātrumi, bet gan jau ka remontdarbu laikā mainās, negribēju pedantizēt par katru posmu).
Date: 2024-05-26T21:04:11+02:00
Changeset 47870537 (Comment no. 4) by richlv
Contributor: richlv
Discussion Comment No.: 4
Comment: Derētu kādas svaigas bildes un pārbaudīt, kas tajā stūrī tagad ir sazīmējams, ja jau sākām skatīties :)
Date: 2024-05-26T20:39:22+02:00
Changeset 151768390 (Comment no. 1) by richlv
Contributor: richlv
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Thank you for the map updates.
According to the official cadastre data, the east-west segment has no name, update accordingly.
Date: 2024-05-26T18:25:53+02:00
Changeset 151890746 (Comment no. 1) by andrisl
Contributor: andrisl
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Sveiki.
Lūdzu ņemiet vērā, ka nevajag dzēst ceļus tikai tādēļ, ka pa tiem braukt nedrīkst. Ja braukt nedrīkst tad ir jāpieliek access=private tags klāt un ar to būs pietiekami.
Jādzēš ārā kaut kas tikai tad, ja konkrētais elements neeksistē.
Date: 2024-05-30T10:28:24+02:00
Changeset 151363500 (Comment no. 2) by andrisl
Contributor: andrisl
Discussion Comment No.: 2
Comment: Es pārsvarā zīmēju no Esri, jo gandrīz visur Esri ir paši jaunākie attēli. Man nepatīk Esri sliktā kvalitāte, zinu, ka mūsējais Ortofoto ir pašā augstākajā kvalitātē un ar to būtu patīkamāk kartēt, taču, lai kartē nejauši neiezīmētu vecus elementus, izmantoju Esri. Daudz esmu saskāries ar gadījumiem, kad ēka, kas eksistē Ortofoto ir nojaukta Esri. Nejauciet ar Esri clarity, to es nekad neizmantoju.
Date: 2024-05-30T17:56:52+02:00
Changeset 151890746 (Comment no. 4) by andrisl
Contributor: andrisl
Discussion Comment No.: 4
Comment: Izskatās labi.
Date: 2024-05-30T16:56:46+02:00
Changeset 151363500 (Comment no. 3) by andrisl
Contributor: andrisl
Discussion Comment No.: 3
Comment: Esri īstenībā rāda ortofoto no diviem laika periodiem. Ļoti liels tuvinājums automātiski pāriet uz ļoti vecu ortofoto, kamēr ne tik tuvs, normāls, tuvinājums rāda ortofoto, kas jaunāks par lvmgeo ortofoto. Arī šis ir ļoti kaitinoši, taču tam var pielāgoties.
Date: 2024-05-30T18:15:10+02:00
Changeset 151363500 (Comment no. 6) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 6
Comment: Jā, manā komentārā jau bija pieminēts "ārpus lielajām pilsētām" ;) Cik es zinu, satelītu tuvās bildes ir ļoti dārgi taisīt un licenzēt, tāpēc faktiski tas notiek tikai blīvi apdzīvotās vietās. Es neesmu skatījies konkrēti, kur vēl ir sīkā izšķirtspēja, bet iespējams tikai Rīgā. Mazākas izšķirtspējas ir kā kur. Piemēram Ogrē Esri ir jaunāks satelīts par Bing, bet tikai no lielāka attāluma.
Date: 2024-05-31T10:59:29+02:00
Changeset 151363500 (Comment no. 7) by richlv
Contributor: richlv
Discussion Comment No.: 7
Comment: Jā, tas noteikti ir super, ja pārbauda, kurš ortofoto slānis ir jaunāks.
Ja tam ir nobīde vai ne tik laba izšķirtspēja, tad gan ir vērts pielāgot LVMa versijai - vai nu uzzīmējot objektus citā slānī un tad pielīdzinot precīzajam, vai tam citam slānim uzliekot pareizu offset/nobīdi.
Lai svaigi iezīmētais būtu ilgstoši pietiekami precīzs :)
Date: 2024-05-31T17:22:40+02:00
Changeset 141390169 (Comment no. 5) by Treisijs
Contributor: Treisijs
Discussion Comment No.: 5
Comment: There are cadastral map in Latvia, where can see actualy border line between countries. I create border from there.
Date: 2024-05-31T12:45:50+02:00
Changeset 141390169 (Comment no. 6) by Pikse
Contributor: Pikse
Discussion Comment No.: 6
Comment: If border is defined to follow the river, which is likely the case, then as river changes the border changes, too. This is reflected on maps by Maa-amet, also e.g. here:
I see that LGIA distributes somewhat conflicting data but this data is likely oudated, as argued above. To be entirely sure we should check from official border description. Do you happen do know where to find it?
Date: 2024-06-01T16:40:34+02:00
Changeset 148382505 (Comment no. 2) by richlv
Contributor: richlv
Discussion Comment No.: 2
Comment: Cik atceros, tur bija jocīgi, ka blakus divi viena uzņēmuma pakomāti, jā.
Date: 2024-06-03T12:03:07+02:00
Changeset 152194263 (Comment no. 1) by woodpeck_repair
Contributor: woodpeck_repair
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: This changeset has been reverted fully or in part by changeset 152266030 where the changeset comment is: revert all edits by user who added lots of fictional data
Date: 2024-06-05T00:22:56+02:00
Changeset 152269986 (Comment no. 1) by Colbertson
Contributor: Colbertson
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: why
this has no reason to be a multipolygon
Date: 2024-06-06T10:33:03+02:00
Changeset 143306702 (Comment no. 2) by richlv
Contributor: richlv
Discussion Comment No.: 2
Comment: Piemirsu iekopēt objekta linku, .
Date: 2024-06-06T09:52:05+02:00
Changeset 150250881 (Comment no. 2) by richlv
Contributor: richlv
Discussion Comment No.: 2
Comment: Jā, šis neizskatās līdz galam pareizi, nomainīšu uz area=yes.
Šo arī būtu jauki apspriest OSM Latvijas kopienas čatā :)
Date: 2024-06-07T10:44:37+02:00
Changeset 140153249 (Comment no. 1) by richlv
Contributor: richlv
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Sveiki, šeit ietvēm kontūras iezīmētas kā highway=pedestrian. Tas ir apzīmējums, kuru galvenokārt izmanto gājēju ielām - ietvju kontūrām piemērotāks būtu area:highway=footway[1].
Vai to būtu iespēja nomainīt?
Priecāsimies arī apspriest sīkāk OSM Latvijas kopienas čatā: .
Date: 2024-06-07T10:40:20+02:00
Changeset 152322254 (Comment no. 1) by richlv
Contributor: richlv
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Liels paldies par kartes uzlabošanu.
Daži precizējoši jautājumi.
a) Droši vien šiem int_name jāņem nost?
b) Vai šī joprojām ir skola? Ja tā, kā to sauc?
Ja nē, kas tur tagad ir? Tad būtu jānomaina apzīmējumi teritorijai un ēkai.
c) Vai šo agrāk sauca "Madonas 2. vidusskola"?
Ja tā, to būtu jauki pievienot old_name.
Priecāsimies arī apspriest detaļas Latvijas OSM kopienas čatā: .
Date: 2024-06-07T10:33:24+02:00
Changeset 47870537 (Comment no. 5) by richlv
Contributor: richlv
Discussion Comment No.: 5
Comment: Ķēde redzama apakšējā kreisajā stūrī te - bet bildei jau 7 gadi.
Date: 2024-06-07T09:36:57+02:00
Changeset 152269986 (Comment no. 6) by Mezonens
Contributor: Mezonens
Discussion Comment No.: 6
Comment: Understood now. Thank you for bringing this to my attention. I am a relatively new OSM mapper and there are things I still don't fully understand. :)
Date: 2024-06-07T17:05:17+02:00
Changeset 140153249 (Comment no. 2) by riharcc
Contributor: riharcc
Discussion Comment No.: 2
Comment: Darīts, skat.:
Date: 2024-06-07T13:56:31+02:00
Changeset 98532529 (Comment no. 1) by richlv
Contributor: richlv
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Hehe, šis labs - iezīmēts kā vējdzirnavas, bet šī ir viena no tām viltīgajām lietām, kura ir kas cits ;)
Es te biju 2020-07-15, un arī gandrīz šo kā vējdzirnavas iezīmēju, bet tad uzzināju, ka tas ir bijis kas cits - kas tieši, norāde slēpjas ielas nosaukumā, kas te pieved ;)
Vēl precīzāka norāde ir plānotās perpendikulārās ielas nosaukumā.
Mazliet pamainīju, lai ir pareizāk.
Date: 2024-06-07T22:03:48+02:00
Changeset 140153249 (Comment no. 3) by richlv
Contributor: richlv
Discussion Comment No.: 3
Comment: Liels paldies - tehniski tiem laukumiem, kuri ir tikai garenvirziena ietve, piemērotāks būtu minētais area:highway=footway , bet tā varētu nebūt tik kritiska lieta :)
Date: 2024-06-07T18:53:15+02:00
Changeset 152269986 (Comment no. 7) by richlv
Contributor: richlv
Discussion Comment No.: 7
Comment: Yay, thank you both - and discussions are also welcome in the Latvian OSM community chat: :)
Date: 2024-06-07T18:49:08+02:00
Changeset 152388789 (Comment no. 1) by Colbertson
Contributor: Colbertson
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: aaaaaa
aizmirsu uzlikt "upload selected"
Date: 2024-06-07T18:30:30+02:00
Changeset 98532529 (Comment no. 2) by Colbertson
Contributor: Colbertson
Discussion Comment No.: 2
Comment: Tātad historic=lime_kiln?
Date: 2024-06-08T09:00:51+02:00
Changeset 152427267 (Comment no. 3) by andrisl
Contributor: andrisl
Discussion Comment No.: 3
Comment: Droši ar kaut kādu sarežģītu overpass query varētu sameklēt.
Date: 2024-06-08T19:10:52+02:00
Changeset 148245643 (Comment no. 1) by Markalex2209
Contributor: Markalex2209
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: May I ask why have you added translation of the name and not transliteration? I mean, as far as I can tell, there is no particular reason to do so.
Date: 2024-06-09T16:47:01+02:00
Changeset 152405219 (Comment no. 4) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 4
Comment: Es jau neko vairāk par aptuvenu kvadrātiņu arī nezīmēju šitādiem. Tur jau kadastrā vēl ar visādiem izbīdījumiem.
Foršas bij. vējdzirnavas!
Date: 2024-06-09T20:43:34+02:00
Changeset 135601874 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Hello,
Could you please clarify what specifically on these paths like make them private access? Are there signs or some such? This path crosses other paths and then connects to paths that were previously surveyed. Currently, the path under the bridge is not routable/accessible from South.
Date: 2024-06-09T19:31:04+02:00
Changeset 98532529 (Comment no. 3) by richlv
Contributor: richlv
Discussion Comment No.: 3
Comment: Paldies, jā - tobrīd nebija laika visu salikt :)
Noskaidroju un pieliku arī ēkai start_date un vēl šādas tādas detaļas.
Date: 2024-06-09T18:41:32+02:00
Changeset 115141893 (Comment no. 1) by richlv
Contributor: richlv
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Sveiki, šeit bez diskusijas tika noņemts nosaukums, mājaslapu linki - kādēļ tā?
Šādās situācijās noteikti vajadzētu apspriesties Latvijas OSM kopienā, šobrīd vislabākā vieta - .
Date: 2024-06-10T10:28:28+02:00
Changeset 135601874 (Comment no. 2) by richlv
Contributor: richlv
Discussion Comment No.: 2
Comment: My first take would be "remove & clarify later" to preserve map usefulness - for example, also see (which seems unlikely, there are no signs of any access restrictions in the cemetery).
Date: 2024-06-10T09:59:31+02:00
Changeset 135601874 (Comment no. 3) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 3
Comment: I decided to pick this route for today's survey. I had this planned before, but routing created weirdness here, which is why I asked. The one path that is still not made private access is what threw me off. Anyway, this whole area is actually now fenced off and currently no entry. I will adjust this in a bit. But obviously, none of this was clear from the lack of changeset comment. There are at least several other ways that were made private that are dubious and at least a couple I confirmed are actually not private.
Date: 2024-06-10T18:29:56+02:00
Changeset 149911566 (Comment no. 1) by richlv
Contributor: richlv
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Te ir divi "outer" ceļi, vai mazākajam vajadzēja būt "inner"?
Date: 2024-06-12T21:16:37+02:00
Changeset 149911566 (Comment no. 2) by Anrijs Terauds
Contributor: Anrijs Terauds
Discussion Comment No.: 2
Comment: Ja ātrijs, tad jau būs inner. Samainīju.
Date: 2024-06-13T10:58:23+02:00
Changeset 152600773 (Comment no. 1) by richlv
Contributor: richlv
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Liels paldies par kartes uzlabošanu.
Nosaukums palicis iepriekšējais citos posmos - vai būtu vēlme arī tos salabot?
Vēl laikam būtu vērts vienādot ar šī posma kartējumu: .
Teorētiski tas nav pilnīgi oficiāls nosaukums, bet tā kā šo ceļu tā mēdz saukt, "name" taga lietošana šķiet pieņemama.
Date: 2024-06-13T09:10:38+02:00
Changeset 152643675 (Comment no. 1) by richlv
Contributor: richlv
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Liels paldies par kartes papildināšanu.
Vai šie ceļi ir apzīmēti ar (zilo) dzīvojamās zonas zīmi?
Date: 2024-06-13T19:14:48+02:00
Changeset 135601874 (Comment no. 4) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 4
Comment: I have adjusted the West side of the area for now. It seems much of the construction and forestry works happened recently. There's a fence now with only a couple entrances and both are signed with no access signage. Seems like the area is going to be a recreation area but private/customer access.
Date: 2024-06-14T11:50:50+02:00
Changeset 152671855 (Comment no. 3) by andrisl
Contributor: andrisl
Discussion Comment No.: 3
Comment: This too:
Date: 2024-06-14T15:06:40+02:00
Changeset 152669321 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Hello,
I have reverted this edit because you left behind a road that is not connected to anything and your changeset comment doesn't explain why a whole road segment is removed.
The road here is also visible on the aerial. Can you please clarify what has changed here or what restriction are here so we can adjust any roads properly?
Date: 2024-06-14T18:28:04+02:00
Changeset 152689696 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Sveiki!
Pamanīju nesenā laikā iezīmētos highway=busway
kā piemēram šajā izmaiņā. Lūgums šādi ceļus neatzīmēt - šis tegs ir domāts speciāli izbūvētai atdalītai infrastruktūrai publiskajam transportam gar un starp ceļiem, kur tas var pārvietoties ātrāk nesastopoties ar pārējo satiksmi. Latvijā šādu ceļu, cik zinu, nav ne viena (nākotnē, piemēram Rīgā plānota t.s. "metrobusa līnija", kas tad tiešām būtu busway). Sīki piebraucami ceļi un autoostu ceļi nav autobusu tranzītceļi, bet parasti sīki servisa ceļi/laukumi, kur var tad arī būt dažādi liegumi citiem transporta veidiem. Piemēram, pieturvietās drīkst apstāties jebkurš, bet busway tegs pēc būtības to liedz.
Un otrkārt, fiziski neatdalītas ceļa joslas kā pieturvietas noteikti nav atsevišķi ceļi, piemēram vai . Šādi joslas var nodalīt, ja tur ir fiziska barjera, zāles gabals, satiksmes mierinājumi, arī stabiņi vai vismaz apmale. Bet viena laida ceļi, kur ir vienkārši pieturas, netiek zīmēti šādi - te gan maršrutēšana ir nepareiza, gan pieturas piesaiste ceļam, gan maršruta ceļu norādes, gan ģeometrija, gan karšu renderēšana. Un piemēram šādi zīmēt divus ceļus vienu pa virsu otram noteikti nevar - te papildus ir arī navigācijas kļūdas ar asu leņķi un pārklājošos ceļa ģeometriju.
Diemžēl pa pēdējo mēnesi ir sakrājies daudz šādu izmaiņu un šiem visiem ceļiem ir piesaistītas relācijas, tāpēc masveidā izlabot es to uzreiz nevarēšu. Atcelt izmaiņas arī noteikti negribētos. Bet šādi gadījumi ir jāizlabo, jo pašlaik tas veido nekorektus datos.
Es pieminēšu par šiem busway Zulipā, lai iespējams apspriestu kā labāk rīkoties.
Date: 2024-06-15T17:20:19+02:00
Changeset 152738075 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: While I agree with your naming correction, I don't believe any of these roads have English names to begin with. It was added by one user and I'm not sure what source they used. Even the developer's website doesn't have non-Latvian names (even no Russian names in Russian version of the site)
Date: 2024-06-16T10:04:47+02:00
Changeset 115141893 (Comment no. 3) by richlv
Contributor: richlv
Discussion Comment No.: 3
Comment: Liels paldies par atbildi.
Vai pareizi sapratu, ka atsauce atbilst, bet tas būtu vienkārši bijušais ~"Sakaru tīkls "Iskra". Objekts 535"?
Date: 2024-06-17T11:41:38+02:00
Changeset 152689696 (Comment no. 2) by Maris33
Contributor: Maris33
Discussion Comment No.: 2
Comment: Sveiki! Centīšos pamazām izlabot!
Date: 2024-06-17T15:35:25+02:00
Changeset 152643675 (Comment no. 2) by TheWildFox
Contributor: TheWildFox
Discussion Comment No.: 2
Comment: Nē, nekādu zīmju nebija. Smainīju uz residental. Cerams būs pareizi.
Date: 2024-06-17T12:45:25+02:00
Changeset 152747270 (Comment no. 1) by richlv
Contributor: richlv
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Liels paldies par kartes uzlabošanu.
Veicu nelielas izmaiņas - tā kā OpenStreetMap gandrīz vienmēr izmantojami pilni nosaukumi, nomainīju saīsinājumus.
Saskaņā ar , "Sunākstes Baltā baznīca" arī ir esošs nosaukums - pievienoju to atpakaļ kā alt_name.
Šos un citus jautājumus priecāsimies apspriest arī OpenStreetMap Latvijas kopienas čatā, .
Date: 2024-06-17T19:31:03+02:00
Changeset 152851348 (Comment no. 1) by Hufkratzer
Contributor: Hufkratzer
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Hi,
I think you have choosen the wrong tag for This area does not look like a riding centre (tag leisure=horse_riding), it looks like a riding arena, similar to In OSM riding arenas are usually tagged leisure=pitch + sport=equestrian and iD has a preset for them. See also
Date: 2024-06-19T20:16:41+02:00
Changeset 152832130 (Comment no. 3) by richlv
Contributor: richlv
Discussion Comment No.: 3
Comment: Burvīgi, liels paldies.
Pievienoju arī epastu un telefonu no .
Spriežot pēc pieejamās informācijas, tas nav saīsinājums - nomainīju uz "sentence case".
Date: 2024-06-20T23:05:47+02:00
Changeset 152931390 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Sveiki!
Lūdzu nesavieno mežus kopā, ja tie atrodas pāri ceļiem, dzelzceļiem, u.c. vietām, kas nav mežs. Šeit ir tieši otrādāk - šie milzīgie meža gabali jādala sīkāk apkārt ceļiem un citiem laukumiem.
Un pilnīgi noteikti nevajag pievienot meža laukumus ceļiem, kā piemēram šeit Mežs beidzas pirms ceļa brauktuves sākuma un tur vēl parasti ir zāles vai brikšņu gabals.
Date: 2024-06-21T17:50:17+02:00
Changeset 152934931 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Hello,
You deleted a road again without a proper explanation, so I have reverted your edit.
Date: 2024-06-21T17:40:10+02:00
Changeset 114566714 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Hi,
Are you sure there are culverts here like and ?
Date: 2024-06-21T21:17:28+02:00
Changeset 152931390 (Comment no. 2) by Mezonens
Contributor: Mezonens
Discussion Comment No.: 2
Comment: Labi, sapratu. Paldies par komentāru.
Date: 2024-06-25T05:48:05+02:00
Changeset 124570646 (Comment no. 1) by giggls
Contributor: giggls
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Did this campsite actually exist back then?
I have been there at 31.5. and it did not look like it still existed. However there was a road sign still pointing to it. Maybe it reopened at 1.6. but I doubt this.
Date: 2024-06-25T12:55:55+02:00
Changeset 124570646 (Comment no. 3) by giggls
Contributor: giggls
Discussion Comment No.: 3
Comment: Hm we did not even find an entrance.
Date: 2024-06-25T19:25:09+02:00
Changeset 152363017 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Izmaiņa atcelta, jo atkal izdzēsts ceļš bez paskaidrojuma, kuram bija jāpielabo vērtības nevis jādzēš.
Date: 2024-06-26T09:34:53+02:00
Changeset 153187679 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Sveiki,
Paldies par izmaiņām.
Piebildīšu, ka ēkas zīmē pēc to fiziskā izkārtojuma un ne pēc tā, kas tajās atrodas. Šajā gadījumā, viss ēkas komplekss ir viena ēka. Atsevišķas norises vietas parasti tajā atzīmē ar punktu ar attiecīgu vērtību.
Es šeit pielaboju.
Ja Jūs varētu precizēt, kas tieši ir "Popkorns" un "Kopstrādes telpas", tad varētu arī uzlikt precīzākus apzīmējumus punktiem. Pašlaik tie uzlikti kā pasākumu norises vietas.
Date: 2024-06-26T09:31:06+02:00
Changeset 153221666 (Comment no. 3) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 3
Comment: lol
Date: 2024-06-26T21:39:53+02:00
Changeset 153263924 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Hello,
Please don't add addr:country
to random features that are not generally addressable entities (like a building or a shop). They do not have an official addresses and should not be using address tags, especially when it's just the country and nothing else.
Date: 2024-06-27T20:29:28+02:00
Changeset 153201443 (Comment no. 2) by edzuslv
Contributor: edzuslv
Discussion Comment No.: 2
Comment: Evelatus ir blakus, jā. H&M gan otrajā stāvā.
Date: 2024-06-27T19:51:22+02:00
Changeset 153201443 (Comment no. 3) by richlv
Contributor: richlv
Discussion Comment No.: 3
Comment: Tātad Evelatus ir pirmajā stāvā (level=0), tāpat kā defibrilators?
Vaicāju, jo Evelatus nav norādīta stāva info.
Te vispār lielai daļai veikalu nav stāvu info, bet tā laikam plašāka tēma :)
Date: 2024-06-28T21:47:55+02:00
Changeset 153201443 (Comment no. 5) by edzuslv
Contributor: edzuslv
Discussion Comment No.: 5
Comment: Piekrītu, es pēc tā augšas kupola vadījos. :grinning:
Date: 2024-06-29T15:51:43+02:00
Changeset 153363986 (Comment no. 1) by Pisto81
Contributor: Pisto81
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: overlapping and crossing of buildings should be checked
Published using OSMCha:
Date: 2024-06-30T11:19:22+02:00
Changeset 153263924 (Comment no. 3) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 3
Comment: Bots tos tik un tā notīrīs, tāpēc es manuāli neaiztiku.
Date: 2024-07-01T08:54:51+02:00
Changeset 151284291 (Comment no. 3) by artuuurs
Contributor: artuuurs
Discussion Comment No.: 3
Comment: Ā, sorry, diskusija droši bija ar HellMap.
Date: 2024-07-01T21:23:34+02:00
Changeset 123445488 (Comment no. 1) by richlv
Contributor: richlv
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Te šur tur arī stāvvietu joslas utml. nelieli ceļi bij dabūjuši living_street - daļu nedaudz pielaboju atpakaļ uz "service".
Date: 2024-07-01T21:18:46+02:00
Changeset 153401607 (Comment no. 3) by richlv
Contributor: richlv
Discussion Comment No.: 3
Comment: Super, paldies :)
Date: 2024-07-01T20:44:30+02:00
Changeset 153476252 (Comment no. 2) by Anrijs Terauds
Contributor: Anrijs Terauds
Discussion Comment No.: 2
Comment: Hi there, cos its still an abandoned swimming pool and not ruins as was labeled earlier.
Date: 2024-07-02T23:33:07+02:00
Changeset 153397008 (Comment no. 1) by Cucazer
Contributor: Cucazer
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Hello, I'm not sure about the northern edge. Digital terrain imagery suggests that there is some water level 20-50 meters further out. Or is it now just a muddy reedbed with no constant water level? I'm not much familiar with this side of the lake though...
Nevertheless it's an improvement from the previous version!
Published using OSMCha:
Date: 2024-07-02T22:33:32+02:00
Changeset 151284291 (Comment no. 4) by richlv
Contributor: richlv
Discussion Comment No.: 4
Comment: Kaut ko varbūt par parkingu nosaukumiem runājām, bet jebkurā gadījumā - viss kārtībā, kopā palēnām karti uzlabojam :)
Date: 2024-07-02T20:33:34+02:00
Changeset 114566714 (Comment no. 2) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 2
Comment: Did not receive a reply from you, so I have removed these culverts.
Date: 2024-07-02T18:29:34+02:00
Changeset 153397008 (Comment no. 2) by Mezonens
Contributor: Mezonens
Discussion Comment No.: 2
Comment: The water level of the lake depends on the time when the orthophoto was taken. Additionally, reedbeds are very common in marshes, and in this case, I wanted to show it as a marshy lake shore, where it marsh gradually transitions into the lake with reeds. There isn't enough time to do everything at once :)
Date: 2024-07-03T10:12:37+02:00
Changeset 153476252 (Comment no. 3) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 3
Comment: If it is abandoned, it should be only abandoned:leisure=swimming_pool
and not leisure=swimming_pool
. The latter implies that it is not abandoned and in use. Both tags cannot be used at the same time.
Alternatively (and possibly applicable here), one can use leisure=swimming_pool
+ abandoned=yes
to signify it is still very much a swimming pool, just in disrepair.
I am not sure which applies here, it would depend on its actual state and whether it is preferable to have it appear for various data processors and maps.
Date: 2024-07-03T09:46:39+02:00
Changeset 153582313 (Comment no. 3) by pitscheplatsch
Contributor: pitscheplatsch
Discussion Comment No.: 3
Comment: Thank you for your answer and your mapped beach. Looks good!
Date: 2024-07-05T10:53:30+02:00
Changeset 153790036 (Comment no. 2) by Colbertson
Contributor: Colbertson
Discussion Comment No.: 2
Comment: Thanks for fixing it
I'll try remember for next time
It's one of those things that I keep mixing up
Date: 2024-07-10T20:23:10+02:00
Changeset 153751883 (Comment no. 1) by Dāvis Kļaviņš
Contributor: Dāvis Kļaviņš
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: They don't sell even a single vegetable/fruit, impossible to be shop=greengrocer.
Date: 2024-07-12T06:06:04+02:00
Changeset 153869473 (Comment no. 2) by richlv
Contributor: richlv
Discussion Comment No.: 2
Comment: Oi, nepievērsu tam uzmanību - paskatīšos bildēs drīz. Paldies par pamanīšanu :)
Date: 2024-07-13T10:04:24+02:00
Changeset 153894265 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Hi!
Could you please clarify what you are trying to map here so we can try and fix the tags? This seems unlikely to be a telecom company office here.
Date: 2024-07-13T16:09:13+02:00
Changeset 153889420 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Здравствуйте!
Я восстановил точку, но изменил ее на магазин одежды, основываясь на фотографии.
Я так понимаю, что LB здесь вообще больше нет?
Date: 2024-07-13T15:50:35+02:00
Changeset 153751883 (Comment no. 2) by richlv
Contributor: richlv
Discussion Comment No.: 2
Comment: What should it be?
Date: 2024-07-13T21:26:54+02:00
Changeset 153869473 (Comment no. 3) by richlv
Contributor: richlv
Discussion Comment No.: 3
Comment: Nu, nav visas zīmes [vēl]...
Šur tur saliku kā living_street, bet būs vēl jāpārbauda, kad viss būs līdz galam sabūvēts. Pieliku .
Date: 2024-07-13T20:52:35+02:00
Changeset 153894265 (Comment no. 2) by Colbertson
Contributor: Colbertson
Discussion Comment No.: 2
Comment: Did some digging, the mural part looks like its real
Date: 2024-07-14T05:35:44+02:00
Changeset 153894265 (Comment no. 4) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 4
Comment: I assume the building with the new mural is this one Looks like it matches the article.
The correct tags for the mural are tourism=artwork
+ artwork_type=mural
. Normally, these are attached to the building wall on which they appear.
For the building, which looks like a boiler house (katlu māja), it would be power=generator
with generator:output:heat=yes
. There are other tags like generator:type
, generator:method
and generator:source
, but I have no idea what these are for this one.
I'm afraid I don't use or know enough about Organic Maps to say how to do this there and how to specify the tags. It might have a mural preset. I doubt there's a boiler house preset.
I fixed this here for now as far as I understand it.
Date: 2024-07-14T09:34:44+02:00
Changeset 153751883 (Comment no. 5) by Dāvis Kļaviņš
Contributor: Dāvis Kļaviņš
Discussion Comment No.: 5
Comment: Yes, with Enhars it's a bit complicated as they differ from each other also. This one has a butcher, pastry, ability to order a coffee and a table with a pairs of chairs, if I remember correctly.
Date: 2024-07-14T07:37:43+02:00
Changeset 153751609 (Comment no. 1) by Mezonens
Contributor: Mezonens
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Hi!
I surveyed the situation in nature and made some changes to the geometry and attributes:
Date: 2024-07-14T17:58:39+02:00
Changeset 153751609 (Comment no. 2) by Cucazer
Contributor: Cucazer
Discussion Comment No.: 2
Comment: Thanks!
So you mean that some of the cutlines are not usable as track/path? I guess, it's not confidently identifiable just from the aerial imagery.
Date: 2024\-07\-16T15:20:44\+02:00
Changeset 154016938 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Sveiki,
Skolas nosaukumam (un citiem skolas datiem) ir jābūt uz skolas objekta \`amenity\=school\`, kas šajā gadījumā ir viss teritorijas laukums, nevis uz pašas skolas ēkas.
Es šeit izlaboju.
Date: 2024\-07\-16T20:36:14\+02:00
Changeset 153751609 (Comment no. 3) by Mezonens
Contributor: Mezonens
Discussion Comment No.: 3
Comment: Hmm... well, cutlines are essentially drivable if you have a good off\-road vehicle, like a Lada Niva. And sometimes they are also used as tracks, but in forestry, these strips are created to separate forest blocks. However, cutline\=firebreak is plowed every year to limit the spread of fire through the undergrowth, and they are not intended for movement. I think it's correct to show them as cutline\=firebreak even if they are sometimes used as tracks.
It's possible that cutline\=border could be indicated together with highway\=track (if feasible) in cases where they are also used for transport.
Date: 2024\-07\-16T19:53:23\+02:00
Changeset 153751609 (Comment no. 4) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 4
Comment: Cutlines that are usable as tracks should indeed have both \`man_made\=cutline\` and \`highway\=track\` (or have two lines for one each). Usually it would be grade 5 tracks with very low smoothness. There's a fairly low "standard" for what is considered a track. Something where only a forestry tractor can pass is still technically a track.
Date: 2024\-07\-17T08:54:31\+02:00
Changeset 154016938 (Comment no. 2) by Anrijs Terauds
Contributor: Anrijs Terauds
Discussion Comment No.: 2
Comment: Ok, paldies!
Date: 2024\-07\-17T07:52:27\+02:00
Changeset 153751609 (Comment no. 5) by Mezonens
Contributor: Mezonens
Discussion Comment No.: 5
Comment: Thank you for the explanation.
From now on, for man_made\=cutline ways, if I see that they are used for transportation purposes, I will also apply highway\=track.
Date: 2024\-07\-17T13:33:13\+02:00
Changeset 154170589 (Comment no. 2) by staker
Contributor: staker
Discussion Comment No.: 2
Comment: Thanks for the fix.
Indeed it is forest \- to \- dunes path. I have fixed it according to your suggestion.
Date: 2024\-07\-20T11:49:17\+02:00
Changeset 154147263 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Hi again,
The small service road to parking you added here is tagged as \`oneway\=yes\`, which means it's only possible to enter this parking lot but not exit. Is this road not oneway or is there another exit?
Date: 2024\-07\-20T11:46:09\+02:00
Changeset 154107629 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Sveiki,
Kā iepriekš minēts, lūdzu nezīmēt velojoslas kā atsevišķus ceļus, ja tās nav fiziski nodalītas.
Kā arī te palika pāri Jūsu pašu agrāk zīmētais ceļš būvniecības statusā, dubultējot ceļus.
Es šeit izlaboju.
Ņemot vērā iepriekš zīmēto, laikam arī ir plānota velojosla nevis veloceļš?
Date: 2024\-07\-20T12:18:10\+02:00
Changeset 154147263 (Comment no. 2) by staker
Contributor: staker
Discussion Comment No.: 2
Comment: I have added the exit path from the parking
Date: 2024\-07\-20T12:14:36\+02:00
Changeset 154265482 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Sveiki!
Gribēju pieminēt, ka ābolkoku "fermas" kā var norādīt kā \`landuse\=orchard\` (nevis \`landuse\=farmland\`, kas ir domāts labībai).
Es te jau nomainīju.
Date: 2024\-07\-22T15:22:56\+02:00
Changeset 153934293 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Par krustojumu ap . OSM krustojumi šādi netiek zīmēti. Šeit nav 3 atsevišķi ceļi, bet tikai viens. Ielas pa auto joslām nezīmē kā atsevišķus ceļus, ja tie nav fiziski sadalīti, bet norāda ar attiecīgiem \`lanes\` un \`turn:lanes\` tegiem.
No nevar pārbraukt pāri uz . Arī apgriešanās braucot pa galveno ceļu ir neiespējama. Tajā pat laikā vietas kā rada neeksistējošus pagriezienus un krustojumus. Virziena norādes maršrutēšanai šeit ir nepareizas. Citiem vārdiem, šeit maršrutēšana nestrādā.
Šajā izmaiņu kopā ir arī citas izmaiņas, tāpēc atcelt visu kopā negribētos. Lūdzu izlabo šo krustojumu.
Date: 2024\-07\-25T12:07:31\+02:00
Changeset 153903050 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Lūgums nelikt ceļiem \`bicycle\=no\`, ja šeit nav pārvietošanās aizlieguma. Uz ceļiem \`access\` tegi ir priekš atļautās/legālās izmantošanas un šeit nekas neliedz braukt ar velo.
Date: 2024\-07\-25T11:51:58\+02:00
Changeset 154061036 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Hello,
It looks like you are again incorrectly specifying and changing landuse areas. For example, you changed grass to non\-existent parks, allotments to meadow, etc.
I previously asked you about this kind of changes at , but did not receive a reply.
I have reverted your edits.
Please familiarize yourself with what different tags and features mean in OSM to avoid making mistakes.
Date: 2024\-07\-25T11:34:14\+02:00
Changeset 154323010 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Sveiki,
Atsevišķi zīmētas velojoslas ir pareizi uz galvenā ceļa norādīt kā \`cycleway\=separate\` (un \`cycleway:left/right\` variantus, ja atšķiras virzienos). Lūdzu nedzēst šo vērtību, kā arī pēc iespējas labot esošās nepareizās nevis dzēst pilnībā. Piemēram, šeit bija pareizi .
\`bicycle\=use_sidepath\` attiecas tikai, ja šajā posmā ir ar zīmi apzīmēts veloceļš, pa kuru ir obligāti jāpārvietojas. Latvijā tas attiecas tikai uz veloceļu (413\.) un sadalītu kopīgu veloceļu (421\.) Tas neattiecas uz velojoslām vai nesadalītu kopīgu veloceļu (417\.). Šeit nekur nav jānorāda \`use_sidepath\`.
Pieminēšu, ka \`bicycle:forward\` uz bija norādīts nepareizajā virzienā.
Date: 2024\-07\-25T11:18:48\+02:00
Changeset 154346493 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Sveiki,
Vai varētu lūdzu precizēt, kāda tieši ir rotaļu laukuma atļautā izmantošana/piekļuve? Ar šo izmaiņu norādīts, ka tā pieejamai tikai klientiem. Cik zinu, šeit nav biznesu vai veikalu vai tamlīdzīgi.
Date: 2024\-07\-25T10:43:50\+02:00
Changeset 154346493 (Comment no. 3) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 3
Comment: Skaidrs, paldies par precizējumu. Nomainīju uz \`private\`. Šādus parasti atzīmē kā privātus.
Date: 2024\-07\-25T12:27:15\+02:00
Changeset 153934293 (Comment no. 3) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 3
Comment: Jā, ja aizliegumi ir ar zīmēm, tad tos būtu jānorāda ar kustības virzienu ierobežojumu relācijām, kurus tu jau norādīji. Jo šie aizliegumi attiecas uz "parastajiem" ceļu satiksmes transportlīdzekļiem, bet fiziski šis savienojums eksistē un piemēram operatīvie vai daži sabiedriskie transportlīdzekļi to var lietot. Arī gājējiem tas neliedz šķērsot pa jebkuru ceļu, ja nav citu ierobežojumu.
Date: 2024\-07\-26T10:26:10\+02:00
Changeset 154407276 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Hi!
Thanks for the edit.
I restored this node and changed it to use the \`was:\` life\-cycle prefix, which means that this feature used to be here. Because it's visible on the aerial, this will avoid other mappers accidentally adding this tree again until the aerial is updated, which could take years.
Date: 2024\-07\-26T10:04:24\+02:00
Changeset 154440036 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Hello,
As mentioned to you previously, do not change the speed limit to 110\. It is already correctly tagged in \`maxspeed:conditional\`. You are creating incorrect data that will only be usable in summer and wrong in winter. We don't change the values like that back and forth twice a year, but specify this in the conditional values.
And please note that you absolutely cannot use Google Maps for anything, it's a copyrighted map/data.
I have reverted your edits.
Date: 2024\-07\-26T15:47:51\+02:00
Changeset 154468187 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Hello,
Can I ask how exactly you are determining that features are duplicates?
For example, for this camera POI , the location here indeed has two cameras on either side of the shop doors:\=2787369721427048\&focus\=photo
Please review your edit(s) and restore any features that you deleted that are not in fact duplicates.
Date: 2024\-07\-27T16:41:45\+02:00
Changeset 154468187 (Comment no. 2) by richlv
Contributor: richlv
Discussion Comment No.: 2
Comment: Could it be safer to revert the changeset and redo valid fixes?
Date: 2024\-07\-28T14:09:55\+02:00
Changeset 154061036 (Comment no. 2) by richlv
Contributor: richlv
Discussion Comment No.: 2
Comment: Please also consider joining the OSM Latvian community chat at .
Date: 2024\-07\-28T13:55:25\+02:00
Changeset 153751609 (Comment no. 6) by richlv
Contributor: richlv
Discussion Comment No.: 6
Comment: Yep, it was intended that \=cutline marks actual cutlines only, and any navigable features are tagged on top of it as needed.
As the inventor of that tag, thank you so much for using and improving it :)
Date: 2024\-07\-28T13:45:34\+02:00
Changeset 154413470 (Comment no. 1) by Cucazer
Contributor: Cucazer
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Hi, there's still \- double tagging?
Date: 2024\-07\-29T12:09:33\+02:00
Changeset 154468187 (Comment no. 4) by didier2020
Contributor: didier2020
Discussion Comment No.: 4
Comment: or change the lat and lon
for ex, lat lon of nodes
1812435083 and 1715103641
(right and left of the door of mapillary's photo)
Date: 2024\-07\-29T13:19:33\+02:00
Changeset 154413470 (Comment no. 2) by Anrijs Terauds
Contributor: Anrijs Terauds
Discussion Comment No.: 2
Comment: Hi, I must have missed it. Fixed.
Date: 2024\-07\-30T10:45:41\+02:00
Changeset 154584049 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Hi!
The buildings here do indeed look misaligned. They were mapped many years ago when only Bing was available. And Bing was and is misaligned, in many places many meters like here. LVM imagery is aligned/correct. You can also double\-check against the cadaster layer.
I mass\-moved most features here so it's at least not this misaligned. (Bot will fix address points later.)
Date: 2024\-07\-30T14:36:29\+02:00
Changeset 154556156 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Do you intend to also close the note or is further surveying needed?
Should we specify payment as card only per note?
Date: 2024\-07\-30T12:37:06\+02:00
Changeset 153910252 (Comment no. 1) by Dāvis Kļaviņš
Contributor: Dāvis Kļaviņš
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Uzņēmumu reģistrā gan ir ar lielajiem burtiem:
Date: 2024\-07\-30T20:05:02\+02:00
Changeset 153751883 (Comment no. 6) by Dāvis Kļaviņš
Contributor: Dāvis Kļaviņš
Discussion Comment No.: 6
Comment: Corrected to more suitable tags:
Date: 2024\-07\-30T20:03:49\+02:00
Changeset 154677551 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Sveiki,
Paldies par labojumiem.
Ja es pareizi zinu, tad šeit apkārtnē ir dzīvojamā zona pagalmu ielās. Es dažus ceļus nomainīju un dzīvojamo ielu klasifikāciju, bet neesmu pārliecināts, kur tieši zona sākas/beidzas. Dažas zīmes es pievienoju gar Draudzības ielu.
Date: 2024\-08\-01T09:04:09\+02:00
Changeset 154677551 (Comment no. 3) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 3
Comment: Uzreiz minēšu, ka Google Maps nedrīkst izmantot kartēšanai \- ne satelītbildes, ne Street View. Tie ir ar autortiesībām aizsargāti dati bez atļaujas tos šādi lietot. Ja šie ceļi bija zīmēti no Google, tad izmaiņas ir atceļamas, jo citādi OSM rodas legālas problēmas. Mēs varam zīmēt tikai no brīviem avotiem \- LVM ortofoto, VZD dati, pašu veidotas bildes, izpēte uz vietas, Mapillary, utml.
Šajā vietā personīgi neesmu iebraucis pagalmos, bet tikai garām braucot bija dz. z. zīmes\=193754220045710\&focus\=photo
Date: 2024\-08\-01T17:57:42\+02:00
Changeset 154677551 (Comment no. 5) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 5
Comment: Skaidrs, paldies par precizējumu, tad viss kārtībā!
Nomainīju parkingu uz privātu.
Vai ap šo punktu ir kaut kāda sēta vai arī tur savienojas ar ietvi?
Vai šī pagalma iela pie Aibes arī ir ar dzīvojamās zonas zīmi?
Date: 2024\-08\-01T19:05:34\+02:00
Changeset 154757064 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Hi!
Just wanted to let you know that barriers like these are not guard rails (\`barrier\=guard_rail\`), but railings (\`barrier\=fence\` \+ \`fence_type\=railing\`). These don't protect vehicles or pedestrians from crashes, they are only intended to stop pedestrians from entering the road.
Date: 2024\-08\-03T10:30:01\+02:00
Changeset 154815622 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Hello,
You are again making the same sort of incorrect landuse changes as before without addressing the previous concerns about your edits. Here, changing grass areas to agricultural meadows and grass to wood.
I have reverted your edits.
Date: 2024\-08\-04T15:32:16\+02:00
Changeset 147902700 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Hello,
Please do not change road designations like this to\. This is not a track in OSM sense. This is also a living street, because it is in a signed living zone.
Date: 2024\-08\-04T15:11:32\+02:00
Changeset 154887128 (Comment no. 3) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 3
Comment: Skaidrs, vēl nesen tie sīkumi nebija. Tad \`bicycle\=designated\` laikam būs pareizi, ja ne vispār nomainīt uz velo trasi. Un tad laikam būtu jābūt \`foot\=no\`, ja gājējiem uzlikts nestaigāt?
Date: 2024\-08\-06T15:53:53\+02:00
Changeset 154888028 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Hello,
Please do not fix errors in bulk like this unless you are certain what you are fixing is correct. These are not errors, but warnings and a warning does not mean it is incorrect.
For example: are not recycling centers, the current template is wrong (and will be fixed soon).
This driveway did not directly connect to the footway, so simply extending it was not correct
Is this really a culvert, like \- this geometry seems wrong to span like this under the road
Is this really a ford, like \- this seems highly unlikely to be a ford on a major road
Is this really a bridge, like \- this seems very unlikely to be a miniscule bridge like that and is likely a culvert
Please double check all your edits here and please don't just click "fix" in the editor \- warnings are not errors and the fixes can still wrong.
Date: 2024\-08\-06T15:10:27\+02:00
Changeset 154888804 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Hi again,
Just wanted to let you know that these "boxes" like are not substations, but rather street cabinets for power utilities.
I fixed these.
Date: 2024\-08\-06T14:57:13\+02:00
Changeset 154893132 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Hello,
Wanted to clarify, is this gate not here anymore?
Date: 2024\-08\-06T14:48:33\+02:00
Changeset 154887128 (Comment no. 4) by Āris Seisums
Contributor: Āris Seisums
Discussion Comment No.: 4
Comment: Nav tur strikti nestaigāt, vismaz pagaidām. Publisks parks tomēr.
Date: 2024\-08\-07T05:59:07\+02:00
Changeset 154930518 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Hello,
Could you please clarify what source you are using to change the motorway start location. The current extents are based on the on\-the\-ground signage. It may have recently changed, so could you confirm this?
Date: 2024\-08\-08T17:57:58\+02:00
Changeset 154981780 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Hello,
Could you please clarify where these "cadastral objects" are? What sort of objects are you trying to add? \`addr:cadastral_name\` is not an OSM tag, so it's not clear. I also don't see these point in the regular cadaster data, so what source are you using?
Date: 2024\-08\-08T17:33:45\+02:00
Changeset 154940142 (Comment no. 2) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 2
Comment: Thanks, you're right, I think I did. There was a tiny overlap I didn't notice between two areas that I added into the multipolygon, which made it invalid. I think I fixed it.
Date: 2024\-08\-08T19:48:49\+02:00
Changeset 154981780 (Comment no. 4) by Artjoms Saprikins
Contributor: Artjoms Saprikins
Discussion Comment No.: 4
Comment: Agree on that, just wanted these on map for one\-time exercise
Date: 2024\-08\-08T19:18:35\+02:00
Changeset 155006989 (Comment no. 3) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 3
Comment: Tas bija būvēts sakarā ar Austrumu maģistrāles izbūvi kā apbraukšana, jo daudzas ielas bija ik pa laikam slēgtas un ierobežotas. Bez tā tur būtu ļoti tāla apbraukšana, kas pārpildītu visas ielas. Piemēram, Zemgala posms bija ilgstošu laiku slēgts\=262533536746606\&focus\=photo un tas savienojums bija vienīgais veids kā nokļūt dienvidu virzienā (jo Vaidavas un Ieriķu ir vienvirziena).
Date: 2024\-08\-09T17:25:04\+02:00
Changeset 155064296 (Comment no. 2) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 2
Comment: Oh, whoops, nevermind, I just noticed the other note since I was only looking at the one about parking. I wonder what happened to it \- it seems like a new installation.
Date: 2024\-08\-11T10:49:13\+02:00
Changeset 155078833 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Hi!
Could you please clarify what you mean to map with this gate ? The geometry is currently overlapping the road and forming a weird shape.
Date: 2024\-08\-11T09:18:52\+02:00
Changeset 155109110 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Hello,
Please do not set access values to \`no\` for modes of transport that are not forbidden legally or otherwise, for example by some sort of signage. Bicycles are allowed on this path. See for what the access keys mean on OSM. By setting this to \`no\` you are breaking routing.
Whether or not you consider this path bikeable is subjective, which is what \`surface\` and \`smoothness\` tags are for. You can also use \`mtb:scale\` and \`sac_scale\` to estimate path's difficulty.
Date: 2024\-08\-12T14:00:28\+02:00
Changeset 155109110 (Comment no. 3) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 3
Comment: Paths are not removed on OSM because they aren't visible for a season when overgrown. Use \`trail_visibility\` to specify if it's not easily spotted. Yes, it's bad and not smooth and it overgrows, but it exists and is used. The other path floods, so this is the only alternative during spring melting or heavy rainfall.
Date: 2024\-08\-13T18:54:02\+02:00
Changeset 155109110 (Comment no. 4) by KKTK
Contributor: KKTK
Discussion Comment No.: 4
Comment: Good point about spring floods. Then I will change trail_visibility.
Date: 2024\-08\-14T05:07:11\+02:00
Changeset 155278382 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Hello,
I had to undo this edit because it broke a bunch of road geometries. I'm not sure what you were trying to change, so can you please clarify or take a look again.
Date: 2024\-08\-15T18:23:01\+02:00
Changeset 155433804 (Comment no. 1) by andrisl
Contributor: andrisl
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Nav jēgas sevi apgrūtināt ar adrešu likšanu. Tās regulāri atjaunina bots:\-bot/history
Date: 2024\-08\-19T14:01:09\+02:00
Changeset 155502995 (Comment no. 1) by andrisl
Contributor: andrisl
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Thanks for the edit! Near the start of Kreimeņu iela from Karjera iela you drew the powerline at the wrong direction, those were street light posts not power poles. I used Mapillary as reference and fixed it.
Date: 2024\-08\-20T14:21:44\+02:00
Changeset 155543360 (Comment no. 3) by Mister_R2
Contributor: Mister_R2
Discussion Comment No.: 3
Comment: Man likās ka likt kaut kam līdzīgu board_type \= welcome_sign būtu arī pareizi, bet padomāju, ka guidepost ielikšu, lai varētu ieraudzīt. Nezinu kā ar information\=guidepost, vai rādas "Humanitarian" filtrā varbūt. Kā piemēram, lampas vai dažas citas lietas parādas tikai "Humanitarian" filtrā (neizmantojot show data). Es noņemšu nost savu.
Date: 2024\-08\-21T10:54:17\+02:00
Changeset 155543410 (Comment no. 2) by _Satellite_
Contributor: _Satellite_
Discussion Comment No.: 2
Comment: Hi!
Recently they added 20 km/h zone for the inside streets
You can see it here\-vairakas\-ielas\-tiek\-samazinats\-atlautais\-brauksanas\-atrums\-lidz\-20kmh
Date: 2024\-08\-21T09:31:51\+02:00
Changeset 155498688 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Čau,
No CS 155543360 paskatījos, kas te apkārt.
Ja ir tas koka stabs, kas Mapillary redzams, vai tas nebūs drīzāk \`information\=route_marker\`? Vai arī tur kaut kas cits tagad?
Un cik es zinu ielu nosaukumu zīmēm (bez citu vietu norādēm) vispār tegu nav, bet tie gan arī nebūs guidepost, jo citādi uz katra stūra būs pa vienam vai vairākiem un tad vairs "reālus" tūrisma guidepostus nevarēs atrast.
Date: 2024\-08\-21T12:42:54\+02:00
Changeset 155498688 (Comment no. 2) by andrisl
Contributor: andrisl
Discussion Comment No.: 2
Comment: Tas stabs, ko linkoji ir norāžu stabs. Tas norāda uz parka ieejas pusi, uz tā ir rakstīts parka nosaukums, tāpēc likās, ka visderīgākais ir guidepost tags. Un citus arī tobrīd nezināju. Neesmu iepazinies ar route_marker, tāpēc nevaru pateikt vai tas būs atbilstošāks, bet nākotnē palasīšu par to.
Jā, ielu nosaukumu stabus esmu pasācis tagot kā guidepost, taču te ir katrs gadījums atsevišķi jāskata. Daži ielu nosaukumu stabi norāda ne tikai ielas, bet arī parkus un citas interesantas vietas. Tehniski, kā vārds arī pasaka, tie visi ir guidepost\-i, tāpēc viegli ir sadomāt, ka šis tags der tiem visiem, bet piekrītu, ka var nebūt pareiza tagošana dažās vietās.
Date: 2024\-08\-21T21:02:20\+02:00
Changeset 155278382 (Comment no. 2) by robert7c
Contributor: robert7c
Discussion Comment No.: 2
Comment: I fixed it again, hope it's better now.
Date: 2024\-08\-22T10:16:08\+02:00
Changeset 155591816 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Čau!
Par dzelzceļa taku krustošanos ārpus izbūvētām vietām \- tie nav apzīmējami ar \`crossing\`, jo Latvijā tie ir neatļauti (kaut arī praktiski visi tos lieto) \- sliedes ir atļauts šķērsot tikai tam speciāli paredzētās vietās. \`informal\=yes\` var atstāt, bet priekš maršrutēšanas tie būtu jānorāda kā \`crossing\=no\`.
(Teorētiski, strikti pēc OSM principiem, te vispār būtu jāliek legāli \`access\=no\` uz krustošanās vietas un paša ceļa, bet tā kā tie ir ikdienā lietoti, tad lai paliek bez "pilna aizlieguma". Bet \`foot\=yes\` noteikti nē, jo tas paredz, ka ar kājām neierobežoti publiski atļauts.)
Date: 2024\-08\-22T19:42:55\+02:00
Changeset 155611238 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Čau,
Vai šeit zem ceļa tiešām nav caurteka? Izskatās plats un rietumu pusē tāda tipiska caurtekas ēna. Arī pēc LIDAR es te visticamāk būtu minējis caurteku.
Date: 2024\-08\-22T19:23:53\+02:00
Changeset 155591816 (Comment no. 2) by Mezonens
Contributor: Mezonens
Discussion Comment No.: 2
Comment: Čau!
Ņemšu vērā, un, kā vienmēr, paldies par taviem noderīgajiem padomiem.
Date: 2024\-08\-23T10:39:35\+02:00
Changeset 151764631 (Comment no. 3) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 3
Comment: Es personīgi lieku kā punktus, jā. Neesmu (līdz šim) nekad sastapies ar citādiem variantiem. Vienīgais ir tas, ko minēju par tegiem uz ceļa, bet tādu gandrīz nav Latvijā (https://overpass\ un tas baigais darbs tik sīki likt.
Njā, wiki patukšs. Principā viss info, bet tur tiešām nekas nav īsti labi aprakstīts ar piemēriem, kur tieši kas jāliek. Minēts īsumā gan ir: "Add one of the following tags to a highway way, or a highway node where the device is placed."
Date: 2024\-08\-24T20:28:05\+02:00
Changeset 155730118 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Hello!
Is this cafe really gone? Their Facebook page shows very recent activity \-
Date: 2024\-08\-26T21:24:45\+02:00
Changeset 155745133 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Hi!
You merged two nodes here: and
I'm assuming it was an accident, so I undid those.
Date: 2024\-08\-26T21:20:28\+02:00
Changeset 155752620 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Sveiki!
Šim gabalam ir \`maxspeed\=30\` bet \`maxspeed:type\=LV:urban\` . Laikam bija domāts \`LV:zone30\`?
Date: 2024\-08\-26T21:17:35\+02:00
Changeset 155730118 (Comment no. 2) by SandyMandy12
Contributor: SandyMandy12
Discussion Comment No.: 2
Comment: Ah shit, I think I made a mistake! Seems like it's open!
Date: 2024\-08\-27T14:57:03\+02:00
Changeset 155730118 (Comment no. 3) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 3
Comment: No worries, I restored the point then.
Date: 2024\-08\-27T18:33:15\+02:00
Changeset 155730118 (Comment no. 5) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 5
Comment: Yeah, it's a bit tricky. The easiest way is to use .
Date: 2024\-08\-28T08:11:00\+02:00
Changeset 142706447 (Comment no. 2) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 2
Comment: Hmm, probably. I guess I think of noise barrier walls as speciality walls designed for and only as thick as necessary to stop noise. But this is like a thick concrete wall, probably more than needed for noise and serving as crash protection. I would generally map these along the motorway as full walls. But if you think they are more accurately described as noise barriers, that's fine too.
I guess to me noise barriers are something like\=1755473151926783\&focus\=photo or\=331932443292058\&focus\=photo or\=866562391443073\&focus\=photo or\=324836843292779\&focus\=photo \- plastic panels or corrugated sheet metal designed to dampen specific vibration noise.
On the other hand here these\=2079441239101049\&focus\=photo are mapped as noise barriers. It seems they could be concrete too. I guess it's a cheaper uglier version. So may be.
Date: 2024\-08\-28T20:54:45\+02:00
Changeset 155752620 (Comment no. 2) by Pilsetkartetajs
Contributor: Pilsetkartetajs
Discussion Comment No.: 2
Comment: Uj, jā, tur nepareizo nospiedu.
Izlaboju tikko un pievienoju arī pārējām ielām ap Jūras ielu trūkstošās ātruma zonas:
Date: 2024\-08\-28T19:55:55\+02:00
Changeset 155894731 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Sveiki,
Paldies par izmaiņām.
Par velo uz ceļa \- CSN noteikumi par to, ka velo jāizmanto esošā infrastruktūra nav automātiski obligāti šādā vietā. Pirmkārt, CSN paredz, ka ceļu tik un tā var izmantot, ja veloceļi ir "attālināti no ceļa" kā šeit. Un otrkārt, noteikumi attiecas uz "gājēju un velosipēdu ceļu" (sadalīts), bet šis sākotnējais posms ir "kopīgs gājēju un velosipēdu ceļš" (nesadalīts).
Pievērsīšu uzmanību, ka access tegi (\`bicycle\`, \`foot\` utt.) ir priekš atļautās, legālās lietošanas. Ja ceļš ir aizaudzis un nelietojams, tad tas ir vai nu jādzēš pavisam vai arī jānorāda tādas vērtības kā \`smoothness\` vai \`trail_visibility\`. Jo šis ietekmē ne tikai velo vai kājāmgājējus, bet jebkuru transportlīdzekli un pārvietošanās veidu no ratiņkrēsla līdz sporta inventāram utt. Norādot \`bicycle\=no\` vai \`access\=no\`, tiek pieņemts, ka pārvietoties ir aizliegts tieši ar šiem veidiem, nevis to, ka nav iespējams vai apgrūtināti. Pieminēšu arī to, ka pašlaik ir gadalaika posms, kad daudzi ceļi ir aizauguši, kas ir pieejami citā laikā.
Date: 2024\-08\-29T09:45:22\+02:00
Changeset 142706447 (Comment no. 3) by Mister_R2
Contributor: Mister_R2
Discussion Comment No.: 3
Comment: I mean on the wiki for the definition it says \- "A noise barrier is a type of wall which protects against noise on one of its sides.". And that is how it looks like and how it functions.
I traced the wall from GPS, and wanted to add it, but I saw that there was a wall, not drawn to the full. I would count it as a noise_barrier, since yes I agree it might for crashing too. But there are people living next to the motorway.
I will map the wall where I traced it, and I will transform the wall you made to noise_barrier.
Date: 2024\-08\-29T06:55:37\+02:00
Changeset 150188085 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Šajā izmaiņā daži celiņi nomainīti uz veloceļiem ap un . Bet šeit nav jaunu veloceļu zīmju, tādēļ šie posmi joprojām nav veloceļi.
Vairāk info:\#Veloce%C4%BCi_un_veloinfrastrukt%C5%ABra
Date: 2024\-08\-31T10:02:27\+02:00
Changeset 155982654 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Hello,
As mentioned before , do not add \`crossing:island\=yes\` to crossings that are already placed on separately\-drawn roads split around an island.
Date: 2024\-08\-31T17:37:48\+02:00
Changeset 155993351 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Hello,
You have been asked several times to stop changing landuse to different values without providing an explanation. It does not appear to be a wooded/forested area here and it should not be tagged as such. I have yet again reverted your edit pending clarification.
Date: 2024\-08\-31T17:25:49\+02:00
Changeset 155964749 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Sveiki!
Paldies par labojumiem!
Par visām Jūsu izmaiņām kopumā, pieminēšu, ka mainot ceļu klasifikāciju no veloceļa uz ietvēm un celiņiem, jāņem vērā, ka citi tegi arī ir nozīmīgi. Piemēram nedz \`foot\=designated\` kopā ar \`bicycle\=no\` šeit nebūs nekur, ja vien nav uzstādīta zīme "gājēju ceļš". Arī \`segregated\` tegam nav nozīmes, ja tas nav kopīgs veloceļš. Arī \`bicycle\=no\` pats par sevi nebūs, ja vien nav zīmes kas aizliedz velosipēdu pārvietošanos. Norādot \`bicycle\=no\`, tas nozīmē, ka legāli aizliegts ar velosipēdu. Latvijā praktiski tādu vietu ir ļoti maz.
Es šeit izlaboju, pieņemot, ka visi šie celiņi ir vienkārši celiņi bez nekādām zīmēm.
Arī uz servisa/piebraucamajiem ceļiem, \`bicycle\=no\` būs tikai ar aizliedzošu zīmi (vai arī aizliegts kopā visam ar \`access\=no/private\`, piemēram privātīpašumā).
Vairāk sīkāk info:\=Lv:Latvian_tagging_guidelines\#Veloce%C4%BCi_un_veloinfrastrukt%C5%ABra
Date: 2024\-08\-31T18:11:28\+02:00
Changeset 155611238 (Comment no. 3) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 3
Comment: No topoloģijas viedokļa, sadalīt šādi ūdensteku baseinus gluži nesanāks. Un tas nebūs arī pareizi, ja faktiski tur ir savienojumi. Grāvju meliorācijas sistēmas praktiski savieno gandrīz visus ūdeņus kopā, kaut arī bieži ir sausi. Jā, OSM ūdenstekām ir noteikts virziens, bet praktiski grāvjos ūdens stāv un ne uz kurieni netek, tikai ciktāl tur ir slīpums. Un šādās vietās faktiski virzienu norādīt "pareizi" nekad neizdosies.
Jā, iD redaktors rāda brīdinājumu, bet tu vari to droši ignorēt. Tas uz grāvjiem lielākoties neattiecas, jo tos nekad nevarēs tā uzzīmēt. Ja tu pazīmēsi grāvjus pa laukiem, ļoti ātri radīsies situācijas ar pretējiem virzieniem, apļiem, dažādām iztekām, utt. Tu vari teorētiski atvienot, bet pēc kāda laika tas atkal viss "savienosies", kad kāds sazīmēs vietējos grāvjus, strautus un dīķus. Kamēr zīmē upes, tikmēr vēl var dabūt to "vienvirziena" tecējumu, bet tikko iekļauj mākslīgus grāvjus un kanālus viss paliek par putru.
Ģenerējot baseinus programmās, grāvjus (un citas mākslīgās ūdensteces) vajadzētu vai nu ignorēt vai arī iekļaut nevis pēc virziena bet pēc "attāluma" līdz "tuvākajam baseinam" un pavisam ideālā modelī tie pārklātos. Citiem vārdiem, ģenerēt līdzīgāk ceļu tīklam, kur virzienu nav un tuvāko "tīklu" nosaka pēc navigācijas ērtības/attāluma. Jā, tas nav vienkārši. Bet OSM dati ir tas, kas ir faktiski dabā sastopams. Un ja tie grāvji savieno, tad tie savieno un tos kartes datubāzē arī iezīmē.
Cik zinu, esošās baseinu kartes ir zīmējas sen atpakaļ "ar rokām" ņemot vērā reljefu un upes un lielos strautos un tagad vēsturiski ir tās robežas. Bet cik tās ir precīzas šaubos \- diez vai tur kāds braucis pētīt pa gadalaikiem, kurā virzienā kas tek (vai netek).
Kā piemēru varu minēt \- kā te noteikt, kurā virzienā viss tek. Šeit viss noteikti savienojas, bet "aiztek uz divām pusēm" In tādu vietu, cik zinu, ir simtiem...
Date: 2024\-09\-01T16:56:51\+02:00
Changeset 156058910 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Sveiki,
Kā šeit var sanākt vienāds \`smoothness\` gan pilnīgi gludam asfaltētam ceļam gan nesen izraktam ar granti nobērtam ceļam ? Vai te kaut kas ir mainījies pavisam nesen vai kā?
Date: 2024\-09\-01T16:22:55\+02:00
Changeset 156055079 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Hello,
You reversed the direction of these two roads segments and now they are incorrect. This is the only change you did, so I am not sure what you intended to do here?
Date: 2024\-09\-01T14:13:03\+02:00
Changeset 156058910 (Comment no. 3) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 3
Comment: Skaidrs, paldies par precizējumu. Es te nesen izbraucu (bet Mapillary bildes vēl nav ielādētas). Jā, asfalti tur it kā visur \`excellent\`, bet Ziemeļu pusē uz to brīdi bija aktīvi būvdarbi un ceļi sarakti.
Date: 2024\-09\-02T11:05:59\+02:00
Changeset 156104884 (Comment no. 1) by andrisl
Contributor: andrisl
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Sveiki! Ja skolai vai citai iestādei ir sava teritorija (šajā gadījumā amenity\=school), tad nosaukums ir jāliek klāt visai teritorijai nevis ēkai, jo var gadīties, ka vienā teritorijā ir vairākas ēkas. Es šo izlaboju.
Un iesaku arī ielikt atsauces, kad maina nosaukumu, lai citi zin, kur šī informācija ir ņemta.
Date: 2024\-09\-02T15:52:56\+02:00
Changeset 130122092 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Hello,
Could you please clarify what exactly is (or was) closed for these tracks/routes? As far as I can tell, all these routes are still active (and as far as I know, have been before too).
Date: 2024\-09\-03T09:13:59\+02:00
Changeset 130122092 (Comment no. 4) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 4
Comment: I see, thanks for clarifying.
It sounds like the route relations used the wrong platforms and rail segments after the station began reconstruction. But these routes still exist. They just use different existing platforms.
I restored the full route tagging. Will see about fixing the actual railways and platforms here.
Date: 2024\-09\-03T13:18:29\+02:00
Changeset 141390169 (Comment no. 7) by Treisijs
Contributor: Treisijs
Discussion Comment No.: 7
Comment: If border is defined to follow the river, which is likely the case, then as river changes the border changes, too. {{need reference}} Then I can take a shovel and artificially change the flow of the river, but that certainly doesn't mean the country border automatically changes either.
Date: 2024\-09\-04T16:00:12\+02:00
Changeset 156200027 (Comment no. 1) by Colbertson
Contributor: Colbertson
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Hey, have you considered doing your abandoned railway mapping on ?
Itd be nice to not have things that no longer exist in OSM.
Date: 2024\-09\-05T11:58:15\+02:00
Changeset 155962737 (Comment no. 1) by richlv
Contributor: richlv
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Sveiki, liels paldies par kartes papildināšanu.
Vai šeit veloceļš fiziski nodalīts no brauktuves?
Date: 2024\-09\-05T17:02:56\+02:00
Changeset 155962737 (Comment no. 2) by Janis_Puga
Contributor: Janis_Puga
Discussion Comment No.: 2
Comment: Sveiki!
Paldies par ziņu. Atsevišķās vietās nodalīts ar mazajām barjerām, bet lielākoties ir nenodalīts. Kā Jums liekas, varbūt šajā gadījumā labāk tomēr atstāt statusu ielai un dzēst veloceļu kā atsevišķu objektu blakus ielai?
Date: 2024\-09\-06T10:34:40\+02:00
Changeset 155964749 (Comment no. 2) by Janis_Puga
Contributor: Janis_Puga
Discussion Comment No.: 2
Comment: Sveiki,
Paldies par ziņu un korekcijām! Turpmāk ņemšu šo vērā :+1:
Date: 2024\-09\-06T10:30:26\+02:00
Changeset 155962737 (Comment no. 3) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 3
Comment: Ja vietām fiziski nodalīts (ar barjerām u.c.), tad bieži tiešām zīmē kā atdalītu. Drīzāk atkarīgs, cik tur to nodalījumu \- vai labāk uzskatīt ceļu kā atsevišķu vai vienkārši to pašu brauktuvi.
Es tā saprotu, ka vienā pusē josla aiz parkinga \- to parasti nodala. Otrā pusē bez \- to nodala, ja tur daudz stabiņu vai kas tāds. Var arī pa posmiem sadalīt.
Date: 2024\-09\-06T12:21:28\+02:00
Changeset 156200027 (Comment no. 2) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 2
Comment: Yes, please map what is on the ground. If there are any visible traces that a road or track or something were a railway, then it's fine to add former railway tags. But if there is absolutely nothing on the ground, then there should not be any tagged features, for example over completely rebuilt areas, intersections and such. You can add an empty line for a historic railway relation for railways that still have visible elements somewhere else, but the line itself should not specify any tags.
Date: 2024\-09\-06T18:41:07\+02:00
Changeset 156355001 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Sveiki,
Vai varētu precizēt, kas tieši ir domāts are šo izmaiņu? Kādā veidā (zīmes, norādes, noteikumi) tieši velosipēdiem šajās divās vietās ir ierobežota piekļuve un norādīta kā "klientiem"? Vai tas neattiecas arī uz citiem transportlīdzekļiem? Vai piemēram ar kājām te ir publiska piekļuve?
Date: 2024\-09\-08T16:40:25\+02:00
Changeset 141390169 (Comment no. 8) by Pikse
Contributor: Pikse
Discussion Comment No.: 8
Comment: Well, this "take a shovel" scenario is only theoretical, and if parties signing a boundary treaty use natural objects to define the border then they probably do so in good faith that neither party takes a shovel later on.
It definitely isn't uncommon to use natural objects when defining borders. E.g. the border (temporary control line) between Estonia and Russia is defined by two types of border sections: orographic sections that are defined by natural objects, and cartographic sections that are defined by coordinates\[1].
I still haven't found the document that includes the exact description of Estonia\-Latvia border, but I did find a treaty between Estonia and Latvia declaring that "in boundary bodies of water the country border will be defined along their centerline (along the main fairway)"\[2].
As for our contradicting map sources, it's fairly easy to come up with a probable explanation on why LGIA data deviates from the actual border, as outlined above. If on the other hand Maa\-amet data was inaccurate then how do you explain this? Current Maa\-amet data corresponds to this treaty quote.
Date: 2024\-09\-09T08:49:15\+02:00
Changeset 156355001 (Comment no. 2) by richlv
Contributor: richlv
Discussion Comment No.: 2
Comment: Kartes skatā šķiet, ka varētu būt domāts vispārējs access, vai arī motor_vehicle.
Date: 2024\-09\-10T19:10:51\+02:00
Changeset 156200027 (Comment no. 3) by richlv
Contributor: richlv
Discussion Comment No.: 3
Comment: The relation in question was deleted with a comment "Some people state that this information is useless in OSM. Sorry for all cyclists who plan bicycle tours along old railway tracks".
That does not seem correct \- if there is a cycling route (and thus paths, tracks etc), that is highly welcome and there are plenty of such cases mapped in Latvia.
Just that they certainly aren't route\=railway.
Date: 2024\-09\-10T19:09:25\+02:00
Changeset 155962737 (Comment no. 5) by richlv
Contributor: richlv
Discussion Comment No.: 5
Comment: Un jebkādas OSM tēmas noteikti laipni gaidītas Latvijas OSM kopienas čatā \- .
Date: 2024\-09\-10T19:04:02\+02:00
Changeset 156200027 (Comment no. 4) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 4
Comment: This also doesn't only apply to this particular changeset, but all of them. There is no problem mapping route relations if they have some sort of identifiable remains. The problem is all the sections that don't exist on the ground that are mapped as real features, such as that just goes across fields, highways, properties, forests. These ways should not be mapped as railway\=\*. OSM only maps what is on the ground and these don't exist in any identifiable form in most of the places. An untagged way with relation would be fine.
And routes like this are not directly bikable, so I don't understand the argument here. A handicapped person could certainly never use any of these. Even the "best" example as mentioned below has sections where you have to take detours difficult even when biking, let alone if mobility is impaired.
And as rich says, there are plenty of cycle routes along former railway infrastructure where it is actually possible and restored/repaved ones are called Greenways, for example\. And yes, you can map something like historic here. And there are examples like this where it would match closely. But these are the minority.
Date: 2024\-09\-11T09:00:57\+02:00
Changeset 156436588 (Comment no. 2) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 2
Comment: Es jau arī gribēju ierobežojumus salikt, bet ... ...
Date: 2024\-09\-14T08:38:40\+02:00
Changeset 156638556 (Comment no. 1) by Mezonens
Contributor: Mezonens
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Hello!
I’d like to discuss a few questions with you.
Way: 973781455 Why did you change the surface of this track section to sand when it’s not pure sand but rather a mix of gravel and stones? This is evident when compared to the eastern part of the same track, Way: 1310603537, where it becomes difficult to travel by bike or on foot.
Way: 699903660 and Way: 178451404 Why did you change these highways to tracks? They are important local roads that people actively use to get from the city to the allotments on the Daugavpils bypass. They are certainly not just tracks.
Date: 2024\-09\-15T15:34:52\+02:00
Changeset 156638556 (Comment no. 2) by Vladekk
Contributor: Vladekk
Discussion Comment No.: 2
Comment: Hey
Yeah, you are right. I am a bit rusty, did not edit OSM for some time, need to adjust. I reverted 1310603537 to compacted.
\#699903660 and \#178451404
Yep, that's a mistake. I copied tags I think, and it was dumb to leave "track" there.
I now made a setup to make photos at interval \+ photo waypoints \+ segments on my bike. Hopefully, this will help with the proper surfaces. "highway" type is harder.
Date: 2024\-09\-15T21:17:11\+02:00
Changeset 156638556 (Comment no. 3) by Mezonens
Contributor: Mezonens
Discussion Comment No.: 3
Comment: All good. Best of luck with your future mapping! ;)
Date: 2024\-09\-16T09:31:59\+02:00
Changeset 156638556 (Comment no. 4) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 4
Comment: By the way, if you make a lot of geotagged photos, then these would be really useful if uploaded to Mapillary since other mappers could then see them, especially for minor roads and tracks like these.
Date: 2024\-09\-17T11:41:16\+02:00
Changeset 156638556 (Comment no. 5) by Vladekk
Contributor: Vladekk
Discussion Comment No.: 5
Comment: Maybe. At this moment, I have phone pointing at the ground, so not very useful for Mapillary. I will think of I can change this.
Date: 2024\-09\-17T14:02:55\+02:00
Changeset 156862502 (Comment no. 2) by Big Knoop
Contributor: Big Knoop
Discussion Comment No.: 2
Comment: That makes sense, thanks for letting me know.
Date: 2024\-09\-20T11:48:16\+02:00
Changeset 156898282 (Comment no. 1) by Tomas Straupis
Contributor: Tomas Straupis
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Are you sure the border does not change because of the stream variation? There is a special team of officials to review the border semi\-annually at least on Lithuanian side, As border is between TWO countries, I guess the same is on Latvian side as well.
Date: 2024\-09\-21T08:07:54\+02:00
Changeset 156921822 (Comment no. 2) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 2
Comment: Vēl pieminēšu par piezīmē minēto sporta zāli \- kadastrā var redzēt aktuālo novietojumu. Skatoties ortofoto jābūt uzmanīgam \- jumta kontūra nav pamatu kontūra, jo ortofoto gandrīz visur ar slīpumu.
Date: 2024\-09\-21T17:48:50\+02:00
Changeset 156862502 (Comment no. 4) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 4
Comment: Yeah, like mentioned \- lots of styles and preferences and everything has exceptions. The one problem with large mapped areas like that example is that you couldn't add something like \`residential\=single_family\` or \`access\=private\` since that would then be a mistake (roads aren't private and not all of that land is single\-familly housing). In other words, you would need to split the areas further to refine tags. (Of course, that implies someone has the time to do such micromapping.)
Date: 2024\-09\-21T17:02:23\+02:00
Changeset 156956846 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Just a note that you redrew some of the ways, but they lost all of their tags: e.g. versus . You should generally keep the existing ways and modify them rather than deleting and drawing again, because this preserves history/attribution and has less chance of errors.
Date: 2024\-09\-22T17:17:02\+02:00
Changeset 157062596 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Please do not delete and redraw buildings (or other tagged elements), but change the existing building as mentioned before in \[1]. Firstly, this loses contribution history of the original element. And secondly, you didn't actually copy the original tags \[2] to the new building, thus deleting the address. (In this case, an address bot would eventually restore the address data, so it isn't a permanent problem.)
Date: 2024\-09\-25T09:07:03\+02:00
Changeset 157062814 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Are you sure this sidewalk extends further? Was there some new construction here? It stopped shortly after the intersection only a month ago.
Date: 2024\-09\-25T08:59:29\+02:00
Changeset 154729280 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Hello,
You marked this parking lot \[1] as public access, but there is a gate here and a parking sign with "only residents". Do you remember if something was different when you surveyed this or if you meant to tag this for a different location/parking lot?
Date: 2024\-09\-25T08:51:45\+02:00
Changeset 156975440 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Kas tieši ir domāts ar šiem numuriem ēkām ? Ar mājas nosaukuma tegu tos visticamāk nav pareizi atzīmēt, iespējams tie ir \`ref\`.
Date: 2024\-09\-25T13:40:31\+02:00
Changeset 156136235 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Izmaiņu atcēlu un ceļus izlaboju, jo līdzīgi kā iepriekš nepaskaidrojot izdzēsti ceļi tā vietā, lai precizētu to piekļuvi un nozīmi.
Date: 2024\-09\-25T13:37:46\+02:00
Changeset 156978923 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Izmaiņu atcēlu, jo līdzīgi kā iepriekš izdzēsts ceļš, pārzīmēts neprecīzi un nav paskaidrots, kādēļ nomainīta klasifikācija.
Date: 2024\-09\-25T13:31:42\+02:00
Changeset 157002932 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: I have reverted your edits since you are not replying to earlier comments about your similar changes.
Date: 2024\-09\-25T13:25:48\+02:00
Changeset 157045993 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Vai varētu precizēt, kas tieši šeit ir par ceļa zīmēm uz ietvēm? \`foot\=designated\` nozīmē, ka šeit būtu "gājēju ceļš" zilā zīme. Tas nozīmētu, ka \`bicycle\=yes\` te nevar būt, jo velosipēdiem nav pēc CSN atļauts.
Vairāk info:\=Lv:Latvian_tagging_guidelines\#G%C4%81j%C4%93ju_ce%C4%BCi
Date: 2024\-09\-25T13:22:14\+02:00
Changeset 157046116 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Sveiki,
Gribēju pieminēt, ka fiziski neatdalītas ceļa joslas netiek zīmētas kā atsevišķi ceļi, kā šajā gadījumā autobusu apstāšanās joslas. Vai šeit tagad pēc rekonstrukcijas ir pārbūvēts kā atdalīts (piemēram, barjeras, saliņa, v.c.)?
Kā arī šie noteikti nebūs \`public_transport\=platform\`, kas ir pašas pieturas (kur gājēji gaida/pārvietojas) kā platformas apzīmējums. Tie būtu servisa ceļi, ja tie tiešām ir atdalīti no galvenās ceļa brauktuves. Un arī apstāšanās vieta tad ir jāpārliek uz šo ceļu.
Date: 2024\-09\-25T13:16:05\+02:00
Changeset 157067615 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Sveiki,
Vai šeit tiešām ir brasls ?
Date: 2024\-09\-25T13:05:12\+02:00
Changeset 157045993 (Comment no. 4) by Emils Mikelsons
Contributor: Emils Mikelsons
Discussion Comment No.: 4
Comment: Liels paldies par paskaidrojumu, tagad man viss ir skaidrs. Turpmāk šo paturēšu prātā.
Date: 2024\-09\-26T14:01:19\+02:00
Changeset 157046116 (Comment no. 2) by Emils Mikelsons
Contributor: Emils Mikelsons
Discussion Comment No.: 2
Comment: Sveiki,
Es biju pārpratis, un jums ir taisnība. Tur nav fiziski atdalītas ceļa joslas. Atvainojos par manu kļūdu. Izņemšu to ārā.
Date: 2024\-09\-26T13:45:01\+02:00
Changeset 157114406 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Just to let you know that Kalmju iela was already aligned correctly. The current aerial is out of date, so please don't use it to align it. I have retraced and realigned it.
Date: 2024\-09\-26T13:20:31\+02:00
Changeset 157115015 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Can you please clarify why this road segment \[1] is private if there are no signs here, at least at the time of my survey. Is there a sign further down the road? This appears to be a municipal road, which continues until the Bisenieki property. It in fact has a sign that says it's only a deadend in 700 meters from the intersection. \[2]
Date: 2024\-09\-26T12:51:49\+02:00
Changeset 157206809 (Comment no. 1) by petons
Contributor: petons
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Redo the roads in Ziemeļblāzmas, Ziemeļi and a few other places. Saving this for later.
Date: 2024\-09\-28T12:02:24\+02:00
Changeset 157200752 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Can you please clarify what the source is for the road names like "Cērpas \- Ozolgatves" and "Ziemeļi \- Strīķeri" and "Dienvidu ceļš" and others?
Your changeset only specifies aerial imagery and notes as sources, and I don't see any notes here about the road names.
With a quick search, I cannot find these names online. I also don't see them in the official territory plan.
Also, like previously asked, please don't delete existing roads like \[1] and redraw them \[2], but adjust the existing road.
Date: 2024\-09\-28T11:01:32\+02:00
Changeset 157203513 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Please be careful making major road changes like this.
You didn't specify \`oneway\` on the segments, you didn't update the \`lanes\` count, you haven't added the route relations to the new segment, and you didn't specify turn restrictions for new/illegal turns. You also didn't draw the actual traffic island, which the note \[1] was about.
I have reverted this edit for now, because it breaks routing.
Date: 2024\-09\-28T10:47:46\+02:00
Changeset 157213915 (Comment no. 1) by petons
Contributor: petons
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Vecliepiņas, Zabīši and Dūjas weren't farmyards, fixed this
Date: 2024\-09\-28T15:21:12\+02:00
Changeset 157200752 (Comment no. 2) by Colbertson
Contributor: Colbertson
Discussion Comment No.: 2
Comment: Heres some links about the deleting/redrawing issue.\#Replace_one_way_with_another_way
Date: 2024\-09\-28T13:35:34\+02:00
Changeset 157253338 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Sveiki,
Gribēju precizēt, te kaut kāda jauna zīme uzlikta? Pavisam nesens Mapillary vēl nebija\=1205633460753549\&focus\=photo
Date: 2024\-09\-29T15:50:23\+02:00
Changeset 157257733 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: When mapping living zones, also make sure that all connected roads that are in the zone's extents are also converted, such as probably \[1].
Date: 2024\-09\-29T15:43:10\+02:00
Changeset 157258700 (Comment no. 1) by petons
Contributor: petons
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Sources:
Mapillary (\=56\.59873553811667\&lng\=24\.198832952188923\&z\=17\.41912017250979\&pKey\=848026877197324\&focus\=photo\&x\=0\.5116546133618293\&y\=0\.5271088012727592\&zoom\=0\.3051881993896236 /\=56\.5972833\&lng\=24\.214553\&z\=19\.119142279010685\&pKey\=1061440888749591\&focus\=photo)
Knowledge and Survey (Personal)
Date: 2024\-09\-29T15:22:42\+02:00
Changeset 157253338 (Comment no. 2) by Pilsetkartetajs
Contributor: Pilsetkartetajs
Discussion Comment No.: 2
Comment: Sveiki!
Šķiet, ka nesen uzlikta, taču Mapillary ir jau redzama:\=2060535797682886
Iepriekšējā bildē ir nepareizais pagrieziens redzams.
Date: 2024\-09\-30T04:45:32\+02:00
Changeset 157253338 (Comment no. 3) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 3
Comment: Ā, skaidrs, paldies par precizējumu. Es sajaucu, kurš pagrieziens te bija domāts. Pats arī biju nofilmējis to, bet kaut kā nepiefiksēju.
Date: 2024\-09\-30T17:07:40\+02:00
Changeset 157323715 (Comment no. 1) by Colbertson
Contributor: Colbertson
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: It would be nice to have something like "Added material to memorial" instead of "123" as the changeset comment.
Date: 2024\-10\-01T15:16:46\+02:00
Changeset 157323715 (Comment no. 2) by rain_99
Contributor: rain_99
Discussion Comment No.: 2
Comment: Maybe)))
Date: 2024\-10\-02T05:49:18\+02:00
Changeset 157371322 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: I'm assuming this traffic signal crossing node was an accident?
Date: 2024\-10\-02T12:09:27\+02:00
Changeset 157115015 (Comment no. 2) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 2
Comment: You haven't replied to my message, so I have reverted your change for now.
Date: 2024\-10\-02T12:00:11\+02:00
Changeset 157359264 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Hi!
Just a small note that roads like \[1] are most likely not \`gravel\` surface, but \`compacted\`. Gravel means large rocks that are very uncomfortable if impossible to bike and walk on. These are actually very rare in Latvia and even public roads that were originally gravel quickly turn into compacted over a year or two due to traffic.
Date: 2024\-10\-02T08:27:23\+02:00
Changeset 156996227 (Comment no. 1) by Pēteris Caune
Contributor: Pēteris Caune
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Kāds šim nosaukumam avots?
Date: 2024\-10\-02T14:26:54\+02:00
Changeset 157350446 (Comment no. 3) by andrisl
Contributor: andrisl
Discussion Comment No.: 3
Comment: Jā, šo vietu tiešām var uzskatīt arī kā \`area:highway\=footway\`. Tikai man jebkuru platu gājēju laukumu gribās tagot kā \`highway\=pedestrian\` \+ \`area\=yes\`, jo tad tas parādās kartē. Tad citi zin, ka tajā vietā ir kaut kāds laukums nevis tikai parasts šaurs celiņš.
Date: 2024\-10\-02T13:32:15\+02:00
Changeset 157313805 (Comment no. 3) by kevko22
Contributor: kevko22
Discussion Comment No.: 3
Comment: oh yeah it's paving stones, my bad. i will correct it
Date: 2024\-10\-04T15:03:43\+02:00
Changeset 157545319 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Hello,
Your edit makes it ambiguous which way the gate \[1] is one. Can you please move it or adjust these connections so it's clear which way is being blocked. Is it the driveway? Last time I surveyed this a couple years ago, the path passed North of the gate like the connection was mapped before.
Date: 2024\-10\-06T16:19:17\+02:00
Changeset 157541121 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Please note that like I mentioned to you before, you absolutely cannot use Jāņa Sēta map for anything \- it is a copyrighted map and we do not have permission to use it. Please undo any changes you have made based on it, because it makes OSM data in violation of copyright. You are also personally breaking the terms of service of JS. We can only use external data sources that have a compatible license or explicit permission for OSM.
Date: 2024\-10\-06T15:53:25\+02:00
Changeset 157350446 (Comment no. 6) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 6
Comment: Jā, kā minēju, \`highway\=\*\`\+\`area\=yes\` ir "plaša vieta", bet tikai tas arī nozīmē, ka maršrutēšana visos virzienos. Bet šitas celiņš pievienojas vienā galā piebraucamajam ceļam un otrā galā celiņiem, bet pa vidu ir vienkārši plats. Faktiski jau kustība no viena gala uz otru un es kaut kā personīgi to nesaskatītu kā tādu laukumu. Un platumu jau atzīmē parasti ar \`width\`. Jo citādāk jau jebkurā platā vietā varētu likta \`area\=yes\` kaut kādam \`highway\=trunk\` utml. Šeit nav kaut kāda dīvaina forma ar daudziem savienojumiem, tāpēc es sliektos uz \`area:highway\`. Kamēr nav kaut kas līdzīgs \[1], es tādus parasti saskatu kā "plats celiņš" nevis "plata vieta ar celiņu". Bet nu te tā atšķirība tik maza un tik līdzīga starp visiem 3 variantiem, ka noteikti nepareizi jau laikam nav neviens.
Un jā, iD ir ielikti preseti tikai \`pedestrian\` un \`service\` ar \`area\=yes\`, jo tie ir pieprasītākie. Agrāk to \`area:highway\` vispār nebija un visi bija pieraduši likt \`area\=yes\`. To, ka iD sūdzās, var droši ignorēt. Jo vairāk un precīzāk tego, jo vairāk sastopas lietas, ko iD (pagaidām) nesaprot.
Date: 2024\-10\-07T09:24:22\+02:00
Changeset 156996227 (Comment no. 2) by richlv
Contributor: richlv
Discussion Comment No.: 2
Comment: Potenciāls privātu datu izplatīšanas risks?
Pagaidām šo nosaukumu tikai noņēmu.
Date: 2024\-10\-07T08:56:19\+02:00
Changeset 157371322 (Comment no. 2) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 2
Comment: You haven't replied to my message, so I deleted the signals.
Date: 2024\-10\-09T10:48:40\+02:00
Changeset 157563989 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Šeit ir izdzēsts servisa ceļš \- . Tagad vairs nav iebraukšanas ceļa teritorijā. Lūdzu izlabo.
Date: 2024\-10\-10T11:36:54\+02:00
Changeset 157703302 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Hello,
These are not building markers, these are address points. These do not imply that there are actual buildings. They are from official data, so they are "correct" even if the properties have not been properly updated in the official cadastral database.
You also removed nodes from buildings that still exist on the Northwestern side (unless all the private houses were also demolished? I don't believe so).
This data is also imported by an automated bot, so there's no point manually editing these points because they will get updated and overwritten anyway.
I undid your edit for now.
Date: 2024\-10\-10T09:14:29\+02:00
Changeset 157718995 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Ar šo izmaiņu velotrase iezīmēta divreiz \- Arī zāle iezīmēta divreiz.
Pēc izdzēstā zāles gabala palikuši pāri daudzi neizmantoti punkti, piemēram
Pieminēšu, kā ģeometrija šeit neatbilst ortofoto, ja vien šeit vēlreiz nav pārbūvēts pēc 8\. cikla.
No kāda avota šāds nosaukums "JS Konteineris" \- kas tā ir par ēku?
Lūdzu izlabo kļūdas un rediģē uzmanīgāk.
Date: 2024\-10\-11T20:19:48\+02:00
Changeset 157718995 (Comment no. 2) by petons
Contributor: petons
Discussion Comment No.: 2
Comment: Kautkas nogājis greizi ar JOSM, jo pēdejo reizi kad editoju šeit, viss bija normāli.
Date: 2024\-10\-12T10:36:56\+02:00
Changeset 157757540 (Comment no. 1) by AmOosm
Contributor: AmOosm
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: For some reason Every Door has reuploaded the cameras I added in\. Seems like reverting either one of these changesets would cause some real cameras to be removed too though.
Date: 2024\-10\-13T13:40:33\+02:00
Changeset 157757540 (Comment no. 2) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 2
Comment: I deleted surv. camera duplicates in this area in cs 157847581, 41 in total.
Date: 2024\-10\-13T18:34:56\+02:00
Changeset 157757540 (Comment no. 4) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 4
Comment: Hmm. Yeah, I didn't touch any points that weren't at the exact same coordinates. I have no idea how ED even uploaded the same points but with different coordinates. Also, I didn't check the tags assuming both nodes to be the same since you said "reuploaded" and checking each would take forever. If my edit had errors, you should have just undone it.
Date: 2024\-10\-14T09:16:00\+02:00
Changeset 157718995 (Comment no. 4) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 4
Comment: @richlv: Tur vairs nav nosaukums.
Date: 2024\-10\-15T20:23:15\+02:00
Changeset 157972596 (Comment no. 1) by petons
Contributor: petons
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: This is the finished changeset
Date: 2024\-10\-16T16:10:03\+02:00
Changeset 157972632 (Comment no. 1) by petons
Contributor: petons
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: unfinished changeset (josm fail)
Date: 2024\-10\-16T16:09:17\+02:00
Changeset 157718995 (Comment no. 5) by richlv
Contributor: richlv
Discussion Comment No.: 5
Comment: Tas laikam labi \- tik gribējās saprast, kāds bijis avots un vai nav kādi autortiesību riski :)
Date: 2024\-10\-16T15:52:37\+02:00
Changeset 157848874 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Can you please clarify what (traffic) signage is here for the road such as that forbids foot movement? And why the bridge is not included?
Date: 2024\-10\-17T15:35:15\+02:00
Changeset 157837781 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Hi,
The addresses here are tagged on the buildings themselves, such as, so there is no need to add extra points. These addresses are also automatically imported from the official register by a bot so these will get overwritten anyway.
You also added some incorrect values, like \`addr:housename\=(vispār arī tagad)\` or repeated \`old_addr:housename\=Dakteri\` as well as wrong \`ref:LV:addr\` numbers for several points such as I think you were probably copy\-pasting these nodes, so please be aware that they have a bunch of additional values.
Date: 2024\-10\-17T19:03:03\+02:00
Changeset 158061105 (Comment no. 2) by petons
Contributor: petons
Discussion Comment No.: 2
Comment: Thanks for the info.
Date: 2024\-10\-21T11:11:09\+02:00
Changeset 158047513 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Hi!
A couple small notes I wanted to mention.
Trees like should be mapped as individual tree nodes (\`natural\=tree\`) and not a forest area. Areas are generally only for locations with at least half a dozen trees where mapping individual trees would become unfeasible. Even areas like this are usually not mapped as wooded and this is probably the smallest example that could be mapped as such.
You should also use \`natural\=wood\` rather than \`landuse\=forest\`, because "forest" in OSM sense means a managed forest \- such as LVM forests that are cultivated and usually there are forestry works. Random trees in urban areas are almost all just wood areas in OSM sense. \[1]
\[1]\#Approach_1 (typical for Latvia)
Date: 2024\-10\-21T09:52:42\+02:00
Changeset 157718995 (Comment no. 6) by petons
Contributor: petons
Discussion Comment No.: 6
Comment: Būves nosaukums bija lokāls, un tam nav neviena avota internetā
Date: 2024\-10\-21T16:44:54\+02:00
Changeset 157718995 (Comment no. 7) by richlv
Contributor: richlv
Discussion Comment No.: 7
Comment: Paldies, ja nosaukums ir īsts, varbūt to pat vērts atstāt \- bet sīkāk droši vien var apspriest kopienas Zulip čatā :)
Date: 2024\-10\-22T18:34:03\+02:00
Changeset 94479752 (Comment no. 3) by UrSuS
Contributor: UrSuS
Discussion Comment No.: 3
Comment: OSM dati ir paredzēti ne tikai "13 tonnu smagam atkritumvedējam", bet arī vieglajiem automobiļiem, velosipēdiem un gājējiem. Ir tagi, kas attiecas uz kravas automobiļiem
Date: 2024\-10\-23T07:40:56\+02:00
Changeset 158047513 (Comment no. 2) by richlv
Contributor: richlv
Discussion Comment No.: 2
Comment: Liels paldies par Mālpils kartes papildināšanu :)
Nomainīju pieminēto vienu koku uz natural\=tree punktu, lai būtu piemērs :) arī varētu mainīt, bet tur dabā vajadzētu saprast, vai ir viens vai divi atsevišķi stāvoši koki.
Laipni aicinām apspriest kartēšanu Latvijas OSM kopienas čatā \- .
Date: 2024\-10\-25T07:50:28\+02:00
Changeset 152934863 (Comment no. 1) by richlv
Contributor: richlv
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Šajā izmaiņu kopā nav mainīts nekas tāds, kas ietekmētu piekļuvi \- būtu derīgi apspriesties par iecerētajām izmaiņām, un kā tās veiksmīgāk veikt.
Date: 2024\-10\-25T07:41:29\+02:00
Changeset 158239970 (Comment no. 1) by richlv
Contributor: richlv
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Labdien, liels paldies par kartes papildināšanu.
Šīs izmaiņas atcēlu, jo administratīvā robeža bija pārviedota par ceļu.
Būtu ļoti derīgi aprunāties kopienā par to, kā labāk veikt izmaiņas \- citādāk kļūdainās nākas atcelt, un tiek zaudēts laiks.
Aicinām pievienoties OSM Latvijas kopienas čatam \- .
Date: 2024\-10\-25T07:38:39\+02:00
Changeset 94479752 (Comment no. 4) by richlv
Contributor: richlv
Discussion Comment No.: 4
Comment: Kā UrSuS minēja, nedrīkst dzēst datus, kuri nav piemēroti ļoti šauram lietojumam \- tā būtu apzināta datu bojāšana, vandālisms.
Tomēr informācijas papildināšana ar maksimālā svara ierobežojumiem un citām pazīmēm tiktu ļoti novērtēta.
Aicinu pievienoties OSM Latvijas kopienas čatam, kur varētu apspriest piemērotāko risinājumu: .
Date: 2024\-10\-25T07:28:34\+02:00
Changeset 157703302 (Comment no. 2) by 7Qw4i5ML
Contributor: 7Qw4i5ML
Discussion Comment No.: 2
Comment: Thank you for taking the time to explain.
Date: 2024\-10\-26T10:32:21\+02:00
Changeset 158495168 (Comment no. 1) by Emīls Ginters
Contributor: Emīls Ginters
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Skaisti!
Date: 2024\-10\-29T12:15:11\+01:00
Changeset 158484009 (Comment no. 3) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 3
Comment: Jā, zīme ir tieši tur, kur joslas pāriet no 3 uz 2\. Lai skaidrāk, iezīmēju kā\. Bet tad drošvien redaktorā ir sajaukts posms, jo šis posms ir uz rietumiem no zīmes.
Date: 2024\-10\-29T18:56:20\+01:00
Changeset 154729280 (Comment no. 2) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 2
Comment: You haven't responded to my query, so I have reverted your tagging and set this to private parking.
Date: 2024\-10\-31T11:05:00\+01:00
Changeset 158767434 (Comment no. 2) by andrisl
Contributor: andrisl
Discussion Comment No.: 2
Comment: Šo palaidu garām. Paldies par parādīšanu!
Date: 2024\-11\-05T16:13:02\+01:00
Changeset 158807258 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Sveiki!
Bērnudārziem un līdzīgiem objektiem vēlams atstāt īso/skaidro nosaukumu bez "PII". Jo oficiālais nosaukums nav saīsinājums PII "Sauleszaķis" bet Pirmsskolas izglītības iestāde "Sauleszaķis". Un nosaukumos OSM nenorāda objekta tipu (piem. "Veikals Aibe"). Šajos gadījumos, garo/oficiālo nosaukumu var norādīt tegā \`official_name\`.
Es šeit pārlaboju.
Date: 2024\-11\-06T09:32:27\+01:00
Changeset 158829321 (Comment no. 1) by Cucazer
Contributor: Cucazer
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Čau! Vai, un pārējie nav būtu landuse\=grass un tad viens kopīgs leisure\=park apkārt (ja to vispār var skaitīt par parku)? Citādi kaut kā neloģiski sanāk, ka vienā vietā ir 6 dažādi mazi parciņi...
Savukārt tika pārtegots uz highway\=residential, tikmēr visi pārējie ceļi apkārt ir highway\=living_street. Nedomāju, ka dzīvojama zona tiek pārktraukta uz šo mazo gabaliņu.
Published using OSMCha:
Date: 2024\-11\-07T22:17:10\+01:00
Changeset 158971758 (Comment no. 1) by Colbertson
Contributor: Colbertson
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Thanks for fixing that :)
Its good to have people on quality control
Date: 2024\-11\-10T16:53:53\+01:00
Changeset 158958089 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Sveiki vēlreiz,
Rezervāta robeža ir definēta likumā \-\-gaujas\-nacionala\-parka\-individualie\-aizsardzibas\-un\-izmantosanas\-noteikumi . Šīs izmaiņas labojums ir nobīdījis šo robežu, tāpēc es to atliku atpakaļ. Kas tieši šajā labojumā bija domāts ar "korekts attēlojums" saistībā ar šo robežu?
Date: 2024\-11\-11T16:34:56\+01:00
Changeset 158959775 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Sveiki,
Gribēju minēt, ka Latvijā Bing ortofoto ir ar nobīdi. Daudzās vietās var būt pat ar vairāku metru nobīdi. Pirms zīmēt vai pārvietot elementus balstoties uz Bing, vajag salīdzināt to atrašanās vietu ar citiem avotiem \- LVM ortofoto, GPS trekiem, personīgu apsekošanu, u.c. Šajā izmaiņā, piemēram šis ceļš ir nobīdīts krietni prom no tā reālās atrašanās vietas.
Ortofoto arī jāņem vērā tā filmēšanas laiks. Piemēram, šeit Bing ir vecāks par LVMGEO mājas lapā tekošā cikla ortofoto. Piemēram, šis izdzēstais ūdensņemšanas dīķis ir izveidots pēc Bing ortofoto filmēšanas brīža un redzams (jaunākajā) LVM ortofoto.
Date: 2024\-11\-11T16:14:05\+01:00
Changeset 158958089 (Comment no. 3) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 3
Comment: Ja es pareizi saprotu, tad OZOLĀ teritorijas ir norādītas un sadalītas aizsardzības nozīmes zonās (ĪADT zonējums) nevis pēc dabas liegumu, parku vai rezervātu robežām (ĪADT kategorijas).\[1] Konkrēti, Nurmižu gravu rezervātam (kategorija) tur ir, kā tu apraksti, stingrā režīma zona (zonējums) ceļam austrumu pusē, bet rietumos un citur apkārt ir citas nozīmes zonas. OSM (līdz šim) ir kartētas teritorijas no kategorijām \- dabas parki, liegumi, rezervāti utt. Bet zonējumi, kas ir daudz plašāki nav kartēti vispār (piemēram šeit apkārtējais "Gaujas senielejas liegums" OSM nav). Šis Nurmižu rezervāts ir iezīmēts no tā likumā noteiktās robežas. Šajā gadījumā tas ļoti tuvu sakrīt ar stingrā režīma zonējumu, tikai tas mazais gabals ir ārpus. Bet arī tad zonējuma robeža un rezervāta likuma koordinātes atšķiras šur tur (es gan nezinu, vai tas dēļ datu (ne)precizitātes). Kadastra robežas arī ir tuvāk rezervātam (bet tur arī nobīde).
Kā piemēru, var paņemt "Garkalnes meži" dabas liegumu, kas OZOLĀ ir sagraizīts starp dabas parka un lieguma zonām kaut gan pats dabas liegums kā kategorija ir viena teritorija. Vai arī Piejūra, kur simtiem atsevišķu zonējumu un vēl mikroliegumi pa virsu.
Protams, ar datiem vienmēr ir visādi šķībumi. Un es nezinu, kas un kad ir izmainīts vai izlabots. Iespējams, ka rezervātam tiešām ir mainīta robeža. Bet es gan skatoties uz šiem avotiem nevaru pateikt, ka būtu mainīta tieši rezervāta robeža \- tikai, ka nesakrīt ar ĪADT zonējumu.
Date: 2024\-11\-11T20:09:45\+01:00
Changeset 158959775 (Comment no. 2) by valdisj
Contributor: valdisj
Discussion Comment No.: 2
Comment: Par nobīdēm zinu, paldies par atgādinājumu. Caur ID editoru jaunājo LVMGEO dabūt nevar. Tapēc balstījos uz BING.
Date: 2024\-11\-11T19:10:07\+01:00
Changeset 158959775 (Comment no. 3) by richlv
Contributor: richlv
Discussion Comment No.: 3
Comment: Starp citu, ja vēl nav sanācis pievienoties, aicinām apspriesties arī Latvijas kopienas čatā \- :)
Date: 2024\-11\-14T09:24:15\+01:00
Changeset 158829321 (Comment no. 2) by richlv
Contributor: richlv
Discussion Comment No.: 2
Comment: Pārlikts uz grass, kas šķiet daudz atbilstošāk, paldies.
Tur gan visi mazie gabali apvienoti multipolygon, kas šķiet overkill \- bet to varbūt vēlāk vienkāršos :)
Date: 2024\-11\-14T09:22:05\+01:00
Changeset 158495168 (Comment no. 2) by richlv
Contributor: richlv
Discussion Comment No.: 2
Comment: Un arī pozitīvi komentāri ir jauki, yay :)
Date: 2024\-11\-14T08:56:51\+01:00
Changeset 159404781 (Comment no. 2) by qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq
Contributor: qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq
Discussion Comment No.: 2
Date: 2024\-11\-22T21:01:23\+01:00
Changeset 159492193 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Velotrase jau bija iezīmēta precīzi no jaunākā ortofoto, kuru tu vēlāk izdzēsi.
Date: 2024\-11\-23T10:46:29\+01:00
Changeset 159483535 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Šo izmaiņu atcēlu. Nevar dzēst ārā elementus, kas ir iezīmēti jau 15 gadus, lai veiktu minimālas pārbīdes. Arī baznīcas atrodas kapu teritorijā kā komplekss, nevis izgrieztas no kapu kontūras. No kāda avota šāds secinājums?
Date: 2024\-11\-23T10:32:36\+01:00
Changeset 159489391 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Kā jau vairākas reizes minēts, lūdzu nedzēst esošos elementus pirms zīmēt jaunus, bet pēc iespējas rediģēt esošos. Elementu vēsture pazūd un vairs nevar saprast no kā kas ir zīmēts kurā brīdī. Šeit jau vairākas reizes tas ir darīts. Šeit pilnīgi noteikti nebija jādzēš piemēram sporta kompleksa teritorija Piemēram, tika izdzēsti elementi kā un tā vietā iezīmēti bez šīs informācijas. Velotrase no jaunākā ortofoto zīmēta jau 2 reizes ir nodzēsta. Šo izmaiņu jau var sākt uzskatīt par masveida dzēšanu un atcelt pilnībā, jo elementi nemaz nav pārzīmēti tajā pašā izmaiņā. Lūdzu atjaunot visus datus.
Date: 2024\-11\-23T10:25:31\+01:00
Changeset 159485190 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Kā tieši zināms, ka ir privāta stāvvieta?
Ja esošie elementi nav precīzi un ir ar nobīdi, lūdzu tos pabīdīt/izlabot pirms zīmēt klāt vēl elementus. Piemēram, ap, kur sen iezīmētais celiņš ir šķībs, tagad arī apkārt viss ir ļoti nobīdīts ortofoto un nākotnes labojumi būs grūtāki, jo viss jāpārbīda. Plus Bing ortofoto nobīde.
Date: 2024\-11\-23T10:14:58\+01:00
Changeset 159484691 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Kā tieši zināms, ka ir privāta stāvvieta un ka tā vispār ir stāvvieta (mašīnu tur nav)?
Kādēļ izdzēsts šis ceļš ? Tas bija sen atpakaļ iezīmēts neprecīzi, bet tas eksistē\=1986358531830713\&focus\=photo
Date: 2024\-11\-23T10:07:33\+01:00
Changeset 159485526 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Lūdzu uz asfalta ortofoto redzamus veidojumus kā nezīmēt kā atsevišķus ceļus. Tie nav nodalīti gājēju ceļi ar fiziskām barjerām starp tiem.
Date: 2024\-11\-23T09:54:25\+01:00
Changeset 159486048 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Ķā tieši zināms, ka ir privāta stāvvieta?
Date: 2024\-11\-23T09:44:42\+01:00
Changeset 159486385 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Lūdzu ņem vērā, ka Bing ortofoto ir nobīde, vietās iespējams pāri metram. Pirms pievienot jaunus vai pārvietot esošos elementus, tas ir redaktorā jānolīdzina. Un dažādās vietās var būt dažāda nobīde.\#iD
Šajā gadījumā, visi šie zāles gabali ir ar kādu 1\.5 metru nobīdi.
Date: 2024\-11\-23T09:43:27\+01:00
Changeset 159484450 (Comment no. 1) by andrisl
Contributor: andrisl
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Neviena no iezīmētajām līnijām sporta laukumos nav siena, taču ielikts ir barrier\=wall.
Izlasiet lūdzu šo, lai saprastu, kam tieši ir domāta birka barrier\=wall:
Ar šo arī noderīgi iepazīties:
Date: 2024\-11\-23T08:14:48\+01:00
Changeset 158253018 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Hello,
Please do not change way designations like this based on subjective reasons like "primary use". The legal designation of most of these ways is a cycleway as seen by traffic signs.
See\#Veloce%C4%BCi_un_veloinfrastrukt%C5%ABra and
Mapping this as \`highway\=cycleway\` is correct (or \`path\` in JOSM, but this is rarely used locally and almost never in Riga). A \`footway\` implies no such signage is present.
I have undone this edit and also corrected some of the crossings/connections to be more accurate where the signage is located.
Date: 2024\-11\-23T17:14:05\+01:00
Changeset 159528648 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Šajā izmaiņā atkal tiek dzēsi elementi. Ir sabojātā maršrutēšana. Nodzēsti savienojumi. Un pārzīmēts neprecīzi.
Kas tas par "Vexcel" avotu, kas šeit tiek izmantots?
Lūdzu pārtraukt šādu rediģēšanu.
Date: 2024-11-24T11:24:56+01:00
Changeset 158285218 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Izmantojot RapiD/MapWithAI, lūdzu pārliecināties, ka ēkas reāli ir redzamas ortofoto un šaubu gadījumā arī dzīvē. Piemēram, kas šīs par neeksistējošām ēkām - vai vai
Lūdzu pārbaudīt visas izmaiņas, kas veiktas ar automātisko ēku atpazīšanu.
Date: 2024-11-24T11:15:06+01:00
Changeset 159500986 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Kādēļ izdzēsta teritorija ?
Date: 2024-11-24T11:11:02+01:00
Changeset 159506390 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Kas šis par parkingā izgriezumu no Parkings bija iezīmēts pareizi pēc nesenās pārbūves un to rediģēt nebija nepieciešams. Lūdzu atjaunot.
Un kā jau daudz reižu minēts, nedzēst elementus, lai pārzīmētu. Kā šajā piemērā redzams, tas padara to vēsturi un apspriešanu sarežģītāku priekš visiem.
Date: 2024-11-24T11:02:15+01:00
Changeset 159508495 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Kādēļ ir izdzēsti daudzi elementi, piemēram parkings ?
Kādēļ meža/koku laukumi tiek izdzēsti un pārvērsti par zāli? Atsevišķu koku (neprecīza un nepilnīga) iezīmēšana nemaina šos laukumus par zāli, šeit ir blīva koku platība.
Date: 2024-11-24T10:55:30+01:00
Changeset 159526930 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Kādēļ tika izdzēsts ?
Kā iepriekš, tiek izdzēsts elements tā vietā, lai to izlabotu.
Kas tās par sienām ? Jau iepriekš tika minēts par šādu neatbilstošu tegošanu renderēšani.
Estrādes skatuve nav highway=pedestrian
Lūdzu atbildēt uz izmaiņu problēmu komentāriem un izlabot iepriekšējās izmaiņas pirms turpināt jaunu rediģēšanu. Ir sakrājies jau liels skaits are neizlabotām lietām.
Date: 2024-11-24T10:43:50+01:00
Changeset 159522407 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Kā iepriekš minēts, Bing ir nobīde un viss šeit jauniezīmētais ir ar pāri metram nobīdi. Lūdzu pielīdzināt Bing slāni un izlabot nobīdi, lai neveidotu papildus darbu citiem nākotnē.
Un lūdzu izlabot arī iepriekš minētās vietas Rīgā, kurās joprojām ir nobīde, nevis turpināt rediģēt jaunas vietas ar nepareizu nobīdi.
Date: 2024-11-24T10:41:40+01:00
Changeset 159521729 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Kādēļ atkal tiek dzēsti elementi nevis laboti?
Izdzēstas vēl ieejas .
Jau iepriekš minēts, ka Bing in nobīde, un šeit ēka pārzīmēta ar nobīdi.
Kādēļ izdzēsts teritorijas laukums ? Ja šeit ir cita veida lietojums, tad tas ir jānomaina, jāatzīmē.
Date: 2024-11-24T10:33:13+01:00
Changeset 159522648 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Kāds ir avots šādai parka sadalīšanai divās daļās? Te nav 2 parki. Esošā parka robeža ir zīmēta no kadastra līnijām/robežām. Ja tie neatbilst faktiskai teritorijai, tad labojamas ir konkrētas vietas, bet nekas nav dzēšams. Un laukumu punkti ceļiem nav jāpievieno.
Kāpēc ir izdzēsti koku/meža laukumi?
Date: 2024-11-24T10:26:51+01:00
Changeset 157848874 (Comment no. 2) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 2
Comment: You haven't replied to my concern, so I have reverted this changeset for now.
Date: 2024-11-24T13:15:09+01:00
Changeset 159544836 (Comment no. 2) by andrisl
Contributor: andrisl
Discussion Comment No.: 2
Comment: Tikko pēc šī komentāra publicēšanas atklāju ātrāku metodi:
Date: 2024-11-25T12:08:16+01:00
Changeset 159544836 (Comment no. 7) by andrisl
Contributor: andrisl
Discussion Comment No.: 7
Comment: Līnijas uzzīmēt ir ātrāk (liekot punktu zīmējot līniju tikai vienreiz jāklišķina) un turklāt var skaidri redzēt kur grib sadalīt laukumu, kas ir īpaši noderīgi, ja vajag sadalīt ļoti platu laukumu, kur pretējā puse ir tālu.
Zinu, ka var uzreiz ar tastatūras saisnēm, taču gribēju parādīt, kur atrodas konkrētā darbībā kontekta izvēlnē, kas noderētu tiem, kuri nezin.
Date: 2024-11-25T15:24:51+01:00
Changeset 159544836 (Comment no. 8) by Mister_R2
Contributor: Mister_R2
Discussion Comment No.: 8
Comment: Salaboju, viss izskatās labi. Paldies!
Date: 2024-11-26T07:45:01+01:00
Changeset 159637651 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Paldies par sazīmēšanu.
Gribēju tikai piebilst, ka Bing ortofoto in neliela nobīde, dažviet pat pāris metri. Tā kā visi pieraduši no LGIA/LVM ortofoto zīmēt, tad iespējams jau aizmirsies, ka tā mēdz būt ;) Es šeit nedaudz visu nobīdīju.
Date: 2024-11-27T10:26:29+01:00
Changeset 159722374 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Sveiki,
Maza piebilde par piebrauktuvēm/driveway. Ja tu norādi piekļuvi/access tām un tās šķērso ietves, tad access=private
vajadzētu likt tikai sākot no sētas/vārtiem/privātīpašuma. Citādāk sanāk, ka no ietves pa tiem nevar nokļūt uz ceļu. Es šeit pielaboju.
Date: 2024-11-29T10:23:10+01:00
Changeset 159686142 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Sveiki!
Paldies par kartes papildināšanu.
Es pamanīju, ka šai un citām izmaiņām pieturām ir pielikti passenger_information_display=yes
.[1] Šis tegs parasti nozīmē elektronisku reāllaika displeju kā sastopami autoostās vai lielākās vilcienu stacijās. Latvijā parastajām autobusu pieturām tādu, cik zinu, nekur nav. Visticamāk, šeit bija domāti departures_board=\*
.[2] Tas ir parastajām "laiku sarakstu lapiņām" uz stabiem, kas sastopami gandrīz visās pieturās.
Date: 2024-11-29T13:06:34+01:00
Changeset 159668559 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Lūdzu ņem vērā, ka Bing'a ortofoto ir pāri metram nobīde (un dažādās vietās atšķiras). Pirms zīmēt daudz jaunus elementus, to vajag vispirms pārbīdīt, piemēram ar LĢIA/LVM ortofoto vai zināmiem elementiem. Citādi viss būs iezīmēts ar nobīdi. Šajā vietā es pabīdīju.
Date: 2024-11-29T20:37:09+01:00
Changeset 159721396 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Sveiki,
Kas ir šis servisa ceļš domāts ? Šāds atsevišķs ceļš šādā trajektorijā te noteikti neeksistē. Šajos punktos tas ir pat dubultā iezīmēts ar esošo ceļu.
Date: 2024-11-29T18:43:59+01:00
Changeset 159778243 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Please see previous comment at about tagging driveways and minor roads as tracks.
Date: 2024-11-30T16:11:40+01:00
Changeset 159754851 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Hi again,
When adding the stream, you added a couple bridges to the roads (rather than a culvert/tunnel for the stream). Are you sure these are actual bridges? From the aerial, they look like typical culverts here.
Date: 2024-11-30T13:11:18+01:00
Changeset 159754735 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Hi,
Please don't use highway=track
for primary property access roads - these are driveways - highway=service
+ service=driveway
. Tracks are roads that lead to forests, fields and generic land access. As OSM maps the purpose of roads, then if a road leads primarily to a property, then it's a driveway regardless of surface, appearance, whether it passes through a field/forest or even its length.
If a road leads to multiple properties, then it is usually a minor unclassified road (highway=unclassified
), a service road (just highway=service
) or even higher classification, depending on the actual use and related to cadastral land/property layout and local road network.
I corrected a bunch here.
I should also note that a lot of roads in this are are mistagged from before and need correcting, so existing roads/examples are often not correct.
Date: 2024-11-30T13:08:58+01:00
Changeset 159659446 (Comment no. 1) by andrisl
Contributor: andrisl
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Sveiki!
Šajā reģionā iesaku izmantot Esri World Imagery, jo tas ir jaunāks nekā Orthophoto (2016–2018). Precīzu gadu gan nevaru pateikt.
Dažās vietās Esri mežs redzams izcirsts, bet Ortofoto nē. Piemēram, šeit:
Arī citās vietās ārpus Rīgas (kur jaunākais šobrīd ir Bing) iesaku salīdzināt Ortofoto ar Esri, lai neiezīmē novecojušus datus.
Date: 2024-12-01T21:33:06+01:00
Changeset 159668559 (Comment no. 2) by Anrijs Terauds
Contributor: Anrijs Terauds
Discussion Comment No.: 2
Comment: Ok, paldies.
Date: 2024-12-01T20:00:24+01:00
Changeset 159721396 (Comment no. 2) by Anrijs Terauds
Contributor: Anrijs Terauds
Discussion Comment No.: 2
Comment: Sveiki, tas bija saistīts ar Vāgnera zāles rekonstrukciju. Piegādes ceļš uz būvlaukumu. Izdzēsu, lai nemulsina.
Date: 2024-12-01T19:59:19+01:00
Changeset 159813479 (Comment no. 1) by Colbertson
Contributor: Colbertson
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Please dont add fictional data to OSM. I have reverted these changes.
Date: 2024-12-01T19:05:27+01:00
Changeset 159686142 (Comment no. 2) by Koknese
Contributor: Koknese
Discussion Comment No.: 2
Comment: Sveiki!
Es domāju, ka gan jau būšu kaut ko nepareizi nospiedis. Paldies, ka pamanījāt!
Date: 2024-12-02T05:44:17+01:00
Changeset 159659446 (Comment no. 2) by Mister_R2
Contributor: Mister_R2
Discussion Comment No.: 2
Comment: Labi
Date: 2024-12-02T16:17:30+01:00
Changeset 159802019 (Comment no. 2) by Mezonens
Contributor: Mezonens
Discussion Comment No.: 2
Comment: Paldies par komentāru. :)
Date: 2024-12-04T23:33:42+01:00
Changeset 159813515 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Hi,
Thanks for the random mapping!
I would like to point out that Bing isn't always the newest aerial in random parts of the world (and it is misaligned often). The preferred/default LVM imagery in Latvia, for example, is newer here and shows part of this forest cut down.
It's a tiny thing in the grand scheme of things - there is tons of unmapped stuff and the aerials are all years behind anyway, so don't worry about it. But I just wanted to let you know since there are a lot of location/country-specific things like this that one might not be aware of in case you plan to edit randomly a lot.
Date: 2024-12-04T22:13:58+01:00
Changeset 159834097 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Sveiki,
Ēku daļas būtu jāatzīmē ar building:part=\*
nevis building
citādi sanāk, ka šeit ir trīs atsevišķas ēkas. Es šeit izlaboju.
Date: 2024-12-04T22:07:28+01:00
Changeset 159838985 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Lūgums nedalīt ceļus pirms paša krustojuma dažādos ātruma ierobežojuma posmos. Protams, ka zīmes nekad nebūs uzstādītas uzreiz krustojuma vidū un lielos krustojumos ir ar lielāku atkāpi. Praksē OSM šādi nekartē un zīmi ceļa sākumā attiecina uz šo ceļa gabalu no krustojuma. Citādi gandrīz visiem krustojumiem, kur ir zīme, sanāktu šādi darīt. Šādi apzīmējumi nav lietderīgi nedz navigatoriem, datu analīzei, gan apgrūtina uzturēšanu citiem kartētājiem.
Date: 2024-12-04T22:01:37+01:00
Changeset 159874931 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Can you please clarify access restrictions you are trying to add to these footways? Some you have tagged access=customers
only, some as access=customers
, some just access/foot=yes
. It is almost certainly incorrect that this area would have such fine-grained restrictions. So what is the actual permitted/legal/allowed access here?
Date: 2024-12-04T21:49:54+01:00
Changeset 159875120 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Hello,
Similarly to previously-mentioned issue in about foot=no
, can you please clarify why foot traffic is forbidden here along Your changeset comment or sources again do not explain this. There were no such signage when last surveyed.
Also, please clarify why you changed to a path? It is a sidewalk here when last checked. What is your source for these changes?
Date: 2024-12-04T21:44:25+01:00
Changeset 159879287 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Sveiki,
Gribēju precizēt - vai šis veikals šeit ir ar nosaukumu "Elvi" bet nav tīklā?
Date: 2024-12-04T21:32:02+01:00
Changeset 159913591 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Sveiki,
Diemžēl šo izmaiņu nācās atcelt, jo tajā ir nepareizi iekartēts sadalītais ceļš (un papildus pieļautas sīkas kļūdas, pārsvarā ar sadalīšanu saistītas, piemēram pagriezienu relācijas).
OSM ceļus pa joslām dala tikai tad, ja starp tām ir fiziska barjera - parasti tas ir atdalītu joslu ceļš. Piemēram, Dzelzavas vai Dārzciema ielas. Vai piemēram apkārt drošības saliņām. Bet ceļus, kur brauktuve ir vienā laidumā un joslas sadala tikai krāsa, kartē kā vienu līniju tikai ar atbilstošiem joslu tegiem. Piemēram, Ulbrokas vai Juglas ielas. Arī krustojumos nedala ceļus "uz pusēm", ja tur nav barjeru/saliņas. Tam ir daudzi iemesli, bet galvenais ir tas, ka tā ir pieņemts un tā ir standarta vispasaules prakse, kuru arī izmanto kartes, navigatori, datu validatori, utt. Latvijā mēs arī atkāpes no tā neveidojam.
Vairāk info (ievadā ir norādes, kad šādi nedala)
Principā Rīgā reti kur ceļi nav pareizi iezīmēti un šādas lielas izmaiņas nevajadzētu veikt pirms pārliecināties, ka tas ir pareizi, jo var pazaudēt laiku.
Diemžēl, tu arī apvienoji papildus informācijas pievienošanu pa virsu sadalītajam ceļam, tāpēc to vairs nav vienkārši atjaunot. Es pacentīšos pielikt atpakaļ svarīgāko jaunāko info par pārejām.
Date: 2024-12-04T20:51:29+01:00
Changeset 159953958 (Comment no. 1) by andrisl
Contributor: andrisl
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Esmu ievērojis, ka šādi ir sazīmētas daudz citas vietas. Vai ir tādas vietas jēga labot, ja vēl joprojām ir tādi kartētāji, kuri zīmē laukumus izmantojot tikai šādu metodi?
Date: 2024-12-05T12:14:31+01:00
Changeset 159879287 (Comment no. 4) by kbargais
Contributor: kbargais
Discussion Comment No.: 4
Comment: oh, ok. Paldies!
Date: 2024-12-05T09:38:21+01:00
Changeset 159953958 (Comment no. 2) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 2
Comment: Jā, tādu pilns. Te principā ir "vainīgs" JOSMs, kur ar pāris pogām viss sagraizās multipoligonos (par laimi ar pāris pogām var arī atgriezt to atpakaļ). Teorētiski, ja viss ir iezīmēts pilnīgi precīzi, tad blīvās vietās, kur vairākiem elementiem sakrīt līnijas, (iespējams) multipoligoni ir arī labāk. Bet nu 95% gadījumu, kur es sastopos ar multipoligoniem, nav precīzi un vienmēr ir vairāk darba to visu labot. Un tādiem elementiem kā mazi zāles pleķīši neredzu vispār jēgu tos skaldīt multipoligonos.
Konkrēti šeit es gribēju sazīmēt celiņus un parkinga vietas no Binga - . Bet laukumi te bija nepareizi sazīmēti, ne tur apvienoti, utt. un dēļ multipoligoniem tur bija daudzās līnijas, kuras tad visas jāpārveido un turpu šurpu jābāž relācijas memberi. Tīri personīgi es uzskatu, ka tas nav mans pienākums ieguldīt papildus laiku un saglabāt šādus multipoligonus, ja iepriekšējie kartētāji šo vietu paši nelabos. Ja mani dati ir jaunāki un pareizi, tad tas ir OSM svarīgāks par veciem datiem, kas ir sazīmēti ar "pareizāku topoloģiju".
Jēgas to "labot" visur pēc kārtas laikam nav. Es to personīgi daru vietās, kur es kaut ko rediģēju pēc tam un multipoligoni traucē. Speciāli es tādas vietas nemeklēju, jo par un pret iemesliem lietot multipoligonus var daudz strīdēties. Bet apstrīdēt datu atjaunošanu gan nesanāks.
Date: 2024-12-05T12:36:43+01:00
Changeset 159919171 (Comment no. 2) by kbargais
Contributor: kbargais
Discussion Comment No.: 2
Comment: Paldies!
Date: 2024-12-07T10:08:48+01:00
Changeset 15396954 (Comment no. 1) by richlv
Contributor: richlv
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Šis tāds vecs labojums, bet varbūt varam kaut ko uzrakt :)
Vai te tiešām ir nosaukums "Dārzs", vai arī tas aprakstošs nosaukums sanāk?
Date: 2024-12-09T00:32:43+01:00
Changeset 160084018 (Comment no. 2) by kbargais
Contributor: kbargais
Discussion Comment No.: 2
Comment: Sveiks,
Izskatās ka esmu izlaidis vienu zīmi. Izlaboju 160088873 changesetā.
Date: 2024-12-09T11:47:43+01:00
Changeset 160082264 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Hello,
I have previously asked you about adding foot=no
to roads, to which you have not replied. These couple edits have mass added this to many roads without an explanation. There is no legal restriction that completely forbids pedestrian movement. In fact, it is completely legal to walk on the shoulder and cross the road.[1] Your additions break routing. You should not be adding foot=no
unless there is explicit signage or mandatory pedestrian infrastructure. I have reverted these edits. Please discuss future mass editing before doing so.
Date: 2024-12-09T11:42:52+01:00
Changeset 15396954 (Comment no. 3) by richlv
Contributor: richlv
Discussion Comment No.: 3
Comment: Kopumā jā, bet ne vienmēr lielākā izmaiņu kopā katrai detaļai sanāks norādīt avotu :)
Kas mulsina - autors vēl nupat bija lietotājs rusjanis, bet nu jau parādās "deleted". Šķiet, varētu nebūt atbildes.
Date: 2024-12-09T10:58:06+01:00
Changeset 160033259 (Comment no. 1) by Mezonens
Contributor: Mezonens
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Hi!
Why did you move the location of the place named "Rožupes" to a different spot in the forest?
Node: 9887244183
Date: 2024-12-09T07:47:12+01:00
Changeset 58057674 (Comment no. 2) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 2
Comment: Most of these have been reverted since. I removed a few remaining ones. (And also fixed a bunch of other errors and minor issues.) These names look completely fictitious and the paths themselves are placed in impossible or dubious locations, like over ditches and through dense cutlines. The changesets are missing (valid) comments and sources to show otherwise.
Date: 2024-12-09T17:15:41+01:00
Changeset 160139391 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Sveiki,
Peldu iela līdz šim bija atzīmētā kā dzīvojamā iela (dzīvojamā zona). Bet izmaiņā tai pielikts ātruma ierobežojums 50. Vai varētu lūdzu precizēt, kas tieši šeit par izkārtojumu tagad? Pēc 2023 gada bildēm, šeit vēl bija dzīvojamā zona .
Date: 2024-12-10T18:45:36+01:00
Changeset 160159310 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Sveiki vēlreiz,
Ortofoto šis izskatās pēc garenā "hump" ātrumvaļņa. Gribēju pārliecināties, vai te uzlikts cits vai arī šis bija domāts. Pie reizes varbūt varētu arī precizēt šo "mini_bumps". Ortofoto tā vēl nav, bet Latvijā tādi ir ļoti reti (ja vispār ir) - iespējams bija domāts kas cits?
Par šīm divām ātruma zīmēm - 70 un 50 - šie ātruma nav pielikti pašam ceļam Ta kā gandrīz visi navigatori un datu lietotāji izmanto vērtības no paša ceļa, būtu svarīgāk norādīt tos vispirms ceļam un tad arī zīmes, ja ir vēlme.
Pieminēšu vēl, ka šādus gabaliņus dalīt nav vērts. Ātruma zīmes protams nebūs uzstādītas uzreiz krustojuma vidū un lielos krustojumos ir arī ar lielāku atkāpi. Praksē OSM šādi nekartē un zīmi ceļa sākumā attiecina uz šo ceļa gabalu no krustojuma. Citādi gandrīz visiem krustojumiem, kur ir zīme, sanāktu šādi darīt.
Date: 2024-12-11T17:04:53+01:00
Changeset 160159310 (Comment no. 2) by kbargais
Contributor: kbargais
Discussion Comment No.: 2
Comment: Sveiks,
Jā, tagad sapratu atšķirību par bump un hump. Izlabošu abus, otro uzlika tik šovasar.
Par 70 zīmēm un ceļiem, jā būšu piemirsis.
Par mazajiem gabaliņiem ņemšu vērā paldies.
Labojumi iekš changeset #160179586.
Date: 2024-12-11T18:23:34+01:00
Changeset 160201968 (Comment no. 2) by andrisl
Contributor: andrisl
Discussion Comment No.: 2
Comment: Jā, tie ir pārcelti uz otru pusi.
Date: 2024-12-12T16:00:49+01:00
Changeset 160352976 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Can you please clarify why needs foot=no
? Is there a traffic sign here? I have removed it pending clarification.
Date: 2024-12-19T11:54:08+01:00
Changeset 160404689 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Sveiki,
Paldies par kartes papildinājumiem!
Es visas izmaiņas pārskatīju un šur tur pielaboju. Lielu kļūdu tur nebija, tāpēc visus sīkumus te neminēšu.
Gribēju gan uzprasīt par šo teritorijas laukumu - . Tu to sākotnēji izdzēsi un es atjaunoju, jo domāju, ka nejauši, bet tu to atkal izdzēsi. Jautājums - kas šeit tagad atrodas? Vai šis laukums ir nepareizs? Vai teritorijas lietošana ir cita?
Līdzīgi izdzēsta arī šī teritorija
Par šo stāvvietu, kuru tu iezīmēji iepriekš un es pielaboju no ortofoto, kuru tu vēlāk izdzēsi - vai te tomēr tādas nav vai kaut kas ir mainījies vai arī es nepareizi sapratu, kas te atrodas?
Vēl pieminēšu, ka tu vairākas reizes nejauši pārbīdīji adrešu punktus, droši vien kamēr redaktorā bīdot karti un nejauši aizķerot punktu nevis fonu. Es tos pārlaboju, bet ņem vērā, ka šādi var gadīties un var sanākt kaut ko aizbīdīt ne tur.
Ja kādi jautājumi, droši vaicā.
Date: 2024-12-20T12:05:37+01:00
Changeset 160424458 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Jau daudz reižu ir minēts nedzēst masveidā esošos elementus, bet rediģēt tos. Šajā un citās nesenās izmaiņās ir atkal izdzēsts liels skaits sen iezīmēto elementu, izdzēšot citu kartētāju darbu un pazaudējot elementu vēsturi. Pirms turpināt rediģēt, lūdzu vispirms apgūt JOSM redaktoru un elementu rediģēšanu. Ja tu dzēs ārā paša zīmētos nesenos elementus - principā tava lieta. Bet ja tu bez iemesla dzēsīsi laukā citu kartētāju zīmētos vai rediģētos elementus, kurus varēja atjaunot rediģējot, tad šādas izmaiņas tiks atceltas. OSM ir kopienas projekts un elementu vēstures saglabāšana ir viens no ilgtermiņa mērķiem kartes uzturēšanai, it īpaši tādās vietās kā Latvija, kur kartētāju ir maz.
Date: 2024-12-20T11:39:18+01:00
Changeset 160431398 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Lūdzu nemaini apkaimju klasifikāciju bez iepriekšējās apspriedes, ja tas nav balstīts uz OSM principiem. Iecavā (cik zinu) nav oficiālu apkaimju klasifikācijas, tāpēc tās visas ir neighbourhood
. Ja būtu oficiālas, tad būtu suburb
. Bet quarter
būtu tikai, ja ir suburb
smalkāk sadalīts. Latvijā vispār nekur nav quarter
Date: 2024-12-20T16:07:22+01:00
Changeset 160431019 (Comment no. 2) by andrisl
Contributor: andrisl
Discussion Comment No.: 2
Comment: Man likās, ka jaunais Bing Rīgas teritorijā ir bez nobīdes, bet izrādās, ka nē. Paldies par info.
Date: 2024-12-20T13:26:07+01:00
Changeset 160404689 (Comment no. 4) by Celotajs
Contributor: Celotajs
Discussion Comment No.: 4
Comment: Ir skaidrs par rezidenču zonām, līdz tam man ir patālāks ceļs, izksatās pat ne visas ielas ir redzamas kartē, bet jāiet skatīties uz vietas.
Par stāvvietu arī ir pilnīga skaidrība, paldies!
Date: 2024-12-20T13:10:39+01:00
Changeset 160449308 (Comment no. 2) by somehundred
Contributor: somehundred
Discussion Comment No.: 2
Comment: Tikai no Binga. Kvalitāte laba, var skaidri redzēt visus ceļus. Cik redzēju, neviens ceļš netrūkst.
Date: 2024-12-20T21:22:47+01:00
Changeset 160466258 (Comment no. 2) by JekabsBalodis
Contributor: JekabsBalodis
Discussion Comment No.: 2
Comment: Paldies! Par taku - precīzi neatceros, bet liekas ka tur bija dobe. Katrā ziņā, tā nav savienota galā ar garāko, perpendikulāro taku
Date: 2024-12-21T13:31:44+01:00
Changeset 160459004 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Atkal izmaiņās ir masveidā izdzēsti elementi bez paskaidrojuma nevis pēc iespējas rediģēti. Un daudzi esošie iepriekš iezīmētie nav vispār pa jaunu pārzīmēti. Šis jau ir vairākas reizes atkārtots un lūgts tā nedarīt un cienīt citu cilvēku ieguldīto laiku. Citiem kartētājiem nav pēc tevis jāvelta laiks to labot.
Izdzēstu neatjaunotu elementu piemēri -,,, utt.
Izdzēstu rediģējamu elementu piemēri -,, utt.
Date: 2024-12-21T13:04:52+01:00
Changeset 141194170 (Comment no. 1) by richlv
Contributor: richlv
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Sveiki, šajā ēkā LU fakultāte nav nu jau diezgan daudzus gadus - noņēmu šo info.
Kāds bija informācijas avots šim, vai nav kādas citas izmaiņas ar pavecākiem datu avotiem?
Date: 2024-12-22T12:10:12+01:00
Changeset 160431019 (Comment no. 4) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 4
Comment: Jā, tā gadās, kad niku nomaina ;)
Date: 2024-12-22T16:19:01+01:00
Changeset 160431019 (Comment no. 5) by somehundred
Contributor: somehundred
Discussion Comment No.: 5
Comment: Jau esmu, nesen nomainīju niku.
Date: 2024-12-22T21:25:49+01:00
Changeset 160534969 (Comment no. 2) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 2
Comment: Woo!
Tikai JOSM 20000 neierakstīja ...
Palaidu garām, vajadzēja kaut kādu īpašu izmaiņu...
Date: 2024-12-23T12:09:56+01:00
Changeset 160540445 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Hello,
Did you by chance mean to put motor_vehicle=no
on ?
Date: 2024-12-23T15:00:23+01:00
Changeset 160528818 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Can you please clarify what you intended with the access=customers
restriction for the cemetery paths? Is this a closed/private cemetery and access is regulated? You haven't placed the same restrictions on the parking, toilets or cemetery itself. The Southern path does not even appear to be part of the cemetery. And what does it mean "customers" - surely, there's no entry fee or tickets or reservation or anything like that?
You also still have not yet responded to a similar concern at
Date: 2024-12-23T13:47:33+01:00
Changeset 160528589 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Hello,
This road leads to multiple properties (residential and farmland), so it should normally stay unclassified. See also the cadaster layer divisions. Unless you can clarify what changes have happened here or what restriction/signage is here?
Date: 2024-12-23T13:40:18+01:00
Changeset 160536643 (Comment no. 2) by FunkyEvil
Contributor: FunkyEvil
Discussion Comment No.: 2
Comment: Jā tā ir, mottra ir tikai zivjaudzētavas daļa kompleksā, sanāk tā ēka virs Lāsītes. Nezinu vai ir atsevišķi industriālās teritorijas nosaukums, bet to varētu noskaidrot.
Date: 2024-12-23T21:36:27+01:00
Changeset 160551633 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Sveiki!
Vai varētu lūdzu precizēt par šo "ielu"? Kādi tieši šeit ir ierobežojumi ceļam? Vai šeit kādas ceļa zīmes? Vai arī šis ceļš vispār neeksistē - pēc ortofoto te it kā tikai zāle. Vai uz to īpašumu tas ceļš vispār vēl ved?
Date: 2024-12-23T20:18:55+01:00
Changeset 160540445 (Comment no. 2) by aviation0178
Contributor: aviation0178
Discussion Comment No.: 2
Comment: Yes, I forgot to do it. Thank you!
Date: 2024-12-25T10:38:15+01:00
Changeset 160536643 (Comment no. 3) by richlv
Contributor: richlv
Discussion Comment No.: 3
Comment: Super, paldies - sadalīju industriālās teritorijas atbilstoši izvietojumam.
Date: 2024-12-25T15:18:15+01:00
Changeset 153104562 (Comment no. 3) by somehundred
Contributor: somehundred
Discussion Comment No.: 3
Comment: Upon researching further, I now think that I had added the wrong name. There is company called Pristis in this address but it doesn't seem to be a shop at all. The shop this element is referring likely has a different name. Will double-check this place in the following days.
Date: 2024-12-25T19:58:23+01:00
Changeset 160551319 (Comment no. 1) by richlv
Contributor: richlv
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Te gan "Kremlis" nebija adreses vietā, tas bija papildus adresei. vizualizācija vārdus rāda kā primāros, ja tādi pievienoti.
Par pašu nosaukumu - tieši pirms dažiem gadiem brīnījos un atradu vietējos, kuri pastāstīja :)
Tas esot reāls nosaukums, jo ēkā agrāk piešķirti dzīvokļi partijniekiem vai kas tamlīdzīgs.
Nosaukumu pagaidām pielieku atpakaļ, bet varam apspriest, vai tas ir vislabākais tags.
Par to varam parunāties OSM Latvijas kopienas čatā, .
Date: 2024-12-25T19:25:46+01:00
Changeset 160551633 (Comment no. 2) by richlv
Contributor: richlv
Discussion Comment No.: 2
Comment: Varbūt tagad piekļuve ir no Daugavas ielas?
Date: 2024-12-25T19:11:14+01:00
Changeset 160551319 (Comment no. 2) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 2
Comment: To drošvien gan vajadzētu loc_name
ar paskaidrojumu.
P.S. Šis kārtējais piemērs, kad oriģinālais autors nenorādīja nekādu avotu un informāciju par to, no kurienes nosaukums. Un tad darbs vēlāk pazūd, jo parasti neviens nevar to pēc tam pārbaudīt.
Date: 2024-12-26T11:30:42+01:00
Changeset 160639772 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: \*East
Date: 2024-12-26T17:29:19+01:00
Changeset 160643840 (Comment no. 3) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 3
Comment: Virziens pašām līnijām nav tegos, bet punktu secībā. Līdzīgi kā oneway
nosakāms pēc punktu secības. Vai motorway
is automātiski vienvirziena punktu secībā.
Sānu puse elementiem, kuriem izšķir puses, ir labajā vai kreisajā pusē no tā līnijas virziena. Barjerām labā puse "skatās" uz ceļu. iD to attēlo ar trijstūrīšiem. Tā līdzīgi ir embankment
, cliff
, u.c.
Puses nozīmi var palīdzēt iztēloties šāds piemērs - - ar two_sided_yes
, kur barjera "skatās" uz abām pusēm.
Citiem vārdiem, virziens ir svarīgs elementiem, kuriem šis virziens nosaka "galveno" pusi. Kaut kādam tree_row
tāds nav, bet kaut kādam cliff
pat ļoti.
Galīgajā kartē, ja tu runā par konkrēti Carto noklusēto OSM karti, tas nerādās, nē, vismaz priekš guard_rail
. Bet tur jau daudz kas nerādās. kerb
vispār nav...
Date: 2024-12-26T17:21:05+01:00
Changeset 160637476 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Visiem elementiem, kas ir uz tilta ir jābūt vismaz ar tilta layer
, tai skaitā visādi barrier=guard_rail
. Citādi tie visi teorētiski ir zem tilta. Tilta sākumā/beigās, tie tad sadalās un atbilstoši layer
Un īpaši par gantry
(un citiem "vertikālus" elementiem kā trubas vai līdzīgi, kas "šķērso" ceļus), tiem būtu jāpieliek layer
vai location
augstāks par ceļu virs kura tie ir, citādi tie arī sanāk vienā līmenī.
Piemēram ir pašlaik teorētiski zem tilta pa virsu vilciena sliedēm. ;)
Teorētiski, varētu norādīt location=overhead
un tad var to pašu layer
kāds ceļam (un ja layer
ceļam ir noklusētais 0
, tad tikai ar location
Nezinu, kurš labāks variants. Wiki priekš gantry
min layer
, bet principā standarta prakse ar pipeline
trubām ir location
. Es drošvien liktu location
Date: 2024-12-26T17:08:12+01:00
Changeset 160595000 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Sveiki,
Vai varētu precizēt, kas tieši šajā krustojumā mainījies? Šajā izmaiņā ir noņemts savienojums no uz . Vai šeit ir pārbūvēts?
Lūgums šādām būtiskām izmaiņām pielikt aprakstu, jo "labojumi" nepalīdz šo saprast.
Date: 2024-12-26T18:21:51+01:00
Changeset 160671995 (Comment no. 1) by somehundred
Contributor: somehundred
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Apskatoties taginfo secinu, ka "location" birka pārsvarā netiek izmantota kopā ar "man_made=gantry". Pārsvarā tiek izmantots "layer". Turklāt "gantry" pēc definīcijas atrodas virs ceļa tāpēc "location=overhead" man šķiet lieks.
Date: 2024-12-27T12:07:25+01:00
Changeset 160671995 (Comment no. 4) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 4
Comment: Es tev piekrītu un tā būtu loģiski. (Līdzīgi kā strāvas vadi.) Wiki lapā layer
ir minēts kopš . Oriģinālajā proposal'ā tā nebija . Tā kā puse gantry pasaulē ir ar layer 1+, tad tā gluži nomainīt wiki lapu uz vienu vai otru variantu nevajadzētu. Bet varētu pagaidām pieminēt, ka prakse ir 50/50 un nav skaidrs no kurienes tas izdomāts. (Tāpēc es arī liku layer=#
+ location=overhead
kā kompromisu (un tagad layer=#+1
lai skaidrs neatkarīgi no pieņēmumiem, ja location
nevēlams)). Vajadzētu uzprasīt wiki izmaiņas autoram no kurienes layer
šķiet pareizā prakse. Minēts vēl piemēram te un pāris citos topikos īsumā. Zinot OSM apspriežu vēsturi, te visticamāk paliks pie vajadzības layer=1
, jo "Vācijā tā liek". ;) Bet tad vajag forumā tēmu...
Date: 2024-12-27T13:49:33+01:00
Changeset 160730154 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Hello,
Please be aware that Bing is both out of date (older than 2016 in some cases) and misaligned (in some locations by several meters) in Latvia. Please confirm and align with local LVM aerial and cadaster layer before adding buildings.
For example, this building one is misaligned by some meters
This building/greenhouse does not appear to exist anymore.
This building/shed is just misaligned already-drawn one
This building/barn is traced over half the roof rather than closer to the expected cadaster outline
Date: 2024-12-28T22:23:59+01:00
Changeset 160701073 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Kāpēc ir izdzēst Iecavas parks ?
Kāpēc izdzēsta ēka nevis pārzīmēta ?
Kāpēc izdzēsta teritorija?
Un visas meža teritorijas ir izdzēstas nevis labotas.
Date: 2024-12-28T20:36:47+01:00
Changeset 160801815 (Comment no. 1) by richlv
Contributor: richlv
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Liels paldies par kartes papildināšanu.
Pārvietoju nosaukumu no mājvārda punkta uz atsevišķu punktu, apzīmēju kā mākslas galeriju. Neesmu pārliecināts, vai tas attiecas uz šādiem āra objektiem, bet to var vēlāk precizēt.
Vēl iezīmēju ēku, pāris dīķus un citas detaļas. Ja ir kādi marķēti pastaigu maršruti, arī tos varētu iezīmēt - kā arī jebkādas citas derīgas detaļas.
Ja kas tāds šķiet saistoši, to var droši apspriest OSM Latvijas kopienas čatā, .
Date: 2024-12-30T19:22:00+01:00
Changeset 160831911 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Atkal šajā un 160833448 izmaiņā ir izdzēsti nevis laboti elementi (parks, celiņi, ēka, teritorija), soli sazīmēti kā sienas (par, ko jau minēts), nodzēsts adrešu punkts, pazaudēts ielas nosaukums. Tā kā visas šīs problēmas iepriekš minētas un dažas no tām jau daudz reižu, kā iepriekš minēju, es vairs individuāli nelabošu katru tavu izmaiņu. Šis izmaiņas atcēlu.
Date: 2024-12-31T16:36:53+01:00
Changeset 160847328 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Thanks for noticing and fixing the mistake!
Date: 2024-12-31T21:13:10+01:00
Changeset 160878582 (Comment no. 1) by somehundred
Contributor: somehundred
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Hi! This edit of yours left a few multipolygons near the beach unclosed causing them to not appear on the map afterwards. In other words, forest and residential area disappeared from map after your edit.
That's a very big issue so I reconstructed multipolygons to polygons and fixed their unclosed parts in my edit:
Date: 2025-01-01T18:46:53+01:00
Changeset 160888506 (Comment no. 3) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 3
Comment: Ā, ups, es nepamanīju, ka tu disused: uzliki birku zupā. Es nemaz nezināju, ka Every Door to māk.
FALSE ALARM. :notifications::cross_mark:
Date: 2025-01-02T19:40:36+01:00
Changeset 160942509 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Tu šeit laikam Bing offsetu neuzliki.
Date: 2025-01-03T11:54:37+01:00
Changeset 160963947 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Hi,
What is the source for this name? I cannot find any official mention of it. It seems to be a literal translation.
Date: 2025-01-05T17:25:09+01:00
Changeset 161014689 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Šie gan ir mazciemi, kas pēc OSM ir parasti kā hamlet
. Es gan nezinu, cik Latvijā tas apspriests starp village
un hamlet
. Es zinu tikai to, ka liela putra.
Date: 2025-01-05T16:43:11+01:00
Changeset 160906330 (Comment no. 1) by Pikse
Contributor: Pikse
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: You have readded leisure=nature_reserve here for the second time now. I think it shouldn't be added. See my previous comment:
Date: 2025-01-06T18:02:25+01:00
Changeset 161098094 (Comment no. 2) by Colbertson
Contributor: Colbertson
Discussion Comment No.: 2
Comment: hmm, tuvāk paskatījos bildes un jā
Date: 2025-01-07T15:59:31+01:00
Changeset 160441247 (Comment no. 2) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 2
Comment: I provided a source. It's literally published by the municipality. It doesn't get much more official than this. You can also get the exact shapes at . The names are also in LĢIA name database and they are classified as "pilsētas daļa".
Yes, I made a couple typos when transcribing because there were a lot to add and I didn't notice. The solution is to fix these or let me know and I will fix them.
There is no available center point data, so I placed them approximately around the shape's centroid. Which ones were misplaced? Again, let me know and I'll fix them. Or feel free to import the boundaries, I have not had the time to do that yet.
Which other names are wrong and/or illogical? You fixed only two which were obviously typos and not otherwise wrong. Everything else seems to match the dataset's names and the names given in the article.
I am not sure how being a local matters, but if you can provide a source from the municipality which acknowledges that these are not considered valid names or divisions by the municipality, we can go further with this.
But it is completely inappropriate for you to delete this data. Please revert your edit and fix or point out any errors so we can fix them.
As far as verifiability is concerned, I have provided 3 official sources, but you only claim they are wrong.
Date: 2025-01-07T18:56:26+01:00
Changeset 160781736 (Comment no. 1) by Petons
Contributor: Petons
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Sveiki! Kapēc Jūs nomainījāt building=entrance uz entrance=yes? Ieejas nekartē kā ceļus. (ways) (pēc Wiki) Arī par ceļiem 1346668870 un 1346668871, kādēļ jūs viņus gan padarījāt šķībākus, gan noņēmāt sētas vārtus, kas ir diezgan labi redzami īstajā dzīvē. Man diemžēl šīs izmaiņas būs jāatceļ.
Date: 2025-01-08T11:45:13+01:00
Changeset 161122182 (Comment no. 3) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 3
Comment: Here is the map from . You can see the red point (the exact address point) is on the southern building rather than the northern one. You have to search the exact address id to see it on their website. This is the point that would appear in that the daily automated import uses. And this import tries to place the address on a building if there is one where the point is. In this case, it's the southern one.
Date: 2025-01-08T11:35:14+01:00
Changeset 161127565 (Comment no. 1) by Petons
Contributor: Petons
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Thanks, didn't know that.
Date: 2025-01-08T10:48:21+01:00
Changeset 161122182 (Comment no. 4) by richlv
Contributor: richlv
Discussion Comment No.: 4
Comment: BTW, if a building has been demolished but is still visible on some ortophoto layers, it might be a good approach to add a "demolished:" prefix, making it "demolished:building".
This way it disappears from most/all renders, but stays in data, preventing somebody from retracing it (which has happened many times when buildings are deleted :) ).
Date: 2025-01-08T21:49:58+01:00
Changeset 160781736 (Comment no. 2) by richlv
Contributor: richlv
Discussion Comment No.: 2
Comment: building=entrance atzīmēts kā deprecated: .
Date: 2025-01-08T21:47:31+01:00
Changeset 160781736 (Comment no. 3) by Petons
Contributor: Petons
Discussion Comment No.: 3
Comment: Var izmantot abus tegus, vienīgais atzīmēt building kā building=yes
Date: 2025-01-09T04:14:21+01:00
Changeset 160781736 (Comment no. 4) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 4
Comment: Var, bet labāk nevajag. entrance
is standarda tegs priekš ieejām. Šeit es gan nesaprotu, ko tas vispār nozīmē uz bijušās ēkas? Uz kurieni šī ieeja ved? Principā privātīpašumos vispār tādas lietas parasti nekartē.
Date: 2025-01-09T10:54:54+01:00
Changeset 161166967 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Kā jau daudz reižu iepriekš minēts - nedzēst ceļus, kas eksistē, bet atbilstoši tos rediģēt/izmainīt. Kā var būt "ceļa nav" un "rises" reizē? Izmaiņu atcēlu.
Date: 2025-01-09T17:17:12+01:00
Changeset 161159225 (Comment no. 1) by Colbertson
Contributor: Colbertson
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Tu atstāji name:etymology:wikidata tegus.
Date: 2025-01-09T16:13:36+01:00
Changeset 161169098 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Sveiki,
Kā iepriekš minēju, lūdzu ņem vērā, ka Rīgā jaunajam Bing ir nobīde pāri metram. Pirms zīmēt no Binga, tas jāpabīda/jāpielīdzina. Citādi sanāk pēc tam visus jaunos elementus labot/bīdīt.
Date: 2025-01-09T22:51:05+01:00
Changeset 160781736 (Comment no. 6) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 6
Comment: Skaidrs. Ja pagrabs aizbērts, tad tīri precīzi tas laikam būs disused:entrance=cellar
kā punkts uz ēkas kontūras līnijas. Bet es te vispār nekartētu to - nekad to neviens cits tik un tā nevarēs to pārbaudīt privātīpašumā.
Date: 2025-01-09T19:27:17+01:00
Changeset 160441247 (Comment no. 3) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 3
Comment: Since you have not replied or explained how exactly these are wrong or why official sources are to be disregarded in this case, and since the nodes you kept versus deleted does not appear to be based on verifiable sources, I have reverted their removal.
I have added the exact official border boundaries so there is no confusion about locations. Feel free to move admin centres to better or more representative locations.
Date: 2025-01-09T19:21:51+01:00
Changeset 161188134 (Comment no. 4) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 4
Comment: Hi,
It looks like you used Google as a source for this name? Please note that we cannot legally use Google Maps or any similar copyrighted product for this.
I am looking at to confirm the name and I do not see this name used. It's a solar plant in Nica, yes, but "Solar Nica" appears to be the name of the company "SIA Solar Nica" owned by Elenger, not the solar park itself.
Date: 2025-01-10T12:11:27+01:00
Changeset 161194519 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Sveiki,
Lūdzu ņem vērā, ka zīmējot celiņu ģeometriju, tie būs area:highway=footway
+ area=yes
. Ar area:highway=footway
tiek aprakstīta vienkārša celiņa precīza ģeometrija un pamata navigācija ir pati celiņa līnija. Tas būs gandrīz visiem celiņiem, ietvēm, utt. Arī area:highway=cycleway
, area:highway=path
utml. Savukārt ar highway=footway
+ area=yes
apzīmē laukumus, kur nav nosakāms viens celiņa virziens un navigācija ir visā tā laukumā. Tie parasti būs retāki lieli laukumi, kur savienojas kopā vairāki celiņi un gājēju kustība ir visos virzienos.
Date: 2025-01-10T12:03:26+01:00
Changeset 160528818 (Comment no. 2) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 2
Comment: You haven't responded, so I have removed these access values for now.
Date: 2025-01-10T10:13:47+01:00
Changeset 137252732 (Comment no. 1) by richlv
Contributor: richlv
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Ha, labs - orto neredzot gandrīz nomainīju uz "demolished:" - labi, ka paskatījos rediģēšanas datumu :)
Date: 2025-01-10T09:13:03+01:00
Changeset 160681698 (Comment no. 3) by somehundred
Contributor: somehundred
Discussion Comment No.: 3
Comment: Nebiju paskatījies uzmanīgi, atbalstu koku likšanu pašas koku rindas punktos. Šeit viss ir kārtībā.
Date: 2025-01-10T16:09:32+01:00
Changeset 159809268 (Comment no. 3) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 3
Comment: Haha, varēju, ja es tik precīzi un cītīgi visu būtu skatījies... Nav jau nepareizi, drīzāk nedaudz neoptimāli.
Šeit pagrūta situācija; es arī nezinu, kā es labāk liktu. Tur ir tie 6 "gala savienojumi", kas kaut kā jādabū kopā ar pēc iespējas mazāk līnijām, kas dod skaidru priekšstatu. Bet to vieglāk pateikt, nekā izdarīt ;)
Es varu pamēģināt salikt, kā es to darītu te, tikai es negribu šo piemēru "izbojāt", jo tu to minēji tajā otrā izmaiņā.
Date: 2025-01-10T16:01:24+01:00
Changeset 161186764 (Comment no. 2) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 2
Comment: Šis ir vienkārši celiņš ar covered=yes
, sānos uzbērumi. Virs viņa ir celiņš, kas ir tilts. Varēja arī nebūt tilts, varēja būt kaut kas cits.
Manuprāt, zemes uzbērums priekš tilta galīgi nepadara zemāk esošo celiņu par tuneli. Tam nav gandrīz nekādu tuneļa īpašību, galvenokārt, tas ir gandrīz vai īsāks neka plats. Manuprāt (no wiki) "if the lower way is short and the upper way is supported on concrete, brick on metal pillars and beams then that is almost certainly a bridge" šeit pilnībā atbilst.
Ceļš, kas iet cauri zemei ir tiešām tunelis, bet tad nevis uzbērums, bet zeme apkārt un tunelim vienlaida korpuss. Ceļš cauri mājai ir "mājas tunelis" vai caurbrauktuve - building passage.
Ja tu domā, ka te tiešām atbilstošāk ir tunelis, var jau likt. Es gan neuzskatu, ka tā būs pareizāki dati..
Date: 2025-01-10T15:45:54+01:00
Changeset 161194519 (Comment no. 3) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 3
Comment: Piebildīšu, ka autors atbildēja privātziņā un es arī. Ja riharcc piekrīt, varam pārpublicēt te (vai Zulipā).
Es gluži nepiekrītu, ka tas "atzīmē vienu un to pašu". Automātisks process nevar zināt, vai tu esi domājis tikai viena ceļa ģeometriju vai pilnu laukumu ar visvirziena kustību. Kā cilvēks tu to kartē redzi, bet datos tas nav atšķirams.
Es nesaku, ka tā ir baigā problēma. Bet laika gaitā tas agri vai vēlu tik un tā pa lēnam būs izlabots. Manuprāt, vērtīgāk ir jau laicīgi to darīt precīzāk, ja ir iespēja/vēlme. OSM vēsturē daudz piemēru, kuri nebija skaidri vai izdomāti līdz galam, kas beigās tika noformalizēti un tagad ir vispārpieņemti un pārsvarā pārlaboti.
Kā piemērs, Jēkabpilī arī veloceļi ir/bija iezīmēti kā highway=footway/pedestrian
+ area=yes
. Bet pareizais cycleway
atbilstoši ceļa līnijai ne ar kādiem tegiem neparādās kartē kā laukumi. Tos taču mēs ar footway neatzīmēsim?
Par iD "kļūdu" - to var ignorēt.
Date: 2025-01-10T15:25:26+01:00
Changeset 161188134 (Comment no. 6) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 6
Comment: Thanks for clarifying. I guess it makes sense to keep it as "Solar Nice" rather than "Nices SES" (like the rest in Latvia at the moment, e.g. or "Solar Nice SES" ("solar" twice). I guess this is the first case where there is "Solar" in the name, so adding "SES" seems a bit silly. And since that's the daughter company name.
Date: 2025-01-10T14:06:58+01:00
Changeset 161216984 (Comment no. 1) by somehundred
Contributor: somehundred
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Nevajag atzīmēt atsevišķus punktus tikai ar "name=" birku. Punktam ir jāpārstāv konkrēts objekts, lai "name=" birka būtu derīga. Šajā gadījumā jāizmanto "note=" vai "description=" birkas, lai aprakstītu ceļu, par kuru ir runa.
Date: 2025-01-10T21:45:01+01:00
Changeset 161219583 (Comment no. 1) by somehundred
Contributor: somehundred
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: This edit has a problem:
It's about your change to way
This element was representing construction area but it can now be deleted since construction is finished and polygon tagged with landuse=residential already overlaps this place. And adding address information manually is useless, latvian address bot periodically updates addresses in Latvia and all three new buildings here already has their address info added.
Also, Bing ortophoto has to be used in Riga. It's the most recent. Use Bing if you want to map from aerial imagery in Riga.
Date: 2025-01-10T21:27:12+01:00
Changeset 160681698 (Comment no. 7) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 7
Comment: Tas bija piemērs tikai par ģenerēšanu. Neatkarīgi no tā, vai tur ir fizisks objekts vai nē, bez līnijas datos šī savienojuma nebūs un uzģenerēt to automātiski nevar.
OSM nav daudz piemēru ar tādiem abstraktiem objektiem kā koku rindas. Bet nu teiksim jūras zīmju/boju navigācijas/kuģošanas ceļi, piemēram . Nekas fizisks to nesavieno un bojas nav pat uz līnijas...
Date: 2025-01-10T21:14:31+01:00
Changeset 161188134 (Comment no. 8) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 8
Comment: I love how you misspelled it when pointing out a misspelling. But, yes, "Nica" with "a". Terrible word to spell between two languages. And don't get me started on auto-correct.
Date: 2025-01-10T20:28:53+01:00
Changeset 161220992 (Comment no. 3) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 3
Comment: Es tieši tā būtu darījis, jā. Kadastra līnijas te precīzas.
Date: 2025-01-11T11:52:19+01:00
Changeset 161188134 (Comment no. 10) by Satelis
Contributor: Satelis
Discussion Comment No.: 10
Comment: Hi,
Please keep the name simple as “Solar Nica”.
Idea for the name of solar station was to represent closest most sunny Latvian village called Nīca (with “long ī”) but write it in English. When we spelling Nica, it also makes hint to sunny cost of France called Nice as in Latvian it sounds Nica (with “short i”).
Date: 2025-01-11T11:14:22+01:00
Changeset 160681698 (Comment no. 8) by richlv
Contributor: richlv
Discussion Comment No.: 8
Comment: Bojas ir tālāk. Var būt (un ir) stabi vispār bez vadiem. Var būt (un ir) stabi ar 1, 2, 3, 4 līniju savienojumiem. To ir neiespējami noteikt automātiski.
Koku rindu var noteikt pēc parametriem - novirze no taisnas līnijas, attālums starp kokiem, koku skaits. Vai to kāds dara un darīs, kā arī cik resursietilpīgi būtu tādi aprēķini? Tie būtu iemesli izvēlēties vienu vai otru kartēšanas metodi.
Date: 2025-01-11T11:11:32+01:00
Changeset 161248488 (Comment no. 1) by somehundred
Contributor: somehundred
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: "place=locality" is used if location is uninhabited. In this case your edit is wrong. I encourage you to read the wiki pages of both "locality" and "suburb".
Date: 2025-01-11T17:57:32+01:00
Changeset 161248488 (Comment no. 2) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 2
Comment: What is incorrect about this name in Latvian? It is from official sources.
I asked you to provide any sources at for arbitrary tagging changes like this that would conflict with official sources. You have neither replied, nor provided a source, nor explained what is wrong here. You cannot keep changing values against officially-published sources.
Date: 2025-01-11T18:45:17+01:00
Changeset 161234314 (Comment no. 1) by Mister_R2
Contributor: Mister_R2
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Seeing a problem, the buildings are disapearing, should fix that. Will fix that in some hours.
Date: 2025-01-12T12:03:02+01:00
Changeset 154650569 (Comment no. 1) by Pilsetkartetajs
Contributor: Pilsetkartetajs
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Sveiki, te drīzāk domāts surface=sand?
Date: 2025-01-12T11:40:55+01:00
Changeset 161275944 (Comment no. 1) by Mister_R2
Contributor: Mister_R2
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Yes I did
Date: 2025-01-12T17:18:41+01:00
Changeset 161264325 (Comment no. 1) by richlv
Contributor: richlv
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Heya, this ended up duplicating way & node content.
I merged them onto the building way, and simplified the descriptive name.
Please check whether this looks good now.
Date: 2025-01-12T15:57:32+01:00
Changeset 154650569 (Comment no. 2) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 2
Comment: Te vienkārši tāda sāļa stiga ;)
Bet, ups, jā, sand.
Date: 2025-01-12T12:41:47+01:00
Changeset 161248488 (Comment no. 3) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 3
Comment: Since you have not replied again, I have reverted your changes.
Date: 2025-01-14T10:49:37+01:00
Changeset 161249601 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Hello,
As already mentioned to you many times - please do not use track classification for driveways.
Date: 2025-01-15T00:19:17+01:00
Changeset 161277857 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Sveiki,
Lūdzu nepārveido parastus ceļus zem tiltiem par tuneļiem, ja tie tiešām nav tuneļi. Ja tu gribi norādīt, ka ceļi ir zem tilta, tad var pielikt covered=yes
Un lūdzu nesavieno ceļus ar elementiem citos līmeņos. Šeit šoseja tika savienota ar barjeru, kas šos ceļus pilnībā nobloķē pareizai navigācijai.
Kā arī elementiem, kas ir uz tilta ar layer=\*
, arī jābūt ar atbilstošu layer
, konkrēti margām - citādi tās neskaidri šķērso citus ceļus un rada datu kļūdas.
Date: 2025-01-15T00:05:07+01:00
Changeset 161296985 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Sveiki,
Gribēju precizēt par ceļu. Vai šis savienojums vairs neeksistē vispār?
Date: 2025-01-14T23:48:38+01:00
Changeset 161308582 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Sveiki vēlreiz,
Vai varētu precizēt, kā tieši noteikts maksimālais ātrums šeit? Ļoti neprasti būtu, ja te tiešām ir ceļa zīme ar 5 km/h.
Date: 2025-01-14T23:11:30+01:00
Changeset 161337466 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Sveiki,
Vai varētu precizēt, kas tieši šeit tagad ir? Pēc izmaiņas komentāra sanāk, ka paša tilta nav, bet ceļš ir - kas tad sanāk ar to upi? Vai tur ir pārbūvēts par caurteku vai kas cits?
Date: 2025-01-14T23:07:06+01:00
Changeset 161349614 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: A different feature and a boundary can exist at the same time with the same name. Many features have the same name. This is not a reason to delete either feature.
Not that any feature here actually has the same name.
Please undo your edit or explain why this is a problem.
Date: 2025-01-14T22:53:50+01:00
Changeset 161349629 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: A different feature and a boundary can exist at the same time with the same name. Many features have the same name. This is not a reason to delete either feature.
Not that any feature here actually has the same name.
Please undo your edit or explain why this is a problem.
Date: 2025-01-14T22:49:03+01:00
Changeset 161349591 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: I have already provided 4 sources all of which describe these boundaries as city parts.
How is the meaning of the name relevant?
Please undo your edit or explain why this is a problem.
Date: 2025-01-14T22:48:19+01:00
Changeset 161349542 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: How is the node misplaced? You have not corrected the position, but deleted the node. I previously already mentioned you can adjust the position away from the boundary centroid if this seems better to you.
A different feature and a boundary can exist at the same time with the same name. Many features have the same name. This is not a reason to delete either feature.
Please undo your edit or explain why this is a problem.
Date: 2025-01-14T22:48:05+01:00
Changeset 161349516 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: I have already provided 4 sources all of which describe these boundaries as city parts.
A forest and a boundary can exist at the same time. Many features have the same name. This is not a reason to delete either feature.
The forest here isn't even currently named in OSM data.
Please undo your edit or explain why this is a problem.
Date: 2025-01-14T22:47:17+01:00
Changeset 161349493 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: I have already provided 4 sources all of which describe these boundaries as city parts. And it was already mentioned to you that locality
does not apply as a tag for this.
Please fix your edit.
Date: 2025-01-14T22:44:52+01:00
Changeset 161349483 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: I have already provided 4 sources all of which describe these boundaries as city parts. And it was already mentioned to you that locality
does not apply as a tag for this.
Please fix your edit.
Date: 2025-01-14T22:44:47+01:00
Changeset 161349445 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: How is the node misplaced? You moved it outside its boundary, which is most definitely incorrect.
What is the spelling error or how is the name incorrect? You have not changed the name in any way.
Please fix the position of the node.
Date: 2025-01-14T22:44:35+01:00
Changeset 161349413 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: I have already provided 4 sources all of which describe these boundaries as city parts.
What is the spelling error? You have not corrected the name, but deleted the node.
How is the node misplaced? You have not correct the position, but deleted the node. I previously already mentioned you can adjust the position away from the boundary centroid if this seems better to you.
How is the name illogical? Even assuming this has any bearing on OSM using official names, you have not corrected the name, but deleted the node.
Please undo your edit and fix the issue instead.
Date: 2025-01-14T22:44:10+01:00
Changeset 161349395 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: I have already provided 4 sources all of which describe these boundaries as city parts.
What is the spelling error? You have not corrected the name, but deleted the node.
How is the node misplaced? You have not correct the position, but deleted the node. I previously already mentioned you can adjust the position away from the boundary centroid if this seems better to you.
How is the name illogical? Even assuming this has any bearing on OSM using official names, you have not corrected the name, but deleted the node.
Please undo your edit and fix the issue instead.
Date: 2025-01-14T22:43:45+01:00
Changeset 161349367 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: I have already provided 4 sources all of which describe these boundaries as city parts.
A forest and a boundary can exist at the same time with the same name. Many features have the same name. This is not a reason to delete either feature.
The forest's name is not even the same.
Please undo your edit or explain why this is a problem.
Date: 2025-01-14T22:43:19+01:00
Changeset 161349269 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: I have already provided 4 sources all of which describe these boundaries as city parts.
A forest and a boundary can exist at the same time with the same name. Many features have the same name. This is not a reason to delete either feature.
The forest's name is not even the same.
Please undo your edit or explain why this is a problem.
Date: 2025-01-14T22:42:53+01:00
Changeset 161349257 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: I have already provided 4 sources all of which describe these boundaries as city parts.
A forest and a boundary can exist at the same time with the same name. Many features have the same name. This is not a reason to delete either feature.
Please undo your edit or explain why this is a problem.
Date: 2025-01-14T22:42:16+01:00
Changeset 161349239 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: I have already provided 4 sources all of which describe these boundaries as city parts.
A forest and a boundary can exist at the same time with the same name. Many features have the same name. This is not a reason to delete either feature.
Please undo your edit or explain why this is a problem.
Date: 2025-01-14T22:42:01+01:00
Changeset 160528818 (Comment no. 4) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 4
Comment: Thanks for replying.
Access restrictions on OSM means legal/permitted access. Please see . Notably, this never means subjective reasons like solely religious or spiritual that you mention. These must be based on verifiable criteria, such as laws, municipality regulations, traffic signs, property usage rules or something like that. See also .
The value customers
means just that - a customer of a business, such as someone shopping, paying for service, buying a ticket, etc. and is thus gaining access to the location. Normally, anyone can become a customer. See . This would almost never apply to a location like a cemetery. If the cemetery is gated and permission is only granted to individuals, then it is private
. If the cemetery is open, then it's public access.
Sniķeru kapi is owned by the Sigulda municipality (as per "Par kapsētu uzturēšanu un lietošanu Siguldas novadā" law), so it is almost certainly public unless there is something special here (which is why I asked to be sure).
Regarding area tags, they are part of the map. Any values you place on ways also indirectly impact surrounding features. They must match or they don't make sense (for example, public parking for a private cemetery).
Let me know if I can clarify anything else.
Date: 2025-01-14T18:53:22+01:00
Changeset 159874931 (Comment no. 2) by kautkas
Contributor: kautkas
Discussion Comment No.: 2
Comment: It is open air museum. With 1 ticketed entrance from 5 possible entrance.
Date: 2025-01-14T18:26:41+01:00
Changeset 161308582 (Comment no. 4) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 4
Comment: Skaidrs, paldies par precizējumu.
Pēc OSM principiem, ierobežojošas vērtības liek, ja tās ir legālās/atļautās/fiziski iespējamās vērtības, jo citādi katram kartētājam var būt savs pieņēmums par atļauto ātrumu/svaru/utt. Citiem vārdiem, OSM datos neliek šīs vērtības par ceļa stāvokli/kvalitāti, kas ir subjektīvi. Piemēram, es pieņemu, ka ar velosipēdu vai motociklu šeit varētu braukt krietni pāri 5 km/h.
Tā kā šī ir faktiski meža stiga, tad tai var pielikt šīs vērtības, kas labāk tās aprakstītu:
Date: 2025-01-15T11:27:06+01:00
Changeset 161337466 (Comment no. 3) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 3
Comment: Skaidrs, paldies par precizējumu. Es salaboju, jo citādi te joprojām bija ceļa savienojums.
Date: 2025-01-15T11:16:39+01:00
Changeset 161382280 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Sveiki,
Gribēju pieminēt, ka lielajiem ceļiem gandrīz vienmēr ir klāt kaut kāda veida maršruti via citas relācijas. Sadalot tos krustojumos vai pie apļiem, jāņem vērā, ka arī jāmaina šīs relācijas.
Piemēram un . Abiem šiem gabaliem ir jāsaglabā relācijas, pie tam autobusa maršrutiem jābūt tikai uz pareizā virziena ceļa. Arī pats aplis būs pa posmiem sadalāms attiecīgi.
Protams, tas ir sarežģīti un laikietilpīgi, bet to nedarot ir kļūdas maršrutos (nesavienoti, pretēji vienvirzienam, utt.).
Šeit arī nejauši gadījās šo posmu iezīmēt nepareizajā virzienā, kas te salauza maršrutēšanu. To es izlaboju.
Date: 2025-01-15T18:28:11+01:00
Changeset 161277857 (Comment no. 2) by Anrijs Terauds
Contributor: Anrijs Terauds
Discussion Comment No.: 2
Comment: A, ok, ņemu vērā un topu gudrāks. Paldies.
Date: 2025-01-16T12:51:42+01:00
Changeset 161416035 (Comment no. 1) by richlv
Contributor: richlv
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Paldies par kartes papildināšanu. Vai te ir zīme ar 20 km/h ierobežojumu vai tas kā citādāk noteikts?
Date: 2025-01-17T15:27:10+01:00
Changeset 161349591 (Comment no. 2) by richlv
Contributor: richlv
Discussion Comment No.: 2
Comment: Lūdzu apspriest šo tēmu kādā publiskā topikā Latvijas OSM kopienas čatā , changeset komentāros viss ir pamatīgi izšķīdis.
Date: 2025-01-17T15:15:41+01:00
Changeset 161453523 (Comment no. 4) by Mister_R2
Contributor: Mister_R2
Discussion Comment No.: 4
Comment: Nedomāju vienu virs otras, bet kā blakām vienu otrai
Date: 2025-01-17T15:11:42+01:00
Changeset 161453523 (Comment no. 9) by Mister_R2
Contributor: Mister_R2
Discussion Comment No.: 9
Comment: Labi!
Date: 2025-01-17T20:01:52+01:00
Changeset 161278286 (Comment no. 5) by somehundred
Contributor: somehundred
Discussion Comment No.: 5
Comment: It's alright. Feel free to fix this.
Date: 2025-01-18T14:31:27+01:00
Changeset 159334651 (Comment no. 1) by Mister_R2
Contributor: Mister_R2
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Vai nav angliski nosaukums arī jāpievieno?
Date: 2025-01-18T13:35:28+01:00
Changeset 161570980 (Comment no. 1) by somehundred
Contributor: somehundred
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: I already told you that localities in OSM sense are uninhabited places. I even linked a wiki article in a changeset comment which you obviously did not read since you are doing this again. "Apiņa apkaime" wasn't tagged as neighbourhood but as suburb yet your changeset comment says that it was a neighbourhood. It's not quite clear what you are trying to achieve here. As I have observed, you don't wish to discuss this situation. If you keep edit warring you will get banned.
Here are links to wiki articles, again:
Date: 2025-01-20T17:38:36+01:00
Changeset 161296985 (Comment no. 2) by trakais
Contributor: trakais
Discussion Comment No.: 2
Comment: Jā, tur nav. Viņš ir norakts un uz tā ir sabērtas zemes kaudzes, īpašnieks plāno ceļu būvēt citur, bet tas nav uzsākts. Papildināšu, kad uzradīsies jauns ceļš
Date: 2025-01-22T09:48:12+01:00
Changeset 161650018 (Comment no. 1) by somehundred
Contributor: somehundred
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: I didn't request a review, JOSM added that without my knowledge.
Date: 2025-01-22T19:18:41+01:00
Changeset 161676278 (Comment no. 1) by Colbertson
Contributor: Colbertson
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Statuja atpakaļ no restaurācijas? Tur bija "Vijolnieks" un "Latviešu sieviete"
Date: 2025-01-23T15:14:05+01:00
Changeset 153900058 (Comment no. 1) by NN MTB
Contributor: NN MTB
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Please note that observation tower has already been mapped there on a polygon and there is no need to duplicate it with a point.
Date: 2025-01-23T13:19:54+01:00
Changeset 161773325 (Comment no. 1) by somehundred
Contributor: somehundred
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Sveiks! Kādu jēgu saredzi koku rindu zīmēšanā, ja atsevišķi koku punkti jau ir salikti?
Date: 2025-01-26T10:47:24+01:00
Changeset 161773325 (Comment no. 5) by somehundred
Contributor: somehundred
Discussion Comment No.: 5
Comment: Esmu jau izlasījis to wiki lapu un nepiekrītu šim teikumam. Pārāk daudz balstīties tikai uz wiki teikto neiesaku. Wiki rakstītais nav cieši jāievēro, tas ir tikai jāņem kā padoms. Plus, šo wiki jebkurš var labot. Tai skaitā arī šajā lapā kāds var kādreiz šo teikumu pārveidot, rakstot, ka koku rindas jādzēš ārā, ja atsevišķi koki ir salikti.
Date: 2025-01-26T17:50:46+01:00
Changeset 161773325 (Comment no. 6) by Mister_R2
Contributor: Mister_R2
Discussion Comment No.: 6
Comment: Bet lieta tāda, es piekrītu šim teikumam. Pie tam, natural=tree_row nevar ielikt subtagus, cik lieli koki, cik daudz, kāda vecuma utt. To var visu atsevišķi atzīmēt ar atsevišķiem kokiem. Nekāda skāde jau nenotiks, ja uzzīmēs to koka rindu pāri kokiem, vienkārši paskaidros vairāk.
Date: 2025-01-27T13:09:00+01:00
Changeset 161773322 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Čau,
Tu šajā izmaiņā nodzēsi arī elementus, kuri faktiski vēl eksistē. Piemēram, ap - visi celiņi un zāles pleķi šeit joprojām ir. Tikai pagaidu iebrauktuve pāri. Es tos pagaidām atjaunoju un izlaboju. Vai tev ir kaut kāda informācija, ka šeit tiks pārbūvēts?
Date: 2025-01-28T16:14:37+01:00
Changeset 161877790 (Comment no. 1) by somehundred
Contributor: somehundred
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Kuros gadījumos tad "name" būtu jāizmanto?
Date: 2025-01-29T00:57:42+01:00
Changeset 161684450 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Hello,
Just to let you know, parking locations in OSM are very rarely by permit and actually mostly private even when signed with something like "tikai/izņemot ar atļaujām". This is because on OSM "permit" means anyone can apply for one. But permits like this one here are mostly not real permits and just means residents. Or if they do issue actual (numbered) permits, these are only issued to residents and not anyone who applies.
Let me know if I misunderstand this particular situation, because I'm basing my explanation on what 99% of these parking locations in courtyards are.
Date: 2025-01-29T11:59:02+01:00
Changeset 161877790 (Comment no. 4) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 4
Comment: Visticamāk, jā. Neeksistējošu nosaukumu likšana renderēšanai ir viena no OSM biežākajām (mazajām) problēmām. 90% gadījumu tie ir vienkārši aprakstoši, jo kartētāji neņem vērā name
objektīvu nozīmi datubāzē, bet tikai vizualizāciju, kuras interpretācijai nepieciešams konteksts. Arguments parasti ir "bet tas taču netraucē" un "kartē noder skatīties" un "citādi kartē nevar atšķirt". Bet dati pēc tam pilni ar visādiem "veikals" un "trepes" un "tornis" un vēsturiskiem nosaukumiem un reālu nosaukumu meklēšana kļūst sarežģīta. Bet faktiskā problēma ir kartes renderēšanas nepilnības, nevis datos, kā jau tas ir daudziem tegiem un elementiem.
"Nepareizus" piemērus tev problēmas atrast nebūs, Latvijā tādu miljons un daudz kur pat pateikt grūti, vai tas tiešām būtu nepareizi (jo pareizākas birkas starp name
un description
arī gluži nav, piemēram [1]). Un katru es arī personīgi nelaboju, tikai uzkrītošākus gadījumus, kā šeit, kur es jau kaut ko citu reizē rediģēju. Un nosaukumi ir viena no tām lietām, kur labot masveidā var visu dienu un pa to laiku citi saliks tik pat daudz jaunus un pusei izmaiņu būs klāt "kāpēc nosaukums nodzēsts?"... :wink:
Date: 2025-01-29T11:34:40+01:00
Changeset 161865015 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Lūdzu uzmanīgāk liec vērtības StreetComplete.
Šeit nav sidewalk=left - abās pusēs ir ietve.
Šeit ietve atsevišķi iezīmēta abās pusēs
Šeit ietve atsevišķi iezīmēta
vienā pusē
Šeit ceļa sākumā ir ietve
Šeit gar slimnīcu ir ietve
Šeit īsā posmā ir ietve, pat ar gājēju pāreju
Lūdzu izlabo kļūdas.
Date: 2025-01-29T17:56:43+01:00
Changeset 161883090 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Lūdzu neliec atkārtotus nosaukumus ēkām, ja šis nosaukums jau ir adresē. Piemēram un citi. Šis ir īpašuma adresācijas nosaukums, nevis ēkas nosaukums.
Kā arī nemaini adreses - tās izmaiņas tik un tā automātiski visas tiks atceltas.
Date: 2025-01-29T17:35:07+01:00
Changeset 161894509 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Kā iepriekš minēts, lūdzu nezīmēt neeksistējošus ceļus, ja tie nav fiziski atdalīti.
Date: 2025-01-29T17:24:04+01:00
Changeset 161894628 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Atkritumu konteineris nav ēka.
Date: 2025-01-29T17:21:32+01:00
Changeset 161894706 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Vai tad šī nav nojume autobusu gaidīšanai?
Date: 2025-01-29T17:20:32+01:00
Changeset 161894509 (Comment no. 2) by Petons
Contributor: Petons
Discussion Comment No.: 2
Comment: sapratu savas kļūdas, vairs tā nedarīšu
Date: 2025-01-30T04:35:47+01:00
Changeset 161894706 (Comment no. 2) by Petons
Contributor: Petons
Discussion Comment No.: 2
Comment: sveiki, jā ir bet knapi izmantota. vairāk derētu roof
Date: 2025-01-30T04:34:59+01:00
Changeset 161894706 (Comment no. 3) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 3
Comment: OSM objektus kartē pēc to nozīmes. Knapi izmantots ir tik un tā izmantots. Un pat ja nebūtu izmantots, mainītos statusa prefiksi,[1] nevis galvenie tegi. Un nekas neliedz pievienot ēkas tegus kopā, ja nojume pati par sevi arī ir ēka.
Date: 2025-01-30T10:31:19+01:00
Changeset 153411637 (Comment no. 4) by Anrijs Terauds
Contributor: Anrijs Terauds
Discussion Comment No.: 4
Comment: Ok, paldies. Būtu vērts izcelt mūsu dižkokus ar ko atbilstošāku, jo tas mazais zaļais punktiņš ir nenopietns.
Date: 2025-01-31T15:46:21+01:00
Changeset 153411637 (Comment no. 5) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 5
Comment: Diemžēl daudz ko OSM nevar ietegot tā, lai noklusētā karte to attēlotu. Bet to noteikti nevajadzētu apzīmēt ar nekorektiem tegiem priekš vizualizācijas. Jo OSM nav tikai priekš karšu vizualizācijas, bet ir vispārīga ģeotelpiska datubāze. Noklusētā karte, kas redzama, ir tikai viens (kaut arī galvenais) no simtiem veidu, kā šos datus izmanto kartes, maršrutētāji, datu analīze, pamatslāņi, agregātu kartes, utt. Līdz ar to, visiem datiem ir jābūt pēc iespējas loģiskākiem un standartizētiem pasaules līmenī, citādi tie nebūs lietojami.
Piemēram, dižkokiem kā dabas pieminekļiem daudz svarīgāk par formu zīmēšanu ir norādīt denotation=natural_monument
, jo tad tos reāli var arī atrast datos - . Citādi tie ne ar ko neatšķiras no visiem citiem 27 miljoniem OSM iezīmēto koku. Protams tas tikai viens maznozīmīgs piemērs un katrs zīmē, kas patīk, bet manuprāt vērts paturēt prātā, ja runa ir par ilglaicīgu un globālu ieguldījumu datos.
Date: 2025-01-31T19:33:00+01:00
Changeset 162016483 (Comment no. 1) by somehundred
Contributor: somehundred
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: \*for each plot of brownfield area
Date: 2025-02-01T16:02:08+01:00
Changeset 162023800 (Comment no. 1) by Colbertson
Contributor: Colbertson
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Šo informāciju būtu labāk atzīmēt ar barrier=log punktu lai maršutētāji var saprast
Date: 2025-02-02T14:25:36+01:00
Changeset 153411637 (Comment no. 6) by richlv
Contributor: richlv
Discussion Comment No.: 6
Comment: denotation=natural_monument ir būtisks tags, jā.
Šo arī būtu burvīgi apspriest Zulip :)
Date: 2025-02-03T13:19:51+01:00
Changeset 160496011 (Comment no. 2) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 2
Comment: Whoops, that was an error. I guess I accidentally pasted the source tag over the name tag.
Date: 2025-02-05T11:11:53+01:00
Changeset 162162572 (Comment no. 1) by somehundred
Contributor: somehundred
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Tags "disused" netika noņemts. Ja vieta ir atvērta, tad šis tags ir nederīgs.
Date: 2025-02-06T11:29:40+01:00
Changeset 162096929 (Comment no. 1) by richlv
Contributor: richlv
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Sveiki, liels paldies par kartes papildināšanu.
Te dzelzceļš gan izskatās samērā mazticami - pagaidām to dzēsīšu ārā.
Ja tomēr ir kas reāls, vajadzētu vairāk info.
Un jebkuras ar OSM saistītas tēmas laipni aicinām apspriest arī OSM Latvijas kopienas čatā - :)
Date: 2025-02-06T16:25:33+01:00
Changeset 162162572 (Comment no. 2) by richlv
Contributor: richlv
Discussion Comment No.: 2
Comment: Vai note="Closed till October" arī būtu jāņem nost?
Date: 2025-02-06T16:19:27+01:00
Changeset 162023800 (Comment no. 2) by richlv
Contributor: richlv
Discussion Comment No.: 2
Comment: Un varbūt šis tagad ir highway=path?
Vismaz visi potenciāli piekļūstamie ir tikai path.
Date: 2025-02-06T16:16:18+01:00
Changeset 162064890 (Comment no. 1) by richlv
Contributor: richlv
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Burvīgi, liels paldies par kartes papildināšanu :)
Laipni aicināti arī apspriest kartēšanu OSM Latvijas kopienas čatā - .
Un ja skolai vai Ādažos kopumā ir interese sarīkot kādu pasākumu par kartēšanu, noteikti varam kaut ko saorganizēt.
Date: 2025-02-06T16:11:26+01:00
Changeset 162288569 (Comment no. 3) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 3
Comment: Yes, it was explained before. JOSM's "improve way" and "replace geometry" functions were mentioned. Modifying elements instead of deleting them was mentioned many times. I have not received any replies or acknowledgements about this issue, nor has the mapper ever attempted to either fix it or avoid it to my knowledge, even after DWG blocks. They never asked me or anyone how to do this that I know of.
If they haven't mastered editing, then they should slow down, learn the tools and stop repeating mistakes. And they should fix the mistakes when they are pointed out. It is certainly not my responsibility to spend my volunteer time providing users with tutorials.
I have myself spent many hours fixing these. They have deleted hundreds of elements that I had to restore. And beyond that, I have reviewed close to all of their edits; fixed, and commented on them spending days of my personal time, including actually specifying what the issues are. And I don't see anyone else doing it or explaining or recommending anything to them.
Date: 2025-02-08T21:08:37+01:00
Changeset 162290834 (Comment no. 1) by somehundred
Contributor: somehundred
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Correct tag would be "disused:man_made=water_tower". But an alternative would be: "man_made=water_tower" with "disused=yes" to make it remain visible on the map.
Date: 2025-02-08T20:20:58+01:00
Changeset 162288646 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Why did you delete this residential area ? What is here now?
Why are you removing residential tags from ? What is here now?
Date: 2025-02-08T19:57:58+01:00
Changeset 162286076 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Why are you moving the stop location onto the road way? Please fix the node.
Date: 2025-02-08T19:42:10+01:00
Changeset 161865015 (Comment no. 2) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 2
Comment: Atbildi nesagaidīju un kļūdas nav izlabotas, bet tu jau kartē citur, tāpēc izmaiņu atcēlu.
Date: 2025-02-08T19:39:51+01:00
Changeset 162289819 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Why is this not a historic=memorial + memorial=obelisk ? You have been changing these tags and have now completely removed tags that actually describe it as a memorial location.
Date: 2025-02-08T19:32:21+01:00
Changeset 162286076 (Comment no. 2) by Petons
Contributor: Petons
Discussion Comment No.: 2
Comment: Thanks. I'll try to follow this asmap
Date: 2025-02-09T05:41:51+01:00
Changeset 162288646 (Comment no. 2) by Petons
Contributor: Petons
Discussion Comment No.: 2
Comment: Re-added them, they overlapped grass and my OGF instinct to map for the renderer kicked in.
Date: 2025-02-09T05:36:22+01:00
Changeset 162288569 (Comment no. 4) by Petons
Contributor: Petons
Discussion Comment No.: 4
Comment: Oh yeah. I completely forgot about replace geometry. I will try not deleting them.
Date: 2025-02-09T05:34:35+01:00
Changeset 162290834 (Comment no. 2) by Petons
Contributor: Petons
Discussion Comment No.: 2
Comment: Oki, thanks!
Date: 2025-02-09T05:32:45+01:00
Changeset 162288646 (Comment no. 3) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 3
Comment: Please (in the future) readd features with JOSM's "undelete object" function, otherwise you are essentially deleting and drawing a new element. You can get the IDs from the changeset. You can also fully revert the changeset but only upload manually-selected (undeleted) elements.
Date: 2025-02-09T11:04:38+01:00
Changeset 162289819 (Comment no. 4) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 4
Comment: Description and name also do not define a feature. Since OSM is a database, it would be impossible for any automated processing (like map rendering or search) to know that this is a memorial from the name - you would need a human to tell that. The purpose of tags is to unambiguously define this so that it's machine-parsable. Also, both memorial and obelisk tags can be here at the same time, if we choose to represent it that way. But monument is for large structures, while memorials are generally for small ones. There is some overlap, but here it's certainly not a large structure/complex like that. But it has to be something because obelisk by itself does not describe this commemorative purpose. - see lines 2 3
Date: 2025-02-09T11:01:43+01:00
Changeset 162305143 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Commented at the note
Date: 2025-02-09T10:52:54+01:00
Changeset 162290834 (Comment no. 3) by richlv
Contributor: richlv
Discussion Comment No.: 3
Comment: Yeah, we pretty much always use man_made=water_tower, as it can be impossible to survey usage, and because they work as major navigation aids.
Date: 2025-02-09T09:46:47+01:00
Changeset 162288569 (Comment no. 5) by richlv
Contributor: richlv
Discussion Comment No.: 5
Comment: You can also improve ways manually by dragging the nodes, adding nodes directly, dragging segment midpoints etc. You can use tools like and .
If any of that seems confusing or unclear, please don't hesitate to ask in the Zulip chat, and we can also plan for some OSM event - maybe even a mapping party, closer to spring?
Making mistakes is perfectly fine, but it is crucial not to repeat the same mistakes a lot. Better to ask early :)
(if "mapping party" sounds confusing, that can also be discussed :) )
Date: 2025-02-09T09:45:57+01:00
Changeset 162288646 (Comment no. 4) by somehundred
Contributor: somehundred
Discussion Comment No.: 4
Comment: I want to add that undelete option comes with a plugin called "undelete" and revert option comes with a plugin called "reverter". You can find plugins' list in Preferences menu.
Date: 2025-02-09T14:38:38+01:00
Changeset 162345301 (Comment no. 1) by richlv
Contributor: richlv
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Sveiki, paldies par kartes papildināšanu.
Te pareizs mājas numurs būtu 15 - kas ir "1", vai tas ir dzīvokļa numurs?
Date: 2025-02-11T11:48:22+01:00
Changeset 162385048 (Comment no. 3) by richlv
Contributor: richlv
Discussion Comment No.: 3
Comment: Meh, paldies - sanāca apmaldīties diezgan veikli :)
Date: 2025-02-11T11:48:11+01:00
Changeset 162369665 (Comment no. 1) by somehundred
Contributor: somehundred
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: I merged the office node into the smaller building because it's unacceptable to add incorrect data like this. Add the node where the object actually exists on the ground, not wherever you want, to avoid creating confusion in people who navigate there.
And also, it is completely acceptable to have the name of the company added in "name" tag of the surrounding land use element. Why did you move it to operator?
Date: 2025-02-11T10:17:34+01:00
Changeset 162369665 (Comment no. 3) by somehundred
Contributor: somehundred
Discussion Comment No.: 3
Comment: Do you think it is correct to change building names to versions you proposed? There are two companies operating in Latvia: Rimi Baltic and Rimi Latvia. Which one is operating here? If not clear, we could drop "Baltic" and simply name this surrounding commercial area "Rimi".
Generally, the name of the territory is added in the "name" tag of the surrounding land use element; otherwise, if there isn't a name, then the name of the company operating the territory is added. But, no matter what, each case should be evaluated individually. In this case, if it is not clear which company is operating in this territory, I would simply name it "Rimi".
I understand the problem with navigators routing through private access roads. That is something to be concerned about, and it indeed can confuse people. But the problems with how routers are programmed aren't the reason to change actual map data. The map should be as accurate as possible.
OSRM seems the most reliable routing solution. It avoids routing through roads marked with the "access=private" tag. Valhalla and GraphHopper ignore "access=private" values, but all three ignore roads with "access=no". Today another mapper changed access values for roads in Rimi territory. So, after a few weeks, OSRM should start routing accordingly.
Date: 2025-02-11T17:49:45+01:00
Changeset 162394875 (Comment no. 1) by somehundred
Contributor: somehundred
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Abās šajā izmaiņu kopā izveidotajās relācijās biedru lomas ir saliktas otrādāk. Šajos gadījumos "inner" vajag pārvērst
uz "outer" un "outer" uz "inner".
Jāņem vērā, ka multipoligona ārējai līnijai vienmēr jābūt "outer" lomā un elementam, kas ir iekšā, jābūt "inner" lomā.
Šajā[1] relācijā šai[2] līnijai jābūt "outer" nevis "inner" lomā. Un pārējiem diviem biedriem[3][4] jābūt "inner" nevis "outer" lomā. Tāpat arī otrā izveidotajā relācijā.
Date: 2025-02-11T15:40:19+01:00
Changeset 162369665 (Comment no. 6) by richlv
Contributor: richlv
Discussion Comment No.: 6
Comment: Un noteikti laipni aicināti apspriest detalizēti OSM Latvijas kopienas čatā, :)
Date: 2025-02-11T21:19:38+01:00
Changeset 162394875 (Comment no. 4) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 4
Comment: Vienīgais (cik zinu), kas par Bingu apspriests, ir Zulipā tēma. Pārējais tikai daži komentāri konkrēti changesetiem, kur atgādināts par Binga nobīdi. To note es personīgi pat nebiju pamanījis. Cik pa mēnešiem esmu skatījies, jaunais Bings pa visu Rīgu ir ar līdzīgu nobīdi - kaut kur ap -1, -0.7. Tā kā principā tas attiecas uz visu Rīgu vairāk vai mazāk vienādi. Un Binga nobīde principā jau ir visā Latvijā, bet tas jau tā ir kopš Binga iesākumiem. Mums vēl daudz ceļu laukos sazīmēti ar 10+ metru nobīdi no senseniem Bingiem. But I digress...
Date: 2025-02-11T19:15:21+01:00
Changeset 162345301 (Comment no. 2) by Hjukers
Contributor: Hjukers
Discussion Comment No.: 2
Comment: Sveiks, Atvainojos! Jā 1 ir dzīvokļa numurs
Date: 2025-02-12T06:50:52+01:00
Changeset 162394875 (Comment no. 5) by somehundred
Contributor: somehundred
Discussion Comment No.: 5
Comment: Es salaboju biedru lomas šajās relācijās:
Izmaiņu vēsturē gan neparādīsies.
Date: 2025-02-12T14:47:57+01:00
Changeset 162442199 (Comment no. 2) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 2
Comment: What "LVM map" exactly are you referring to? has many different maps and some are even copyrighted.
In general, please don't use other maps unless you are reasonably certain about them. A random LVM forest road being oneway (when almost none others are) is definitely suspicious and something you should verify with a survey before changing.
Anyway, there were no signs here on the East end
Date: 2025-02-12T19:29:33+01:00
Changeset 162442199 (Comment no. 5) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 5
Comment: I'm not sure what data exactly is using for this, since it's not listed on atvertiedati / LVM website or in data layer. It seems to be some internal layer not available as shapefiles or public WMS. Theoretically, we can add oneway:forestry=yes
for this, but I would want to make sure first this is actual LVM open data.
Date: 2025-02-13T11:55:51+01:00
Changeset 162345301 (Comment no. 3) by richlv
Contributor: richlv
Discussion Comment No.: 3
Comment: Viss kārtībā, paldies par atbildi.
Kā var redzēt objekta vēsturē, adrešu bots jau bija paspējis noņemt " - 1" daļu. Pieliku to addr:unit tagā.
Laipni aicināti apspriest šo un citas tēmas Latvijas OpenStreetMap kopienas čatā - .
Date: 2025-02-13T08:05:14+01:00
Changeset 162466929 (Comment no. 1) by somehundred
Contributor: somehundred
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Smiltis ir daļa no spēļlaukuma, tāpēc šiem abiem elementiem nevajadzētu būt multipoligonā.
Date: 2025-02-13T14:20:14+01:00
Changeset 144652131 (Comment no. 4) by richlv
Contributor: richlv
Discussion Comment No.: 4
Comment: Also discussed in a note - .
Date: 2025-02-13T18:42:21+01:00
Changeset 162515729 (Comment no. 2) by Emils Mikelsons
Contributor: Emils Mikelsons
Discussion Comment No.: 2
Comment: Šis ir no Latvijas Valsts Mežu kartes- vietējie kalni. Vai tomēr nevajadzēja pievienot?
Date: 2025-02-14T22:11:48+01:00
Changeset 162515729 (Comment no. 3) by richlv
Contributor: richlv
Discussion Comment No.: 3
Comment: Pievienošana šķiet jauka - bet kā ar avotu, vai licence atļauj izmantošanu?
Date: 2025-02-15T10:52:52+01:00
Changeset 162532352 (Comment no. 1) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Sveiki,
Paldies par kartes papildināšanu!
Pieminēšu, ka nosaukumiem elementiem ir jābūt īstiem - piemēram, oficiāliem, norādītiem ar zīmēm, zināmiem vēsturiskiem, kaut kādos datos, utt. Citiem vārdiem, tie nevar būt tikai aprakstoši kā "lauks" vai "koki" vai "ēka".[1] Elementa nozīmi nosaka šī elementa birkas, kā piemēram landuse=farmland
lauksaimniecības zemei vai natural=wood
blīvi augošiem kokiem utt.
Pieminēšu arī par izmaiņu kopas komentāru - tas ir faktiski priekš citiem kartētājiem un lietotājiem, lai (tālā) nākotnē varētu saprast izmaiņas būtību, it īpaši, ja kopā ir lielas vai neviennozīmīgas izmaiņas. Citiem vārdiem, piemēram "lauku zemes iezīmēšana" būtu noderīgāk.
Date: 2025-02-15T17:22:57+01:00
Changeset 162541907 (Comment no. 2) by HellMap
Contributor: HellMap
Discussion Comment No.: 2
Comment: Ups, netīšām. Labi, ka pamanīji. Es šeit eksperimentēju, jo pamanīju iD nepareizu NSI ierakstu un labojuma piedāvājumu.[1] Aizmirsu notīrīt eksperimentu pirms tālāk rediģēju.
Uz ēku es uz to brīdi nemaz neskatījos. Bet, jā, tai nav jābūt dublētam nosaukumam, noņēmu tagad pie reizes.
Date: 2025-02-15T16:32:13+01:00
Changeset 162162572 (Comment no. 3) by somehundred
Contributor: somehundred
Discussion Comment No.: 3
Comment: Izlaboju pats, jo, šķiet, nelasat izmaiņu komentārus.
Date: 2025-02-15T16:27:25+01:00
Changeset 162515729 (Comment no. 4) by Petons
Contributor: Petons
Discussion Comment No.: 4
Comment: LĢIA kartē var redzēt Ģeodēzisko kalnu punktus. Bet vārdus gan ne, es domāju var palikt.
Date: 2025-02-15T12:25:12+01:00
Changeset 162591373 (Comment no. 1) by somehundred
Contributor: somehundred
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: You recreated multipolygons around Ivana kapi, aroudn Ziedoņdārzs and in areas south of Daugavas Stadions. The only useful changes done by you are at the third location.
What was the reason for it? They have no reason to exist! These elements can exist as simple polygons without problems!
I understand it might be easier to create areas which connect to each other using the multipolygon method. But I don't see a reason to restore multipolygons if you are not going to change anything there or if you're going to just move a few nodes around!
Fixing this edit without reverting your good edits seems very hard if not impossible. I might have to revert the entire change set if I'm not able to find a reliable way to fix this.
Date: 2025-02-17T12:57:25+01:00
Changeset 162591373 (Comment no. 3) by somehundred
Contributor: somehundred
Discussion Comment No.: 3
Comment: I don't know if there are but from my own experience I know that area borders divided into countless multipolygons make mapping extremely hard, especially for casual mappers who are not into advanced stuff like multipolygons. Other mappers have expressed frustration with this as well. And this can and will confuse new mappers who don't know anything about multipolygons and will be scared to touch them.
The main problem I have with this edit is that you restored multipolygons in first two locations I mentioned without changing almost anything else. Walls and fences around Ziedoņdārzs and Ivana kapi areas could have been easily added without recreating mps. You changed much more around south of Daugavas stadions so I don't have any particular complaints about those changes.
Again, if using this mp technique makes mapping easier, then keep using it. Just don't convert simple polygons to mps without any reason at all like you did in the first two locations.
Date: 2025-02-17T23:40:14+01:00
Changeset 162591373 (Comment no. 4) by arcth
Contributor: arcth
Discussion Comment No.: 4
Comment: Did you try to find out why was the landuse mapped this way before declaring multipolygons useless and mass-converting them?
Mapping usually isn't one-off action. Once mapped, landuse may need further editing e.g. in order to add previously missed detail or reflect changes on the ground. For me editing landuse mapped as 'simple polygons' is significantly more time-consuming and requires extra effort compared to multipolygons. Should I expect you to maintain and refine the landuse you converted?
Date: 2025-02-18T23:05:39+01:00
Changeset 162591373 (Comment no. 5) by somehundred
Contributor: somehundred
Discussion Comment No.: 5
Comment: "Did you try to find out why was the landuse mapped this way before declaring multipolygons useless and mass-converting them?"
That's one the reason why I started this discussion and my theory that you find it easier to edit with mps was confirmed.
This method might be an easier one for you but don't you understand that other editors find it very hard to edit the section in the map you were editing after you, especially iD users? iD editor is quite restrictive, it will straight up prevent user from doing actions that may or may not cause errors, like disconnecting members of a mp or performing actions on an element if it's not entirely visible. That's annoying, but iD is intuitive and modern, interface is visually appealing. That's why I use iD for mainly simple tasks. But randomly comming across areas mapped like multipolygons which I want to edit always makes me sigh and open JOSM to deal with them and then return to iD to finish what I started.
Date: 2025-02-19T08:55:56+01:00
Changeset 162591373 (Comment no. 6) by arcth
Contributor: arcth
Discussion Comment No.: 6
Comment: iD is not suitable for any complex editing by design. I believe this is not a reason to adjust the map data to fit iD's restrictions. Map data should not be adjusted for a particular piece of software i.e. editor/renderer [1]. Furthermore, iD has quite a long history of controversy [2] including related to mapping techniques it promoted.
Date: 2025-02-20T00:26:54+01:00
Changeset 162591373 (Comment no. 7) by richlv
Contributor: richlv
Discussion Comment No.: 7
Comment: We have had lengthy and fruitful discussions on this in the past - what came out of that was that the general tendency of OSM is to make editing as frictionless as possible for an many people as possible.
This definitely is an important topic to discuss further, but changeset comments do not work that well for long discussions - it would be better to move this to the OSM Latvian community chat at .
Date: 2025-02-20T08:43:05+01:00
Changeset 162752166 (Comment no. 1) by somehundred
Contributor: somehundred
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Instead of "not:brand:wikidata" you should add the "operator:wikidata" tag which is Q132157239 in this case.
Date: 2025-02-20T18:23:01+01:00
Changeset 162805118 (Comment no. 1) by Petons
Contributor: Petons
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: I deleted the original building way because geometry replacment had errors
Date: 2025-02-22T07:08:31+01:00
Changeset 149472431 (Comment no. 1) by Dāvis Kļaviņš
Contributor: Dāvis Kļaviņš
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Explain why you changed this to a service road instead of a track given the definitions in wiki ( and
Date: 2025-02-22T06:45:34+01:00
Changeset 162805118 (Comment no. 2) by richlv
Contributor: richlv
Discussion Comment No.: 2
Comment: That seems suboptimal - what exact errors were those?
If there are errors, and the tool cannot be fixed, it is still suggested to keep the ways, for example, by applying the desired changes to the original way[s].
Date: 2025-02-23T11:19:14+01:00
Changeset 162369665 (Comment no. 7) by somehundred
Contributor: somehundred
Discussion Comment No.: 7
Comment: Atliku atpakaļ "name" vērtību pagaidām. Ja izmaiņas autors vēlēsies turpināt šo diskusiju, tad redzēs vai būs kaut kas jāmaina.
Date: 2025-02-24T11:28:00+01:00
Changeset 162302706 (Comment no. 1) by Mister_R2
Contributor: Mister_R2
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Shouldn't buildings be also in the relation as separate things, since the grass goes around the buildings, and not under them?
Date: 2025-02-25T14:54:56+01:00
Changeset 162930693 (Comment no. 1) by somehundred
Contributor: somehundred
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Takas nekur nav pazudušas, ir tikai žogs aplikts apkārt! Pats apstaigāju šo vietu klātienē. Un kad reiz sāksiet izskaidrojošy izmaiņu komentārus rakstīt?
Date: 2025-02-26T14:08:30+01:00
Changeset 162933482 (Comment no. 1) by somehundred
Contributor: somehundred
Discussion Comment No.: 1
Comment: Pārsvarā esat veicis aplamus labojumus. Tramvaja sliedes vēl nav nekur sākts būvēt, joprojām proposed. Būvdarbi nenotiek teritorijās, kur nomainījat uz būvdarbiem. Pats dzīvē apstaigāju šīs vietas.
Date: 2025-02-26T13:56:54+01:00
Last updated: Feb 27 2025 at 09:12 UTC